Zoology 484---------------------------- November 19, 1997--------------------------M.P.Wenderoth

Osmoregulation and Excretion


Understand the different compartments of the body (intracellular and extracellular)- and how these compartments interact with the environment

What are the 4 different environments animals are found in and what are their salinity's, their osmolarities?

What is osmolarity and what is the approximate range of osmolarities for animals.

What are the different types of osmoregulatory organs found in the animal kingdom.

Understand the concept of osmoconformers versus osmoregulators and what animals fall into each category.

Give approximate values of Na, Chloride and organic (Org) solutes in each of the following

How are the terms Euryhaline and stenohaline used and what do they imply?

What mechanism do osmoconformers use to regulate cell volume? Why do they need to regulate cell volume?

List the six factors that determine the salt and water balance of an animal and its environment. (keep these in mind as you answer next question)

For each of the following categories of animals understand the osmotic stress it encounters with its environment and how the animal deals with that stress, i.e. the problems it encounters (the physiological/anatomical basis of those problems) and the s olutions (which can be unique to the animal) the animal has to these problems.

-Indicate if each category is an osmoconformer or osmoregulator

-also keep in mind the diet of the animal

What is the role of TMAO in a shark?

Define the terms anadromous and catadromous, give examples of each. What role do hormones play in helping these animals meet their environment stresses?

Understand the basic physiology of the various extra-renal organs found in animals. How it works, what special physiological conditions it may have to deal with in the animal, and what is its significance to the animal.

Chloride cells of gills, s alt glands, rectal gland, skin

What role does the kidney play in osmoregulation for each of the above animals. What type of urine (hyper, hypo, isosmotic) each animal can produce and why that would be appropriate for the environment it is found in.

Why is the kidney a "cheap" source of salt for a trout in the Duwamish river?

Understand and appreciate the many ways the kangaroo rat deals with the environmental stresses it encounters.

Malpighian Tubules-where would I find one--what does it do?

List 2 different classes of animals that can produce a hypertonic urine.

How is life in the Pacific Ocean for a salmon like life for a coyote in Yakima?

Nitrogen Excretion:

Appreciate the different end products of amino acid metabolism and how they are eliminated from the body

Which animals produce which type of nitrogenous waste product and what factors contribute to the "matching" of animal and waste product.

Life on Land

What is metabolic water?

List major sources of water loss for land animals.

list major sources of water gain for land animals

What is the relation between rate of evaporation and body weight (surface /volume)

When answering questions on an exam think of yourself as a lawyer--present the facts that support your answer (NOT any facts that you happen to recall on this topic) and give the physiological reasons that support these being the pertinent facts. Thin k of the whole animal, the environment it lives in and the activities it must perform to live.

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