W 9/28: Lecture - Class structure and an overview of coastal water pollution
F 9/30: Conceptual Workshop - Bean counting. Please bring a calculator if you have one (if not, there will certainly be enough to share).
M 10/3: Lecture - Bean Counting & Scientific Facts
W 10/5: Conceptual Workshop - Stratified Fluids. Please meet in my lab, Room 147 Ocean Sciences Building (map). It takes 5-10 minutes to walk there from upper campus, so plan ahead.
F 10/7: Discussion #1 of the reading. Please read the essays by Wilson and Jumars in the Course Reader, as well as chapters 1 and 2 of BISS (the Budd Inlet Scientific Study). Due at the start of class: a ~1/2 page (hand-written OK) question about the reading.
M 10/10: ESSAY #1 Due at the start of class. How does the LOTT study compare with the idealized practice of science advocated by Wilson and Jumars? Lecture - Tides, mixing, and estuarine circulation
W 10/12: Conceptual Workshop - idealized circulation in an estuary. Please meet in my lab, Room 147 Ocean Sciences Building (map).
F 10/14: Discussion #2. Please read BISS 3-1 through 3-33 [Tides and Inlet circulation], and Mann Ch. 2. Due at the start of class: a ~1/2 page question about the reading.
M 10/17: Lecture by Theresa - Coastal Pollution Issues: Federal and State Perspectives
W 10/19: Theresa will hold office hours in the classroom.
F 10/21: Discussion #3. Please read BISS 3-34 through 3-46 [Freshwater inputs], and Laws. Due at the start of class: a ~1/2 page question about the reading.
M 10/24: Lecture - Biological and chemical cycles in estuaries.
W 10/26: Conceptual Workshop - Puget Sound Model. Please meet on the ground floor of the Old Ocean Building. This is at the lower right on the map, the building under the "phy" in "Oceanography."
F 10/28: Discussion #4. Please read BISS 3-47 through 3-66 [Marine water conditions], and Mann, Ch. 7. Due at the start of class: a ~1/2 page question about the reading.
M 10/31: ESSAY #2 Due at the start of class. THREE CHOICES: (1) Please discuss and critique the flushing time estimates from the BISS report (Table 3-13). (2) Analyze the use of language in the reading (your choice from any of the assigned reading so far). (3) A topic of your choice. Lecture - Nutrient Loading
W 11/2: Conceptual Workshop - Diatom Lab, Room 202 in the Ocean Teaching Building (OTB). This is marked "Oceanography Teaching" on the map, just below where is says "Gate 6."
F 11/4: Discussion #5. Please read BISS 3-67 through 3-76 [Primary Productivity]. Due at the start of class: a ~1/2 page question about the reading.
M 11/7: Lecture - Hypoxia.
W 11/9: Guest lecturer - we are lucky to have Dr. Jan Newton, from the UW Applied Physics Lab, and formerly of the Washington State Dept. of Ecology, as our visitor. She authored the BISS chapter on Primary Productivity. Please email her a short question about last week's reading or any other biology question you might have, by Tuesday 11/18 at Noon. Her email is newton@apl.washington.edu.
F 11/11: HOLIDAY - Veteran's Day, No class
M 11/14: Lecture - A History of Sewage.
W 11/16: ESSAY #3 Due at the start of class. From the evidence so far, can you tell if the LOTT effluent is likely to violate federal standards for DO (Text to be handed out in class, (c)iiB)? What more would you need to know if you can't decide? Compare especially LOTT vs. the Capitol Lake/Deschutes River input. Would LOTT's input have been important prior to the onset of tertiary treatment in 1994? (BISS Fig. 3-40). These are suggested topics, you may use one or more of them, or write about a topic which interests you. ALL DAY FIELD TRIP - LOTT Treatment Facility, Olympia. Meet the vans at the the turnaround between Gerberding and Johnson Halls, at 9:15 AM. You can bring your own lunch, or order a sub to be delivered to LOTT. You should be back by 4:00 PM. The field trip is optional, if you are unable to get out of your other classes, but it will be very interesting.
F 11/18: Discussion #6. Please read Train. Due at the start of class: a ~1/2 page question about the reading.
M 11/21: Lecture - Modern History of Pollution Regulation, and the Gulf of Mexico
W 11/23: Lecture - where did we put our sewage before we put it on the ocean? Rivers: Seine and Thames.
F 11/25: HOLIDAY - Thanksgiving, No class
M 11/28: Lecture - Bruce Babbitt (reading handed out in class) and the Chesapeake
W 11/30: Guest Lecturer - we are pleased to welcome Garin Schrieve from the Washington State Department of Ecology. He is highly experienced with the messy interface where regulations actually have to be enforced. Please email him a question, possibly relating to LOTT or other regulatory issues, at gasc461@ecy.wa.gov, by Tuesday at Noon.
F 12/2: Discussion #7. Please read Boesch and Segerson & Walker. Due at the start of class: a ~1/2 page question about the reading.
M 12/5: ESSAY #4 Due at the start of class. Please consider the pollution problem in another area (e.g. Gulf of Mexico), possibly compared to the LOTT experience. Here is a page of good starting links. Lecture - California Water.
W 12/7: Discussion #8. Please read the essays handed out on Monday. Due at the start of class: a ~1/2 page question about the reading.
F 12/9: Last day of class.