Get Netscape at Home

Access the World Wide Web from your computer at home

How to get Netscape for your PC or Mac:
If you have a modem for your computer at home, you can obtain FREE software from the Academic Computing Center (ACC) which allows you to dial directly in to the university system and use Netscape. The ACC is located at Brooklyn and Pacific Ave., just southwest of campus. Bring 3 high density diskettes (actually you only need 2 for a Mac) along with your student ID to the ACC Software Distribution Center. The Software Distribution Center will be on your left after you walk into the ACC main entrance.

After you have the university's dial-in software, you can replace the version of Netscape that you received from the ACC with updated versions of Netscape as often as you like by downloading the new versions from Netscape's home site at .

Note about modems:
If you have a 9600 Baud modem or slower, Netscape may be incredibly slow over the university dial-in facility. You can choose not to automatically load images under the Netscape Options menu. This helps for documents containing numerous and/or large images where most of the document loading time is due to the images. With 2400 Baud, Netscape will probably run much too slow for your liking no matter what you do. In this case, it is best to use a text-only browser such as lynx when you wish to access the web at home.

How to use the lynx web browser:
To access any document using lynx, login to a university machine like, then type
lynx http://web_address
For example, to access the Math Sciences Computing Center home page, you would type

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