PostGIS & ArcSDE part 2

From phurvitz
Revision as of 05:02, 23 June 2009 by Phil Hurvitz (talk | contribs)
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See instructions (windows/documentation_server/ARCSDE93POSTGRESQLINSTALLGUIDES/install_gd_postgresql.htm)

  1. install PostgreSQL
  2. install PostGIS
  3. Install ArcSDE
    1. cp sg.dll, pe.dll, st_geopmetry.dll from D:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcSDE\pgexe\bin to D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\lib
  4. in Postgres:
    CREATE DATABASE UFL1 template=postgis_template;
    createuser sde (superuser, same pw as postgres user for ease)
    \c ufl;
    create schema authorization sde;
    grant usage on schema sde to public;
    createuser ufladmin (superuser, etc.)
    create schema authorization ufladmin;
    grant usage on schema ufladmin to public;