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Trying out a virtual server for refbase:


your problems sound exactly like the problem we ran into when cloning a Debian installation.

The root of the problem at our site was udev's handling of devices. Udev keeps a history of devices attached to the computer. What makes sense for i.e. USB sticks (that is, each USB stick you attach will be recorded and mounted to the same point when attached again at a later point in time), causes problems when systems are cloned.

There is a file /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules, where udev memorises, which hardware device should get named eth0. Here it looks like this:
# PCI device 14xx:16xx (tg3)
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", SYSFS{address}=="00:11:xx:xx:xx:xx", NAME="eth0"

When you run the image on another computer, the new network adapter is recognised on the PCI bus and a new entry in the above mentioned file is generated. "eth0" is already given to device 14xx:16xx, so the new device gets named "eth1".

If you delete this file, it will be rebuilt during the next system startup and your problem should go away.
