The importance of conservation form¶
R.J. LeVeque, AMath 574, Winter Quarter 2023
For a nonlinear problem like Burgers' equation, it is important to use a finite volume method that is in conservation form, or it is possible to converge to a function containing a shock wave that is not a solution of intended conservation law.
This illustrates Figure 12.5 in FVMHP.
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *
from clawpack.visclaw import animation_tools
from IPython.display import HTML
Desired true solution¶
Define the true solution as a function of $(x,t)$. For this example we have a Riemann problem with a shock wave solution.
Evaluating this function at $t=0$ will give the initial conditions below.
f = lambda q: 0.5*q**2
q_left = 3.
q_right = 1.
s = 0.5*(q_left + q_right)
xlower = -1.
xupper = 3.
def qtrue(x,t):
# Riemann problem, assuming shock wave solution:
x0 = x - s*t # trace back characteristic to time 0
q = where(x0<0, q_left, q_right)
return q
Define upwind method with both conservative and non-conservative variants¶
Consider Burgers' Equation $q_t + \left(\frac 1 2 q^2\right)_x = 0$.
We assume $Q_i^n > 0$ everywhere so the upwind direction is to the left.
If conservative = True
in the call to upwind
, the conservative upwind method is used, differencing the flux function $f(q) = \frac 1 2 q^2$:
Q_i^{n+1} = Q_i^n - \frac{\Delta t}{\Delta x} \left( \frac 1 2 (Q_i^n)^2 - \frac 1 2 (Q_{i-1}^n)^2 \right)
If conservative = False
in the call to upwind
, the non-conservative upwind method is used, based on the quasi-linear form of Burgers' equation $q_t + qq_x = 0$:
This function also make a plot every nplot
time steps and accumulate these in figs
, which is returned from the function call.
def upwind(x,tfinal,nsteps,dt,qtrue,nplot,conservative):
dx = x[1] - x[0] # assumes uniform grid
# set initial data:
q0 = qtrue(x,0.)
# plot initial data:
fig = figure()
xfine = linspace(xlower,xupper,5000) # fine grid for plotting true solution
plot(xfine, qtrue(xfine,0.),'r-')
title('Initial data')
# Start accumulating figures
# Will add more figures during time stepping
figs = [fig]
close(fig) # so it won't appear yet
# extend to include 2 ghost cells on each side:
qn_ext = hstack([0., 0., q0, 0., 0.])
i1 = 2 # index of first interior cell
imx = mx+1 # index of last interior cell
for n in range(1, nsteps+1):
# fill ghost cells for inflow BCs:
qn_ext[i1-2] = q_left
qn_ext[i1-1] = q_left
qnp_ext = qn_ext.copy() # make a copy, not a new pointer to old array
if conservative:
for i in range(i1,imx+1):
qnp_ext[i] = qn_ext[i] - dt/dx * (f(qn_ext[i])-f(qn_ext[i-1]))
for i in range(i1,imx+1):
qnp_ext[i] = qn_ext[i] - dt/dx * qn_ext[i]*(qn_ext[i]-qn_ext[i-1])
qn_ext = qnp_ext
if mod(n,nplot) == 0:
fig = figure()
qn = qn_ext[i1:imx+1]
tn = n*dt
plot(xfine, qtrue(xfine,tn),'r-')
title('Time t = %g' % tfinal)
print("Took %i time steps and produced %i figures" % (nsteps,len(figs)))
return figs
mx = 100
dx = float(xupper-xlower)/mx
# finite volume cell centers:
x = linspace(xlower+0.5*dx, xupper-0.5*dx, mx)
tfinal = 1.0
nsteps = 100
dt = float(tfinal)/nsteps
cfl = max(q_left, q_right)*dt/dx
print("dx = %6.4f, dt = %6.4f, Courant number is cfl = %5.2f" % (dx,dt,cfl))
dx = 0.0400, dt = 0.0100, Courant number is cfl = 0.75
Test the conservative upwind method:¶
figs = upwind(x,tfinal,nsteps,dt,qtrue,nplot=5,conservative=True)
anim = animation_tools.animate_figs(figs, figsize=(6,3))
Took 100 time steps and produced 21 figures
Test the non-conservative upwind method:¶
figs = upwind(x,tfinal,nsteps,dt,qtrue,nplot=5,conservative=False)
anim = animation_tools.animate_figs(figs, figsize=(6,3))
Took 100 time steps and produced 21 figures