## vax age country bTiter m13Titer VCDpostM13 wts ## 2 1 >11 IDN NA NA 0 NA ## 6 1 <=11 IDN NA NA 0 NA ## 7 1 <=11 IDN NA NA 0 NA ## 8 1 >11 IDN NA NA 0 NA ## 10 0 <=11 IDN NA NA 0 NA ## 12 1 <=11 IDN NA NA 0 NA
September 24???26, 2018
## vax age country bTiter m13Titer VCDpostM13 wts ## 2 1 >11 IDN NA NA 0 NA ## 6 1 <=11 IDN NA NA 0 NA ## 7 1 <=11 IDN NA NA 0 NA ## 8 1 >11 IDN NA NA 0 NA ## 10 0 <=11 IDN NA NA 0 NA ## 12 1 <=11 IDN NA NA 0 NA
head(subset(data, !is.na(bTiter)))
## vax age country bTiter m13Titer VCDpostM13 wts ## 128 0 <=11 IDN 1.841060 1.464475 0 5.116551 ## 129 0 >11 IDN 0.698970 0.698970 0 5.116551 ## 132 0 <=11 IDN 2.511435 2.059343 0 5.116551 ## 133 1 <=11 IDN 2.425587 2.626717 0 5.116551 ## 134 1 <=11 IDN 2.431748 2.844152 0 5.116551 ## 135 1 <=11 IDN 0.698970 1.410553 1 1.004098
: inference about \(\, \mathop{\mathrm{mCEP}}(s_1)\) curvesriskCurve:
calculates point estimates of \(P(Y(z)=1 | S(1)=s_1)\), \(z=0,1\)bootRiskCurve:
calculates bootstrap estimates of \(P(Y(z)=1 | S(1)=s_1)\), \(z=0,1\)summary:
tabulates point and interval estimates of \(\mathop{\mathrm{mCEP}}(s_1)\)plotMCEPcurve:
plots point and interval estimates of \(\mathop{\mathrm{mCEP}}(s_1)\)testConstancy:
tests \(H_0^1\) or \(H_0^2\)testEquality:
tests \(H_0^3\) or \(H_0^4\)psRange <- range(data$m13Titer, na.rm = TRUE) psGrid <- seq(psRange[1], psRange[2], length.out = 100) library(pssmooth) out1.riskCurve <- riskCurve(formula = VCDpostM13 ~ m13Titer + factor(age) + factor(country), bsm = "bTiter", tx = "vax", data = data, psGrid = psGrid)
## [1] "psGrid" "plaRiskCurve" "txRiskCurve" "fOptBandwidths" ## [5] "gOptBandwidths"
out1.riskCurve$psGrid[seq(1, 100, by = 25)]
## [1] 0.698970 1.619664 2.540358 3.461051
out1.riskCurve$plaRiskCurve[seq(1, 100, by = 25)]
## [1] 0.07491339 0.07375328 0.03465637 0.02251459
out1.riskCurve$txRiskCurve[seq(1, 100, by = 25)]
## [1] 0.125437157 0.035485932 0.009349333 0.002415030
out2.riskCurve <- riskCurve(formula = VCDpostM13 ~ m13Titer + factor(age) + factor(country), bsm = "bTiter", tx = "vax", data = data, bwtype = "generalized_nn" psGrid = psGrid) out3.riskCurve <- riskCurve(formula = VCDpostM13 ~ m13Titer + factor(age) + factor(country), bsm = "bTiter", tx = "vax", data = data, hinge = TRUE, psGrid = psGrid) out4.riskCurve <- riskCurve(formula = VCDpostM13 ~ m13Titer + factor(age) + factor(country), bsm = "bTiter", tx = "vax", data = data, hinge = TRUE, weights = "wts", psGrid = psGrid)
data$bTiterC <- cut(data$bTiter, breaks = c(-Inf, log10(5), 1:5), labels=FALSE) table(data$bTiterC)
## ## 1 2 3 4 5 6 ## 568 79 535 1431 213 2
data$m13TiterC <- cut(data$m13Titer, breaks = c(-Inf, log10(5), 1:5), labels=FALSE) table(data$m13TiterC)
out5.riskCurve <- riskCurve(formula = VCDpostM13 ~ m13TiterC + factor(age) + factor(country), bsm = "bTiterC", tx = "vax", data = data, pstype = "ordered", bsmtype = "ordered", hinge = TRUE, psGrid = sort(unique(data$m13TiterC)))
out4.riskCurve <- riskCurve(formula = VCDpostM13 ~ m13Titer + factor(age) + factor(country), bsm = "bTiter", tx = "vax", data = data, hinge = TRUE, weights = "wts", psGrid = psGrid) out4.bootRiskCurve <- bootRiskCurve(formula = VCDpostM13 ~ m13Titer + factor(age) + factor(country), bsm = "bTiter", tx = "vax", data = data, hinge = TRUE, weights = "wts", psGrid = psGrid, iter = 500, seed = 9)
## [1] "psGrid" "plaRiskCurveBoot" "txRiskCurveBoot" ## [4] "cpointPboot" "cpointTboot"
out4.bootRiskCurve$psGrid[c(1, 25, 50, 73)]
## [1] 0.69897 1.89897 3.14897 4.29897
out4.bootRiskCurve$plaRiskCurveBoot[c(1, 25, 50, 73), 1:5]
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] ## [1,] 0.05858134 0.06466535 0.06039068 0.05671162 0.06807973 ## [2,] 0.06427763 0.05405423 0.06489546 0.05948239 0.05704471 ## [3,] 0.02618514 0.02103763 0.02850078 0.02860941 0.01639328 ## [4,] 0.02056239 0.01335641 0.02347063 0.02484906 0.01458935
summary(out4.riskCurve, out4.bootRiskCurve, contrast = "te")[c(1, 25, 50, 73),]
## psGrid te ptLB ptUB smLB smUB ## 1 0.69897 0.3538459 0.1763504 0.4930913 0.09006256 0.5411606 ## 25 1.89897 0.4969972 0.3970106 0.5804042 0.35042102 0.6104988 ## 50 3.14897 0.8904173 0.8396984 0.9250889 0.81260821 0.9359184 ## 73 4.29897 0.9867314 0.9780499 0.9919793 0.97301160 0.9934766
summary(out4.riskCurve, out4.bootRiskCurve, contrast = "rd")[c(1, 25, 50, 73),]
## psGrid rd ptLB ptUB smLB smUB ## 1 0.69897 0.02262658 0.007442722 0.03781043 0.003134043 0.04211911 ## 25 1.89897 0.03095291 0.019851007 0.04205482 0.016700651 0.04520517 ## 50 3.14897 0.02164375 0.013176828 0.03011067 0.010774194 0.03251330 ## 73 4.29897 0.02001904 0.010738979 0.02929909 0.008105604 0.03193247
plotMCEPcurve(summary(out4.riskCurve, out4.bootRiskCurve, contrast = "te"), hingePoint = with(out4.riskCurve, round(min(cpointP, cpointT), 1)), xLab = "Average Log10 M13 Titer in Vaccinees", yLab = "Vaccine Efficacy")
plotMCEPcurve(summary(out4.riskCurve, out4.bootRiskCurve, contrast = "logrr"), hingePoint = with(out4.riskCurve, round(min(cpointP, cpointT), 1)), xLab = "Average Log10 M13 Titer in Vaccinees", yLab = "Log Relative Risk")
plotMCEPcurve(summary(out4.riskCurve, out4.bootRiskCurve, contrast = "rd"), hingePoint = with(out4.riskCurve, round(min(cpointP, cpointT), 1)), xLab = "Average Log10 M13 Titer in Vaccinees", yLab = "Risk Difference (Placebo - Vaccine)")
First, we need to obtain \(\widehat{CE}\):
fit <- glm(VCDpostM13 ~ vax, data = data, family = binomial) overallRisk <- predict(fit, newdata = data.frame(vax = 0:1), type = "response") overallRisk
## 1 2 ## 0.03523634 0.01299404
testConstancy(object = out4.riskCurve, boot = out4.bootRiskCurve, contrast = "te", null = "H01", overallPlaRisk = overallRisk[1], overallTxRisk = overallRisk[2])
## [1] 0
testConstancy(object = out4.riskCurve, boot = out4.bootRiskCurve, contrast = "rd", null = "H01", overallPlaRisk = overallRisk[1], overallTxRisk = overallRisk[2])
## [1] 0.162
testConstancy(object = out4.riskCurve, boot = out4.bootRiskCurve, contrast = "te", null = "H02", MCEPconstantH02 = 0, limS1 = c(0.6, with(out4.riskCurve, min(cpointP, cpointT))))
## [1] 0
testConstancy(object = out4.riskCurve, boot = out4.bootRiskCurve, contrast = "te", null = "H02", MCEPconstantH02 = 0.3, limS1 = c(0.6, with(out4.riskCurve, min(cpointP, cpointT))))
## [1] 0.265
testConstancy(object = out4.riskCurve, boot = out4.bootRiskCurve, contrast = "rd", null = "H02", MCEPconstantH02 = 0, limS1 = c(0.6, with(out4.riskCurve, min(cpointP, cpointT))))
## [1] 0
testConstancy(object = out4.riskCurve, boot = out4.bootRiskCurve, contrast = "rd", null = "H02", MCEPconstantH02 = 0.02, limS1 = c(0.6, with(out4.riskCurve, min(cpointP, cpointT))))
## [1] 0.498
testEquality(object1 = denv3.riskCurve, object2 = denv4.riskCurve, boot1 = denv3.bootRiskCurve, boot2 = denv4.bootRiskCurve, contrast = "te", null = "H03") testEquality(object1 = denv3.riskCurve, object2 = denv4.riskCurve, boot1 = denv3.bootRiskCurve, boot2 = denv4.bootRiskCurve, contrast = "rd", null = "H03")
testEquality(object1 = cyd14.riskCurve, object2 = cyd15.riskCurve, boot1 = cyd14.bootRiskCurve, boot2 = cyd15.bootRiskCurve, contrast = "te", null = "H04") testEquality(object1 = cyd14.riskCurve, object2 = cyd15.riskCurve, boot1 = cyd14.bootRiskCurve, boot2 = cyd15.bootRiskCurve, contrast = "rd", null = "H04")
out4.bootRiskCurve <- bootRiskCurve(formula = VCDpostM13 ~ m13Titer + factor(age) + factor(country), bsm = "bTiter", tx = "vax", data = data, hinge = TRUE, weights = "wts", psGrid = psGrid, iter = 500, seed = 9)
would take too long (i.e., weeks or months) to run
creates a folder of R files for independent and parallel execution on a cluster:slurm_apply(bootRiskCurve, # a function that executes a single iteration pars, # a data frame with input arguments for bootRiskCurve jobname = "bootOut", # an output directory name nodes = 500) # number of bootstrap iterations
) written in a separate RDS file:
combines all RDS files into a single data frameriskCurve
, version 1.0.1, downloadable on CRAN:
Code development: