September 24???26, 2018
# 'data' includes all vaccine recipients in the month 13 at-risk cohort in CYD14 dataI <- subset(data, ! library(survival) fit <- cch(Surv(oftime_m13, ofstatus_m13) ~ IMPSTLOG.AUCMB + MALE + AGE + COUNTRY, subcoh = dataI$FASI=="Y", id = dataI$SUBJID, cohort.size = NROW(data), data = dataI, method = "LinYing")
Estimators for unstratified case-cohort data:
method = "Prentice"
: Prentice (1986, Biometrika) (default)method = "SelfPrentice"
: Self and Prentice (1988, Annals of Statistics)method = "LinYing"
: Lin and Ying (1993, JASA)
Estimators for stratified case-cohort data (Borgan et al., 2000, LIDA):
method = "I.Borgan"
a generalization of the Self-Prentice estimatormethod = "II.Borgan"
a generalization of the Lin-Ying estimator
fit <- cch(Surv(oftime_m13, ofstatus_m13) ~ IMPSTLOG.AUCMB + MALE + AGE + COUNTRY, subcoh = dataI$FASI=="Y", id = dataI$SUBJID, cohort.size = NROW(data), data = dataI, method = "LinYing")
: indicates subjects sampled into the subcohortid
: vector of unique identifierscohort.size
: size of the entire cohort from which the subcohort was sampleddata
: optional data frame for interpreting variables in the formulamethod
: "Prentice", "SelfPrentice", "LinYing", "I.Borgan", "II.Borgan"
## Case-cohort analysis,x$method, LinYing ## with subcohort of 1295 from cohort of 6639 ## ## Call: cch(formula = Surv(oftime_m13, ofstatus_m13) ~ IMPSTLOG.AUCMB + ## MALE + AGE + COUNTRY, data = dataI, subcoh = dataI$FASI == ## "Y", id = dataI$SUBJID, cohort.size = NROW(data), method = "LinYing") ## ## Coefficients: ## Value SE Z p ## IMPSTLOG.AUCMB -1.3864102 0.2119061 6.542569 6.047096e-11 ## MALE -0.2284395 0.2074144 1.101368 2.707367e-01 ## AGE>11 -1.1227027 0.3627712 3.094796 1.969486e-03 ## AGE>5,<=11 0.3557094 0.2173679 1.636439 1.017477e-01 ## COUNTRYMYS -1.7884327 0.5734435 3.118760 1.816137e-03 ## COUNTRYPHL 0.6950063 0.2922319 2.378270 1.739409e-02 ## COUNTRYTHA -0.5217174 0.3690726 1.413590 1.574823e-01 ## COUNTRYVNM -1.8075696 0.4944307 3.655860 2.563208e-04
sfit <- summary(fit)$coef sfit
## Value SE Z p ## IMPSTLOG.AUCMB -1.3864102 0.2119061 6.542569 6.047096e-11 ## MALE -0.2284395 0.2074144 1.101368 2.707367e-01 ## AGE>11 -1.1227027 0.3627712 3.094796 1.969486e-03 ## AGE>5,<=11 0.3557094 0.2173679 1.636439 1.017477e-01 ## COUNTRYMYS -1.7884327 0.5734435 3.118760 1.816137e-03 ## COUNTRYPHL 0.6950063 0.2922319 2.378270 1.739409e-02 ## COUNTRYTHA -0.5217174 0.3690726 1.413590 1.574823e-01 ## COUNTRYVNM -1.8075696 0.4944307 3.655860 2.563208e-04
# estimated hazard ratio per 10-fold titer increase exp(sfit[1,1])
## [1] 0.249971
# Wald 95% CI for the hazard ratio exp(sfit[1,1] + c(-1,1) * qnorm(0.975) * sfit[1,2])
## [1] 0.1650118 0.3786731
# p-value from 2-sided Wald test of H0: HR = 1 sfit[1,4]
## [1] 6.047096e-11
# 'data' includes all vaccine recipients in the month 13 at-risk cohort in CYD14 dataI <- subset(data, ! fit <- cch(Surv(s1ftime_m13, s1fstatus_m13) ~ IMPSTLOG.Sero1 + MALE + AGE + COUNTRY, subcoh = with(dataI, s1fstatus_m13==0 | (s1fstatus_m13==1 & FASI=="Y")), id = dataI$SUBJID, cohort.size = NROW(data), data = dataI, method = "LinYing") dataI <- subset(data, ! fit <- cch(Surv(s2ftime_m13, s2fstatus_m13) ~ IMPSTLOG.Sero2 + MALE + AGE + COUNTRY, subcoh = with(dataI, s2fstatus_m13==0 | (s2fstatus_m13==1 & FASI=="Y")), id = dataI$SUBJID, cohort.size = NROW(data), data = dataI, method = "LinYing") # etc.
Low, medium, and high titer subgroups defined by weighted tertiles of month 13 titers pooling over DENV1–4 and over the vaccine and placebo groups within each trial.
# here 'data' includes all vaccine and placebo recipients in the month 13 at-risk cohort in CYD14 wCase <- NROW(subset(data, ofstatus_m13==1)) / NROW(subset(data, ofstatus_m13==1 & ! wCase
## [1] 1.004098
wControl <- NROW(subset(data, ofstatus_m13==0)) / NROW(subset(data, ofstatus_m13==0 & ! wControl
## [1] 5.116551
# pool over DENV1-4 IMPSTLOG <- with(data, c(IMPSTLOG.Sero1, IMPSTLOG.Sero2, IMPSTLOG.Sero3, IMPSTLOG.Sero4)) wts <- rep(ifelse(data$ofstatus_m13==1, wCase, wControl), 4) library(Hmisc) q <- wtd.quantile(IMPSTLOG, weights = wts, probs = c(1/3, 2/3)) # weighted tertiles defining low, medium, high titer subgroups in CYD14 10^q
## 33.33% 66.67% ## 58.00027 265.99900
data$cat.Sero1 <- cut(data$IMPSTLOG.Sero1, breaks=c(0, q[1], q[2], Inf), right=FALSE, labels=c("Low","Medium","High")) data$cat.Sero2 <- cut(data$IMPSTLOG.Sero2, breaks=c(0, q[1], q[2], Inf), right=FALSE, labels=c("Low","Medium","High")) data$cat.Sero3 <- cut(data$IMPSTLOG.Sero3, breaks=c(0, q[1], q[2], Inf), right=FALSE, labels=c("Low","Medium","High")) data$cat.Sero4 <- cut(data$IMPSTLOG.Sero4, breaks=c(0, q[1], q[2], Inf), right=FALSE, labels=c("Low","Medium","High")) data$cat.AUCMB <- cut(data$IMPSTLOG.AUCMB, breaks=c(0, q[1], q[2], Inf), right=FALSE, labels=c("Low","Medium","High"))
data <- subset(data, VACC==1) dataI <- subset(data, ! fit <- cch(Surv(oftime_m13, ofstatus_m13) ~ cat.AUCMB + MALE + AGE + COUNTRY, subcoh = dataI$FASI=="Y", id = dataI$SUBJID, cohort.size = NROW(data), data = dataI, method = "LinYing") sfit <- summary(fit)$coef
# estimated hazard ratios med vs. low and high vs. low exp(sfit[1:2,1])
## cat.AUCMBMedium cat.AUCMBHigh ## 0.3695371 0.1003635
# Wald 95% CIs for the hazard ratio exp(sfit[1:2,1] + qnorm(0.975) * sfit[1:2,2] %o% c(-1,1))
## [,1] [,2] ## cat.AUCMBMedium 0.2312103 0.5906211 ## cat.AUCMBHigh 0.0522652 0.1927254
# p-values from 2-sided Wald tests of # H0: HR(med vs. low) = 1 and H0: HR(high vs. low) = 1 sfit[1:2,4]
## cat.AUCMBMedium cat.AUCMBHigh ## 3.169712e-05 4.988898e-12
# Wald test statistic for testing # H0: HR(med vs. low) = HR(high vs. low) = 1 stat <- drop(t(fit$coef[1:2]) %*% solve(fit$var[1:2,1:2]) %*% fit$coef[1:2]) 1 - pchisq(stat, df = 2)
## [1] 2.847167e-11
# p-values from 2-sided Wald tests of # H0: HR(med vs. low) = HR(high vs. low) = 1 for # serotype-specific endpoints/titers p <- c(pSero1, pSero2, pSero3, pSero4) round(p, digits = 5)
## [1] 0.00075 0.00123 0.29070 0.21186
# Holm-adjusted p-values round(p.adjust(p, method = "holm"), digits = 5)
## [1] 0.00298 0.00368 0.42373 0.42373
in R package survival
in R package survival
in R package Hmisc