Main Page/Research/Smart Maps/dwelling units

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Create a smart map raster that represents the count or density of dwelling units

  1. In Access (for faster processing)
    1. decide on a cell size in advance
      1. if the cell size is 10 m, then the area of the cell is 100 m2 = 1076 ft2
    2. prepare parcel data with number of dwelling units per parcel (I used precision 18 scale 10)
    3. add a field for du_per_[cell] (e.g., du_per_10m_cell)
      1. calculate as dwelling_units * conversion / shape_area
        e.g., for 10 m2 cells, the conversion will be 1076
        to give the number of dwelling units per cell2
  2. In ArcGIS (for spatial operation)
    1. convert to raster at 10 m spacing (32.808 ft), call it [du_per_cell]
    2. convert the raster to points
      now there is a data set of points where each point has the value of the number of dwelling units per cell/point
    3. simple density moving window analysis with 833 m (2734 ft) radius and population field = grid_code, units square meters (call this grid simple_dens)
    4. multiply simple_dens by the radius area to obtain focal count (following this analysis, [simple_dens] * sqr (833) * pi