
Selected Articles

International climate adaptation assistance: Assessing public support in Switzerland. PLOS ONE, 20(2): e0317344.

Varieties of Climate Activism: Assessing Public Support for Mainstream and Unorthodox Climate Action in the United Kingdom. Environmenal Research Communications, 6(2024): 111006.

Varieties of Just Transition: Public Support in South Africa's Mpumalanga Coal Community for Different Policy Options. PLOS Climate, 2(5): e0000205.

Global Governance for Pandemic Prevention and the Wildlife Trade. The Lancet Planetary Health, April 2023.

Implications of Russia's invasion of Ukraine for the Governance of Biodiversity Conservation. Frontiers in Conservation Science, Volume 4. DOI 10.3389/fcosc.2023.989019

Pope Francis, Climate Message, and Meat Tax: Evidence from Survey Experiment in Italy. Npj Climate Action, 2,10, 2023.

Comparing Public Support for Nuclear and Wind Energy in Washington State. PLOS ONE,18(4) e0284208.

Pursuing Decarbonization along with National Security: Assessing Public Support for the Thacker Pass Lithium Mine. PLOS ONE,18(1) e0280720.

Net-Zero Emission Pledges May Not Lead to Full Decarbonization. The Regulatory Review, February 2023.

Public opinion supports electric vehicles tax credits. The Regulatory Review, January 2023.

Have Renewable Energy Leaders Announced Aggressive Emission Reduction Goals? Examining Variations in the Stringency of Country-level Net-Zero Emission Pledges. PLOS Climate, 1(11): e0000094.

Distributional Concerns and Public Opinion: EV Subsidies in the U.S. and Japan. Energy Policy, 164(4):112883.

Electoral appeal of climate policies: The Green New Deal and the 2020 U.S. House of Representatives elections. PLOS Climate, 1(6): e0000043.

Three Faces of Climate Justice. Annual Review of Political Science, 25:1, 283-301.

Different Approaches to Reducing Aviation Emissions: Reviewing the Structure-Agency Debate in Climate Policy. Climate Action, 1(1), 1-9.

Do Windy Areas have more Wind Turbines: An Empirical Analysis of Wind Installed Capacity in Native Tribal Nations. PLOS ONE, 17(2): e0261752.

NGO Failure: A Theoretical Synthesis. Voluntas, 33: 661-671.

Is ESG Simply the Old CSR Wine in a New Bottle? The Regulatory Review, March 2022.

Public Support for Climate Adaptation Aid and Migrants: A Conjoint Experiment in Japan. Environmental Research Letters,16 (2021): 124073.

Willingness to help climate migrants: A survey experiment in the Korail slum of Dhaka, Bangladesh. PLOS ONE, 2021, 16(4).

Policy Design and Public Support for Carbon Tax: Evidence from a 2018 U.S. National Online Survey Experiment. Public Administration, 2020, 98(4): 905-921.

Native American Tribal Governments, Cross-sectoral Climate Policy, and the Role of Intertribal Networks. Climatic Change, 2020, 160: 35-43.

Did TV ads funded by fossil fuel industry defeat the Washington carbon tax? Climatic Change, 2020, 158:301-307.

Recovering from Scandals: Twitter Coverage of Oxfam and Save the Children Scandals. Voluntas, 2020, 31:94-110.

Delhi's Air Pollution: A Failure of Democratic Governance. Global Asia, 2019, 14(4): 14-19.

Selectively Assertive: Interventions of India's Supreme Court to Enforce Environmental Laws. Sustainability, 2019, 11(24), 7234.

A Green Economy Must Achieve Climate Justice. The Regulatory Review, September, 2018.

Exploring the Adaptation-mitigation Relationship: Does Information on the Costs of Adapting to Climate Change Influence Support for Mitigation? Environmental Communication, 2018, 12(7); 911-927.

The Politics of Climate Change Adaptation. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Vol. 43, October 2018.

Should India's Supreme Court Enforce Regulations?" The Regulatory Review, March 27, 2018

Bowling Together: Mobilization of Collective Action by Environmental NGOs. 2017. Nonprofit Policy Forum. 8(1): 25-44.

Evaluating indicators of human well-being for ecosystem-based management. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability,(2017) 3:12, 1-18.

Stronger together: strategies to protect local sovereignty, ecosystems, and place-based communities from the global fossil fuel trade, Marine Policy. Vol. 80 (June 2017): 168-176.

Join the Club: How the Domestic NGO Sector Induces Participation in the Covenant of Mayors Program. 2017. International Interactions, 43(1): 26-77.

Factors impacting investments in energy efficiency and clean technologies: Empirical evidence from Slovenian manufacturing firms. 2016. Journal of Cleaner Production (127); 475-486.

Corporate Environmentalism: Motivations and Mechanisms. 2016. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Vol. 41: 341-362.

Engage key social concepts for sustainability. Science, 01 Apr 2016: Vol. 352, Issue 6281, pp. 38-40

We Feel Your Pain: Environmentalists, Coal Miners, and "Embedded Environmentalism". 2016 Solutions 7(1): 32-37.

Conceptualizing and Operationalizing Human Wellbeing for Ecosystem Assessment and Management. 2016. Environmental Science & Policy, Vol 66: 250-259

Confronting the China Excuse: The Political Logic of Climate Change Adaptation. 2015. Solutions. July-August, 6(4): 27-29.

Newspaper Coverage and Climate Change Legislative Activity across US States. 2014. Global Policy, 5(3): 286-297.

Do we know each other? Bilateral ties and the location of clean development mechanism projects. 2013. Climatic Change, 118 (34): 521-536.

Climate Change Policies in the Transitional Economomies of Europe and Eurasia: The Role of NGOs. 2013. Voluntas, 24 (2): 382-402.

Diffusion of Market Instruments: The Case of Air Pollution. Administration and Society. 2012. 44(3): 310-342.

Climate Change Policy Implementation: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. 2009. Review of Policy Research, 26(5): 551-570.

An Assessment of Tradable Permits for Common-Pool Resources. 2007. Review of Policy Research, 24 (6): 541-565.

Issue Linkage in International Environmental Policy: The International Whaling Commission and Japanese Development Aid. 2007. Global Environmental Politics, 7 (1): 69-96.

Investments in Global Warming Mitigation: The Case of Activities Implemented Jointly. 2006. Policy Science, 39 (3): 233-248.

Adaptive Management of the Global Climate Problem: Bridging the Gap Between Climate Research and Climate Policy. 2006. Climatic Change, 78(1): 217-225.

Mitigating Global Climate Change: Why Are Some Countries more Committed than Others? 2001. Policy Studies Journal, 29(3): 414-436.





Public scholarship