This is for processing the Ecology CTD and Bottle data. ====================================================================== * makes a DateFrame of station locations, etc. Input: ptools_data/ecology/raw/ParkerMacCreadyCoreStationInfoFeb2018.xlsx Output: ptools_data/ecology/sta_df.p with data like Desig Descrip ... Latitude Longitude Station ... ADM001 C Admiralty Inlet - Bush Pt. ... 48.029813 -122.617933 and the full column listing is ['Desig', 'Descrip', 'Basin', 'Max_Depth', 'Latitude', 'Longitude'] and the Basins have values: {'Admiralty Inlet', 'Grays Harbor', 'Hood Canal Basin', 'Main Basin', 'South Basin', 'Strait of Georgia', 'Strait of Juan de Fuca', 'Whidbey Basin', 'Willapa Bay'} ====================================================================== * prints a screen listing of the stations for use in javascript for a webpage map. Entries are like: sta_list = [ {sta:"ADM001", lat:48.0298, lng:-122.6179}, ====================================================================== * plots station locations from sta_df.p on two maps, one for the Salish Sea and one for the coastal estuaries. ====================================================================== * does initial processing of the CTD cast data Input: ptools_data/ecology/raw/ParkerMacCready2017CTDDataFeb2018.xlsx and ptools_data/ecology/raw/ParkerMacCready1999-2016CTDDataMay2018.xlsx which I had gotten by sepcial request to Ecology (Julia Bos, or Skip Albertson) Output: ptools_data/ecology/Casts_[1999-2017].p with data like: Salinity Temperature Sigma Chl DO Turb Z Station Date 0 30.129299 8.1719 23.427200 0.426924 8.512160 0.789888 -125.5 ADM001 2012-01-11 1 30.122299 8.1754 23.421200 0.432654 8.492985 0.739318 -125.0 ADM001 2012-01-11 2 30.113501 8.1798 23.413700 0.452711 8.488438 0.728413 -124.5 ADM001 2012-01-11 Issue: what are the units of DO and chl? Answer (from data_names = ['Salinity','Temperature','Sigma', 'Chl', 'DO', 'Turb', 'Z'] data_units = ['psu', 'deg C', 'kg/m3', 'ug/l', 'mg/l', '', 'm'] ====================================================================== * does initial processing of the Bottle data Input: ptools_data/ecology/raw/Parker_2006-present_Nutrients.xlsx (goes 2006-2017) Output: ptools_data/ecology/Bottles_[2006-2017].p with data like: Station Date Z PO4(uM)D SiOH4(uM)D NO3(uM)D NO2(uM)D NH4(uM)D DIN Znom 0 ADM001 2006-02-06 -27.323 2.305970 55.271759 26.999115 0.129438 0.072036 27.200589 -30.0 1 ADM001 2006-02-06 -10.131 2.337134 56.988705 27.365324 0.124822 0.055482 27.545627 -10.0 2 ADM001 2006-02-06 -1.077 2.378515 58.525520 27.768095 0.120208 0.083661 27.971964 -0.0 3 ADM001 2006-03-21 -30.813 2.238526 53.678001 26.457401 0.272849 0.455226 27.185476 -30.0 4 ADM001 2006-03-21 -10.786 2.171502 50.757725 25.796255 0.253642 0.518785 26.568682 -10.0 5 ADM001 2006-03-21 -0.931 2.047256 48.457275 24.136850 0.229608 0.633126 24.999585 -0.0 ====================================================================== * makes nice plots CTD casts (property vs. z, colored by month) at each station. Because this can also be used with LiveOcean model output, it is not modified to be part of the SSMSP workflow. Input: ptools_data/ecology/Casts_2017.p & ptools_data/canada/Casts_2017.p and model extractions like LiveOcean_output/cast/cas4_v2_lo6biom/ Output: plots, one per station, names like ADM001.png, in folders like ptools_output/ecology/casts/ (used in a lab exercise for Coastal 320 class in 2018), or ptools_output/ecology/casts_cas4_v2_lo6biom/ if you include the model ====================================================================== * makes DataFrames comparing obs & mod at 3-4 depths. Because this can also be used with LiveOcean model output, it is not modified to be part of the SSMSP workflow. Input: ptools_data/ecology/Casts_2017.p & ptools_data/canada/Casts_2017.p & ptools_data/ecology/Bottles_2017.p and model extractions like LiveOcean_output/cast/cas6_v3_lo8b/ [or other years like 2018 and 2019] Output: ptools_output/ecology/ObsMod_cas6_v6_lo8b_2017.p (used in the series and scatter plots below) with data like Station Date Znom ... Mod DIN (uM) Density (kg m-3) Mod Density (kg m-3) 0 ADM001 2017-02-23 0 ... 18.3425 1022.36 1021.87 1 ADM001 2017-02-23 -10 ... 20.3044 1022.59 1022.91 2 ADM001 2017-02-23 -30 ... 20.8001 1022.67 1023.41 3 ADM001 2017-04-28 0 ... 8.61608 1019.62 1020.71 4 ADM001 2017-04-28 -10 ... 14.4416 1021.7 1022.27 5 ADM001 2017-04-28 -30 ... 17.2305 1022.16 1022.84 the full list of columns is: ['Station', 'Date', 'Znom', 'Z', 'Salinity', 'Temp. (deg C)', 'Chl (mg m-3)', 'DO (mg L-1)', 'DIN (uM)', 'Mod Salinity', 'Mod Temp. (deg C)', 'Mod Chl (mg m-3)', 'Mod DO (mg L-1)', 'Mod DIN (uM)', 'Density (kg m-3)', 'Mod Density (kg m-3)'] ====================================================================== * makes time series plots comparing obs & mod over a year (2017,8,9). Because this can also be used with LiveOcean model output, it is not modified to be part of the SSMSP workflow. Input: ptools_output/ecology/ObsMod_cas6_v6_lo8b_2017.p Output: plots, one per station, names like ADM001.png, in folders like ptools_output/ecology/val_series_cas4_v2_lo6biom/ or ptools_output/ecology/web_series_cas4_v2_lo6biom/ (formatted for the website, e.g. no map) ====================================================================== * makes time a scatterplot comparing obs & mod over a year. Because this can also be used with LiveOcean model output, it is not modified to be part of the SSMSP workflow. Input: ptools_output/ecology/ObsMod_cas6_v3_lo8b_2017.p Output: a scatterplot of all data (for three depths) ====================================================================== * [OBSOLETE] makes plots that are map summary info about fields at three depths, comparing modeled and observed fields. This makes circles to compare obs-mod, with area proportional to value. I decided I did not like them, and went to version _2 below. Input: ptools_output/ecology/ObsMod_cas6_v3_lo8b_2017.p Output: ptools_output/ecology/obsmod_maps/cas6_v3_lo8b_2017_DIN.png for example ====================================================================== * makes plots that are map summary info about fields at three depths, comparing modeled and observed fields. This one uses colored side-by-side boxes for the comparison. Input: ptools_output/ecology/ObsMod_cas6_v3_lo8b_2017.p Output: ptools_output/ecology/obsmod_maps/cas6_v3_lo8b_2017_DIN.png for example ====================================================================== * replicates a step in obs_collias. It gathers all the casts in a Region, for all years, and then for each cast interpolates in the vertical to just have data at [-30, -10, 0] m. Input: ptools_data/ecology/Casts_[1999-2017].p & ptools_data/ecology/Bottles_[2006-2017].p Output: ptools_output/ecology/region_[1-8].py which are DataFrames containing data like: Station Z (m) Salinity Temp. (deg C) DO (mg L-1) NO3 (uM) Date 2009-03-12 RSR837 0 30.3119 7.0192 8.41159 27.2884 2009-03-12 RSR837 -10 30.3119 7.017 8.41581 NaN 2009-03-12 RSR837 -30 30.3116 7.0192 8.42661 NaN 2009-04-07 RSR837 0 30.3256 7.5435 8.56143 23.6588 2009-04-07 RSR837 -10 30.3283 7.4309 8.60177 NaN 2009-04-07 RSR837 -30 30.3287 7.4321 8.65763 NaN