.. _riemann: Riemann problems and solutions ============================== The links below might help explain Riemann problems and their solutions. Acoustics --------- - The notebook `Riemann_problem_acoustics.ipynb `_ illustrates the Riemann solution for the acoustics equations. - The webpage `phase plane <_static/phase_plane_acoustics.html>`_ illustrates how the Riemann solution changes as the left state :math:`q_\ell` and right state :math:`q_r` are changed. Nonconvex Scalar conservation laws ---------------------------------- - The notebook `Osher_Solution.ipynb `_ illustrates the Osher solution to scalar Riemann problems, with nonconvex examples Shallow water equations ----------------------- - The webpage `phase plane <_static/phase_plane_shallow_water_small.html>`_ illustrates how the Riemann solution changes as the left state :math:`q_\ell` and right state :math:`q_r` are changed.