ID = participant ID TIME = time since enrollment (days) IPRE = estimated VRC01 concentration from the popPK model (mcg/mL) WT = participant weight at baseline (Kg) AGE = participant age at baseline (years) sex = participant sex (1=male, 0=female) f_vis = flag variable indicating visit at which HIV diagnostic testing is performed (1=yes, 0=no) f_infu = flag variable indicating visit at which infusion is administered (1=yes, 0=no) dose = participant randomly allocated dose group (10=10 mg/kg VRC01 ,30=30 mg/kg VRC01) visit_n = protocol visit number; "." if record does not correspond to a visit RNA = RNA test results (1=positive, 0=missing or negative) PE = true prevention efficacy for simulated dataset (same for all records) br = baseline risk score (continuous) w = sampling probability weight (1 for cases)