Spring 2004
- INSTRUCTOR: Mary Pat Wenderoth, Ph.D.
- ROOM: MGH 241
- TIME: T- Th 11:30-12:50
- BOOK: Human Physiology by D. Silverthorne
- by appointment--via e-mail
Course Materials and Information
Senior page-- all the info you need for
- Senior Survey page
- submit to Wall of Fame
- times and dates for Biology Graduation
- times for UW Commencement ceremony
Board for Undergrad Bio majors--
Opportunity to "talk" with other Bio majors about
classes to take, opportunities in research, internship and community
service and fun things to do. Take this opportunity to "meet" your
colleagues--you are a great group of people.
Three exams worth a total of 450 points
- exam 1 = 100
- exam 2 = 150 (cumulative exam)
- exam 3 = 200 (cumulative exam)
- total = 450 points
Makeup- exams: NO makeup exams will be given except
in cases of extreme family emergencies.
Rebuttals: Typewritten rebuttals for exam questions will be
due one week after exam is returned.
- Indicate exam version
- exam question
- cite references to support your answer
Study Guides:
- Review sheets will be handed out for each section of material
- Old exams will be available on the WEB
- Review Session (2 hrs) will be held before each exam (you
bring questions and we will answer them)
- Study groups-- take the initiative and form a small group (2-4
people) --meet weekly to review weekÕs lecture and answer
review sheet questions
- CD ROM--Interactive Physiology. Dave Hurley in the biology
Study Area (HCK 220) has these at the desk and will loan for use
in the room.
- approximately the top 5% of class = 4.0
- passing--
- 50% of class high point==
Exam Results
- Exam 1 (100 pts. possible)-- 52 questions
- answer
- range
- High (4.0)=98
- low =50
- passing (0.7) =50
- average= 77
- Exam 2 (150 pts possible)- 75 questions
- answer key for exam 2-
- range (reflects correction)
- High (4.0)=140
- low (0.0)=70
- passing (0.7) = 50% of high =70
- subtotal after 2 exams
(not counting homework)-- 234/250 is high, 125 is passing = 0.7
- homework will be added to your total but course total is
still 450.
- only hemostasis and acid-base homework will count for
- Exam 3 (200 pts possible)
- Final Totals--450 possible (450 exams ) --
SCORES -- Exam
student number
exam 1
acid/base homework
exam 2
- exam 3
total points
Percent of 450
- click on the words "exam scores"
- you will be asked for a username == biol460
- password = nephron
- then a new screen appears and asks for your student
Web sites of interest to this class
- General Review of Biology Site supported by
Prentice Hall publishing company. They have "published" their
"Biology:Life on Earth" on this Web page. So if you are in
need of a quick review of topics and left your book at home try
this site. Also contains great Biology links.
- Renal System
- Cardiovascular system
- Respiratory System
Study Questions
- Renal study
- Respiratory System
- Intro and Cardiovascular
Old Exams