Obtain Ghostview for Windows 3.1x

Install Ghostview for Windows 3.1x

For your convenience, all of the Ghostscript and Ghostview files necessary to run Ghostview with Windows 3.1x have been packaged up into two groups of self-decompressing file packages. If you follow the instructions below, all files will decompress into the necessary directories, and Ghostview will be ready to run without any further steps for installation. The files will take up about 6.5 MB of space when decompressed. The compressed file packages are still of considerable size, so they'll take awhile to download (about a half hour with a 14,400 Baud modem).

Note: In the instructions below, name all directories that you create exactly as directed. Otherwise Ghostview will not operate properly, because it will not find necessary files under the expected paths.

  1. Under the root directory on your hard drive (usually C:\) create a directory named gs.
  2. Under the gs directory, create a directory named fonts.
  3. Click on gsgv.zip to download the compressed file package; place it in the gs directory that you just created.
  4. Click on fn.zip to download the compressed file package of required fonts; place it in the fonts directory (a subdirectory of gs) that you just created.
  5. Rename the file package gsgv.zip to gsgv.exe and rename fn.zip to fn.exe.
  6. Go to Windows File Manager and double-click on gsgv.exe to execute the file; you will see the file package decompress into your gs directory.
  7. Go to Windows File Manager and double-click on fn.exe to execute the file; you will see the file package decompress into your fonts directory.
You now have Ghostscript and the Ghostview viewer installed on your PC. The file which starts up the Ghostview viewer is the gsview.exe file in the gs directory. Try starting up the viewer from File Manager by double-clicking on gsview.exe to make sure that the application works properly. The first time you start up Ghostview, it may give you a warning message about installation and automatically start up Ghostview help; just ignore it and close help. Everything will be installed as it should be for Windows 3.1x if you have completed the steps listed above. You are now ready to install Ghostview as a helper application to Netscape.

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