Example Experiment Log
LOG 0.57 -1 111 Subject#
LOG 0.57 -1 Date 4/11/96
LOG 0.57 -1 Time 12:37 PM
LOG 0.57 -1 5 Experiment Stage
LOG 0.57 -1 4 Visit#
LOG 0.57 -1 1 Hierarchy#
GRF 0.87 6 Graphic Instruction Screen
LOG 0.00 -3 Time 12:38 PM
LOG 0.00 -2 Start Second Injection
OPR 2.10 10 The operator should give you your pill no
LOG 2.10 -2 Administer Pill
INS 37.77 23 CARL will monitor your heart rate during
LOG 37.78 -2 Hookup ECG
LOG 39.58 -2 ECG Verified
INS 47.17 30 It is time to begin the learning assessme
INS 47.27 7 Next, words will be presented on the screen
LOG 47.30 -1 7 Learn Words
LOG 50.07 -1 Distract
INS 50.13 18 In the next segment you will be asked som
VAS 50.28 22 2 How confident do you feel in coping with
VAS 50.40 23 2 How confident do you feel in coping with
VAS 50.53 24 8 I will be able to cope all by myself whe
VAS 50.65 25 2 I have learned things that are helping m
VAS 50.73 26 3 I like myself better for having achieved
VAS 50.87 27 8 I believe that the pills are real becaus
VAS 50.95 28 2 Any improvement I have made is due solel
VAS 51.12 29 7 I feel more confident in coping with my
VAS 51.23 30 7 I feel less anxious and panicky since I
VAS 51.38 31 8 I worry about coming off the anti-anxiet
VAS 51.58 32 4 It does not matter whether the anti-anxi
VAS 51.68 33 2 I am feeling so much better with the pil
LOG 52.08 -2 Recall Words
ECG 57.80 -1 ECG DATA
LOG 57.82 -2 Start of Hierarchy
OPR 59.30 16 Let Agnes know that you are ready to begi
HCY 59.32 1 Hierarchy#
PMT 62.82 1 OK InVivo Prompt
VAS 63.67 9 3 How anxious did you feel while going thro
YNQ 63.78 6 Yes Do you want to continue to the next seg
HCY 63.80 2 Hierarchy#
PMT 68.63 2 OK InVivo Prompt
VAS 68.95 9 3 How anxious did you feel while going thro
YNQ 69.07 6 Yes Do you want to continue to the next seg
HCY 69.08 3 Hierarchy#
PMT 73.32 3 OK InVivo Prompt
VAS 73.62 9 3 How anxious did you feel while going thro
YNQ 73.72 6 Yes Do you want to continue to the next seg
HCY 73.75 4 Hierarchy#
PMT 77.07 4 OK InVivo Prompt
VAS 77.40 9 4 How anxious did you feel while going thro
YNQ 77.52 6 Yes Do you want to continue to the next seg
HCY 77.53 5 Hierarchy#
PMT 79.62 5 OK InVivo Prompt
VAS 79.88 9 4 How anxious did you feel while going thro
YNQ 80.00 6 Yes Do you want to continue to the next seg
HCY 80.02 6 Hierarchy#
PMT 84.13 6 OK InVivo Prompt
VAS 84.48 9 3 How anxious did you feel while going thro
YNQ 84.60 6 Yes Do you want to continue to the next seg
HCY 84.62 7 Hierarchy#
PMT 89.63 7 OK InVivo Prompt
VAS 90.00 9 4 How anxious did you feel while going thro
ECG 90.05 -2 Close ECG File
INS 90.47 56 Congratulations
VAS 90.67 34 9 To what extent were the physical relaxat
VAS 90.83 35 2 To what extent were the mental coping sk
VAS 91.05 36 8 To what extent was the information about
VAS 91.18 37 8 How confident are you that you can have
VAS 91.42 38 7 To what extent do you think that the med
VAS 91.52 22 2 How confident do you feel in coping with
VAS 91.68 23 3 How confident do you feel in coping with
VAS 91.82 24 8 I will be able to cope all by myself whe
VAS 91.92 25 2 I have learned things that are helping m
VAS 92.00 26 3 I like myself better for having achieved
VAS 92.10 27 8 I believe that the pills are real becaus
VAS 92.18 28 2 Any improvement I have made is due solel
VAS 92.28 29 8 I feel more confident in coping with my
VAS 92.37 30 7 I feel less anxious and panicky since I
VAS 92.52 31 8 I worry about coming off the anti-anxiet
VAS 92.67 32 2 It does not matter whether the anti-anxi
VAS 92.83 33 2 I am feeling so much better with the pil
VAS 93.12 39 3 Now that you have completed this study,
OPR 93.90 14