Comet Hyakutake
This image of the comet Hyakutake taken from Rattlesnake Lake 40 miles East of Seattle, Washington March 24 1996. The tail is passing just below the end of the handle of the big dipper, the three bright stars in the center of the image. It was taken at about 10 PM PST. The sky was clear. Stars of mag 6 - 7 vere visable to the eye. I used an Minolta 700 camera with Kodak Ektachrome P1600 film that was pushed to ASA 3200, a 28 mm lens, a 3 minute exposure at f/2 on a tripod. It was manipulated using Photoshop.
This image of the comet Hyakutake taken from Bandera Emergency airfield 55 miles East of Seattle, Washington March 26 1996. Polaris is down and to right, The big dipper is in lower right corner. It was taken at about 10 PM PST. The sky was clear. Stars of mag 6 - 7 vere visable to the eye. I used an Minolta 700 camera with Kodak Ektachrome P1600 film that was pushed to ASA 3200, a 28 mm lens, a 5 minute exposure at f/2, unguided with my telescope and its equitorial tracking table. It was manipulated using Photoshop.