Open WorldCat Lookup
Use this form to seach for titles in OCLC's OpenWorldCat using either Google or Yahoo.
This search runs through a Perl script that does a simple URL rewrite and sends you on your way.
The script is available here.
Mozilla Searchbar Open WorldCat script
Save the two files below in your:
C:\Program Files\\Mozilla\searchplugins\
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\
folders and restart your browser.
After restarting the browser, 'Worldcat ' should appear in the drop down menu in either the
Firefox search bar or the search bar in the Mozilla sidebar.
The first time you do a search, you may get a server error message. I haven't figured out why this is,
but if you re-do the search, it'll work fine after that.
Open WorldCat search using the Google Deskbar
- Select 'Options' from the pop-up menu on the Google Deskbar
- From the Options dialog box, click on the 'Customized Searches' tab
- In the Customized Searches screen, click on 'Add' to add a new search
- In the 'Customized Search Description' screen, enter the following:
- In "Name for deskbar menu", enter something meaningful. This is what will appear
on the deskbar popup menu
- The "Optional shortcut" is optional (duh!), but if you want to be able to run the
search without using the mouse, enter some key that you will remember. Some keys are already taken,
like 'D' for definition and 'N' for news.
- In the URL box, enter the following:{1}
That's it! Click OK to save your settings.
Now you can enter the title of a book into the Google Deskbar and either use your Shortcut key or click
on the WorldCat search from the popup menu and it will do a Google search for Open WorldCat records.
If you have any questions or comments about the stuff above, email me at:
If you care, I am:
Corey Murata
Business Computer-based Services Librarian
Foster Business Library
University of Washington