Thanksgiving Day cameto Cádiz, naturally. All the students had signed up to bring something, veggie plates, relishes, dips, potatoes (several different kinds and recipes), squash, corn, salads (especially a great broccoli salad a la Sonia), bean casserole, fresh rolls, pumpkin (?) bread, dressing, and yes, cranberries, thanks to visiting parents and friends at the PX in Rota. Pies, jellos (some with a couple extra ingredients!), and assorted other desserts rounded off a great meal. Unfortunately, no one found ingredients for mincemeat or pumpkin pie, but they weren't missed. Can't forget the whip cream. Even aluminum turkey pans, which travelled (unexpectedly) from Seattle, to Dallas, Chicago, Frankfurt, Madrid, Sevilla and other unscheduled stops to get to us in a duffle bag that was of course lost in Chicago and arrived with only hours to spare. A couple holes they hadn't started out with were patched with aluminum tape, which also helped seal Zach and Sara's masterful turkey tents. Unfortunately, at the bakery oven they managed to rip two trying to fit them in slot not high enough for our birds, but they finally made it in. At 3 when supposedly done and the bakery closed, we extracted 4 semi-raw birds and had 2 hrs to come up with 4 family ovens to finish the job. Thanks to our host families, we got the darn things cooked just in time for the 5pm dinner at Bar Terraza where all converged bearing goodies. I'll start off with a few shots and perhaps others will contribute more:

get'm ready

Rita and Zach with the tents and finished product

dental floss at work

some of us

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