

    Respiratory System--Chapter 23

    What are the structures that make up the conduction zone? the respiratory zone? and what is the function of each zone?

    What are the parts of the nasal cavity and the function of each.

    What bones contribute to the nasal cavity?

    What is respiratory mucosa? what is its function?

    What is olfactory epithelium and where is it located?

    What are the conchae? the choana, their function? their location

    What are the three division of the pharynx and what unique structure is found in each area?

    Where is the larynx located?(relation to cervical vertebrae)

    What are the functions of the larynx?

    What is the trachea? what are the three layers of the trachea? tissues found in each

    What are the Bronchi--how does the composition of the three layers of this tube change as the bronchi become smaller?

    In which bronchus does inhaled food most often get lodged? why?

    What types of cells make up the alveoli? what is the function of each.

    what is the respiratory membrane? what is its function, of what cell types is it composed?

    Know the gross anatomy of the lung: the apex, hilus, base, costal surface, root.

    How many lobes are in each lung?

    What is the blood supply to the lung?

    Of what is the pleural cavity composed and what is its function? what is pleurisy?

    Understand the mechanism of ventilation (breathing)--Inspiration and Expiration


    The Heart---- Chapter 19

    Where is the mediastinum and what is found there?

    What is the pericardial sac, what are the layers of the sac and what is its function?

    What are the four chambers of the heart? the function of each?

    Where are the pectinate, trabecula carne, papillary muscles found?

    What is the fossa ovale and where is it found

  • Where are the AV valves located? what are the specific names of the AV valves? Where are the semilunar valves found? Main function of valves?
  • Follow a RBC as it travels from the superior vena cava to the aorta.

  • Which chamber generates the stronger contraction?

    Which side of the heart pumps more blood?

    Which vessels compose the coronary arterial system? From where do they arise?

    Which vessels compose the coronary venous system? Where do they drain?

    Which vessels are found in the anterior interventricular sulcus?

    the posterior interventricular sulcus?

    Know the conduction system of the heart. Where each part is found.

    Why can we call the heart a functional syncytium?

    What is an intercalated disc and what is its function?

    How is cardiac muscle the same as skeletal? How is it different?

    What is diastole? systole?

    When during the cardiac cycle are the AV valves closed? opened? the semilunar valves?

    How are the heart sounds generated?

    What is an EKG? know what each wave represents--P,Q,R,S,T

    On an EKG trace when are the heart sounds heard? When does the SA node fire?


    ----Blood Vessels Chapter 20

    Define artery, vein, capillary. What is the main function of each?

    How does the size of the lumen change from an artery-capillary-vein?

    What are the three layers of the wall of a blood vessel and the function of each.

    Which anatomical structures have a poor capillary supply or lack capillaries ?

    What are varicose veins and what cause them?

    Know the arteries and veins on the handout

    Where they are found in the body

    What regions of the body they serve

    follow a blood clot that forms in the right femoral artery--femoral vein--left atrium--

    where would each lodge?


    ----Lymphatics Chapter 21

    What is the function of the lymphatic system of the body.

    Compare and contrast this system with the cardiovascular system.

    Follow a drop of lymph as it forms in your right toe until it is drained into the blood stream.

    Know the drainage fields for the bodies.

    How is lymph moved in this vascular system?

    Of what is lymph composed.

    List 4 types of lymphoid cells and where they are found.

    What is the internal architecture of a lymph node?

    List 4 types of lymph organs/tissue? and function of each.

    What is Red pulp? White Pulp?