Criteria for Grading Papers
Professor Nita Mary McKinley

I use the following checklist to grade papers:

___ Was the paper completed as described in the assignment?

___ Was the introduction clear and appropriate (thesis statement, list of points to be made)?

___ Were the points clear?

___ Were the points original?

___ Were the points well supported?

___ Was the paper well organized?

___ Was an appropriate and conclusive closing paragraph used?

___ Were appropriate resouces used?

___ Was writing clear (not "wordy," precise, one point per paragraph, and so on)?

___ Was paper free of grammatical, spelling, and typographical errors?

___ Did writer make good use of peer/professor reviews? (where appropriate)

Grade Assignment
An A paper is well-done in all of these areas.

A paper in the B range is well-done in many of these areas, but may lack in originality or thorough thinking of points made.

A paper in the C range completes the assignment as described and is adequately done in most of these areas.

A paper in the D range needs improvement in many of these areas and/or does not complete the assignment as described.

An F paper needs improvement in most of these areas and/or does not complete the assignment as described.

last updated 1/14/01
Comments? Nita Mary McKinley