

History, Theory, Methodology of Architectural History

Arch558/AH591: Seminar in 20th c. Architecture
Winter Quarter 2000
Wed. 9-11:50am
Rm 317, Gould Hall
Office hours: Wed. 1:30-3:30, rm 222, Art Bldg, or by appt.
tel: 543-0935
home page:
email: mlc@u.washington.edu


Aim of course: to familiarize advanced students in architecture and architectural history with the basic figures and texts in the history and historiography of modern architecture.

Approach: weekly meetings, with discussion based on student analyses of required readings.

Requirements: weekly 5-7 pg. critical summaries and analyses of the weekly reading; for graduate students and those taking the course for 5 rather than 3 credits, a final 10-15 pg research paper.


Tournikiotis, Panayotis. The Historiography of Modern Architecture, MIT Press, 1999.


Reserve book list:

Allsopp, Bruce. The Study of Architectural History, 1970.

Banham, Reyner. Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, 1960.

Benevolo, Leonardo. History of Modern Architecture, 1971 (orig. published in Italian, 1960)

Collins, Peter. Changing Ideals of Modern Architecture, 1750-1950, London, 1965.

Giedion, Sigfried. Space, Time and Architecture, 1941. 5th ed. rev & exp, 1967.

Hitchcock, Henry-Russell. Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, 1958, rev. 1977.

Hitchcock and Johnson, The International Style: Architecture Since 1922, 1932, reprinted 1966.

Kaufman, Emile. Architecture in the Age of Reason: Baroque and Post-Baroque…, 1955.

Kostof, Spiro. A History of Architecture, 2nd ed., 1995

Pevsner, Nikolas. Pioneers of the Modern Movement, 1936, 3rd ed rev & exp, 1960.

Tafuri, Manfredo. Theories and History of Architecture, 1979 (orig. published in Italian, 1968).

Tournikiotis, Panayotis. The Historiography of Modern Architecture, MIT Press, 1999

Trachenberg and Hyman. History of Architecture

Upton, Dell. Architecture in the United States, 1998

Watkins, David. The Rise of Architectural History, 1980

Whiffen, Marcus. The History Theory and Criticism of Architecture, MIT Press, 1965.

Zevi, Bruno. The Modern Language of Architecture, 1978.


Articles (to be selected)

Frampton, Kenneth. "Towards a Critical Regionalism," in Foster, Hal (ed), The Anti-Aesthetic. Essays on

PostModern Culture, 1983

Giedion, "History and the Architect," in Architecture. You and Me.

Huxtable, Ada Louise. "The Gospel According to Giedion and Gropius is Under Attack," NYT, 27june76, II, p.1.

Jacobus, John. [on Peter Collins as an architectural historian], Architectural Record, March 1967.

Kostof, Spiro. "Architecture, You and Him: The Mark of Sigfried Giedion," Daedalus, v. 105, #1, 1976, 189-204.

Kostof, Spiro. "Macmillan Encyclopedia of Architects" [bk review], Design Book Review, summer 1983.

Kostof, Spiro. [on arch.history methodology], JSAH, 1967

Kostof, "Introduction," A History of Architecture [his methodological approach]

Ksiazek, Sarah Williams. "Mark Wigley, White Walls, Designer Dresses: The Fashioning of Modern Architeture,"

[book review], Design Book Review, Summer 1983 [on theory & its problems. EXCELLENT]

Scott Brown, Denise. "The Teaching of Architectural History," Arts + Architecture, 1967, p. 30.

Trachenberg, M.. "On Recent Architectural History," Art Bulletin, December 1988, 208-241.

Upton, Dell. "Architectural History or Landscape History, JAE, Aug. 1991.

Zevi, Bruno. "History as a Method of Teaching Architecture," in The History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture,

Papers frm the 1964 AIA-ACSA Teaching Seminar, Cranbrook, Marcus Whiffen (ed), 1965.



General Bibliography (open to supplementation):

Arato, Andrew and Gebhardt, Eike. The Essential Frankfurt School,1998 (collected essays by Adorno, Walter

Benjamin, Herbert Marcuse, etc.; basically, literary theory)

Attoe, Wayne and Moore, Charles W. (guest editors), "How Not to Teach Architectural History," JAE (Journal of Architectural Education), v. XXXIV, #1, fall 1980 (includes essays by Claus Seligmann, Walter Creese, Tzonis & Lefaivre, etc.)

Burke, Peter (ed). New Perspectives on Historical Writing, 1991 (revisionist hstory)

Colquhoun, Alan. Essays in Architectural Criticism. Modern Architecture & Historical Change, 1981

Colquhoun, Alan. Modernity and the Classical Tradition, 1989 (essays on classicism)

Davies, Norman. Europe. A History, Introduction, pp. 1-46, 1996 (methodology)

Hall, Edward T. The Hidden Dimension, 1966

Hall, Edward T. The Silent Language, 1959

Jenkins, Keith. Rethinking History, 1991 (revisionist history)

Leach, Neil. Rethinking Architecture, 1997 (theory)

LeCorbusier, Towards a New Architecture, 1927 (reprinted 1960)

Norberg-Schultz, Christian. Genius Loci. Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture, 1979

Oppositions, Winter 1976:7 (on typology, and other theoretical issues)

Pommer, Richard (ed). "Revising Modernist History," Art Journal, Summer 1983 (on the architecture of the '20s)

Porphyrios, Demetri (ed), On the Methodology of Architectural History, Architectural Design Profile, London, 1981

(includes essays by Gombrich, Rykwert, Kostof, Colquhoun, Frampton, Forster, Tafuri and others. Meaty).

Rowe, Colin. The Mathematics of the Ideal Villa and Other Essays, 1976.

Rowe, The Architecture of Good Intentions, 1994

Rowe, As I Was Saying, 1996

Rykwert, Joseph. The Dancing Column. On Order in Architecture, 1996 (legacy of classicism)

Said, Edward. Orientalism, 1978

Scott, Geoffrey. The Architecture of Humanism. A Study in the History of Taste, 1914 (reprinted 1969)

Summerson, John. The Classical Language of Architecture, 1963 (later reprinted)

Tafuri, M. Theories and History of Architecture, 1976

Tafuri, M. Architecture and Utopia. Design and Capitalist Development, 1976

Venturi, Robert. Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, MoMA, NY, 1966

Venturi, Scott Brown, Izenour, Learning from Las Vegas, 1977

Watkin, David. Morality & Architecture. The Development of a Theme in Architectural History and Theory from

the Gothic Revival to the Modern Movement, 1977.

Watkin, David. The Rise of Architectural History, 1980.

Williams, Patrick & Chrisman, Laura. Colonial Discourse & Post-Colonial Theory,1994 (collected essays in post-colonial theory)

Zevi, Bruno. Architecture as Space, 1957


Guest discussants:

Alex Anderson (classicism and its legacy)

Vikram Prakash (colonial discourse, and post-colonial theory)

Claus Seligman (Giedion, Upton, and arch.history methodology)


Participants (tentative)

Marvin Anderson (arch.hist)

Douglas Paul Coover (arch.)

Paul Davis (arch., audit)

Jennifer Dee ( arch/arch.hist)

Christa Lynn Fairbrother (arch.)

Victoria Halligan (arch.)

Eun-Boo Kim (arch.hist)

Patrick Nopp (arch/landscape arch., audit)

Shuishan Yu (arch.hist.)





Syllabus (rough outline, with subjects subject to change)


Jan. 5 - Introduction: aims of course, syllabus, readings; papers; guest lecturers.

12 - The Pioneers: Pevsner, Kaufmann, Giedion; Zevi

Required reading: Tournikiotis, Preface, chapts 1 & 2


Suggested background:

Pevsner, Pioneers of Modern Architecture

Kaufmann, Architecture in the Age of Reason

Giedion, Space Time and Architecture

Zevi, History of Modern Architecture,

Architecture as Space

The Modern Language of Architecture

Towards an Organic Architecture

19 - Benevolo; Hitchcock

Required: Tournikiotis, chapts 3 & 4

Suggested background:

Hitchcock, Modern Architecture. Romanticism & Reintegration, 1929

Hitchcock and Johnson (Philip), The International Style: Architecture Since 1922, MoMA, NY, 1932

Hitchcock, Architecture: Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuriess, 1958

Geoffrey Scott, The Architecture of Humanism, 1914; revised ed. 1924


26 - Historiography in the '60s: Reyner Banham; Peter Collins

Required: Tournikiotis, chapts 5 & 6

Suggested background:

Banham, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, 1960

Peter Collins, Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture, 1750-1950, 1965



Feb. 2 - Manfredo Tafuri; Wittkower, Colin Rowe and others

Required: Tournikiotis, chapts 7 & 8

Suggested background:

Tafuri, Manfri. Theories and History of Architecture, 1979

Wittkower, Rudolf. Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism, 1948



9 - Revisionist views, and What's Wrong With Architectural History: Claus Seligmann


Upton, Dell. "Architectural History or Landscape History," JAE, August 1991

Kostof, Spiro. A History of Architecture, 2nd ed., 1995 (intro)

Trachenberg & Hyman, Architecture from Prehistory to Post-Modernism (intro)


Zevi, Bruno. "History as a Method of Teaching Architecture," in The History, Theory & Criticism of Architecture, Papers from the 1964 AIA-ACSA Teaching Seminar, Cranbrook, Marcus Whiffen (ed), 1965.

Giedion, "History and the Architect," in Giedion, Architecture You and Me, 1958.

Kostof, "Architecture You and Him: The Mark of Sigfried Giedion," Daedalus, v. 105, #1, 1976, 189-204.


16 - The Legacy of Classicism: Alex Anderson


Summerson, John. The Classical Language of Architecture, 1963 (reprinted for 17th time in 1993)

Colquehoun, Alan. Modernity & The Classical Tradition, 1989, pp. vi- 31


Rykwert, The Dancing Column. On Order in Architecture, 1996


23 - The Impact of the Frankfurt School, Post-Colonial discourse: Vikram Prakash



Williams, Patrick & Chrisman, Laura. Colonial Discourse & Post-Colonial Theory, 1994 (collected essays in literary theory)

Arato, Andrew & Gebhardt, Eike. The Essential Frankfurt School, 1998 (collected essays)

 Mar. 1 - Student reports on individual research

 Mar. 8 - Student reports (con't)


Mar. 10 - Final reseach papers due for graduates & others taking the course for 5 credits