Kaibao Nie, PhD
Associate Teaching Professor
School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
University of Washington, Bothell
Adjunct Associate Teaching Professor, Department
of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Affiliate Member, Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing
Research Center
University of Washington, Seattle
Phone (425) 352 5062
Email: niek(at)uw.edu
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Irvine,
CA, 2001-2004
Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University,
China, 1999
M.S. in Electric Engineering, Shandong
University, China, 1991
B.S. in Electric Engineering, Shandong
University, China, 1988
Research Interests
Signal Processing in Cochlear Implants
Vestibular Neural Prostheses
Speech Perception and Psychoacoustics
Speech Signal Processing
Biomedical Signal Processing
Applications of Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) and
Embedded Systems
Links about my research projects:
coding strategies for cochlear implants-UW Today
for cochlear implants on Prof. Les Atlas's webpage
Exposing music to the ears
Cochlear Implants: Music to Your
and vestibular stimulation
implanted device to treat balance disorder on UWNEWS
Publications (Peer-refereed
journal papers)
1) Nie, K., Hannaford, S., Nishigaki, M.,
Drennan, W., Rubinstein, JT. Mandarin Tone Recognition in
English Speakers with Normal Hearing and Cochlear Implants.
International Journal of Audiology, 12 Volume 58, 2019
2) James O Phillips, Leo Ling, Amy L Nowack,
Christopher M Phillips, Kaibao Nie, Jay T Rubinstein. The
dynamics of prosthetically elicited vestibulo-ocular reflex
function across frequency and context. Frontiers in
Neuroscience, 2018 May 15;12:88
3) Horn, DL, Dudley, DL, Dedhia, K, Nie, K,
Drennan, W, Ho Won, J, Rubinstein, JT, Werner, L. Effects of
age and hearing mechanism on spectral resolution in normal
hearing and cochlear-implanted listeners. The Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America. 2017 Jan;141(1):613. doi:
4) C. Philips, S.J. Shepherd, A. Nowack, K.
Nie, C.R.S. Kaneko, J.T. Rubinstein, L. Ling, and JO. Philips.
Loss of Afferent Vestibular Input Produces Central Adaptation
and Increased Gain of Vestibular Prosthetic Stimulation,
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology.
2016 Feb;17(1):19-35. doi: 10.1007/s10162-015-0544-6
5) Phillips C, Ling L, Oxford T, Nowack A,
Nie K, Rubinstein JT, Phillips JO. Longitudinal performance of
an implantable vestibular prosthesis. Hearing Research.
2015 Apr;322:200-11. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2014.09.003.
6) JO. Phillips, L. Ling1, K. Nie, Elyse
Jameyson, CM. Phillips, AL. Nowack, JS. Golub, and JT.
Rubinstein. Vestibular Implantation and Longitudinal
Electrical Stimulation of the Semicircular Canal Afferents in
Human Subjects. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2015 Vol. 113 no.
10, 3866-3892 DOI: 10.1152/jn.00171.2013
7) Moon IJ, Won JH, Park MH, Ives DT, Nie K,
Heinz MG, Lorenzi C, Rubinstein JT. Optimal combination of
neural temporal envelope and fine structure cues to explain
speech identification in background noise. Journal of
Neuroscience. 2014 Sep 3;34(36):12145-54. doi:
8) X. Li, K. Nie, J.T. Rubinstein, and L.
Atlas, Improved Perception of Music with a Harmonic Based
Algorithm for Cochlear Implants. IEEE Transactions on Neural
Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2013 Jul;21(4):684-94
(corresponding author)
9) K. Nie, L. Ling, S.M. Bierer, J.T.
Rubinstein and J. Phillips, An experimental vestibular neural
prosthesis: design and preliminary with rhesus monkeys
stimulated with modulated pulses. IEEE Trans. on Biomedical
Engineering, 60(6):1685-92, 2013 (corresponding author)
10) C. Phillips, C. DeFrancisci, L. Ling, K.
Nie, A. Nowack, JO. Phillips, JT. Rubinstein. Postural
responses to electrical stimulation of the vestibular end
organs in human subjects. Experimental Brain Research, 2013
11) J.S. Golub, L. Ling, K. Nie, A. Nowack,
S.J. Shepherd, S.M. Bierer, E. Jameyson, C.R.S. Kaneko, J.O.
Phillips, J.T. Rubinstein, Prosthetic implantation of
the vestibular system: monkey and man. Otology and
Neurotology, 2014 Jan;35(1):136-47. doi:
12) X. Li, K. Nie, N. Imennov, J.H. Won, L.
Atlas, J.T. Rubinstein, Improved perception of speech in noise
and Mandarin tones with acoustic simulations of harmonic
coding for cochlear implants. (corresponding author, Journal
of the Acoustical Society of America, 2012 Nov;132(5):3387-98)
13) Won JH, Lorenzi C, Nie K, Li X, Jameyson
EM, Drennan WR, Rubinstein JT. The ability of cochlear implant
users to use temporal envelope cues recovered from speech
frequency modulation, Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America, 132(2):1113-9, 2012
14) J.H. Won, K. Nie, W.R. Drennan, E.M.
Jameyson, and J.T. Rubinstein, Maximizing the spectral and
temporal benefits of two clinically used sound processing
strategies for cochlear implants. Trends in Amplification,
16(4):201-10, 2012
15) JT Rubinstein, C Kaneko, S Bierer, L
Ling, K Nie, AF Fuchs, F Santos, S Newlands, F Risi, T Oxford,
PJ Abbas, JO Phillips. Implantation of the Semicircular Canals
with Preservation of Hearing and Rotational Sensitivity: a
vestibular neurostimulator suitable for clinical research.
Otology and Neurotology, 33(5):789-96, 2012
16) S.M. Bierer, L. Ling, K. Nie, J.T.
Rubinstein, T. Oxford, A.L. Nowack, C.R. Kaneko, A.F. Fuchs,
J.O. Phillips, Auditory outcomes following implantation and
electrical stimulation of the semicircular canals. Hearing
Research, 287(1-2):51-6, 2012
17) J.H. Won, W.R. Drennan, K. Nie, E.M.
Jameyson, and J.T. Rubinstein. Acoustic temporal modulation
detection and speech perception in cochlear implant listeners.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(1):376-88,
18) J.H. Won, C.G. Clinard, S. Kwon, V.K.
Dasika, K. Nie, W.R. Drennan, K.L. Tremblay, J.T. Rubinstein,
Relationship between behavioral and physiological
spectral-ripple discrimination, Journal of the Association for
Research in Otolaryngology, 12(3):375-93, 2011
19) K. Nie, S.M. Bierer, L. Ling, T. Oxford,
J.T. Rubinstein and J. Phillips. Characterization of the
electrically-evoked compound action potential of the
vestibular nerve. Otology and Neurotology, 32(1):88-97,
2011(corresponding author)
20) Drennan, W.R., Won, J.H., Nie, K.,
Jameyson, E. and Rubinstein, J.T. Sensitivity of
psychophysical measures to signal processor modifications in
cochlear implant users. Hearing Research, 262(1-2):1-8. PMID:
20144699, 2010
21) R. Kang, G.L. Nimmons, W. Drennan, J.
Longnion, C. Ruffin, K. Nie, J. Won, T. Worman, B. Yueh, and
J.T. Rubinstein. Development and Validation of the University
of Washington Clinical Assessment of Musical Perception (CAMP)
Test. Ear and Hearing, 30(4):411-8, 2009
22) V.K. Dasika, L.A. Werner, S.J. Norton,
K. Nie, and J.T. Rubinstein. Measuring Sound Detection and
Reaction Time in Infant and Toddler Cochlear Implant
Recipients Using an Observer-Based Procedure: A First Report.
Ear and Hearing, Vol.30(2):250-261, 2009
23) K. Nie, A. Barco, and F.G. Zeng,
Spectral and temporal cues in cochlear implant speech
perception, Ear and Hearing, vol. 27, pp. 208-217, 2006
24) F.G. Zeng, K. Nie, G.S. Stickney, Y.Y.
Kong, M. Vongphoe, A. Bhargave, C. Wei, and K. Cao. Speech
recognition with amplitude and frequency modulations.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America (PNAS), vol.102, pp. 2293-2298, 2005
25) G.S. Stickney, K. Nie, and F.G. Zeng.
Contribution of frequency modulation to speech recognition in
noise. Journal of Acoustic Society of America, vol.118,
pp.2412-2420, 2005
26) K. Nie, G.S. Stickney, and F.G. Zeng.
Encoding frequency modulation to improve cochlear implant
performance in noise. IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering,
vol. 52, pp. 64-73, 2005 (IEEE Outstanding Paper Award)
27) N. Lan, K. Nie, S.K. Gao, and F.G. Zeng.
A novel speech processing strategy for cochlear implant
incorporating Chinese tonal information. IEEE Trans. on
Biomedical Engineering, 51(5):752-60, 2004
28) F.G. Zeng, K. Nie, S. Liu, and G.
Stickney et al., On the dichotomy in auditory perception
between temporal envelope and fine Structure cues, Journal of
Acoustic Society of America, vol.116, pp.1351-1354, 2004