Some other references
Some of the books listed below are SIAM e-books and available free if you
access them from a UW computer. Or if you are off-campus, you can gain
access by using the UW library off-campus proxy.
See also October 13, 2011 Math library news
for more tips on ebooks.
For more SIAM e-book titles related to numerical linear
algebra, see Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory list
(See also the list of SIAM textbooks on this topic).
Linear algebra
[StrangClass] | G. Strang, Linear Algebra,
free on-line course course from MIT. (Great instructor!) |
[HighamChapter] | N. J. Higham, Tex and Latex Chapter
from: <i>Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences</i>, Second
Edition, SIAM e-book. (See also Appendix B
for latex symbols) |
[GriffithsHigham] | D.F. Griffiths and D.J. Higham,
Learning LaTeX,
SIAM, 1997 |