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MIQIN ZHANGKyocera Chair ProfessorPh.D. UC Berkeley Telephone: (206) 616-9356 Fax: (206) 543-3100 Email: mzhang@uw.edu Office: 302L Roberts Hall |
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RESEARCH INTERESTS: Protein, cell, and biomaterial interactions; biocompatibility assessment; protein and cell micropatterning for biosensing and BioMEMS applications; biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine; controlled drug delivery; nanotechnology for cancer diagnosis and therapy.
J. Huang, Y. Chien, Q. Mu, M. Zhang, “An Efficient Fabrication Approach for Multi-Cancer Responsive Chemoimmuno Co-Delivery Nanoparticles", Pharmaceutics, 16 (10), 1246 (2024).
L. Zhou, S. Menon, X. Li, M. Zhang, M. Malakooti, “Machine learning enables reliable colorimetric detection of pH and glucose in wearable sweat sensors", Advanced Materials Technologies, Online: 2401121 (2024).
X. Lin, R. Liu, J. Beitzel, Y. Zhou, C. Lagadon, and M. Zhang, “Injectable biodegradable chitosan-PEG/PEG-Dialdehyde hydrogel for stem cell delivery and cartilage regeneration", Gels, 10 (8), 508 (2024).
Y. Tang, Y. Zhou, M. Zhang, “A chitosan-scaffold supports the enhanced and prolonged differentiation of HiPSCs into nucleus pulposus-like cells", ACS Applied Materials & Science, 16 (22), 28263-28275 (2024).
Y. Qian, J. Zou, J. Zhang, X. Wang, X. Meng, Y. Lin, W. Lin, M. Zhang, H. Wang, “Structural engineering of magnetite nanozymes for enhanced chemodynamic cancer therapy", Chemical Engineering Journal, 490, 151867 (2024).
X. Li, G. Lin, L. Zhou, O. Prossera, M. H. Malakootia, M. Zhang, “Green synthesis of iron-doped graphene quantum dots: an efficient nanozyme for glucose sensing", Nanoscale Horizons, 9, 976-989 (2024).
H. Liu, Z. Deng, Z. Zhang, W. Lin, M. Zhang, H. Wang, “Graphene quantum dots as metal-free nanozymes for chemodynamic therapy of cancer", Matter, 7 (3), 977-990 (2024).
F. Chang, M. James, A. Oassab, Y. Zhou, Y. Ando, M. Shi, M. Zhang, “3D chitosan scaffolds support expansion of human neural stem cells in chemically defined condition", Matter, 6 (10), 3631-3660 (2023).
X. Meng, Z.Zhang, Y. Qian, X. Wang, Y. Lin, X. Shi, W. Lin, M. Zhang, H. Wang, “Carbon-encapsulated magnetite nanodoughnut as a NIR-II responsive nanozyme for synergistic chemodynamic photothermal therapy", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 12 (29), 2301926 (2023).
G. Lin, and M. Zhang, “Ligand Chemistry in Anti-tumor theranostic nanoparticles", Accounts of Chemical Research, 56 (12), 1578-1590 (2023)
Y. Ando, F. Chang, M. James, Y. Zhou, M. Zhang, “Chitosan scaffolds as microcarriers for dynamic culture of human neural stem cells", Pharmaceutics, 15 (7), 1957 (2023)
J. Huang, G. Lin, T. Juenke, S. Chung, N. Lai, T. Zhang, T. Zhang, and M. Zhang, “Iron oxide nanoparticle-mediated mRNA delivery to hard-to-transfect cancer cells", Pharmaceutics, 15 (7), 1946 (2023)
Y. Zhou, G. Pereira, Y. Tang, M. James, M. Zhang, “3D porous scaffold-based high-throughput platform for cancer drug screening", Pharmaceutics, 15 (6), 1691 (2023)
Y. Tang, Y. Zhou, G. Lin, M. Zhang, “Enhanced cell penetration and pluripotency maintenance of hiPSCs in 3D natural chitosan scaffolds", Macromolecular Bioscience, 23 (6), 2600460 (2023)
F. Chang, Y. Zhou, M. James, H. Zareie, Y. Ando, J. Yang, M Zhang, “Effect of degree of deacetylation of chitosan/chitin on human neural stem cell culture", Macromolecular Bioscience, 23 (1), 2200389 (2023)
S Chung, Y Sugimoto, J Huang, M Zhang, “Iron oxide nanoparticles decorated with functional peptides for a targeted siRNA delivery to glioma cells", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 (1), 106-119 (2022)
S. Chung, C. M., Lee, M. Zhang, “Advances in nanoparticle-based mRNA delivery for liver cancer and liver-associated infectious diseases", Nanoscale Horizon, 8, 10-28 (2022)
A. Erickson, P Chiarelli, J Huang, S Levengood, M Zhang, “Electrospun nanofibers for 3-D tumor models, anti-neoplastic drug delivery, and cancer diagnostics", Nanoscale Horizon, 7, 1279-1298 (2022)
R. Revia, B. Wagner, M. James, M. Zhang, “ High-throughput dispensing of viscous solutions for biomedical applications", Micromachines, 13 (10), 1732 (2022)
P. A. Chiarelli, R. A. Revia, Z. R. Stephen, K. Wang, F. M. Kievit, Jo. Sandhu, M. Upreti, S. Chung, R. G. Ellenbogen, M. Zhang, “Iron Oxide nanoparticle-mediated radiation delivery for glioblastoma treatment", Materials Today, 56, 42-52 (2022)
Z. Wei, Q. Mu, H. Wang, G. Lin, and M. Zhang, “Enzymatic and cellular degradation of carbon-based biconcave nanodisks", Micromachines, 13 (7), 1144 (2022)
G. Lin, J. Huang, M.Y. Zhang, S. Chen, M. Zhang, “Chitosan-crosslinked low molecular weight PEI conjugated iron oxide nanoparticle for safe and effective DNA delivery to breast cancer cells", Nanomaterials, 12 (4), 584 (2022)
X. Lin, C. Tsao, M. Kyomoto, and M. Zhang, “Injectable natural polymer hydrogels for treatment of knee osteoarthritis", Advanced Healthcare Materials, Advanced Materials, 11 (9), 2101479 (2022).
Q. Mu, G. Lin, M. Jeon, H. Wang, F. C. Chang, R. A. Revia, J. Yu, M. Zhang, “Iron oxide nanoparticle targeted chemo-immunotherapy for triple negative breast cancer", Materials Today, 50, 149-169 (2021).
S. Chung, R. A. Revia, and M. Zhang, “Graphene quantum dots and their applications in bioimaging, biosensing, and therapy", Advanced Materials, 33 (22), 1904362 (2021).
M. Jeon, M. V. Halbert, Z. R. Stephen, and M. Zhang, “Iron oxide nanoparticles as T1 contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging: fundamentals, challenges, applications, and prospectives", Advanced Materials, 33 (22), 1906539 (2021)
K. Wang, F. M. Kievit, P. A. Chiarelli, Z. R. Stephen, J. R. Silber, R. G. Ellenbogen, M. Zhang, “siRNA nanoparticle suppresses drug-resistant gene and prolongs survival in an orthotopic glioblastoma xenograft mouse model", Advanced Functional Materials, 31 (6), 2007166 (2021).
G. Lin, R.A. Revia, and M. Zhang, “Inorganic nanomaterials-mediated gene therapy in combination with other antitumor treatment modalities", Advanced Functional Materials, 31 (5), 2007096 (2021).
Z. R. Stephen, M. Zhang, “Recent Progress in the Synergistic Combination of nanoparticle-mediated hyperthermia and immunotherapy for treatment of cancer", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 10 (2), 2001415 (2021).
S. Chung and M. Zhang, “Iron oxide nanoparticles for immune cell labeling and cancer immunotherapy", Nanoscale Horizons, 6, 696-717 (2021).
J. Li, M. Zheng, Y. Zou, P. C. Ke, M. Zhang, W. A. Banks, B. Shi, “Application for Nanotechnology for the Treatment of Brain Diseases and Disorders", Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9, 1-2 (2021).
T. M. Thomas, K. Miyaguchi, L. A. Edwards, H.Q. Wang, H. Wollebo, L. Aiguo, R. Murali, Y. Wang, D. Braas, J. S. Michael, A. Andres, M. Zhang, K. Khalili, R. A. Gottieb, J. M. Perez, and J. S. Yu, “Elevated asparagine biosynthesis drives brain tumor stem cell metabolic plasticity and resistance to oxidative stress", Molecular Cancer Research, 19, 1375-88 (2021).
S. Chung, R. A. Revia, and M. Zhang, “Microwave-assisted synthesis of carbon dot–iron oxide nanoparticles for fluorescence imaging and therapy", Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9, 576-87 (2021).
M. James, R.A.Revia, Z. Stephen, and M. Zhang, “Microfluidic coprecipitation of iron oxide Nanoparticles", Nanomaterials, 10, 2133 (2020)
M. Jeon, G. Lin, Z. R. Stephen, J. E. Vechey, M. Singh, R. Revia, A. H. Newman, D. Martinez, and M. Zhang, “Cocaine analogue conjugated magnetic nanoparticles for labeling and imaging dopaminergic neurons", Biomaterials Science, 8 (15), 4166-75 (2020).
G. Lin, Q. Mu, R. Revia, Z. Stephen, M. Jeon, M. Zhang, “A highly selective iron oxide-based imaging nanoparticle for long-term monitoring of drug-induced tumor apoptosis", Biomaterials Science, 9 (2), 471-81 (2020).
WY. Ching, S. San, J. Brechtl, R. Sakidja, M. Zhang, and P. Liaw, “Fundamental electronic structure and multiatomic bonding in 13 biocompatible high-entropy alloys", npj Computational Materials, 5, 45 (2020).
Q. Mu, G. Lin, Z. R. Stephen, S. Chung, H. Wang, V. K. Patton, R. N. Gebhart, and M. Zhang, “In vivo serum enabled production of ultrafine nanotherapeutics for cancer treatment", Materials Today, 38, 10-23 (2020).
H. Wang, R. Revia, Q. Mu, G. Lin, C. Yen, and M. Zhang, “Single-layer boron-doped graphene quantum dots for contrast-enhanced in vivo T1-weighted MRI", Nanoscale Horizons, 5 (3), 573-579 (2020).
Z. R. Stephen, P. Chiarelli, R. Revia, K. Wang, F. M. Kievit, C. Dayringer, M. Jeon, R. G. Ellenbogen, J. R. Silber, and M. Zhang, “Time-resolved MRI assessment of convection-enhanced delivery by targeted and non-targeted nanoparticles in a human glioblastoma mouse model", Cancer Research, 79 (18), 4776-4786 (2019).
H. Wang, Q. Mu, K. Wang, R. A. Revia, C. Yen, X. Gu, B. Tian, J. Liu, M. Zhang, “Nitrogen and boron dual-doped graphene quantum dots for near-infrared second window imaging", Applied Materials Today, 14, 108-117 (2019).
A. E. Erickson, S.K.L. Levengood, J. Sun, F. C. Chang, M. Zhang, “Chitosan-based composite bilayer scaffold for osteochondral defect regeneration", Biomedical Microdevices, 21 (2), 34 (2019).
A. E. Erickson, S.K.L. Levengood, J. Sun, F. C. Chang, M. Zhang, “Hyaluronic acid chitosan-based aligned nanofibers for promotion of migratory glioblastoma phenotypes", ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2 (3), 1088-1097 (2019).
R. A. Revia, Z.R. Stephen, M. Zhang, “Theranostic nanoparticles for RNA-based cancer treatment", Accounts of Chemical Research, 52 (6), 1496-1506 (2019).
Q. Mu, H. Wang, X. Gu, Z. R. Stephen, C. Yen, F. Ch. Chang, C. J. Dayringer, and M. Zhang, “Biconcave Carbon Nanodisk for Enhanced Drug Accumulation and Chemo-photothermal Tumor Therapy", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 8 (8), e1801505 (2019).
M. Jeon, G. Lin, Z. R. Stephen, F. L. Kato, M. Zhang, “Paclitaxel loaded iron oxide nanoparticles for breast cancer therapy", Advanced Therapeutics, 2 (12), 1900081 (2019).
T. Y. Yen, Za. R. Stephen, G. Lin, Q. Mu, M. Jeon, S. Untoro, P. Welsh, M. Zhang, “Catalase-functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles reverse hypoxia induced chemotherapeutic resistance", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 8 (20), 1900826 (2019).
R.A. Revia, B. A. Wagner, and M. Zhang, “A portable electrospinner and its application for cosmetic treatment of alopecia", Nanomaterials, 9 (9), e1317 (2019).
H. Wang, Q. Mu, R. Revia, K. Wang, B. Tian, G. Lin, W. Lee, YK Hong, M. Zhang, “Iron oxide-carbon core-shell nanoparticles for dual-modal imaging-guided photothermal therapy", Journal of Controlled Release, 289, 70-78 (2018).
A. E. Erickson, L. S. K. Levengood, J. Sun, F. C. Chang, M. Zhang, “Fabrication and characterization of chitosan-hyaluronic acid scaffolds with varying stiffness for glioblastoma cell culture", Advanced Therapeutics, 7 (12), 1800295 (2018).
F. C. Chang, S. L. Levengood, N. Cho, L. Chen, E. Wang, J. S. Yu, M. Zhang, “Crosslinked chitosan-PEG hydrogel for culture of human glioblastoma cell spheroids and drug screening", Advanced Therapeutics, 1 (7), 1-11 (2018).
J. S. Michael, B.S. Lee, M. Zhang, J. S. Yu, “Nanotechnology for treatment of glioblastoma multiforme", Journal of Translational Internal Medicine, 6 (3), 128-133 (2018).
M. Zhang, “Early detection of multi-organ metastases", Nature Biomedical Engineering, 1, 934-936 (2017).
P. A. Chiarelli, R. A. Revia, Z. R. Stephen, K. Wang, M. Jeon, V. Nelson, F. M. Kievit, J. Sham, R. G. Ellenbogen, H. P. Kiem, and M. Zhang, “Nanoparticle biokinetics in mice and nonhuman primates", ACS Nano, 11 (9), 9514-9524 (2017).
H. Wang, K. Wang, R. Revia, R. J. Kant, Q. Mu, Z. Gai, K. Hong, and M. Zhang, “Paramagnetic properties of metal-free boron-doped graphene quantum dots and their application for safe magnetic resonance imaging", Advanced Materials, 29 (11), 1605416 (2017).
F. M. Kievit, K. Wang, T. Ozawa, A. W. Tarudji, J. R. Silber, E. C. Holland, R. G. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang, “Nanoparticle-mediated knockdown of DNA repair sensitizes cells to radiotherapy and extends survival in a genetic mouse model of glioblastoma", Nanomedicine, 13 (7), 2131-2139 (2017).
S. L. Levengood, A. E. Erikson, F. C. Chang, and M. Zhang, “Chitosan-poly (caprolactone) nanofibers for skin repair", Journal of Materials Chemistry, 5 (9), 1822-1833 (2017).
H. Wang, K. Wang, Q. Mu, Z. R. Stephen, Y. Yu, S. Zhou, and M. Zhang, “Mesoporous carbon nanoshells for hydrophobic drug loading, multimodal imaging, controlled drug release, and synergistic therapy", Nanoscale, 9 (4), 1434-1442 (2017).
H. Wang, Q. Mu, R. Revia, K. Wang, X. Zhou, P. J. Pauzauskie, S. Zhou, and M. Zhang, “Chitosan-gated magnetic-responsive nanocarrier for multimodal imaging, switchable drug release and synergistic therapy", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 6 (6), 1601080 (2017).
Z. R. Stephen, R. N. Gebhart, M. Jeon, A. A. Blair, R. G. Ellenbogen, J. R. Silber, and M. Zhang, “pH-sensitive O6-benzylguanosine polymer modified magnetic nanoparticles for treatment of glioblastomas", Bioconjugate Chemistry, 28 (1), 194-202 (2017).
K. Wang, F. M. Fievit, Y. Deng, A. E. Erickson, J. Silber, R. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang, “Culture on three-dimensional chitosan-hyaluronic acid scaffolds enhances stem cell marker expression and drug resistance in human glioblastoma cancer stem cells", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 5 (24), 3173-3181 (2017).
S. Jana, S. K. L. Levengood, and M. Zhang, “Anisotropic materials for skeletal muscle tissue engineering", Advanced Materials, 28 (48), 10588-10612 (2016).
K. Wang, F. Kievit, M. Zhang, “Nanoparticles in cancer gene therapy: recent advances, challenges, and strategies", Pharmaceutical Research, 114 (12), 56-66 (2016).
H. Wang, K. Wang, B. Tian, R. Revia, Q. Mu, M. Jeon, F. C. Chang, M. Zhang, “Preloading of hydrophobic anti-cancer drug into multifunctional nanocarrier for multi-modal imaging, NIR-responsive drug release and synergistic therapy", Small, 12 (46), 6388-97 (2016).
S. J. Florczyk, F. M. Kievit, K. Wang, R. G. Ellenbogen, M. Zhang, “3D porous chitosan-alginate scaffolds promote proliferation and enrichment of cancer stem-like cells", Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 4 (38), 6326-34 (2016).
Q. Mu, H. Wang, M. Zhang, “Nanoparticles for imaging and treatment of metastatic breast cancer", Expert Opin Drug Deliv, 14 (1), 123-36 (2016).
Z. R. Stephen, C. J. Dayringer, J. J. Lim, R. A. Revia, M. V. Halber, M. Jeon, A. Bakthavatsalam, R. G. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang, “An approach to Rapid synthesis, and functionalization of iron oxide nanoparticles for high gene transfection", ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8 (10), 6320-8 (2016).
F. C. Chang, C. T. Tsao, A. Lin, M. Y. Zhang, S. L. Levengood, and M. Zhang, “PEG-chitosan-hydrogel with turnable stiffness for study of drug response of breast cancer cells", Polymers, 8 (4), 112-25 (2016).
K. Wang, F. M. Kievit, and M. Zhang, “Evaluation of four tumor-specific promoters in various cancer cell lines", Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Clinical Practice, 6 (1), 46-55 (2016).
R. Revia, and M. Zhang “Magnetite nanoparticles for cancer diagnosis, treatment, and treatment monitoring: recent advances", Materials Today, 19 (3), 157-68 (2016).
F. M. Kievit, K. Wang, A. E. Erickson, S. K. L. Levengood, R. G. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang “Modeling the tumor microenvironment using chitosan-alginate scaffolds to control the stem-like state of gliobastoma cells", RSC Biomaterials Science, 4 (4), 610-3 (2016).
K. Wang, F. M. Kievit, J. G. Sham, M. Jeon, Z. R. Stephen, A. Bakthavatsalam, J. O. Park, and M. Zhang “Iron oxide-based nanoparticles for tumor targeted siRNA delivery in an orthotopic liver xenograft mouse model", Small, 12 (4), 477-487 (2016).
Q. Mu, G. Lin, V. K. Patton, K. Wang, O. W. Press, and M. Zhang “Gemcitabine and chlorotoxin conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles for glioblastoma therapy", Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 4 (1), 32-36 (2016).
F. M. Fievit, R. G. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang “Pharmaceutical Cancer nanotechnology: Shortening hurtles to clinical translation", Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Clinical Practice, 6 (1), 1-3 (2016).
C. Lee, D. Wood, D. Edmondson, D. Yao, A. E. Erickson, C. T. Tsao, R. A. Revia, H. Kim, and M. Zhang, “Electospun Uniaxially-aligned composite nanofibers as highly efficient piezoelectric materials", Ceramics International, 42 (2) Part A, 3734-40 (2016).
Q. Mu, M. Forrest, J. K. Rajeev, G. Lin, J. Mike, and M. Zhang “Anti-HER2/neu Peptide-Conjugated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Targeted Delivery of Paclitaxel to Breast Cancer Cells", Nanoscale, 7 (43), 18010-18014 (2015).
K. Wang, F. M. Kievit, M. Jeon, J. R. Silber, R. G. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang “Nanoparticle-medicated target delivery of TRAIL as gene therapy for glioblastoma", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 4 (17), 2719-26 (2015).
K. Wang, F. Kievit, S. Florczyk, Z. R. Stephen, and M. Zhang “3D porous chitosan-alginate scaffolds as an in vitro model for evaluating nanoparticles for targeted gene delivery to prostate cancer", Biomacromolecules, 16 (10), 3362-72 (2015).
A. E. Erickson, D. Edmondson, F. C. Chang, D. Wood, A. Gong, S. L. Levengood, and M. Zhang “High-throughput production of uniaxially-aligned nanofibers by centrifugal electrospinning", Carbohydrate Polymers, 134, 467-75 (2015).
Q. Mu, M. Jeon, M. H. Hsiao, V. K. Patton, K. Wang, O. W. Press, and M. Zhang “Stable and efficient paclitaxel nanoparticles for targeted glioblastoma therapy", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 4 (8), 1236-45 (2015).
C. Fang, K. Wang, Z. R. Stephen, Q. Mu, F. M. Kievit, D. T. Chiu, O. W. Press, and M. Zhang, “Temozolomide nanoparticles for targeted glioblastoma", ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7 (12), 6674-82 (2015).
M. H. Hsiao, Q. Mu, Z. R. Stephen, C. Fang, and M. Zhang “Hexanoyl-chitosan-PEG copolymer coated iron oxide nanoparticles for hydrophobic drug delivery", ACS Macro Letters, 4 (4), 403-407 (2015).
14. H. L. Kim, G. Y. Jung, J. H. Jung, J. S. Han, Y. J. Park, D. G. Kim, M. Zhang, and D. J. Kim “Preparation and characterization of nano-sized hydroxyapatite/alginate/chitosan composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering", Materials Science Engineering C, 54 , 20-5 (2015).
F. M. Kievit, Z. R. Stephen, K. Wang, C. J. Dayringer, J. G. Sham, R. G. Ellenbogen, J. R. Silber, and M. Zhang “Nanoparticle medicated silencing of DNA repair sensitizes pediatric brain tumor cells to γ-irradiation", Molecular Oncology, 9 (6), 1071-80 (2015).
F. Ye, W. Sun, Y. Zhang, C. F. Wu, X. Zhang, J. Yu, Y. Rong, M. Zhang, and D. T. Chiu “Single-chain semiconducting polymer dots", Langmuir, 31 (1), 499-505 (2015).
P. A. Chiarelli, F. M. Kievit, M. Zhang, and R. G. Ellenbogen “Bionanotechnology and the Future of Glioma", Surgery Neurological International, 6, s45-58 (2015).
C. T. Tsao, M. H. Hsiao, M. Y. Zhang, S. L. Levengood, and M. Zhang “Chitosan-PEG Hydrogel with sol–gel transition triggerable by multiple external stimuli", Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 36 (2), 322-338 (2015).
Z. R. Stephen, F. M. Kievit, O. Veiseh, P. A Chiarelli, C. Fang, S. Hatzinger, K. Wang, R. G. Ellenbogen, J. R. Silber, and M. Zhang “Redox-Responsive Magnetic Nanoparticle for Targeted Convection-Enhanced Delivery of O6-Benzylguanine to Brain Tumors", ACS Nano, 8 (10), 10383-10395 (2014).
F. M. Kievit, S. J. Florczyk, M. C. Leung, K. Wang, J. D. Wu, J. R. Silber, R. G. Ellenbogen, J. S. H. Lee, and M. Zhang “Proliferation and enrichment of CD133+ glioblastoma cancer stem cells on 3D chitosan-alginate scaffolds", Biomaterials, 35 (33), 9137-9143 (2014).
S. Jana, M. Leung, J. Chang, and M. Zhang “Biomimicking the Micro/nano-environment for Skeletal Muscle Tissue Engineering", Biofabrication, 6 (3), 035012 (2014).
J. G. Sham, F. M. Kievit, J. R. Grierson, R. S. Miyaoka, M. M. Yeh, M. Zhang, R. S. Yeung, S. Minoshima, J. O. Park “Anti-Glypican-3 F(ab’)2 Fragments for 89Zr-PET in Hepatocellular Carcinoma", The Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 55 (12), 2032-2037 (2014).
C. T. Tsao, A. Ravanpay, F. Kievit, M. Jensen, R. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang “Thermo-reversible PEG-g-chitosan hydrogel as a therapeutic T lymphocyte depot for local glioblastoma immunotherapy", Biomacromolecules, 15 (7), 2656-2662 (2014).
C. T. Tsao, M. Leung, J. Y. F. Chang, and M. Zhang “A simple material model to generate epidermal and dermal layers in vitro for skin regeneration", Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2 (32), 5256-5264 (2014).
C. T. Tsao, F. M. Kievit, K. Wang, R. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang “Chitosan-Based Thermoreversible Hydrogel as an in vitro tumor microenvironment for testing breast cancer therapies", Molecular Pharmaceutics, 11 (7), 2134-2142 (2014).
S. L. Levengood, and M. Zhang “Chitosan-based scaffolds for bone tissue engineering", Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2 (21), 3161-3184 (2014).
G.M. Lanza, C. Moonen, J. Baker, Jr, E. Chang, Z. Cheng, P. Grodzinski, K. Ferrara, K. Hynynen, G. Kelloff, Y. Lee, A. Patri, D. Sept, J.E. Schnitzer, B. J. Wood, M. Zhang, G. Zhang, K. Farahani “Assessing the barriers to image-guided drug delivery", Wires Nanomed Nanobiotechnology, 6 (1), 1-14 (2014).
V. P. Lai, F. M. Kievit, S. J. Florczyk, K. Wang, M. L. Disis, and M. Zhang “CCL21 and IFNγ recruit and activate tumor specific T cells in 3D scaffold model of breast cancer", Anti-cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 14 (2), 204-210 (2014).
T. Low, M. Leung, X. Wang, J. J. F. Chang, C. T. Tsao, J. Sham, D. Edmondson, and M. Zhang “Bi-layer scaffold of chitosan/PCL-nanofibrous mat and PLLA-microporous disc for skin tissue engineering", Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 10 (6), 1105-1113 (2014).
J. G. Sham, F. M. Kievit, J.R. Grierson, R. S. Miyaoka, M. M. Yeh, M. Zhang, R.S. Yeung, S. Minoshima, J. O. Park “Glypican-3 Targeted Zirconium-PET Imaging of Hepatocellular Carcinoma", The Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 55 (5), 799-804 (2014).
F. M. Kievit, A. Cooper, S. Jana, M. C. Leung, K. Wang, D. Edmondson, D. Wood, J. S. H. Lee, R. G. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang “Aligned chitosan-polycaprolactone polyblend nanofibers promote the migration of glioblastoma cells", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2 (12), 1651-1659 (2013).
M. Leung, A. Cooper, S. Jana, C. T. Tsao, T. Petrie, and M. Zhang “Nanofiber-based in vitro system for high myogenic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells", Biomacromolecules, 14 (12), 4207-4216 (2013).
M. Leung, S. Jana, C. T. Tsao, and M. Zhang “Tenogenic differentiation of human bone marrow stem cells via combinatory effect of aligned chitosan-poly-caprolactone nanofibers and TGF-β3", Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 1 (47), 6516-6524 (2013).
O. Veiseh, F, M. Kievit, V. Liu, C. Fang, Z. Stephen, R.G. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang “In vivo safety evaluation of polyarginine coated magnetic nanovectors: safety and clearance", Molecular Pharmaceutics, 10 (11), 4099-4106 (2013).
D. Edmondson, S. Jana, D. Wood, C. Fang, and M. Zhang “Uniaxially-aligned nanofibers as sensor and transmitter for biotelemetry", Analyst, 138 (23), 7135-7139 (2013).
S. J. Florczyk, K. Wang, S. Jana, D. L. Wood, S. k. Sytsma, J. Sham, F. M. Kievit, and M. Zhang “Porous chitosan-hyaluronic acid scaffolds as a mimic of glioblastoma microenvironment ECM", Biomaterials, 34 (38), 10143-10150 (2013).
S. Florczyk, M. Leung, Z. Li, J. Huang, R. Hopper, and M. Zhang “Evaluation of 3D porous chitosan-alginate scaffolds in rat calvarial defects for bone regeneration applications", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A, 101 (10), 2974-2983 (2013).
T. Wang, F. M. Kievit, O. Veiseh, H. Arami, Z. R. Stephen, C. Fang, Y. Liu, R. G. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang “Targeted cell uptake of a non-internalizing antibody through conjugation to iron oxide nanoparticles in primary central nervous system lymphoma", World Neurosurgery, 80 (1), 134-141 (2013)
Vy Pan-Lai , S. J. Florczyc , F. M. Kievit , K. Wang , E. Gad , M. L. Disis, and M. Zhang “Three-Dimensional Scaffolds to Evaluate Tumor Associated Fibroblast-Mediated Suppression of Breast Tumor Specific T Cells", Biomacromolecules, 14 (5), 1330-1337 (2013).
A. Galperin, R. A. Oldinski, S. J. Florczyk, J.D. Bryers, M. Zhang, B.D. Ratner “Integrated bi-layered scaffold for osteochondral tissue engineering", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2 (6), 872-883 (2013).
S. Jana, A. Cooper, and M. Zhang “Chitosan scaffolds with unidirectional microtubular pores for large skeletal myotube generation", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2 (4), 557-561 (2013).
S. Jana, and M. Zhang “Fabrication of 3D Aligned Nanofibrous Tubes by Direct Electrospinning", Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 1 (20), 2575-2581 (2013).
K. Wang, J. Park, and M. Zhang “Treatment of glioblastoma multiforme using combination of siRNA targeting EGFR and ß-catenin", The journal of Gene Medicine, 15 (1), 42-50 (2013).
H. Mok, and M. Zhang “Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticle-Based Delivery Systems for Biotherapeutics", Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 10 (1), 73-87 (2013).
A. Cooper, R. Oldinski, H. Ma, J. D. Bryers, and M. Zhang “Chitosan-based nanofibrous membranes for antibacterial filter", Carbohydrate Polymers, 92 (1), 254-259 (2013).
C. Fang, F. Kievit, Y. Cho, H. Mok, O. Press, and M. Zhang “Effect of cationic side-chains on intracellular delivery and cytotoxicity of pH sensitive polymer-doxorubicin nanocarriers", Nanoscale, 4 (22), 4012-4020 (2012).
S. Jana, A Cooper, F Ohuchi, and M. Zhang “Uniaxially aligned nanofibrous cylinders by electrospinning", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 4 (9), 4817-4824 (2012).
S. J. Florczyk, M. Leung, S. Jana, Z. Li, N. Bhattarai, J. I. Huang, R. A. Hopper, and M. Zhang “Enhanced bone tissue formation by alginate gel-assisted cell seeding in porous ceramic scaffolds and sustained release of growth factor", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A, 100A (12), 3408-3415 (2012)
D. Edmondson, A. Cooper, S. Jana, D. Wood, and M. Zhang “Centrifugal Electrospinning of Highly-Aligned Polymer Nanofibers over Large Area", Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (35), 18646-18652 (2012)
C. Fang, F. M. Kievit, O. Veiseh, Z. R. Stephen, T. Wang, D. Lee, R. G. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang “Fabrication of Magnetic Nanoparticles with Controllable Drug Loading and Release through a Simple Assembly Approach", Journal of Controlled Release, 162 (1), 233-241 (2012).
S. J. Florczyk, G. Liu, F. M. Kievit, A. M. Lewis, J. D. Wu, and M. Zhang “3D Porous Chitosan-Alginate Scaffolds: New Matrix for Studying Prostate Cancer Cell-Lymphocyte Interactions In Vitro", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 1 (5), 590-599 (2012).
A. Cooper, M. Leung, and M. Zhang “Polymeric Fibrous Matrices for Substrate-Mediated Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lineage Differentiation", Macromolecular Bioscience, 12 (7), 882-892 (2012).
F. Asphahani, M. Thein, K. Wang, D. Wood, S. Wong, J. Xu, and M. Zhang “Real-time characterization of cytotoxicity using single-cell impedance monitoring", Analyst, 137 (13), 3011-3019 (2012).
F. M. Kievit, Z. R. Stephen, O. Veiseh, H. Arami, T. Wang, Vy P. Lai, J. O. Park, R. G. Ellenbogen, M. L. Disis, and M. Zhang “Targeting of Primary Breast Cancers and Metastases in a Transgenic Mouse Model Using Rationally Designed Multifunctional SPIONs", ACS Nano, 6 (3), 2591-1601 (2012).
S. Jana, S. J. Florczyk, M. Leung, and M. Zhang “High-Strength Pristine Porous Chitosan Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering", Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (13), 6291-6299 (2012).
A. Cooper, C. Zhong, Y. Kinoshita, R. S. Morrison, M. Rolandi, and M. Zhang “Self-assembled chitin nanofiber templates for artificial neural networks", Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (7), 3105-3109 (2012).
F. M. Kievit, and M. Zhang “Cancer Nanotheranostics: Improving Imaging and Therapy by Targeted Delivery across Biological Barriers", Advanced Materials, 23 (36), H217-H247 (2011).
F. M. Kievit, and M. Zhang “Surface engineering of iron oxide nanoparticles for targeted cancer therapy", Accounts of Chemical Research, 44 (10), 853-862 (2011).
S. J. Florczyk, D. Kim, D. Wood, and M. Zhang “Influence of processing parameters on pore structure of 3D porous chitosan-alginate polyelectrolyte complex scaffolds", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 98A (4), 614-620 (2011).
H. Arami, Z. Stephen, O. Veiseh, and M. Zhang “Chitosan Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Molecular Imaging and Drug Delivery", Advances in Polymer Science, 243, 169-184 (2011).
Z. R. Stephen, F. M. Kievit, and M. Zhang “Magnetite nanoparticles for medical MR imaging", Materials Today, 14 (7-8), 330-338 (2011).
O. Veiseh, F. Kievit, R. G. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang “Cancer Cell Invasion: Treatment and Monitoring Opportunities in Nanomedicine", Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 8 (18), 582-596 (2011).
O. Veiseh, F. M. Kievit, H. Mok, J. Ayesh, C. Clark, C. Fang, M. Leung, H. Arami, J. O. Park, and M. Zhang “Cell transcytosing poly-arginine coated magnetic nanovector for safe and effective siRNA delivery", Biomaterials, 32 (24), 5717-5725 (2011).
A. Cooper, N. Bhattarai, F. M. Kievit, M. Rossol, and M. Zhang “Electrospinning of chitosan derivative nanofibers with structural stability in an aqueous environment", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (21), 9969-9972 (2011).
F. M. Kievit, F. Y. Wang, C. Fang, H. Mok, K. Wang, J. R. Silber, R. G. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang “Doxorubicin loaded iron oxide nanoparticles overcome multidrug resistance in cancer in vitro", Journal of Controlled Release, 152 (1), 76-83 (2011).
F. Asphahani, X. Zheng, O. Veiseh, M. Thein, J. Xu, F. Ohuchi, and M. Zhang “Effects of electrode surface modification with chlorotoxin on patterning single glioma cells", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (19), 8953-8960 (2011).
A. Cooper, N. Bhattarai, and M. Zhang “Fabrication and cellular compatibility of aligned chitosan-PCL fibers for nerve tissue regeneration", Carbohydrate Polymers, 85 (1), 149-156 (2011).
J. Gunn, S. I. Park, O. Veiseh, O. W. Press, and M. Zhang “A pretargeted nanoparticle system for tumor cell labeling", Molecular Biosystems, 7 (3), 743-748 (2011).
F. Asphahani, K. Wang, M. Thein, O. Veiseh, S. Yung, J. Xu, and M. Zhang “Single-cell bioelectrical impedance platform for monitoring cellular response to drug treatment", Physical Biology, 8 (1), 015006 (2011).
J. Park, Z. Stephen, C. Sun, O. Veiseh, F. Kievit, C. Fang, M. Leung, H. Mok, and M. Zhang “Glypican-3 Targeting of Liver Cancer Cells Using Multifunctional Nanoparticles", Molecular Imaging, 10 (1), 69-77 (2011).
A. Rojas, G. Liu, I. Coleman, P.S. Nelson, M. Zhang, R. Dash, P.B. Fisher, S. R. Plymate, J. Wu “IL-6 promotes prostate tumorigenesis and progression through autocrine cross-activation of IGF-IR", Oncogene, 30 (20), 2345-2355 (2011).
V. Phan, D. Cecil, G. Holt, D. Herendeen, F. Kievit, M. Zhang, and M. L. Disis, Chapter 10, "Epitope-based vaccines for cancer", in Cancer vaccines: From Research to Clinical Practice, CRC Press, (2011).
Khanna, C. Zhang, E. Park, D. Ahmed, C. J. Goodrich, N. B. Smith , C. Dong, F. Asphahani, X. Jiang, M. Zhang, and J. Xu “Site–specific sonoporation of human melanoma cells at the cellular level using high lateral–resolution ultrasonic micro–transducer arrays", Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 27 (1), 25-33 (2011).
H. Mok, O. Veiseh, C. Fang, F. M. Kievit, F. Y. Wang, J. O. Park, and M. Zhang “pH-sensitive siRNA Nanovector for Targeted Gene Silencing and Cytotoxic Effect in Cancer Cells", Molecular Pharmaceutics, 7 (6), 1930-1939 (2010).
C. Fang, O. Veiseh, F. Kievit, N. Bhattarai, F. Wang, Z. Stephen, C. Li, D. Lee, R. G. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang “Functionalization of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles with targeting ligands: their physicochemical properties and in vivo behavior", Nanomedicine, 5 (9), 1357-1369 (2010).
O. Veiseh, F. M. Kievit, C. Fang, N. Mu, S. Jana, M. Leung, H. Mok, R. G. Ellenbogen, J. O. Park, and M. Zhang “Chlorotoxin bound magnetic nanovector tailored for cancer cell targeting, imaging, and siRNA delivery", Biomaterials, 31 (31), 8032-8042 (2010).
A. Cooper, S. Jana, N. Bhattarai, and M. Zhang “Aligned chitosan-based nanofibers for enhanced myogenesis", Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20 (40), 8904-8911 (2010).
F. M. Kievit, O. Veiseh, C. Fang, N. Bhattarai, D. Lee, R. G. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang “Chlorotoxin labeled magnetic nanovectors for targeted gene delivery to glioma", ACS Nano, 4 (8), 4587-4594 (2010).
M. Leung, F. M. Kievit, S. J. Florczyk, O. Veiseh, J. Wu, J. O. Park, and M. Zhang “Chitosan-alginate scaffold culture system for hepatocellular carcinoma increases malignancy and drug resistance", Pharmaceutical Research, 27 (9), 1939-1948 (2010).
C. Fang, and M. Zhang “Nanoparticle-based theragnostics: integrating diagnostic and therapeutic potentials in nanomedicine", Journal of Controlled Release, 146 (1), 2-5 (2010).
F. M. Kievit, S. J. Florczyk, M. Leung, O. Veiseh, J. O. Park, M. L. Disis, and M. Zhang “Chitosan-alginate 3D scaffolds as a mimic of the glioma tumor microenvironment", Biomaterials, 31 (22), 5903-5910 (2010).
C. Sun, K. Du, C. Fang, N. Bhattarai, O. Veiseh, F. Kievit, Z. Stephen, D. Lee, R. G. Ellenbogen, B. Ratner, and M. Zhang “PEG-mediated synthesis of highly dispersive multifunctional superparamagnetic nanoparticles: their physicochemical properties and function in vivo", ACS Nano, 4 (4), 2402-2410 (2010).
J. Gunn, and M. Zhang “Poly-blend nanofibers for biomedical applications: perspectives and challenges", Trends in Biotechnology, 28 (4), 189-197 (2010).
M. Thein, F. Asphahani, A. Cheng, R. Buckmaster, M. Zhang, and J. Xu “Response characteristics of single-cell impedance sensors employed with surface-modified microelectrodes", Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 25 (8), 1963-1969 (2010).
N. Bhattarai, J. Gunn, and M. Zhang “Chitosan-based hydrogels for controlled, localized drug delivery", Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 62 (1), 83-99 (2010).
O. Veiseh, J. Gunn, and M. Zhang “Design and fabrication of magnetic nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery and imaging", Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 62 (3), 284-304 (2010).
Z. Li, M. Leung, R. Hopper, R. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang “Feeder-free self-renewal of human embryonic stem cells in 3D porous natural polymer scaffolds", Biomaterials 31 (3), 404-412 (2010).
M. Lee, O. Veiseh, N. Bhattarai, C. Sun, S. Hansen, S. Ditzler, S. Knoblaugh, D. Lee, R. Ellenbogen, M. Zhang, and M. Olson “Rapid pharmacokinetic and biodistribution studies using cholorotoxin-conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles: a novel non-radioactive method", PLOS One 5 (3), e9538 (2010).
C. Zhong, A. Cooper, A. Kapetanovic, Z. Fang, M. Zhang, and M. Rolandi “A facile bottom-up route to self-assembled biogenic chitin nanofibers", Soft Matter 6 (21), 5298-5301 (2010).
J. Gunn, R. K. Paranji, and M. Zhang “A simple and highly sensitive method for magnetic nanoparticle quantitation using 1H-NMR spectroscopy", Biophysical Journal 97 (9), 2640-2647 (2009).
C. Fang, and M. Zhang “Multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles for medical imaging applications", Journal of Materials Chemistry 19 (35), 6258-6266 (2009).
O. Veiseh, C. Sun, C. Fang, N. Bhattarai, J. Gunn, F. Kievit, K. Du, B. Pullar, D. Lee, R. Ellenbogen, J. Olson, and M. Zhang “Specific targeting of brain tumors with an optical/magnetic resonance imaging nanoprobe across the blood-brain barrier", Cancer Research 69 (15), 6200-6207 (2009).
F. Kievit, O. Veiseh, N. Bhattarai, C. Fang, J. W. Gunn, D. Lee, R. G. Ellenbogen, J. Olson, and M. Zhang “PEI-PEG-chitosan copolymer coated iron oxide nanoparticles for safe gene delivery: synthesis, complexation, and transfection", Advanced Functional Materials 19 (14), 2244-2251 (2009).
C. Fang, N. Bhattarai, C. Sun, and M. Zhang “Functionalized nanoparticles with long-term stability in biological media", Small 5 (14), 1637-1641 (2009).
N. Bhattarai, Z. Li, J. Gunn, M. Leung, A. Cooper, D. Edmondson, O. Veiseh, M. Chen, Y. Zhang, R. Ellenbogen, and M. Zhang “Natural-synthetic polyblend nanofibers for biomedical applications", Advanced Materials 21 (27), 2792-2797 (2009).
W. Lin, T. Hyeon, G. M. Lanza, M. Zhang, and T. J. Meade “Magnetic nanoparticles for early detection of cancer by magnetic resonance imaging", MRS Bulletin 34 (6), 441-448 (2009).
R. Buckmaster, F. Asphahani, M. Thein, J. Xu, and M. Zhang “Detection of drug-induced cellular changes using confocal raman spectroscopy on patterned single-cell biosensors", The Analyst 134 (7), 1440-1446 (2009).
D. Edmondson, N. Bhattarai, S. Jana, A. Kim, and M. Zhang “Design and evaluation of a nano-scale differential tensile test device for nanofibers", Applied Physics Letters 94 (10), 103101 (2009).
O. Veiseh, J. W. Gunn, F. Kievit, C. Sun, C. Fang, J. S. H. Lee, and M. Zhang “Inhibition of tumor cell invasion with chlorotoxin-bound superparamagnetic nanoparticles", Small 5 (2), 256-264 (2009).
O. Veiseh, F. Kievit, J. Gunn, B. Ratner, and M. Zhang “A ligand-mediated nanovector for targeted gene delivery and transfection in cancer cells", Biomaterials 30 (4), 649-657 (2009).
C. Sun, J. S. H. Lee, and M. Zhang "Magnetic nanoparticles in MR imaging and drug delivery", Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 60 (11), 1252-65 (2008).
J. Gunn, H. Wallen, O. Veiseh, C. Sun, C. Fang, J. Cao, C, Yee, and M. Zhang “A multimodal targeting nanoparticle for selectively labeling T cells”, Small 4 (6), 712-15 (2008).
Z. Li, J. Gunn, M. H. Chen, A. Cooper and M. Zhang “On-site alginate gelation for enhanced cell proliferation and uniform distribution in porous scaffolds”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 86A (2), 552-59 (2008).
F. Asphahani, M. Thein, O. Veiseh, D. Edmondson, R. Kosai, M. Veiseh, J. Xu, and M. Zhang “Influence of cell patterning and spreading on impedance characteristics in cell-based sensors”, Biosensors & Bioelectronics 23 (8), 1307-13 (2008).
J. Yang, J. Gunn, S. Dave, M. Zhang, A. Wang and X. Gao “Ultrasensitive Detection and Molecular Imaging with magnetic nanoparticles”, The Analyst 133 (2), 154-60 (2008).
C. Sun, O. Veiseh, D. Lee, N. Bhattarai, J. Gunn, C. Fang, R. Ellenbogen, J. Olson and M. Zhang “In vivo MRI detection of gliomas by chlorotoxin-conjugated superparamagnetic nanoprobes”, Small 4 (3), 372-79 (2008).
C. Sun, C. Fang, Z. Stephen, O. Veiseh, S. Hansen, D. Lee, R. Ellenbogen, J. Olson, and M. Zhang “Tumor-targeted drug delivery and MRI contrast enhancement by chlorotoxin-conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles”, Nanomedicine 3 (4), 495-505 (2008).
J. Gunn and M. Zhang “Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Next generation MR contrast agents and intracranial imaging enhancers”, in Nanotechnology in Cancer, Chapter 4, American Scientific Publishers, 2007.
N. Bhattarai and M Zhang “Controlled synthesis and structural stability of alginate based nanofibers”, Nanotechnology 18 (45) 455601 (2007).
F. Asphahani and M. Zhang “Cellular impedance biosensors for drug screening and toxin detection”, The Analyst 132 (10), 835-41 (2007).
M. Veiseh, P. Gabikian, B. Bahrami, O. Veiseh, M. Zhang, R. C. Hackman, W. J. Levin, S. J. Hansen, D. Kwok, N. M. Munoz, R. W. Sze, P. S. Nelson, W. M. Grady, N. M. Greenberg, R. G. Ellenbogen, J. M. Olson “Tumor Paint: a chlorotoxin: Cy5.5 bioconjugate for intra-operative visualization of cancer foci”, Cancer research 67 (14), 6882-88 (2007).
M. Veiseh, O Veiseh, M. C. Martin, C. Bertozzi and M. Zhang “Single cell based sensors and synchrotron FTIR spectroscopy: a hybrid system towards bacterial detection”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2 (6), 785-792 (2007).
M. Veiseh, O. Veiseh, M. Martin, F. Asphahani and M. Zhang “Short peptides enhance single cell adhesion and viability on microarrays”, Langmuir 23 (8), 4472-79 (2007).
L. L. Muldoon, P. Tratnyek, P. M. Jacobs, N. D. Doolittle, G. A. Christoforidis, J. Frank, M. Lindau, P. R. Lockman, S. Manninger, Y. Qiang, A. M. Spence, S. I. Stupp, M. Zhang, E. A. Neuwelt “Imaging and nanomedicine for diagnosis and therapy in the central nervous system”, American Journal of Neuroradiology 27 (3), 715-21 (2006).
C. Allan, J. M. Clark, R. J. Fernandes, P. Fleckman, B. Hager, J. James, A. Norman, A. Pirrone, H. R. Ramay, B. P. Rubin, F. K. Satterstrom, Z. Wisecarver and M. Zhang “Human fetal digit tip regeneration in vitro”, Wound Repair and Regeneration 14, 398-404 (2006).
Y. Nie, Y. Zhang, J. Zhang and M. Zhang ""Immobilization of polydiacetylene onto silica microbeads for colorimetric detection", Journal of Materials Chemistry 16 (6), 546-549 (2006).
N. Kohler, C. Sun, A. Fichtenholtz, J. Gunn, C. Fang, and M. Zhang "Methotrexate Immobilized Poly(ethylene glycol) Magnetic Nanoparticles for MR Imaging and Drug Delivery", Small 2 (6), 785-792 (2006).
C. Sun, R. Sze, and M. Zhang "Folate acid-PEG conjugated superparamagnetic nanoparticles for targeted cellular uptake and detection by MRI", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 78A (3), 550-7 (2006).
N. Bhattarai, Z. Li, D. Edmondson, and M. Zhang "Alginate-Based Nanofibrous Scaffolds: Structural, Mechanical and Biological Properties", Advanced Materials 18 (11), 1463-1467 (2006).
M. Veiseh, and M. Zhang "Effect of silicon oxidation on long-term cell selectivity of cell-patterned Au/SiO2 platforms", Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (4), 1197-1203 (2006).
N. Bhattara, H. R. Ramay, S. H. Chou, and M. Zhang "Chitosan and lactic acid grafted chitosan nanoparticles as carriers for prolonged drug delivery", International Journal of Nanomedicine 1 (2), 181-187 (2006).
N. Kohler, C. Sun, J. Wang, and M. Zhang "Methotrexate-modified superparamagnetic nanoparticles and their intracellular uptake into human cancer cells”, Langmuir 21 (19), 8858-8864 (2005).
N. Bhattarai, D. Edmondson, O. Veiseh, F. A. Matsen, and M. Zhang "Electrospun chitosan-based nanofibers and their cellular compatibility”, Biomaterials 26 (31), 6176-6184 (2005).
Z. Li, and M. Zhang “Chitosan-alginate as scaffolding material for cartilage tissue engineering”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 75A (2), 485-493 (2005).
O. Veiseh, C. Sun, J. Gunn, N. Kohler, P. Gabikian, D.Lee, N. Bhattarai, R.Ellenbogen, R. Sze, A. Hallahan, J. Olson, and M. Zhang "An optical and MRI multifunctional nanoprobe for targeting gliomas”, Nano Letters 5 (6), 1003-1008 (2005).
H. R. Ramay, Z. Li, E. Shum, and M. Zhang “Chitosan-alginate porous scaffolds reinforced by hydroxyapatite nano- and micro-particles—structural, mechanical, and biological properties”, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 1 (2), 151-160 (2005).
N. Bhattarai, H. R. Ramay, J. Gunn, F. A. Matsen, and M. Zhang “PEG-grafted chitosan as an injectable thermosensitive hydrogel for sustained protein release”, Journal of Controlled Release 103, 609-624 (2005).
N. Bhattarai, F. A. Matsen, and M. Zhang “PEG-grafted chitosan as an injectable thermoreversible hydrogel”, Macromolecular Bioscience 5, 107-111 (2005).
Z. Li, H. Ramay, K. Hauch, D. Xiao, and M. Zhang “Chitosan-alginate hybrid scaffolds for bone tissue engineering”, Biomaterials 26 (18), 3919-3928 (2005).
S. Lan, M. Veiseh, and M. Zhang "Surface modification of silicon and gold-patterned silicon surfaces for improved biocompatibility and cell patterning selectivity", Biosensors & Bioelectronics 20 (9), 1697-1708 (2005).
N. Kohler, G. E. Fryxell, and M. Zhang "A bifunctional poly(ethylene glycol) silane immobilized on metallic oxide based nanoparticles for conjugating with cell targeting agents", Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (23), 7206-7211 (2004).
M. Veiseh, B. T. Wickes, D. G. Castner, and M. Zhang "Guided cell patterning on gold-silicon dioxide substrates by surface molecular engineering", Biomaterials 25 (16), 3315-3324 (2004).
H. Ramay and M. Zhang "Biphasic calcium phosphate nanocomposite porous scaffolds for load-bearing bone tissue engineering", Biomaterials 25 (21), 5171-5180 (2004).
M. Zhang, Chapter 2, "Biocompatibility of Materials", in Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, D. Shi(ed), pp 83-143, Springer-Verlag, New York, (2004).
Y. Zhang and M. Zhang "Cell growth and function on calcium phosphate reinforced chitosan scaffolds", Journal of Materials Science, Materials in Medicine 15 (3), 255-260 (2004).
Y. Zhang, C. Sun, N. Kohler, and M. Zhang "Self-assembled coatings on individual monodisperse magnetite nanoparticles for efficient intracellular uptake", Biomedical Microdevices 6 (1), 33-40 (2004).
H. Ramay and M. Zhang "Preparation of Porous Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds by Combination of the Gel-casting and Polymer Sponge Methods", Biomaterials 24 (19), 3293-3302 (2003).
Y. Zhang, M. Ni, M. Zhang and B. Ratner, "Calcium Phosphate/Chitosan Composite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering", Tissue Engineering 9 (2), 337-345 (2003).
M. Veiseh, M. Zareie and M. Zhang, "Highly Selective Protein Patterning on Gold-Silicon Substrates for Biosensor Applications", Langmuir 18 (17), 6671-6678 (2002).
Y. Zhang and M. Zhang, "Three-Dimentional Macroporous Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics with Nested Chitosan Sponges for Load-Bearing Bone Implants", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 61 (1), 1-8 (2002).
Y. Zhang, N. Kohler and M. Zhang, "Surface modification of superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles and their intracellular uptake", Biomaterials 23 (7), 1553-1561 (2002).
Y. Zhang and M. Zhang, "Calcium phosphate/chitosan composite scaffolds for controlled in vitro antibiotic drug release", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 62 (3), 378-386 (2002).
Y. Zhang and M. Zhang, "Synthesis and characterization of Macroporous Chitosan/Calcium Phosphate Composite Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 55, 304-312 (2001).
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Y. Zhang and M. Zhang, "Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Chitosan Scaffolds Reinforced by Calcium Phosphates", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 282 (2), 159-64 (2001).
S. Lee, J. Baker, and M. Zhang, "Interfaces", Biomedical Microdevices 3 (1), 5-6 (2001).
T. Desai, D. Hansford, L. Kulinsky, A. H. Nashat, G. Rasi, J. Tu, Y. Wang, M. Zhang and M. Ferrari, "Nanopore Technology for Biomedical Applications", Biomedical Microdevices 2 (1), 11-40 (1999).
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