PostGIS & ArcSDE

From phurvitz
Revision as of 23:04, 4 March 2009 by Phil Hurvitz (talk | contribs)
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Basic setup

user = postgres passwd = 615cbe port = 5432 spatial db = ufl

Install process

  1. Install ArcSDE for PostgreSQL from the ESRI media.
    1. Process first installs PostgreSQL.
    2. Install ArcSDE.
  2. Install PostGIS
    1. Initializes a PostGIS database (call it ufl).
      Should be able to verify in PgAdmin that the schema public has all the PostGIS functions
  3. Run the ArcSDE post-installer to add SDE functions to the database
    Should be able to verify in PgAdmin that the schema sde has all the ArcSDE functions


  1. Licensing: first get a license from Luke Rogers
    sdesetup -o update_key -d POSTGRESQL -l "C:\Program Files\ESRI\License\sysgen\keycodes" -D ufl
  2. Schema:
    in order for a user to add a layer it is necessary to add a schema for that user. e.g.,
  3. It may be necessary to change specify a different database than the default:
    sdeservice -o modify -r ADMIN_DATABASE -v ufl -d POSTGRESQL
  4. And then start the service:
    sdemon -o start
  5. Adding data:
    To create a data set using the PostGIS geometry, this example creates a layer from the KC hydro bigwater
    shp2sde -o create -l bigwater1,shape -f P:\gisdata\king_county\bigwater -a all -e a -u postgres -D ufl -p 615cbe -k PG_GEOMETRY
  6. Access:
    We want a read-only access user. In that case add a user
    create user ufl nocreatedb nocreateuser password 'ufl';
    That user also needs access to the schemae:
    grant usage on schema sde to ufl; (contains the SDE stuff, I think)
    grant usage on schema postgres to ufl; (schema governing the data, I think)


  1. In ArcCatalog, select Database Connections > Add Spatial Database Connection
    Service: 5151
    {Database, Username, Password}: ufl