The protective action encoding of serotonin transients in the human brain
Moran RJ, Kishida KT, Lohrenz T, Saez I, Laxton AW, Witcher MR, Tatter SB, Ellis TL, Phillips PEM, Dayan P and Montague PR
Neuropsychopharmacology (in press)
Peroxiredoxin 6 mediates Gαi protein-coupled receptor inactivation by cJun kinase
Schattauer SS, Land BB, Reichard KL, Abraham AD, Burgeno LM, Kuhar JR, Phillips PEM, Ong SE and Chavkin C
Nature Communications 8 743 (2017)
Dopamine encodes retrospective temporal information in a context-independent manner
Fonzi KM, Lefner MJ, Phillips PEM and Wanat MJ
Cell Reports 20, 1765-1774 (2017)
Pramipexole enhances disadvantageous decision-making: Lack of relation to changes in phasic dopamine release
Pes R, Godar SC, Fox AT, Burgeno LM, Strathman HJ, Jarmolowicz DP, Devoto P, Levant B, Phillips PEM, Fowler SC and Bortolato M
Neuropharmacology 114, 77-87 (2017)
Hitchhiker's guide to voltammetry: acute and chronic electrodes for in vivo fast-scan cyclic voltammetry
Rodeberg NT, Sandberg SG, Johnson JA, Phillips PEM† and Wightman RM†
ACS Chemical Neuroscience 8, 221-234 (2017)
Genetic isolation of hypothalamic neurons that regulate context-specific male social behavior
Soden ME, Miller SM, Burgeno LM, Phillips PEM, Hnasko TS and Zweifel LS
Cell Reports 16, 304-313 (2016)
Making risk-takers settle
Hollon NG and Phillips PEM
Nature 531, 588-589 (2016)
Sub-second dopamine fluctuations in human striatum encode superposed error signals about actual and counterfactual reward
Kishida KT, Saez I, Lohrenz T, Witcher MR, Laxton AW, Tatter SB, White JP, Ellis TL, Phillips PEM and Montague PR
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113, 200-205 (2016)
Stress effects on the neural substrates of motivated behavior
Hollon NG, Burgeno LM and Phillips PEM
Nature Neuroscience 18, 1405-1412 (2015)
Kappa opioid receptor induced aversion requires p38 MAPK activation in VTA dopamine neurons
Ehrich JM, Messinger DI, Knakal C, Kuhar JR, Schattauer SS, Bruchas MR, Zweifel LS, Kieffer BL, Phillips PEM and Chavkin C
Journal of Neuroscience 35, 12917-12931 (2015)
Repeated stress exposure causes strain-dependent shifts in the behavioral economics of cocaine in rats
Groblewski PA, Zietz C, Willuhn I, Phillips PEM and Chavkin C
Addiction Biology, in press
Cocaine increases dopaminergic neuron and motor activity via midbrain α1 adrenergic signaling
Goertz RB, Wanat MJ, Phillips PEM and Paladini CA
Neuropsychopharmacology 40, 1151-1162 (2015)
Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry in behaving animals
Arnold MM, Burgeno LM and Phillips PEM
In: Covey E and Carter M (eds) Basic Electrophysiology Methods. Oxford University Press. New York, NY (2015)
Probing the neurochemical correlates of motivation and decision making
Wassum KM and Phillips PEM
ACS Chemical Neuroscience 6, 11-13 (2015)
Dopamine-associated cached values are not sufficient as the basis for action selection
Hollon NG, Arnold MM, Gan JO, Walton ME and Phillips PEM
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111, 18357-18362 (2014)
Dynamic shaping of dopamine signals during probabilistic Pavlovian conditioning
Hart AS*, Clark JJ* and Phillips PEM
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 117, 84-92 (2014)
Phasic dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens in response to pro-social 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in rats
Willuhn I, Tose A, Wanat MJ, Hart AS, Hollon NG, Phillips PEM, Schwarting RK and Wˆhr M
Journal of Neuroscience 34, 10616-19623 (2014)
Kappa opioid receptor activation potentiates the cocaine-induced increase in evoked dopamine release recorded in vivo in the mouse nucleus accumbens
Ehrich JM, Phillips PEM and Chavkin C
Neuropsychopharmacology 30, 2026-3048 (2014)
Excessive cocaine use results from decreased phasic dopamine signaling in the striatum
Willuhn I, Burgeno LM, Groblewski PA and Phillips PEM
Nature Neuroscience 17, 704-709 (2014)
Genetic variation in COMT activity impairs learning and dopamine release capacity in the striatum
Simpson EH, Morud J, Winiger V, Biezonski D, Zhu JPQ, Malleret G, Bach ME, Polan HJ, Ng-Evans SB, Phillips PEM, Kellendonk C and Kandel ER
Learning and Memory 21, 205-214 (2014)
Phasic dopamine release in the rat nucleus accumbens symmetrically encodes a reward prediction error term
Hart AS*, Rutledge R*, Glimcher PW and Phillips PEM
Journal of Neuroscience 34, 698-704 (2014)
Prolonged dopamine signalling in striatum signals proximity and value of distant rewards
Howe MW, Tierney PL, Sandberg SG, Phillips PEM and Graybiel AM
Nature 500, 575-579 (2013)
Direct pathway striatal neurons regulate the retention of decision-making strategies
Ferguson SM, Phillips PEM, Roth BL, Wess J and Neumaier JF
Journal of Neuroscience 33, 11668-11676 (2013)
CRF acts in the midbrain to attenuate accumbens dopamine release to rewards but not their predictors
Wanat MJ, Bonci A and Phillips PEM
Nature Neuroscience 16, 383-385 (2013)
Dopamine encoding of Pavlovian incentive stimuli diminishes with extended training
Clark JJ, Collins AL, Sanford CA and Phillips PEM
Journal of Neuroscience 33, 3526-3532 (2013)
Over-inhibition of corticostriatal activity following prenatal cocaine exposure
Wang W, Nitulescu I, Lewis JS, Lemos JC, Bamford IJ, Posielski NM, Storey GP, Phillips PEM and Bamford NS
Annals of Neurology 73, 355-369 (2013)
Hierarchical recruitment of phasic dopamine signaling in the striatum during the progression of cocaine use
Willuhn I, Burgeno LM, Everitt BJ and Phillips PEM
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 20703-20708 (2012)
Severe stress switches CRF action in the nucleus accumbens from appetitive to aversive
Lemos JC, Wanat MJ, Smith JS, Reyes BAS, Hollon NG, Van Bockstaele EJ, Chavkin C and Phillips PEM
Nature 490, 402-406 (2012)
Repeated stress dysregulates kappa opioid receptor signaling in the dorsal raphe through a p38α MAPK dependent mechanism
Lemos JC, Roth CA, Messinger DI, Gill HK, Phillips PEM and Chavkin C
Journal of Neuroscience 32, 12325-12336 (2012)
Monitoring extracellular pH, oxygen, and dopamine during reward delivery in the striatum of primates
Ariansen JL, Heien MLAV, Hermans A, Phillips PEM, Hernadi I, Bermudez MA, Schultz W and Wightman RM
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 6, 36 (2012)
Pavlovian valuation systems in learning and decision making
Clark JJ, Hollon NG and Phillips PEM
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 22, 1054ñ1061 (2012)
Altered risk-based decision making following adolescent alcohol use results from an imbalance in reinforcement learning in rats
Clark JJ*, Nasrallah N*, Hart AS, Collins AL, Bernstein IL and Phillips PEM
PLoS One 7, e37357 (2012)
Phillips PEM, Kim JJ and Lee D
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 6, 15 (2012)
The influence of dopamine in generating action from motivation
Walton ME, Gan JO and Phillips PEM
In: Mars RB, Sallet J, Rushworth MFS, Yeung N (ed) Neural Basis of Motivational and Cognitive Control. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2011)
Sub-second dopamine detection in human striatum
Kishida KT*, Sandberg SG*, Lohrenz T, Comair YG, Saez I, Phillips PEM† and Montague PR†
PLoS One 6, e23291 (2011)
Risk preference following adolescent alcohol use is associated with corrupted encoding of costs but not rewards by mesolimbic dopamine
Nasrallah NA*, Clark JJ*, Collins AL, Akers CA, Phillips PEM and Bernstein IL
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108, 5466-5471 (2011)
A selective role for dopamine in stimulus-reward learning
Flagel SB*, Clark JJ*, Robinson TE, Mayo L, Czuj A, Willuhn I, Akers CA, Clinton SM, Phillips PEM† and Akil H†
Nature 469, 53-57 (2011)
Transient neuronal inhibition reveals opposing roles of indirect and direct pathways in sensitization
Ferguson SM, Eskenazi D, Ishikawa M, Wanat MJ, Phillips PEM, Dong Y, Roth BL and Neumaier JF
Nature Neuroscience 14, 22-24 (2011)
Dopamine signaling in the nucleus accumbens of animals self-administering drugs of abuse
Willuhn I, Wanat MW, Clark JJ and Phillips PEM
Current Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience 3, 29-71 (2010)
Delays conferred by escalating costs modulate dopamine release to rewards but not their predictors
Wanat MJ, Kuhnen CM and Phillips PEM
Journal of Neuroscience 30, 12020-12027 (2010)
Absence of NMDA receptors in dopamine neurons attenuates dopamine release but not Pavlovian conditioning.
Parker JG, Zweifel LS, Clark JJ, Evans SB, Phillips PEM and Palmiter RD
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107, 13491-13496 (2010)
Control of extracellular dopamine at dendrite and axon terminals
Ford CP, Ganz SC, Phillips PEM and Williams JT
Journal of Neuroscience 30, 6975-6983 (2010)
Chronic microsensors for longitudinal subsecond dopamine detection in behaving animals
Clark JJ*, Sandberg SG*, Wanat MJ, Gan JO, Horne EA, Hart AS, Parker JG, Akers CA, Willuhn I, Martinez V, Evans SB, Stella N and Phillips PEM
Nature Methods 7, 126-129 (2010)
Dissociable cost and benefit encoding of future rewards by mesolimbic dopamine
Gan JO*, Walton ME* and Phillips PEM
Nature Neuroscience 13, 25-27 (2010)
An animal model of genetic vulnerability to behavioral disinhibition and cue reactivity: Implications for addiction
Flagel SB, Robinson TE, Clark JJ, Clinton SM, Watson SJ, Seeman P, Phillips PEM and Akil H
Neuropsychopharmacology 35, 388-400 (2010)
The time course of dopamine transmission in the ventral tegmental area
Ford CP, Phillips PEM and Williams JT
Journal of Neuroscience 29, 13344-13352 (2009)
Dopamine modulates persistent synaptic activity and enhances the signal-to-noise ratio in the prefrontal cortex
Kroener S, Chandler LJ, Phillips PEM and Seamans JK
PLoS One 4 e6507 (2009)
Controls of tonic and phasic dopamine transmission in the dorsal and ventral striatum
Zhang L, Doyon WM, Clark JJ, Phillips PEM and Dani JA
Molecular Pharmacology 76, 396-340 (2009)
CRF enhancement of GIRK channel-mediated transmission in dopamine neurons
Beckstead MJ, Ford CP, Gantz SC, Stenzel-Poore MP, Phillips PEM, Mark GP and Williams JT
Neuropsychopharmacology 34, 1926-1935 (2009)
Disruption of NMDAR-dependent burst firing by dopamine neurons provides selective assessment of phasic dopamine-dependent behavior
Zweifel LS, Parker JG, Rainwater A, Wall VZ, Lobb CJ, Fadok JP, Kim MJ, Mizumori S, Paladini CA, Phillips PEM and Palmiter RD
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106, 7281-7288 (2009)
Phasic dopamine release in appetitive behaviors and drug addiction
Wanat MJ, Willuhn I, Clark JJ and Phillips PEM
Current Drug Abuse Reviews 2, 195-213 (2009)
Hart AS, Walton ME and Phillips PEM
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0021399 (2009)
Phasic dopaminergic signaling: Implications for Parkinsonís disease
Sandberg SG and Phillips PEM
In: Tseng KY (ed) Cortico-subcortical Dynamics in Parkinsonís Disease. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ (2009)
Representation of subjective value in the striatum.
Knutson B, Delgado MR and Phillips PEM
In: Glimcher PW, Camerer CF, Fehr E and Poldrack RA (eds) Neuroeconomics: Decision Making and the Brain. Academic Press, New York (2008)
Neurotransmitter: release
Ting JT and Phillips PEM
Wiley Encyclopedia of Chemical Biology. John Wiley & Sons. DOI: 10.1002/9780470048672.wecb385 (2008)
Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience
Phillips PEM, Sandberg SG, Ahn S and Phillips AG (eds)
UBC Institute of Psychiatry, Vancouver, BC (2008)
Corticotropin-releasing factor increases mouse ventral tegmental area dopamine neuron firing through a protein kinase C-dependent enhancement of Ih
Wanat MJ, Hopf FW, Stuber GD, Phillips PEM and Bonci A
Journal of Physiology 586, 2157-2170 (2008)
Dopamine release is heterogeneous within microenvironments of the rat brain
Wightman RM, Heien MLAV, Wassum KM, Sombers LA, Aragona BJ, Khan AS, Ariansen JL, Cheer JF, Phillips PEM, and Carelli RM
European Journal of Neuroscience 26, 2046-2054 (2007)
Presynaptic regulation of dendrodendritic dopamine transmission
Beckstead MJ, Ford CP, Phillips PEM and Williams JT
European Journal of Neuroscience 26, 1479-1488 (2007)
Paradoxical modulation of short-term facilitation of dopamine release by dopamine D2 receptors
Kita JM, Parker LE, Phillips PEM, Garris PA and Wightman RM
Journal of Neurochemistry 102, 1115-1124 (2007)
Calculating utility: cost-benefit analysis by mesolimbic dopamine
Phillips PEM, Walton ME and Jhou TC
Psychopharmacology 191, 483-495 (2007)
Phasic dopamine release evoked by abused substances requires cannabinoid receptor activation
Cheer JF, Wassum KM, Sombers LA, Heien MLAV, Ariansen JL, Aragona BJ, Phillips PEM and Wightman RM
Journal of Neuroscience 27, 791-795 (2007)
Weighing up the benefits of work: Behavioral and neural analyses of effort-related decision making
Walton ME, Kennerley SW, Bannerman DM, Phillips PEM and Rushworth MFS
Neural Networks 19, 1302-1314 (2006)
Synaptic vesicle trafficking and drug addiction in synapsin triple knockout mice
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In: Madras BK, Colvis CM, Pollock JD, Rutter JL, Shurtleff D and Zastrow MV (eds) Cell Biology of Addiction, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY (2006)
Cre-recombinase mediated restoration of nigrostriatal dopamine in a dopamine-deficient mouse reverses hypophagia and bradykinesia
Hnasko TS, Perez FA, Scouras AD, Stoll EA, Gale SD, Luquet S, Phillips PEM, Kremer EJ and Palmiter RD
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103, 8858-8863 (2006)
Cocaine increases dopamine release by mobilization of a synapsin-dependent reserve pool
Venton BJ, Seipel AT, Phillips PEM, Wetsel WC, Gitler D, Greengard P, Augustine GJ and Wightman RM
Journal of Neuroscience 26, 3206-3209 (2006)
Psychophysiological mediators of caregiver stress and differential cognitive decline
Vitaliano PP, Echeverria D, Yi J, Phillips PEM, Young H and Siegler IC
Psychology and Aging 20, 402-411 (2005)
Real-time measurement of dopamine fluctuations following cocaine in the brain of behaving rats
Heien MLAV, Khan AS, Ariansen JL, Cheer JF, Phillips PEM, Wassum KM and Wightman RM
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102, 10023-10028 (2005)
Mesocortical dopamine neurons operate on distinct temporal domains using multimodal signaling
Lavin A, Nogueira L, Lapish CC, Wightman RM, Phillips PEM and Seamans JK
Journal of Neuroscience 25, 5013-5023 (2005)
Rapid dopamine signaling in the nucleus accumbens during contingent and noncontingent cocaine administration
Stuber GD, Roitman MF, Phillips PEM, Carelli RM and Wightman RM
Neuropsychopharmacology 30, 853-863 (2005)
Cannabinoids enhance subsecond dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens of awake rats
Cheer JF, Wassum KM, Heien MLAV, Phillips PEM and Wightman RM
Journal of Neuroscience 24, 4393-4400 (2004)
Extrasynaptic dopamine and phasic neuronal activity
Phillips PEM and Wightman RM
Nature Neuroscience 7, 199 (2004)
Dynamic gain control of dopamine delivery in freely moving animals
Montague PR†, McClure SM, Baldwin PR, Phillips PEM†, Budygin EA, Stuber GD, Kilpatrick MR and Wightman RM
Journal of Neuroscience 24, 1754-1759 (2004)
Dopamine operates as a subsecond modulator of food seeking
Roitman MF, Stuber GD, Phillips PEM, Wightman RM and Carelli RM
Journal of Neuroscience 24 1265-1271 (2004)
Overoxidation of carbon-fiber microelectrodes enhances dopamine adsorbtion and increases sensitivity
Heien MLAV, Phillips PEM, Stuber GD, Seipel AT and Wightman RM
Analyst 128, 1413-1419 (2003)
Real-time decoding of dopamine concentration changes in the caudate-putamen during tonic and phasic firing
Venton BJ, Zhang H, Garris PA, Phillips PEM, Sulzer D and Wightman RM
Journal of Neurochemistry 87, 1284-1295 (2003)
Critical guidelines for validation of the selectivity of in-vivo chemical microsensors
Phillips PEM and Wightman RM
Trends in Analytical Chemistry 22, 509-514 (2003)
A role for presynaptic mechanisms in the actions of nomifensine and haloperidol
Garris PA, Budygin EA, Phillips PEM, Trafton BJ, Robinson DL, Bergstom BP, Rebec GV and Wightman RM
Neuroscience 118, 819-829 (2003)
Subsecond dopamine release promotes cocaine seeking
Phillips PEM, Stuber GD, Heien MLAV, Wightman RM and Carelli RM
Nature 422, 614-618 (2003)
Presynaptic dopaminergic function is largely unaltered in mesolimbic and mesostriatal terminals of adult rats that were prenatally-exposed to cocaine
Phillips PEM, Johns JM, Lubin DA, Budygin EA, Gainetdinov RR, Lieberman JA and Wightman RM
Brain Research 961, 63-72 (2003)
Real-time measurements of phasic changes in extracellular dopamine concentration in freely-moving rats by fast-scan cyclic voltammetry
Phillips PEM, Robinson DL Stuber GD, Carelli RM and Wightman RM
In: Wang JQ (ed) Drugs of Abuse: Neurological Reviews and Protocols. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, 443-464 (2003)
Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry in freely-moving rats
Phillips PEM, Budygin EA, Robinson DL and Wightman RM
In: Nagatsu T, Nabeshima T, McCarty R and Goldstein DS (eds) Catecholamine Research: From Molecular Insights to Clinical Medicine. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, NY, 305-308 (2002)
The time window of autoreceptor-mediated inhibition of limbic and striatal dopamine release
Phillips PEM, Hancock PJ and Stamford JA
Synapse 44, 15-22 (2002)
Terminal effects of ethanol on dopamine dynamics in rat nucleus accumbens: An in vitro voltammetric study
Budygin EA, Phillips PEM, Wightman RM and Jones SR
Synapse 42, 77-79 (2001)
Sub-second changes in accumbal dopamine during sexual behavior in male rats
Robinson DL, Phillips PEM, Budygin EA, Trafton BJ, Garris PA and Wightman RM
Neuroreport 12, 2549-2552 (2001)
Effect of acute ethanol on striatal dopamine neurotransmission in ambulatory rats
Budygin EA, Phillips PEM, Robinson DL, Kennedy AP, Gainetdinov RR and Wightman RM
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 297, 27-34 (2001)
20th Century
Differential recruitment of N-, P- and Q-type voltage-operated calcium channels in striatal dopamine release evoked by ëregularí and ëburstí firing patterns
Phillips PEM and Stamford JA
Brain Research 884, 139-146 (2000)
Propofol decreases stimulated dopamine release in the rat nucleus accumbens by a mechanism independent of dopamine D2, GABAA and NMDA receptors
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Voltammogram ìlandscapesî aid detection and identification of in vivo electrochemical signals
Phillips PEM and Stamford JA
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Fast cyclic voltammetry in brain slices
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Making the best of brain slices: Comparing preparative methods
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*,† denotes join first or corresponding authors respectively