Information Sheet

MATH 308 C and F
Spring 2003

This form will provide me with some useful information about you. Please take a few minutes before or during the first week of class to fill it out. Preferably you will return this before 9AM on Friday of week 1 so I can look over the returned forms before Friday's class.
Thanks, David Ragozin
Your Name:
Preferred Nickname:
Full E-Mail Address:
Student Number: (Omitted - possible security hazard - 01/01/03)
Would you like your name and e-mail address to be included on a public classlist?
Yes No
What is your present or intended major?

What is the last math class you have taken?
Course Title:

Date (Quarter/Semester, Year):


Here are a few questions related to computer and internet use. Your input will provide helpful information for the development and maintenance of the class web site.

Which computers do you most often use?
University Computers
Computer at Home
Computers at another facility
Computers both at home and UW/elsewhere
Don't often use a computer

Computer at residence:

Do you have a calculator with matrix capabilities?
Which web browsers do you use? Please check all that apply.
(When using Netscape, Mozilla or Internet Explorer, the version number can be found by selecting About  on the Help menu , the rightmost menu choice on the top line of the browser window)

Internet Explorer version 6.0 or greater
Internet Explorer version less than 6.0
Mozilla version 1.0 or greater
Netscape version 4.7 or greater
Netscape version less than 4.7
Another graphics capable browser
Another text browser
I rarely if ever use a web browser

Have you used any of the following computer programs? Please check all that apply.
Matlab Maple
Mathematica Mathcad
Any additional comments you would like to make:



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