A Thousent sythis haue I herd men telle | 4-line 'drop' capital |
That there is Ioye in heuene & peyne in helle | |
And I a corde wel that it beso | |
But natheles this wit I wel also | |
That there ne is non that dwellyth In this cuntce | second 'c' in 'cuntce' seems quite clear; NOT an 'r' |
That eythir hath in helle or heuene I be | |
Ne may of it non othere weyis wytyn | |
But as he hat herd seyd or founde it wrytyn | |
ffor by asay there may no man it preue | |
But goddis forbode / but men schulde leue | |
Wel more thyng / than men han seyn with eye | |
Men schal nat wenyn / euery thyng alye | |
ffor that he say. it nat of 3ore a go | |
God wot a thyng is neuere the lesse so | |
Thow euery wyght ne may it nat I se | |
Bernard the monk ne say nat al parde [Bernardus non vidit omnia] | |
Thanne motyn we to bokys that we fynde | |
Thorow whiche that olde thyngis ben In mynde | |
And to the doctryne of these olde wyse | |
3euyn credence In euery skylful wyse | |
And trowyn on these olde aprouede storyis | |
Of holynesse /of regnys of victoryis | |
Of loue / of hate / of othere sundery thyngis | |
Of whiche I may natmake rehersyngys | |
And If that olde bokis weryn a weye | |
I loryn were of remembrance the keye | |
Wel ou3te vs thanne on olde bokys leue | |
There as there is non othyr a say be preue | |
And as for me thow that myn wit be lite | |
On bokys for to rede I me delyte | |
And in myn herte haue hem in reuerence | |
And to hem 3eue swich lust & swich credence | |
That there is wel onethe game non | |
That from myne bokys make me to gon | |
But it be oþer vp on the haly day | |
Or ellis in the Ioly tyme of may | |
Whan that I here the smale foulys synge | |
And that the flouris gynne for to sprynge | 'y' in 'sprynge' changed from 'r'? |
Dd iij
(413/ |
ffarwel myn stodye as lastynge þat sesoun | |
Now haue I therto this condycyoun | |
That of alle the flouris in the mede | |
Thanne loue I most these flourys white & rede | |
Swyche as men calle dayesyis in oure toun | |
To hem haue I so gret affeccioun | |
As I seyde erst whan comyn is the may | |
That in myn bed there dawith me no day | |
That I ne am vp&walkynge in the mede | '&'-- in its second form--later inserted in the space between 'vp' and 'walkynge' |
To sen these flouris a gen the sunne to sprede | |
Whan it vp ryseth be the morwe schene | |
The longe day thus walkynge in the grene | |
And whan the sunne be gynnys for to weste | |
Thanne closeth it & drawith it to reste | |
So sore it is a ferid of the ny3t | |
Til on the morwe that it is dayis ly3t | |
This dayeseye of alle flouris flour | |
ffulfyld of vertu & of alle honour | |
And euere I like fayr & frosch of hewe ----+ [as in somer n a] | Bracketed material erased |
ffayn wolde I preysyn If I coude a ryht | |
But wo is me it lyth nat in myn myght | |
ffor wel I wot that folk han here be forn | |
Of makynge ropyn & lad a wey the corn | |
I come aftyr glenynge here & ther | |
And am ful glad if I may fynde an er | |
Of ony goodly word that they han laft | |
And If it happe me reherse eft | |
That they han In here frosche songis said | |
I hope that they wele nat ben euele a payed | |
Sithe it is seyd in fortheryng & honour | |
Of hem that eythir seruyn lef or flour | |
ffor trustyth wel I ne haue nat vndyr take | |
As of the lef a gayn the flour to make | |
Ne of the flour to make a geyn the lef | |
No more than of the corn a gen the shef | |
ffor as to me is lefere non ne lothere | |
I am witholde 3it with neuer nothire | |
As wel In wyntyr as in somyr newe ----+ b | |
I not ho seruyth lef ne who the flour | |
That nys nothing the entent of myn labour | |
ffor this werk is al of a nothyr tunne | |
Of old story er swich strif was be gunne | |
But wherfore that I spak to 3eue credence | |
To bokys olde & don hem reuerence | |
Is for men schulde autoriteis be leue | |
There as there lyth non othyr a say by preue | |
ffor myn entent is or I fro 3ow fare | |
The nakede tixt in englis to declare | |
Of manye a story or ellis of manye a geste | |
As autourys seyn & leuyth hem If 3ow leste | |
Whan passed was almost the monyth of may | |
And I hadde romed al the somerys day | |
The grene medewe of which that I 3ow tolde | |
Vp on the frosche dayseie to be holde | |
And that the sonne out of the souht gan weste | |
And clothede was the flour & gon to reste | |
ffor derknese of the nyht of which sche dradde | |
Hom to myn hous ful swiftly I me spadde | |
And in a lytyl erber that I haue | |
I benchede newe with turwis frosche I grawe | second 'I' written over '&' |
I bad men schulde me myn couche make | |
ffor deynte of the newe somerys sake | |
I had hem strowe flouris on myn bed | |
Whan I was layd & hadde myn eyen hid | |
I fel a slepe with Inne an our or two | |
Me mette how I was in the medewe tho | |
And that I romede in that same gyse | |
To sen that flour / as 3e han herd deuyse ·i· daieseye | |
ffayr was this medewe as thou3te me oueral | |
With flourirs sote enbroudit was it al | |
As for to speke of gomme or erbe or tre | |
Comparisoun may non I makede be | |
ffor it surmountede pleynly alle odours | |
And of ryche beute alle flourys | |
fforgetyn hadde the erthe his pore estat | |
Of wyntyr that hym nakede made & mat | |
(4 |
And with his swerd of cold so sore hadde greuyd | |
Now hadde the tempre sonne al that releuyd | |
And clothede hym in grene al newe a geyn | |
The smale foulis of hte seson fayn | |
That from the panter & the net ben sk^a^pid | 'a' inserted above; caret below |
Vp on the fouler that hem made a wapid | |
In wyntyr & distroyed hadde hire brod | |
In his dispit hem thou3te it dede hem good | |
To synge of hym & in here song despise | |
The foule cherl that for his coueytyse | |
Hadde hem be trayed with his sophistrye | |
This was here song the foulere we defye | |
Some songyn on the braunchis clere | |
Of love & that Ioye It was to here | |
In worschepe & in preysyng of hire make | |
And of the newe blysfful somerys sake | |
That sungyn blyssede be seynt volentyn | |
At his day I ches 3ow to be myn | |
With oute repentynge myn herte swete | |
And therwithal here bekys gunne mete | |
The honour & the humble obeysaunce | |
And aftyr dedyn othere obseruauncys | |
Ryht on to loue & to natures | |
So eche of hem to cryaturys | |
This song to herkenyn I dede al myn entent | |
ffor why I mette I wiste what they ment | |
Tyl at the laste a larke songe a boue | |
I se quod she the my3ty god of loue | |
Lo 3ond he comyth I se hise wyngis sprede | |
Tho gan I loke endelong the mede | |
And saw hym come & in his hond a quene | |
Clothid in ryal abyte al of grene | |
A grette of goold sche hadde next hyre her | |
And vp on that a whit corone sche ber | |
With mane flourys & I schal nat lye | |
ffor al the world ryht as the dayseye | |
I corounede is with white leuys lite | |
Swiche were the flourys of hire corene white | |
ffor of o perle fyn & oryental | |
Hyre white coroun ws I makyd al | |
ffor whiche the white coroun a boue the grene | |
Made hire lyk a dyeseye for to sene | |
Considerede ek the fret of gold a boue | |
I clothede was this nyhty god of loue | |
Of silk I broudede ful of grene greuys | |
A garlond on his hed of rose leuys | |
Stekid al with lylye flourys newe | |
But of his face I can not seyn the hewe | |
ffor sekyrly his face schon so bryhte | |
That with the glem a stonede was the syhte | |
A furlongwey I myhte hym not be holde | |
But at the lasted in hande I saw hym holde | |
Tho fery dartis as the gleedys rede | |
And aungellych hyse wengis gan he sprede | |
And al be that men seyn that blynd is he | |
Algate me thou3te he my3te wel I se | |
ffor sternely on me he gan beholde | |
So that his lokynge doth myn herte colde | |
And be the hond he held the noble quene | |
Corouned with whit & clothede al in grene | |
So womanly so benygne & so meke | |
That in this world thow that men wolde seke | |
Half hire beute / schulde men nat fynde | |
In ^on^ cryature that formede is be kynde | |
Hire name was Alceste the thebonoyre | lower-case 'a' made into capital |
I preye to god that euere falle sche fayre | |
ffor ne hadde confort been / of hire presense | |
I hadde be ded / with outyn ony defence | |
ffor dred of louys / wordys & his chere | |
As whan tyme is / here aftyr 3e schal here | |
¶ By hynde this god / of loue vp on this grene | ¶ in left margin |
I saw comynge of ladyis nynetene | |
In ryal abyte a ful esy pas | |
And aftyr hem come of wemen swich a tras | |
That syn that god adam made of erthe | |
The thredde part of wemen ne the ferthe | |
+ | |
(4 |
Ne wende I not by possibilite | |
Haddyn euere in this world I be | |
And trewe of loue these wemen were echon | |
Now whether was that a wondyr thyng or non | |
That ryht a non as that they gunne espye | |
This flour whiche that I clepe the day seye | |
fful sodeynly they styntyn alle atonys | |
And knelede a doun as it were for the nonys | |
And aftyr that they wentyn in cumpas | |
Daunsynge aboute this flour an esy pas | |
And songyn as it were in carolewyse | |
This balade which that I shaw 3ow deuyse | |
H yd absalon thynne gilte tressis clere | |
Ester ley thow thyn meknesse al a doun | |
Hyde Ionathas al thyn frendely manere | |
Penolope & Marcia catoun | |
Mak of 3oure wyfhod no comparisoun | |
Hyde 3e 3oure beuteis ysoude & Elene | |
Alceste is here that al that may destene | |
Thyn fayre body lat it nat a peere | second 'e' in 'peere' corrected from 'r'? |
Laueyne / & thow Lucresse of rome toun | |
And Pollexene that bou3te loue so dere | |
Ek Cleopatre with al thyn passioun | |
Hide 3e 3oure trouth in loue & 3oure ronoun | |
And thow tysbe / that hast for loue swich peyne | |
Alceste is here that al that may desteyne | |
Herro. Dido. Laodomya alle in fere | |
Ek Phillis hangynge for thyn demophoun | |
And Canace espied be thyn chere | |
Ysiphile bytrayed with Iasoun | |
Mak of 3oure trouthe in loue no bost ne soun | |
Nor ypermystre or Adriane ne pleyne | lower-case 'a' made into capital |
Alceste is here that al that may disteyne | |
What that this balade al I songyn was | |
Vp on the softe & sote grene gras | |
They settyn hem ful softely adoun | |
By ordere alle in cumpas / alle inveroun | unusual shape to 'v' of 'inveroun'--capital?--for 'in Veroun'? |
ffyrst sat the god of loue & thanne this queene | |
With the white corone clad in grene | |
And sithyn al the remenant by & by | |
As they were of degre ful curteysly | |
Ne nat a word was spokyn in that place | |
The mountenaunce of a furlongwey of space | |
I lenynge faste by vndyr a bente | |
A bod to knowe what this peple mente | |
As stille as ony ston til at the laste | |
The god of loue on me his eye caste | |
And seyde ho restith there & I answerde | |
Vn to his axsynge what that I hym herde | |
And seyde sere It am I & cam hym ner | |
And salewede hym . quod he what dost thow her | |
In my presence & that so boldely | |
ffor it were bettere worthi trewely | |
A werm to come in myn syht than thow | |
And why sere quod I and it lyke 3ow | |
ffor thow quod he art therto no thyng a ble | |
Myne seruauntis ben alle wyse & honourable | |
Thow art myn mortal fo & me warreyest | |
And of mynne olde seruauntis thow mysseyst | |
And hynderyst hem with thyn translacyoun | |
And lettist folk to han deuocyoun | |
To seruyn me & haldist it folye | |
To troste on me thow mayst it nat denye | |
ffor in pleyn tixt it nedyth nat to glose | |
Thow hast translatid the romauns of the rose | |
That is an eresye a geyns myn lawe | |
And makyst wise folk fro me withdrawe | |
And thynkist in thyn wit that is ful cole | |
That he nys but a verray propre fole | |
That louyth paramouris to harde & hote | |
Wel wot I ther by / thow begynnyst dote | |
(4 |
As olde folis whan here spryt faylyth | |
Thanne blame they folk & wete nat what hem ealyth | |
Hast thow nat mad in englys ek the bok | |
How that Crisseyde Troylis forsok | |
In schewynge how that wemen han don mis | |
Bit natheles answere me now to this | 'd' erased before 'this' |
Why noldist thow as wel a seyd goodnes | |
Of wemen as thow hast seyd wekedenes | |
Was there no good matyr in thyn mynde | |
Ne in alle thyne bokys ne coudist thow nat fynde | |
Sum story of wemen that were goode & trewe | |
3is god wot ·lx· bokys olde & newe | |
Hast thow thyn self alle ful of storyis grete | |
That bothe romaynys & ek grekis trete | |
Of sundery wemen whiche lyf that they ledde | |
And euere an hunderede goode a geyn on badde | |
This knowith god & alle clerkis ek | |
That vsyn sweche materis for to sek | |
What seith valerye Titus or Claudy an | |
What seith Ierome agayns Iouynyan | |
How clene maydenys& how trewe wyuys | 's' at end of 'maydenys' inserted later |
How stedefaste wedewys durynge alle here lyuys | |
Tellyth Ierome & that nat of a fewe | |
But I dar seyn an hunderede on a rewe | |
That it is pete for to rede & routhe | |
The wo that they endure for here trouthe | |
ffor to hyre loue were they so trewe | |
That rathere than they wole take anewe | |
They chose to be ded in sundery wyse | |
And deiedyn as the story wele deuyse | |
And some were brend & some were cut the hals | |
And some dreynkt for thy woldyn not be fals | |
ffor alle kepid they here maydynhed | 'id ' seems to be a correction over erasure |
Or ellis wedlek or here wedewehed | |
And this thing was nat kept for holynesse | |
But al for verray Vertu & clennesse | |
And for men schulde sette on hem no lak | |
And 3it they were hethene al the pak | |
That were so sore a drad of alle schame | |
These olde wemen kepte so here name | |
That in this world I trowe men schal nat fynde | |
Aman tha coude be so trowe & kynde | 't' omitted from 'tha'; added above by later hand |
As was the leste woman in that tyde | |
What seyth also the epistelle of Ouyde | |
Of trewe wyuys & of here labour | ?erasure after 'labour'? |
What vincent in his estoryal myrour | |
Ek al te world of autourys mayst tow here | 'h' omitted from 'te' |
Cristene & hethene trete of swich matere | |
It nedyth nat al day thus for to endite | |
But 3it I seye what eylyth the to wryte | |
The draf of storyis & forgete the corn | 'gete' of 'forgete' added over erasure |
Be seynt venus of whom that I was born | |
Al thow thow reneyist hast myn lay | |
As othere olde folys manye a day | |
Thow schalt repente it so that it schal be sene | |
Thanne spak Alceste the worthyere que^e^ne | |
And seyde god ry3t of 3oure curteysye | |
3e motyn herkenyn If he can replye | |
A geyns these poyntys that 3e han to hym mevid | |
A god ne schulde not thus been a greuyd | |
But of his dede he schal be stable | |
And therto ry3tful & ek mercyable | |
He schal nat ryghtfully his yre wreke | |
Or he haue herd the tothyr partye speke | |
Al ne is nat gospel that is to 3ow pleynyd | |
The god of loue heruth manye a tale I feynyd | |
ffor in 3oure court is manye a losenger | |
And manye aqueynte totulour acusour | |
That tabourryn in 3oure eres / manye a thyng | |
ffor hate or for Ielous ymagynyng | |
And for to han with 3ou sum dalyaunce | |
Enuye I prere to god 3eue hire myschaunce | first 'r' in 'prere' mistake for 'i' |
Is lauender In the grete court alway | |
ffor che ne partyth neythir nygh ne day | |
But of the hous of Cesar thus seyth dante | |
Who so that goth alwey sche mote wante | |
(4 |
This man to 3ow may wrongly ben acused | |
There as be ryght hym oughte ben excusid | |
Or ellis sere for that this man is nyce | |
He may translate a thyng in no malyce | |
But for he vsith bokis for to make | |
And takyth non hed of what matere he take | |
Therfore he wrot the rose & ek Crisseyde | |
Of innocence & nyste what he seyde | |
Or hym was bodyn make thilke tweye | |
Of sum persone & durste it not with seye | |
ffor he hath wrete manye a bok er this | |
He ne hath not don so greuosly a mys | |
To translate that olde clerkis wryte | |
As thow that he of maleys wolde endyte | |
Despit of loue & hadde hym self I wrouht | |
This schulde a ryghtwys lord han in his thou3t | |
And not ben lyk tyrauntis of lumbardye | |
That vsyn wilfulhed & tyraunye | |
ffor he that kyng or lord is naturel | |
Hym oughte nat be tyraunt & crewel # | '#' indicates misplaced folio: mid 450r-v |
Considere his owene honour & his trespace | |
ffor sythe no cause of deth lyth in this cace | |
3ow oughte to ben the lyghtere merciable | |
Letith 3oure yre & beth sumwhat tretable | |
The man hath seruyd 3ow of his konnyg | 'o' of 'konnyg' corrected from 'u'; final 'n' omitted |
And fortheryd 3oure lawe with his makyng | |
Whil he was 3ong he kepte 3oure estat | |
I not where he be now a renegit | 'i' of 'renegit' corrected from 'e'? |
But wel I wot with that he can endyte | |
He hath makid lewede folk to delyte | |
To seruyn 3ow in preysynge of 3oure name | |
He made the bok that highte the hous of fame | |
And ek the deth of Blaunche the duchesse | |
And the parlement of foulis as I gesse | |
And al the loue of Palamon & Arcite | lower-case 'a' made capital in 'Arcite' |
Of thebes thow the storye is knowe lite | |
And manye an ympne for thour halydayis | |
That hightyn baladis roundelys & vyrelayes | |
And for to speke of othyr besynesse | |
He hath in prose translatid Boece | |
And of the wrechede engendrynge of mankynde | |
As man may in pope innocent I fynde | |
And made the lyf also of seynt Cecile | |
He made also gon is agret while | |
Orygenes vp on the maudeleyne | |
Hym ouu3te now to haue the lesse peyne | |
He hath mad manye a lay & manye a thyng | |
Now as 3e ben a go & ek a kyng | |
I 3oure alceste whilom quene of trace | |
I axe 3ow this man rygh of 3oure grace | |
That 3e hym neuere hurte in al his lyue | |
And he schal swere to 3ow & that as blyue | |
He schal no more agiltyn in this wyse | |
But he schal makyn as 3e wele deuyse | |
Of wemen trewe in louynge al here lyue | |
Wher so 3e wele of maydyn or of wyue # | |
As is a fermour to don the harm he can | |
He muste thynke it is his lige man | |
And that hym owith o verry duetee | |
Schewyn his peple pleyn benygnete | |
And wel to heryn here excusacyounis | |
And here conpleyntys & petyciouns | 's' suspension added ?later to 'conpleynty' |
In duewe tyme whan they schal it profre | |
This is the sentens of the philysophre | |
A kyng to kepe hise lygis in iustise | |
Which oughtyn doute that is his offise | 'e' at end of 'Which' erased |
And therto is a kyng ful depe I sworn | |
fful manye an hunderede wyntyr here be forn | |
And for to kepe his lordys hir degre | |
As it is ryght & skylful that they be | |
Enhaunsede and / honoured most dere | |
ffor they ben half goddys in this world here | |
This schal he don bothe to pore ryche | 'r' of 'ryche' made from '&'- which is needed here |
Al be that here stat be nat a lyche | |
And han of pore folk compassioun | |
ffor lo the gentyl kynde of the lyoun | |
(4 |
ffor whan a flye offendyth hym or bytith | |
He with his tayl awey the flye smytyth | |
As esyly for of his generye | |
Hym deynyth nat to wreke hym on a flye | |
As doth a curre or ellis a nothir beste | |
In nobel corage oughte ben areste | |
And weyen eueryth by equite | |
And euere han reward to his owen degre | |
ffor sire it is no maystrye for a lord | |
To dampne a man with oute answere or word | |
And for a lord that is wel foul to vse | |
And If so be he may hym nat ascuse | |
Axith mercy with a sorweful herte | |
And proferyth hym ryght in his bare scherte | |
To been rygh at 3oure owene Iugement | |
Than ought a god by schort avisement # | end of misplaced folio |
And fortheryn 3ow as meche as he mysseyde | |
Or in the rose or ellis in crisseyde | |
The god of loue answerede hire thus a non | |
Madame quod he it is so long a gon | |
That I 3ow knew so charytable & trewe | |
That neuere 3it sithe that the world was newe | |
To me ne fond I neuere non betere than the | |
That If that I wele saue myn degre | |
I may ne wel not warne 3oure requeste | |
Al lyth in 3ow doth with hym what 3ow leste | |
And al for 3eue with oute lengere space | |
ffor who so 3euyth a 3ifte or doth a grace | |
So it be tyme his thank is wel te more | |
And demyth 3e what he shal don therfore | |
Go thanke now myn lady here quod he | |
I ros and doun I sette me on myn kne | |
And seyde thus madame the god a boue | |
ffor 3elde 3ow that 3e the god of loue | |
Han makyd me his wrethe to for3eue | |
And 3eue me grace so longe for to leue | |
That I may knowe sothly wht 3e be | |
That han me holpyn & put me in swich degre | |
trewely I
catchword |
But trewely I wende as in this cas | |
Naught haue a gilt ne don to loue trespas | |
ffor why a trewe amn with oute drede | |
Hath nat to parte with a theuys dede | |
Ne a trewe louere may me nat blame | 'may' written over a large erasure |
Thaw that I speke a fals louere sum schame | 'fals' written over a large erasure |
They aughte rathere with me for to holde | |
ffor that I of Criseyde wrot or tolde | |
Or of the rose what so myn au3tour mente | 'mente' orig. written 'menee' |
Algate god wot it was myn entente | |
To forthere trouthe in loue & it cheryse | |
And to be war from falsenesse & from vice | |
By swich ensaumple this was myn menynge | |
And sche answerde lat be thyn arguynge | |
ffor loue ne wele nat countyrpletyd be | |
In ryght ne wrong & lerne this at me | |
Thow hast thyn grace & holde the ryght therto | last 4 words over erasure |
Now wole I seyn what penaunce thow schat do | sic: 'schat' |
ffor thyn trespae & vndyrstonde it here | |
Thow schalt whil thow leuyst 3er be 3ere | |
The moste partye of thyn lyf spende | |
In makynge of a gloryous legende | |
Of goode wemen maydenys & wyues | |
That were tre^we^ in leuynge al here lyuys | |
And telle of false men that hem betrayen | |
That al here lyf ne don nat but asayen | |
How manye wemen / they may don a schame | |
ffor in 3oure world that is now holdyn game | |
And thow the lestyth nat a louere be | |
Spek wel of loue this penaunce 3eue I the | |
And to the god of loue I schal so preye | |
That he schal charge hise seruauntys by ony wey | |
To fortheryn the & wel thyn labor quite | |
Go now thyn wey thyn penaunce is but lyte | |
The god of loue gan smyle & thanne he seyde | |
Wostow quod he wher this be wif or mayde | |
Or queen or cuntesse or of what degre | |
That hath so lytil penaunce 3euyn the | |
(4 |
That hast deseruyd sorere for to smerte | |
But pete rennyth sone in gentil herte | |
That mayst thow sen sche kytheth what sche is | |
And I answerde nay sere so haue I blys | |
No more but that I se wel sche is good | |
That is a trewe tale by myn hod | |
Qod loue / & that thow knowist wel parde | |
3if it be so that thow a vise the | |
Hast thow nat in a bok lyth in thyn cheste | |
The grete goodnesse of the queene Alceste | |
That turnede was in to a dayesye | |
Sche that for hire husbonde ches to deye | |
And ek to gon to helle rathere than he | |
And Ercules rescued hire parde | |
And broughte hyre out of helle a geyn to blys | |
And I answerde a 3en & seyde 3is | |
Now knowe I hire & is this goode alceste | |
The dayes eye & myn owene herte is reste | |
Now fele I wel the goodnesse of this wif | |
That bothe aftyr hire deth & ek hire lyf | |
Hire grete bounte doubelyth hire renoun | |
Wel hath sche quit me myn affeccioun | |
That I haue to hire flour the dayesye | |
No wondyr is / thow Ioue hire stellefye | |
As tellyth Agaton for hyre goodnesse | |
Hire white coroun beryth of it witnesse | |
ffor al so manye vertuys hath sche | |
As smale flourys in hyre coroun be | |
Of remembrauns of hire & in honour | |
Cibella made thedayesye & the flour | |
I Coroned al with whit as men ma se | |
And Mars3af to hire corone red parde | 's' written, ?later, in space after 'Mar' |
In stede of rubeis set a mong the white | |
Therwith this queene wex red for schame a lyte | |
Whan sche was preysid so in hire presence | |
Thanne seyde loue a ful gret neglygence | |
Was it to the to write onstedefast nesse | perhaps 'unstedefast' |
Of women sithe thow knowist here goodnesse | |
By pref & ek by storyis here by forn | |
Let be the chaf & writ wel of the corn | |
Why noldist thow han writyn of alceste | |
And latyn Criseide ben a slepe & reste | |
ffor of alceste schulde thyn wrytynge be | |
Syn that thow wist that calandier Is she | |
Of goodnesse for sche taughte of fyn louynge | |
And namely of wifhod the lyuynge | |
And alle the boundys that sche aughte kepe | |
Thyn lityl wit was thilke tyme a slepe | |
But now I charge the vp on thyn lyf | |
That in thyn legende thow make of this wif | |
Whan thow hast othere smale mad by fore | |
And fare now wel I charge the no more | |
At cliopatre I wele that thow begynne | |
And so forth & myn loue so shalt tow wynne | |
And with that word of slep I gan a wake | |
And ryght thus on myn legende gan I make | |
E xplicit prohemium | 2-line capital |
Incipit legenda Cleopatrie regine | |
T fftyr the deth of tholome the kyng | 'T' over clear guide letter 'a' |
That of Egipt hadde in his gouernyng | 3-line 'drop' capital |
Regnede his queen Cleopataras | |
Tyl on a tyme be fel there swich a cas | |
That out of rome was sent a senatour | |
ffor to conqueryn regnys & honour | ?'s' erased after 'y' of 'conquery'? |
Vn to the toun of rome as was vsagee | |
To han the world vn to hyre obeysaunce | |
And soth to seyne Antonius was his name | |
So fil it as fortune hym aughte a schame | |
Whan he was fallyn in prosperite | |
Rebel vn to the toun of rome is he | |
And ouyral this the sustyr of Cesar | |
He lafte hire falle or that sche was war | |
Ee ij
(4 |
And wolde algate han a nothir wif | |
ffor which he tok with rome & Cesar stryf | |
Natheles for sorthe this ilke senatour | |
Was a ful worthy gentyl werriour | last three words over erasure |
And of his deth it was ful gret damage | |
But loue hadde brought this man in swich a rage | |
And hym so narwe boundyn In his las | 'In' written over erasure |
Al for the loue of Cleopatraas | 'aas' over erasure |
That al the world he sette at no value | |
Hym thoute there nas to hym no thyng so dewe | ?'war' erased before 'nas', and its 's' corrected from 't'? |
As Cleopatras for to loue & serve | |
Hym roughte nat in armys for to sterve | 'sterve' over erasure? |
In the diffens of hyre & of hire ryght | |
This noble queene ek louede so this knyght | ?'e' erased at end of 'ek'? |
Thorw his desert & for his chyualrye | |
As certeynly but If that bokys lye | |
He was of persone & of gentillesse | |
And of discrecioun & of hardynesse | |
Worthi to only wyght that lyuyn may | |
And sche was fayr as is the Rose in may | |
And for to make shortly is the beste | |
Sche wax his wif and hadde hym as hire leste | |
The weddynge & the feste to deuyse | |
To me that haue ytake swich empryse | |
Of so manye a story for to make | |
It were to longe lest that I schulde slake | |
Of thyng that beryth more effect & charge | |
ffor men may ouerlade a schip or barge | |
And for thy to thefeect thanne wele I skyppe | |
And al the remenaunt I wele lete slippe | |
Octouyan that wod was of this dede | |
Schop hym an ost / of antonye to lede | |
Al vtyrly for his destruccioun | |
With stoute romeynys crewel as lyoun | |
To schepe they wente & thus I lat hem sayle | |
Antonius was war and wele nat fayle | |
To metyn with these romeynys If he may | |
Tok ek his red & bothe vp on a day | |
Hys wif & he & al his ost forth wentyn | |
To shepe anon no lengere they ne stente | |
And in the se it happede hem to mete | |
Vp goth the trompe & for to schoute & schete | |
And peynede hem to sette on with the sunne | |
With grysely soun out goth the grete gonnne | sic: 'gonnne'--?corrected from 'gunnne'? |
And heterly they hurtelyn al atonys | |
ffrom the top doun comyth the grete stonys | |
In goth the grapenel so ful of crokis | |
Among the ropis rennyth the scherynge hokys | |
In with the polax presith he & sche | |
By hyndyn the mast begynnyth he to fle | |
And out a geyn and dryuyth hym ouerborde | |
He styngith hym vp on his sperys orde | |
He rent the seyl with hokys lyk a sithe | |
He bryngith the cuppe & biddyth hem be blythe | |
He pouryth pesyn vp on the hachis sledere | |
With pottis ful of lym they gon to gedere | |
And thus the longe day to gedere they spende | |
Tylat the laste as euery thyng hat ende | |
Antonye is schent & put hym to the flyghte | |
And al his folk to go that best go myght | |
ffleth ek the queen withal hire porpere sayl | |
ffor strokys whiche that wente as thikke as hayl | |
No wondyr was sche myghte it nat endure | |
And whan that antonye / saw that auenture | |
Allas quod he the day that I was born | |
Myn worshepe in this day thus haue I lorn | |
And for dispeyr out of his wit he sterte | |
And rof hym self a non thorw out the herte | |
Or that he ferthere wente out of the place | |
His wif that coude of Cesar haue no grace | |
To egipt is sche fled for dred & for destresse | |
But herkenyth 3e that spekyn of kyndenesse | |
3e men that falsely swere manye an oth | |
That 3e wele deye If that 3oure loue be wroth | |
Here may 3e sen of wemen which a trouthe | |
This woful Cleopatre hath mad swich routhe | |
Ee iij
(4 |
That ther is tunge non that may it telle | |
But on the morwe sche wolde no lengere dwelle | |
But made hire subtyl werkemen make a schryne | |
Of alle the rubyis & the stonys fyne | |
In al egypt that sche coude espie | |
And putte ful the schryne of spicerye | |
And let the cors enbaumme & forth sche fette | |
This dede cors & in the schryne it schette | |
And next the schryne a pet thanne doth sche graue | |
And alle the serpentys that sche myghte haue | |
Sche putte hem in that graue & thus sche seyde | |
Now love to whom myn sorweful herte obeyede | |
So ferforthly that from that blisful our | |
That I 3ow swor to ben al frely 3our | |
I mene 3ow Antonius myn knyght | |
That neuere wakynge in the day or nygh | |
3e nere out of myn hertis remembraunce | |
ffor wel or wol for carole or for daunce | |
And in myn self this couenaunt made I tho | |
ffor rygh swich as 3e feldyn wel or wo | |
As fer forth as it in myn power lay | |
Vnreprouable on to myn wyfhod ay | |
The same wolde I fele lyf or deth | |
And thilke comenant whil me lastith breth | sic: 'comenant' |
I wele fulfille & that schal ben wel sene | |
Was neuere on to hire loue a trewere quene | |
And with that word nakyd with ful good herte | |
Among the serpentis in the pit sche styrte | |
And there sche ches to hauyn hire buryinge | |
Anon the nadderys gonne hire for to stynge | ?'gunne' corrected to 'gonne' |
And sche hire deth receyuyth with good cheere | |
ffor loue of antonye that was hire so dere | |
And this is storyal soth it is no fable | |
Now or I fynde a man thus trewe & stable | |
And wele for loue his deth so frely take | |
I preye got let oure hedys neuere ake. Amen. | 'Amen' in larger script |
Explicit Cliopater Incipit semiramus] ~ | 'semiramus' erased |
Here foloweth the Legend of Piramus | later hand |
And Thisbe | |
A T babiloyne whylom fyl it thus | 3-line 'drop' capital |
The wyche toun the quien semyramus | |
Let dyche al a boute & wallis make | |
fful hye of harde tilis wel I bake | |
There were dwellyng in this noble toun | |
Two lordys whiche that were of gret renoun | |
And wonedyn so nygh vp on a grene | |
That there was but a ston wal hem be tweene | |
As ofte in grete tounnys is the wone | |
And soth to seyne that on man hadde a sone | |
Of al that lond on of the lustyeste | |
That othir hadde a doughtyr the fayreste | |
That tho was in that lond Estward dwellynge | |
The name of euerych gan to othyr sprynge | |
By wemen that were neigheboris a boute | |
ffor in that cuntre 3it with outyn doute | |
Maydenys been I kept for gelosye | |
fful streyte lyst they dedyn sum folye | |
This 3onge man was callyd Piramus | |
And Tysbe he^i^t te m^i^ade Naso seyth thus | both inserted 'i's small, and carets located thus; the 'e' of 'heit' is altered from an 'i' |
And thus by report was hire name I shone | |
That as they wex in age / wex here loue | |
And certeyn as by rosoun of hire age | sic: 'rosoun' |
There myghte a ben by twixe hem maryage | 'b' of 'by' corrected from 't' |
But that here faderys myghte nat assente | |
And bothe in loue I lyke sore they brente | |
That none of alle hyre frendis myght it lette | |
But pryuyly sum tyme 3it they mette | |
Bysleyghte & spokyn summe of here desyr | |
As wry the glede & hettere is the fyr | |
fforbede a loue & it is ten so wod | |
This wal that which / bi twixe hem bothe stod | |
Was cloue a two ryght from the cop a doun | |
Of olde tyme of his fundacioun | |
But 3it this clyfte was so narw & lyte | |
It nas nat sene deere I now a myte | |
But wat is that that loue can nat espye | |
3e louerys two If that I schal nat lye | |
Ee iiij
(4 |
3e foundyn first this litil narwe clifte | |
And with a soun as softe as ony shryfte | |
They lete here wordis thorw the clift pace | |
And toldyn whil that they stode in the place | |
Al here compleynt of loue & al here wo | |
At euery tyme whan they durste so | |
Vp on that on syde of that wal stod he | |
And on that othir side stod Thesbe | |
The sote soun of othir to resseyue | |
And thus here wardeynys wolde they disceyue | |
And euery day this wal they wolde threte | |
And wissche to god that it were doun I bete | |
Thus wolde they seyn alas thow welkede wal | |
Thorw thyn enuye thow vs letttist al | |
Why nyst thow cleue or fallyn al a two | |
Or at the laste but If thw woldist so | |
3it woldist thow but onys lat vs mete | |
Or onys that we myghtyn kysse swete | |
Thanne were we coueryd of our carys colde | |
But natheles 3it be we to the holde | |
In as meche as thow sufferyst for to gon | |
Ovre wordys thorw thyn lym & thorw thyn ston | 'vre' over an erasure |
3it oughte ^we^ with the been wel a payed | |
And whan these ydele wordys weren sayed | 's' of 'sayed' corrected from ?'o' or top of 'p' |
The colde wal they wele kysse of ston | |
And take here leue & forth they woldyn gon | |
And this was gladly in the eue tyde | |
Or wondyr erly lest men it espiede | |
And longe tyme they wroughte in this manere | |
Tyl on a day that Phebus gan to cleere | |
Aurora with the stremys of hete | |
Hadde dreyed vp the dew of erbis wete | |
Vn to this clyft as it was wone to be | |
Come Piramus and aftyr come Thysbe | |
And plyghtyn trouthe / fully in here fey | |
That ilke same nyght / to stele a wey | |
And to begile here wardeynys echon | |
And forth out of the / cete for to goon | |
And for the feldis ben so brode & wide | |
ffor to mete in on place at on tyde | |
They settyn marke here metynge wolde be | |
There kyng nynus was graue out of a tre | |
ffor olde Payenys that Idolys heryed | |
Vsedyn tho in feldys to ben beryed | |
And faste by there graue was a welle | |
And schortely of this tale for to telle | |
This couenaunt was affermyd wondyr faste | |
And longe hym thoughte that the sunne laste | |
That it nere gon vndyr the se a doun | |
This tisbe hat so gret affeccioun | |
And so gret haste Piramus to se | |
That whan sche say hire tyme myghte be | |
At nygh sche stal a wey ful pryuyly | |
With hire face I wymplid subtyly | |
And alle hire frendis for to saue hire trouthe | |
Sche hath forsake allas & that is routhe | |
That euere wolde ben so trewe | |
To truste man but sche the bet hym knewe | |
And to the tre sche goth a ful good pas | |
ffor loue made hire so hardy in this cas | |
And by the welle a doun sche gan hyre dres | |
Allas there comyth a wilde lyones | |
Out of the wode with oute more arest | 'e' of 'arest' corrected from 'i' |
With blody mouth of strangelynge of a best | |
To drynkyn of the welle there as sche sat | |
And whan that tisbe hadde espyed that | |
Sche rist hire vp with a ful dredy herte | |
And in a kaue with dredful for sche sterte | |
ffor by the mone sche say it wel with alle | |
And as sche ran hire wympil let sche falle | |
And tok non hed so sore sche was a wapid | |
And ek so glad that þat sche was escapid | |
And thus sche sit & darkyth wondyr stylle | |
Whan that this lyonesse hath dronke hirefille | 'e' added ?later in space after 'hir' |
A boute the welle gan sche for to wynde | |
And ryght a non the wympyl gan sche fynde | |
Ee v
(4 |
And with hire blody mouth it al to rente | |
What this was don no lengere sche ne stente | |
But to the wode hire weye thanne hath sche nome | |
And at the laste this Piramus is come | |
But al to longe allas at hom was he | |
The mone schon & myghte wel y se | |
And in his wey as that he com ful faste | |
Hise eyen to the ground a doun he caste | |
And in the sond as he by hild a doun | |
He sey the steppis brode of a lyoun | |
And in his herte he sodeynly a gros | |
And pale he wex therwith his herte a ros | |
And ner he com & fond the wimpil torn | |
Allas quod he the day that I was born | |
This on nyght welevs loueris bothe sle | |
How schulde I axe mercy of tisbe | |
Whan I am he that haue 3ow slayn allas | |
Myn biddyng hath 3ow slayn as in this cas | |
Allas to bidde a woman gon be nyghte | |
In place there as peril falle myghte | |
And I so slayn allas I ne hadde be | |
Here in this place a furlong weye or 3e | |
Now what lyoun that be in this forest | |
Myn body mote he renten or what best | |
That wilde is gnawe mote he now myn herte | |
And with that word he to that wympil sterte | |
And kiste it ofte & wep on it ful sore | |
And seyde wympil allas there is no more | |
But thow schat feele as wel the blod of me | |
As thow hast felt the bledyng of Thisbe | |
And with that word he smot hym to the herte | |
The blod out of the wounde as brode sterte | |
As watyr whan the condit brokyn is | |
Now Tisbe which that wiste nat of this | |
But sittynge in hire drede sche thoughte thus | |
If it so falle that myn piramus | |
Be comyn hidir & may me not I fynde | |
He may me holde fals & ek onkynde | |
And out she comyth & aftyr hym gan espien | |
Bothe with hire herte & with hire eyen | |
And thou3te I wele hym tellyn of myn drede | |
Bothe of the lyonesse & al myn deede | 'a' of 'al' corrected from 'o'; first 'e' of 'deede' over erasure |
And at the laste hire loue thane hath sche founde | |
Betynge with hese helys on the grounde | 't' erased before 'hese' |
Al blody & therwith a bak sche sterte | |
And lik the wawis quappe gan hire herte | |
And pale as box sche was & in a throwe | |
A visede hire & gan hym wel to knowe | |
That it was piramus hire herte deere | |
Ho coude wryte which a dedly cheere | |
Hath Thisbe tho / & how hire heer she rente | 'hire' erased before 'heer' |
And how sche gan hire selue to turnemente | |
And how sche lyth & swounnyth on the grounde | |
And how she wep of terys ful hise wounde | |
How medeled she hise blod with hire compleynte | |
How with hise blod hire selue gan sche pente | |
How clyppith sche the deede cors allas | |
How doth this woful tisbe in this cas | |
How kyssith she his frosty mouth so cold | |
Ho hath don this & ho hath been so bold | |
To sle myn lyf o spek myn piramus | |
Ial thyn Tisbe that the callyth thus | |
And therwithal he leftyth vp his hed | 'sc' erased before 'he' |
This woful man that is nat fully ded | |
Whan that he herde the name of Tisbe cryen | |
On hire he caste hise heuy dedly eyen | |
And doun a gayn & 3eldyth vp the gost | |
Tysbe ryst vp with outyn ony bost | |
And saw hire wympil & hise emty schede | |
And ek his swerd that hym hath don to dede | |
Thanne spak sche thus myn woful hand quod she | ?'tho' erased before 'thus' |
Is strong I now in swich a werk to me | |
ffor loue schal 3eue me strenthe & hardynesse | |
To make myn wounde large I now I gesse | |
I wele the folwe ded & I wele be | |
ffelawe & cause of thyn deth quod sche | |
Ee vj
(4 |
And thow that nothing saue the deth only | |
Mighte the fro me depare trewely | |
Thow schat no more departe now fro me | |
Than from the deth for I wele go with the | something erased after 'fro'--?'st'--before macron, of rather different form, is added |
And now 3e wrechede gelos faderys oure | |
We that whihom were childeryn 3oure | sic: 'whihom' |
We preyen 3ow with outyn more enuye | |
That in on graue that we motyn lye | |
Sithe loue hath brought vs to his pitous ende | |
And rygh wis god to euery louere synde | |
That louyth trewely more prosperite | |
Than euere 3it hade Piramus & Tisbe | |
And late no gentyl woman hyre assure | |
To pottyn hire in swich an avinture | ?attempt to make 'i' an 'e' in 'avinture'? |
But god forbede but a woman can | |
Ben as trewe & louynge as a man | |
And for myn part I schal a non it kythe | |
And with that word his swerd sche tok a swythe | |
That warm was of hire louys blod & hot | |
And to the herte sche hire self smot | |
And thus is Tisbe & Piramus I go | |
Of trewe men I fynde but fewe mo | |
In alle myne bokis saue this piramus | |
And therfore haue I spokyn of hym thus | |
ffor it is deynte for vs men to fynde | |
A man that can in loue been trewe & kynde | |
Here may 3e se what louere so he be | |
A woman dare & can as wel as he | |
G Lorye & honour Virgile Mantoan | 3-line 'drop' capital |
Be to thyn name & I shal as I can | |
ffolwe thy lanterne as thow gost by forn | |
How Enea to Dido was forsworn | is 's' in 'forsworn' added later? |
In Naso & Eneydos wele I take | |
The tenor & the grete effectis make | |
Whan troye brought was to distruccioun | |
By grekis sleyghte & namely by Synoun | |
The legend of Dido | later hand |
Queene of Carthage | |
ffeynynge the hors I offerede to mynerue | |
Thorw which that many troyan muste sterue | |
And ector hadde aftyr his deth apiered | |
And fyr so wod it my3te nat been steerid | |
In al the noble toure of ylioun | |
That of the cete was the chif dongeoun | |
And al the cuntre was so lowe brought | |
And Priamus the kyng fordon & nought | |
And Enyas was chargit by venus | |
To fleen a wey & he tok ascanius | |
That was his sone in his rygh hand & fledde | |
And on his bak he bar & withym ledde | |
His owene fadyr I clepid Anchises | |
And by the weye his wif Crusa he les | |
And meche sorwe hadde he in his mynde | |
Or that he coude his felaue schepe fynde | |
But at the laste whan he hadde hem founde | |
He mad hym redy in a certeyn stounde | |
And to the se wol faste he gan hem hye | |
And saylyth forth al his cumpaynye | |
Toward ytayle as wolde his destene | |
But of hise auentourys in the se | |
Nis nat to purpos for to speke of heyre | |
ffor it acordyth nat to myn matere | |
But as I seyde of hym & of Dido | |
Schal be myn tale til that I haue do | |
So longe he saylede in the salte se | |
Tyl in libie onethe aryuede he | |
With schepis vii & with no more nauye | |
And glad was he to londe for to hye | |
So was he with the tempest al to shake | |
And whan that he the hauene hadde take | |
He hadde a knyght was clepid achates | |
And hym of al his felaushepe he ches | |
To gon with hym the cuntre for tespie | |
He tok with hym no more cumpaynye | |
But forth they gon & lafte hise schepis ryde | |
His fere & he with outyn any gyde -- | |
(4 |
So longe he walkyth in this wildyrnesse | |
Til at the laste he mette an hunteresse | |
A bowe in hande and arwis hadde sche | |
Hire clothis cutte were vn to the kne | |
But she was 3it the fayreste creature | |
That euere was I formyd by nature | |
And Eneas & Achates sche grette | |
And thus sche to hem spak whan she hem mette | |
Saw 3e quod sche as 3e han walkid wyde | |
Onye of myne susteryn walke 3ow be syde | |
With ony wilde bor or othir beste | |
That they han huntid to in this foreste | |
I tukkid vp with arwis in hire cas | |
Nay sothly lady quod this Enyas | |
But by thyn beute as it thynkyt me | |
Thouw myghtyst neuere erthely woman be | |
But Phebus systyr art thow as I gesse | |
And If so be that thow be a goddesse | |
Haue mercy on oure labour & oure wo | |
I neam no goddesse sothly quod sche tho | |
ffor maydenys walkyn in this cuntre here | |
With arwis & with bowe in this manere | |
This is the reyne of libie there 3e ben | |
Of that dido lady is & queen | |
And shortely tolde hym al the occasyoun | |
Whi Dido cam in to that regioun | |
Of whiche as now me lestyth nat to ryme | |
It nedyth nat it were but los of tyme | |
ffor this is al & som it was Venus | |
His owene modyr that spak thus | |
And to cartage he bad he shulde hym dighte | |
And vanyschid a non out of his syghte | |
I coude folwe word for word virgile | |
But it schule lastyn al the longe while | |
This noble queen that clepid was dido | |
That whilom was the wif of Sytheo | |
That fayrere was than is the bryghte sunne | |
This noble toun of cartage hath bygunne | |
In which sche regnyth in so gret honour | |
That sche was holdyn^of^alle queenys^the^flour | |
Of gentillesse of fredomof beute | third minim of 'm' in 'fredom' added in space? |
That wel was hym that myghte hire onys se | |
Of kyngis & of lordis so desyred | |
That al the world her beute hadde I fyred | ?"y" corrected to "r" in "fyred" |
Sche stod so wel in euery wightis grace | |
Whan Enya was come on to that place | |
Vn to the maystir temple of al the toun | |
Ther dido was in hire deuocyoun | |
fful pryuyly his weye thus hath he nome | |
Whan he was in the large temple come | |
I can nat seyn If that it be possible | |
But venus hadde hym makid inuysible | |
Thus seyt the bok with outyn ony les | |
And whan this Enyas & Achates A | 'A' of 'Achates' blotted; one in margin faded or erased |
Haddyn in this temple ben oueral | |
Thanne founde they depeyntid on the wal | |
How troye & al the lond distroyed was | |
Allas that I was born quod Enyas | |
Thorw out the worl oure shame is kid so wyde | |
Now it is peyntid up on euery syde | |
We that weryn in prosperite | |
Been now disclanderyd & in swich degre | |
No lengere lyuyn I ne kepe | |
And with that word he brast out for to wepe | |
So tendyrly that routhe it was to sene | |
This frosche lady of the cete queene | |
Stod in the temple in hire estat ryal | |
So rychely and ek so fayr with al | |
So 3ong so lusty with hire eyen glade | |
That If that god that heuene & erte made | |
Wolde han a loue for beute & goodnesse | |
And womanhed & trouthe & semelynesse | |
Whom shulde he louyn but this lady swete | |
Ther nys no woman to hym half so mete | |
ffortune that hath the world in gouernaunce | |
Hath sodeynly brough in so newe a chaunce | |
(4 |
That nevere 3it was so fremde a cas | |
ffor al the cumpaynye of Enyas | |
With that he wende a lorn in the se | |
Aryuyd is nat fer from that Cete | |
ffor which the gretteste of hise lordis some | |
By auenture ben to the cete come | |
Vn to that same temple for to seke | |
The queene & of hire socour to beyseke | |
Swich renoun was there sprongyn of hire goodnesse | |
And whan that they hadden told of al here distresse | |
And al here tempest & here harde cas | |
Vn to the quyen apiered Enyeas | 'e' inserted above 'y' in 'Enyeas' |
And opynly he knew that it was he | |
Ho hadde Ioye thanne but his meyne | |
That hadde founde here lord here gouernour | |
The quyen saugh that they dede hym swych honour | |
And hadde herd ofte of Eneas er tho | |
And in hire herte she hadde routhe & wo | |
That euere swich anoble man as he | |
Schal ben diserityd in swich degre | |
And saw the man that he was lyk a knyght | |
And sufficiaunt of persone & of mygh | |
And lyk to been a verray gentil man | |
And wel hise wordis he besette can | |
And hadde a noble visage for thenonys | |
And formed wel of braun & of bonys | |
ffor aftyr venus hadde he swich fayrnesse | |
That no man myghte be half so fayr I gesse | |
And wel a lord he semede for to be | |
And for he was a straunger sumwhat sche | |
Likede hym the bet as god do bote | |
To sum folk ofte newe thyng is sote | |
Anon hire herte hath pite of his wo | |
And with that pete loue come in also | |
And thus for pete & for gentillesse | |
Refreschede muste he been of his distresse | |
And seyde certis that sche sory was | |
That he hath had swych peryl & swich cas | |
And in hire frendely speche in this manere | |
Sche to hym sp^a^k & seyde as 3e may here | |
Be 3e nat v^e^nus sone and anchises | |
In good fey al the worshepe & encres | |
That I may goodly don 3ow 3e schal haue | |
3oure shepis & 3oure meyne shal I saue | ?"u" in "saue" altered to "v"? |
And manye a gentil word sche spak hym to | |
And comaunded hire massangerys for to go | |
The same day with outyn any fayle | |
His shippis for to seke & hem vitayle | |
Sche manye a beste to the shippis sente | "sche" erased after 'beste' |
And with the wyn sche gan hym to presente | ?macron over second 'e' of 'presente'? |
And to hire real paleys she hire spedde | |
And Enyas alwey with hire she ledde | |
What nedyth 3ow the feste to descrive | |
He neuere atese was betyr in al hese lyve | ?last five words over erasure? |
fful was the feste of deynteis & rychesse | |
Of instrumentis of song & of gladnesse | |
Of manye an amerous lokyng & deuys | |
This Enyas is come to paradys | |
Out of the swolw of helle & thus in Ioye | |
Remembrith hym of his estat in troye | |
To daunsynge chaumberys ful of paramentys | |
Of riche beddis & of ornementis | |
This Enyas is led aftyr the mete | |
And with the quene / whan he hadde sete | |
And spicis partid & the wyn agon | |
Vn to his chambris was he led a non | |
ffor his ese & for to take his reste | "ff" inserted later over erasure? 'the' erased after 'ffor' |
With al his folk to don what so hem leste | |
There nas courser wel I brydelid non | |
Ne stede for to iuste wel to gon | |
Ne large palfrey esy forthenonys | |
Ne Iewel frettid ful of ryche stonys | |
Ne sakkis ful of gold of large weyghte | |
Ne rubye non that shynede be nyghte | |
Ne gentil hawtein faucoun heroner | |
Ne hound for hert or wilde bor or der | |
(4 |
Ne coupe of gold with floreynys newe I bete | |
That in the land of libie may be gete | |
ThatDido hath it Enyas I sent | ?final 't' in 'That' added in space? |
And al is payed what þat he hath spent | unique appearance of "þ"? |
Thus can this honurable quene hire gestis calle | |
As sche that can in fredom passyn alle | |
Eneas sothly ek with oute les | |
Hadde sent on to his schip by Achates | |
Aftyr his sone & aftyr riche thyngis | |
Bothe septre clothis^ & ek brochis^ ryngis | |
Some for to were & some to presente | |
To hym that alle thyngis hym sente | 'hym' in error for "hyr" |
And bad his sone how that he schulde make | |
The presentis & to the quyen it take | |
Repeyrid is this achates agayn | |
And Enyas ful blysful is & fayn | |
To sen this blysful sone Ascanyus | |
But natheles oure autour tellith vs | |
That Cupido that is the god of loue | |
At preyere of his modyr hye a boue | |
Hadde the liknesse of the child I take | |
This holy queen enamorede to make | |
On Eneas but as of that scripture | |
Be as bemay I take of it no cure | |
But soth is this the queen hath mad swich chere | |
Vnto this child that wondir is to here | |
And of the present that his fadyr sente | |
Sche thankyth hym ful ofte with good entente | |
Thus is this quyen in plesaunce & in Ioye | |
With alle these newe lusti folk of troye | |
And of the dedis hath she more enquyrid | |
Of Enyas & al the story lerid | |
Of Troye & al the longe day they tweye | |
Entendedyn to spekyn & to pleye | |
Of whiche ther gan to bredyn swich a fyer | |
That sely Dido hath now swich desyr | |
With Enyas hire newe geste to dele | |
That she hath lost hire hewe & ek hire hele | |
Now to theffect now comyth the freut of al | |
Whi I haue told this story & telle schal | |
Thus I begynne it fil vp on a nyght | |
Whan that the mone vp reysed hadde his lyght | |
This noble queene on to hire reste wente | |
Sche sikyth sore & gan hyre self turnemente | |
Sche waylith & sche makith manye a breyde | |
As don these loueris as I haue herd seyde | |
And at the laste vnto hire systyr anne | |
Sche made hire mone & ryght thus spak sche thanne | |
Now leue sistyr myn what may it be | |
That me agastith in myn slep quod she | |
This newe troyan is so in myn thought | |
Me thynkith that he is so wel I wrought | |
And likli for to ben a man | |
And ek thereto so mech good he can | |
That al myn loue & lyf lyth in his cure | |
Have 3e nat herd his auenture | |
Now certis anne if that 3e rede it me | |
I wolde fayn to hym I weddit be | |
This is theffect what schunde I more seye | 'schunde' for "schulde" |
In hym lyth al / to do me leue or deye | |
Hyre systir Anne as she that coude hire good | |
Seyde as hire thoughte & sumdel it with stod | |
But herof was so long a sarmounnyng | |
It were to longe to make rehersyng | |
But finaly it may nat ben withstande | |
Loue wil loue for not thing wele it wande | |
The dawenyng vp rist out of the se | |
This amerous quien chargith ouremeyne | 'oure' for "hire"? |
The nettis dresse & speris brode & kene | |
An. huntyng wolde this lusti frosche queene | |
So prikyth hire this newe iolye wo | |
To hors is al his lusty folk I go | |
In to the court the houndis been I brought | |
And vp on courseris swift as ony thought | |
Hire 3onge knyghtis houyn al a boute | |
And of hire wemen ek an huge route | |
(4 |
Vp on a thikke palfrey paper whit | |
With sadyl red enbroudit with delyt | |
Of gold the barris vp enbosede hye | erasure |
Sit Dido al in gold & perre wrye | |
And she as bright as is the bryght morwe | |
That helith syke men of nyghtis sorwe | |
Vp on a courser stertelynge as the fyr | |
Men myghte turne hym with a litil wyr | |
Sit Enyas lik phebus to deuyse | |
So was he frosch arayed in his wyse | |
The fomy brydil with the bit of gold | |
Gouernyth he ryght as hym self hath wold | |
And forth this noble queen this lady ride | |
On huntynge with this troyan by hyre side | |
The hirde of hertis Is I founde a non | |
With hay bobet pryke thow lat gon lat gon | |
Why nyl the lioun comyn or the bere | |
That I myghte hym onys mete with this spere | |
Thus sey these 3onge folk & vp they kylle | |
These bestys wilde & han hem at here wille | |
Among al this to rumbelyn gan the heuene | |
The thundyr rored with a gresely steuene | |
Doun cam the reyn with hayl & slet so faste | |
With heuenys fer that it so sore a gaste | |
This noble quien & also hire meyne | |
That iche of hem was glad a wey to fle | |
And schortely from the tempest hire to saue | |
Sche fledde hireself in to a litil caue | |
And with hire wente this Enyas also | |
I not with hem If there wente any mo | |
The autour makyth of it no mencioun | |
And here be gan the depe affeccioun | |
Be twixe hem two this was the ferste morwe | |
Of hire gladnesse & gynnere of hire sorwe | |
ffor there hath Enyas I kneled so | |
And told hire al his erte and al his wo | |
And swore so depe to hire to be trewe | |
ffor wel or wo & chaunge hire for no newe | |
And as a fals louere so wel can pleyne | |
That sely dido rewede on his peyne | |
And tok hym for husbonde & become his wyf | |
ffor eueremo whil that hym leste lyf | |
And aftyr whil that the tempest stynte | |
With myrthe out as they comyn hom they wente | |
The wikke fame a ros & that a non | |
How Enias hath with the queen I gon | |
In to the caue & demede as hem leste | |
And whan the kyng that yarbis highte it woste | |
As he that hadde I louyd euere his lyf | |
And wowede hyre to han hire as his wyf | |
Swich sorwe as he makede & swich cheere | |
It is a routhe & pite for to here | |
But in loue alday it happith so | |
That on schal layghyn of a notherys wo | |
Now layhith enias & is in Ioye | |
And more richesse than euere was in troye | |
O sely wemen ful of Innocence | |
fful of pite of trouthe of concience | |
What makyth 3ow to men to truste so | |
Have 3e swych routhe vp on hyre feynede wo | |
And han swich olde ensaumplis 3ow be forn | |
Se 3e nat alle how that 3e ben forsworn | |
Where sen 3e on that he ne hath lafthis lief | |
Or ben onkynde or don hire sum myschief | |
Or pilid hire or bostid of hise dede | |
3e may as wel it sen as 3e may it rede | |
Thak hede now of this grete gentil man | |
This troyan that so wel hire plesyn can | |
That feynyth hym so trewe & obeysynge | ?second 'y' of 'obeysynge' over an 'n'?' |
So gentil & so trewe of his doinge | |
And can so wel don alle his obeysauncis | |
And waytyn hire at festis & at dauncis | |
And whan sche goth to temple & hom a geyn | ? 's' in 'sche' added later |
And fastyn til he hath his lady seyn | |
And beryn in hise deuysis for hire sake | |
Not I not what & songis wolde he make | |
(4 |
Iustyn & don of Armys manye thyngis | |
Synde hire letteres to kenys brochis ryngis | |
Now herkith how he shal his lady serue | |
There as he was in peril for to sterue | |
ffor hungyr & for myschif in the se | |
And desolat & fled from his cuntre | |
And al his folk with tempest al to dryuyn | |
Sche hath hire body & ek hire reame 3euyn | |
In to his hand there as she myghte haue been | |
Of othere landys than of cartage quien | |
And lyuyd in Ioye I now what wele 3e more | |
This Enyas that hat so depe I swore | |
Is wery of his craft with inne a throwe | |
The hote ernest is al ouerblowe | |
And pryuyly he doth hise shepis dyghte | |
And shapith hym to stele a wey by nyghte | |
This dido hath suspescioun of this | |
And thoughte wel that it was al a mys | |
ffor in hire bed sche lyth a nyght & sykyth | |
Sche axeth hym a non what hym mys lykyth | |
Myn dere herte whiche that I loue most | |
Sertis quod he this nyghtmyn faderys gost | 't' of 'nyght' added later in space |
Hath in myn slep so sore me tormentid | |
And ek mercurye his massage hath presentid | |
That nedis to the conquest of ytayle | |
Myn destene is sone for to sayle | |
ffor which me thynkyth brostyn is myn herte | |
Therwith hise false terys out they sterte | |
And takith hire with Inne hise armys two | |
Is that in ernest quod sche wele 3e so | |
Haue 3e nat sworn to wyue me to take | |
Allas what weman wele 3e of me make | |
I am a gentil woman & a quien | |
3e wele nat from 3oure wif thus foule fleen | |
That I was born allas what schal I do | |
To telle in short this noble quen dydo | "so" erased after 'dydo' |
Sche sekith halwis & doth sacryfise | |
Sche knelyth cryeth that routhe is to deuyse | |
Coniurith hym & proferyth hym to be | |
His thral his seruant in the leste gre | |
Sche fallith hym to fote & swounnyth ther | |
Discheuele with hire bryghte gilte her | |
And seyth hauyth mercy & let me with 3ow ryde | |
These lordis whiche that wonyn me be syde | |
Wele me distroyen only for 3oure sake | |
And so 3e wele me now to wiue take | |
As 3e han sworn thanne wele I 3eue 3ow leue | |
To slen me with 3oure swerd nowsone at eue | |
ffor thanne 3it shal I deye as youre wif | |
I am with childe & 3eue myn child his lyf | |
Mercy lord hauyth pete in 3oure thought | |
But al this thing auaylith hire righ nought | |
ffor on a nyght slepynge he let hire lye | |
And stal a wey on to his cumpaynye | |
And as a traytour forth he gan to sayle | |
Toward the large cuntre of ytayle | |
Thus he hath laft dido in wo & peyne | |
And weddede ther a lady hy3te lauyne | erasure: ?'a' after 'ther' |
A cloth he lafte & ek his swerd stondynge | |
Whan he from Dido stal in hire slepynge | |
Ryght at hire beddys hed so gan he hie | |
Whan that he stal a wey to his nauye | |
Which cloth what sely dido gan a wake | |
Sche hath it kyst & ful ofte for his sake | |
And seyde o swete cloth whil Iuppiter it leste | |
Tak now myn soule & brynge it of this onreste | |
I haue fulfild of fortune al the cours | |
And thus with outyn his socours | 'ur' of 'socours' are a little odd |
Twenti tyme I swounyd hath sche thanne | |
And whanne that sche vn to hire systyr Anne | |
Compleynede hadde of which I may nat wryte | |
So gret a reuthe I haue for tendite | |
And bad hire norice & hire sistir gon | |
To fechyn fyr & othyr thyng a non | |
And seyde that sche wolde sacryfye | |
And whan she myghte hire tyme wel espie | |
(4 |
Vp on the fir of sacryfise she sterte | |
And with his swerd she rof hyre herte | 'f' of 'rof' added later? |
But 3it as myn autour right thus sche seyde | |
Or she was hurt by forn or she deyede | |
Sche wrot a lettere a non that thus be gan | |
Ryght so quod she as that the white swan | |
A 3ens his deth be gynnyth for to synge | |
Right so to 3ow make I myn compleynynge | |
Not that I trowe to getyn 3ow a geyn | |
ffor wel I wot that it is al in veyn | |
Syn that the goddis been contrarye to me | |
But syn myn name is lost thorw 3ow quod she | |
I may wel lese on 3ow a word or lettere | |
Al be it that I shal ben neuere the bettere | |
ffor thilke wynd that blew 3oure schip a wey | |
The same wynd hath blowe a wey 3oure fey | |
But ho so wele al this lettere hauyn in mynde | |
Rede he ouyde & in hym he shal it fynde. | |
T How rote of falce loueris Duc Iason | 4-line 'drop' capital |
Thow sly deuourere & confusioun | |
Of tendere wemen gentil cryaturys | |
Thow madist thyn recleymyng & thyn luris | |
To ladyis of thyn statly aparaunce | |
And of thyne wordis farcede with plesaunce | |
And of thyne feynede trouthe & thyn manere | |
With thyn obeysaunce & humble cheere | |
And with thyne contrefetid peyne & wo | |
There othere falsyn on thow falsist two | |
O oftyn sworist thow that thow woldist deye | |
ffor loue whan thow ne feltist maledye | |
Saue foul delyt whiche that tow callist loue | |
3if that I leue thyn name shal be shoue | |
In englis that thyn sekte shal be knowe | |
Haue at the Iason now thyn horn is blowe | |
The legend of Hipsihile and Medea | later hand |
But certis
But sertis it is bothe routhe & wo | |
That loue with false loueris werkyth so | |
ffor they schal haue wel betere loue & chere | |
Than he that hath a bought his loue wol dere | |
Or hadde in armys manye a blodi box | |
ffor euere as tendere a capoun et the fox | |
Thow he be fals & hath the foul be trayed | |
As shal the goode man that therfore hath payed | |
Al haue he to the capoun skille & ryght | |
The false fox wele haue his part at nyght | |
On Iason this ensaumple is wel I sene | |
By Isiple & media the queene | |
In Tessalie as guido tellith vs | |
There was a kyng that highte pelleus | |
That hadde a brothyr that highte Eson | |
And whan for age he myghte vnnethis gon | |
He 3af to Pelleus the gouernyng | |
Of al his regne & made hym lord & kyng | |
Of whiche Eson this Iason getyn was | |
That in his tyme in al that land there nas | |
Nat swich a famous knyght of gentilnes | |
Of fredom & of strenthe & lustynes | |
Aftyr his fadiris deth he bar hym so | |
That there nas non that liste ben his fo | |
But dide hym al honour & compaynye | |
Of which this Pelleus hadde gret enuye | |
Imagynynge that Iason myghte be | |
Enhaunsede so & put in swich degre | |
Withloue of lordis of his regioun | |
That from his regne he myghte ben put a doun | |
In his wit a nyght compassede he | |
How Iason myghte best distroyed be | |
With oute sclaundere of his compassement | |
And at the laste he tok a Vysement | |
To syndyn hym in to sum fer cuntre | |
There as this Iason may distroyed be | |
This was his with al made he to Iason | 'is' and 'made' seems added or rewritten |
Gret chiere of loue & of affeccioun | 'ere of' seems added or rewritten |
ff j
(4 |
ffor dred lest hise lordis it espiede | |
Tho fyl it so as fame rennyth wide | |
Theere was swich tydying oueral & swich loos | |
That in an ylde that callid was colcos | |
Be3onde Troye est ward in the se | |
That therin was a ram that men may se | |
That hadde a fles of gold that shon so bryghte | |
That nower was swich a nothir syghte | |
But it was kept alwey with a dragoun | |
And manye othere merveylis vp & doun | |
And with two bolys makyd al of bras | |
That spittyin fer & meche othir thyng there was | |
But this was ek the tale natheles | |
That who so wolde wynne tylke fles | |
He muste bothe or he it wynne myghte | |
With the bole & the dragoun fyghte | |
And kyng Oetes lord was of that yle | |
This Pelleus be thoute hym vp on this wile | |
That he his neveu Iason wolde enhorte | |
To saylyn to that lond hym to disporte | |
And seyde neuew If it myghte be | |
That swich a worchepe myghte fallyn the | |
That thw this famous tresore myghtist wynne | |
And bryngyn it myn regioun with inne | |
It were to me gret plesaunce & honour | |
Thanne were I holde to quyte thyn labour | |
And al the cost I wele myn seluyn make | |
Schis what folk that thow wit with the take | |
Lat sen now daryst thow take this viage | |
Iason was 3ong & lusty of corage | |
And vndyr tok to don this empryse | |
A non Argus his schepis gan deuyse | |
And with Iason wente the stronge Ercules | |
And manye a nothir that he with hym ches | |
But who so axeth who is with hym gon | |
Lat hym ryde argonautycoun | |
ffor he wele telle a tale long I now | |
Philoteces a non the seyl vp drow | |
Whan that the wynd was good & gan hym hye | |
Out of his cuntre callid Thessalye | |
So longe he seylith in the salte se | |
Til in the yle of lenoun aryuede he | |
Al be this nat rehersid of Gwido | |
3it seyth ouyde in hise epistelis so | |
And of this Ile lady was & quien | |
The fayre 3ynge ysiphele the shene | |
That thoas doughtyr was the kyng | |
Isiphile was gon in hire pleying | |
And romynge on the clyuys by the se | |
Vndyr a banke anon aspiede she | |
Where that the ship of Iason gan a ryue | |
Of hire goodnese a doun she sendyth blythe | |
To wetyn If that any straunge wight | |
With tempest were thidyr blowe a nyght | |
To don hem socour as was hire vsaunce | |
To fortheryn euery wight & to don plesaunce | |
Of verry bounte & of curteysye | |
This messangeer a doun hym gan to hye | |
And fond Iason & Ercules also | |
That in a cog to londe were I go | |
Hem to refrosche & for to take the eyr | |
The morwynge attempre was & fayr | |
And in his weye this massanger hym mette | |
fful cunnyngely these lordis two he grette | |
And dede his massage axinge hym a non | |
If they were brokyn or ought wo begon | |
Or haddyn nede of lodman or vitayle | |
Or of socour they schulde no thyng fayle | |
ffor it was outrely the quien is wille | |
Iason answerde mekely & stylle | |
Myn lady quod he thanke I hertyly | |
Of hire goodnesse vs nedyth trewely | |
Nothyng as now but that we wery be | |
And come for to pleye out of the se | |
Tyl that the wynd be bettyr in hire weye | |
This lady romyth by the clyf to pleye | |
ff ij
(4 |
Wyth hire meyne endelong the stronde | |
And fyndith Iason & these othere stonde | |
In spekynge of this thyng as I 3ow tolde | |
This Ercules & Iason gan be holde | |
How that the queen it was & fayre hire grette | |
Anon ryght as they with this lady mette | |
And sche tok hed & knew by hyre manyere | |
By hire aray by wordys & by chiere | |
That it were gentil men of gret degre | |
And to the castel with hire ledyth she | |
These straunge folk & doth hem gret honour | |
And axeth hem of trauayle & labour | |
That they han suffered in the salte se | |
So that with inne a day or two or thre | |
Sche knew by folk that in his shepis be | |
That it was Iason ful of renone | |
And Ercules that hadde tho gret los | |
That soughtyn the auenturys of Calcos | |
And dede hem honour more than be fore | |
And with hem delede euerelengere the more | |
ffor they ben worthy folk with oute les | |
And namely most she spak with ercules | |
To hym hire herte bar he shulde be | |
Sad wys & trewe of wordys a vyse | |
With outen any othir affeccioun | |
---- > | |
This Ercules hath so this Iason preysid | 'a' in left margin |
That to the sunne he hath hym vp areysid | 'he' erased after 'he' |
That so trewe a man there nas of loue | |
Vndyr the cape of heue that is a boue | |
And he was wis hardy secre & ryche | |
Of these thre poyntis there nas no man hym liche | |
Of fredom passede he & lustyhede | |
Alle tho that lyuyn & been dede | |
Therto so gret a gentilman was he | |
And of thessalye likly kyng to be | |
There nas no lak but that he was a gast | |
To loue & for to spke shamefast | '&' is the second form |
Of loue or euyl ymagynacyoun | 'b' in left margin |
Hym selue to mordere & deye | |
Than that men shude a louere hym espye | |
As wolde god that þat I hadde 3eue | |
Myn blod & flesch so that I myghe leue | |
With nonys so that he hadde a wif | |
ffor hyse estat for whiche a lusty lyf | |
Sche shulde lede with this lusty knyght | |
And al this was compassid in the nyght | |
By twixe hym Iason & this Ercules | |
Of these two here was a shrewede lees | |
To come to house vp on an Innocent | |
ffor to be dote this queen was here assent | |
And Iason is as coy as is a mayde | |
He lokyth pitously but nought he sayde | |
But frely 3af he to hire conseylerys | |
3iftis grete & to hire offiserys | |
As wolde god I leyser hadde & tyme | |
By proces al his wowying for to ryme | |
But in this hous If ony fals louere be | |
Ryth as hym self doth rygh so dede he | |
With feynynge & with euery subtyl dede | |
3e gete na more of me but 3e wele rede | |
Thorigynal that tellyth al the cas | |
The somme is this that Iason weddit was | |
Vn to this queen & tok of it substaunce | |
What so hym leste onto his puruyaunce | |
And vp on hire be gat he childeryn two | |
And drow his sayl & saw hym neuere mo | |
A lettere sente she to hym serteyn | |
Whiche were to longe to wryte & to sen | |
And hym reprevith of his ontrouthe | |
And preyeth on hire to haue sum routhe | |
And of hire childeryn two she seyde hym this | |
That they ben lyk of alle thynge I wis | |
To Iason save they coude nat be gile | |
And preyede to god or it were long while | |
That she that hadde hire herte I raft hire fro | |
Muste fyndyn hym ontrewe also | |
ff iij
(4 |
And that sche muste bothe hire chylderyn spylle | |
And alle tho that sufferede hym his wille | |
And trewe to Iason was she al hire lyf | |
And euere kepte hire chast as for his wif | |
Ne nevere hadde she Ioye at hire herte | |
But deyede for his loue / of sorwe smerte | |
To calcos comyn is this Duc Iason | 'n' of 'comyn' corrected from 't'/'c'? |
That is of loue devoure & dragoun | |
As matier apetitith forme alwey | |
And from forme in to forme it passyn may | |
Or as a welle that were botemeles | |
Ryght so can false Iason haue no pes | |
ffor to desyryn thorw his apetit | |
To don with gentil wemen his delyt | |
This is his lust & his felicite | |
Iason is romyd forth to the Cyte | |
That whilom clepid was Iaconitos | |
That was the mayster toun I clepid Colcos | |
And hath I told the cause of his comyng | |
Vn to Oetes of that cuntre kyng | |
Preyinge hym that he must don his assay | |
To gete the fles of gold If that he may | |
Of whiche the kyng assentede to his bone | |
And doth hym honour as it was to done | |
So fer forth that his doughtyr& his ayr | |
Media that was so wis & fayr | |
That fayrere say there neuere man with eye | |
He made hire don to Iason cumpaynye | |
At mete & sitte by hym in the halle | |
Now was Iason a semely man with alle | |
And lyk a lord & hadde a gret renoun | |
And of his lok as real as a leoun | |
And goodly of his speche & familer | |
And coude of loue al the craft & art pleyner | |
With oute bok & eueryche obseuaunce | |
And as fortune hire oughte a foul myschaunce | |
Sche wex enamourrid vp on this man | |
Iason quod sche for ought I se or can | |
As of this thyng of whiche 3e ben a boutyn | a tear damages the '3' of '3e' |
3e han 3oure self put in meche doute | |
ffor ho so wele this auenture acheue | |
He may nat wel astertyn as I leue | |
With outyn deth but I his helpe be | |
But natheles it is myn wylle quod she | |
To fortheryn 3ow so that 3e schal nat die | |
But turnyn sound hom to 3oure tessalye | |
Myn ryght lady quod this Iason tho | |
That 3e han of myn deth or of myn wo | |
Any reward & don me this honour | |
I wot wel that myn mygh ne myn labour | |
May not disserue it in myn lyuys day | |
God thanke 3ow there I ne can ne may | |
3oure man I am &louely 3ow be seche | |
To ben my helpe with oute more speche | |
But sertis for myn deth schal I nat spare | |
Tho gan this Media to hym declare | |
The peril of this cas from poynt to poynt | |
And of his batayle & in what disioynt | |
He muste stonde of whiche no cryature | |
Saue only she ne myghte his lyf assure | |
And shortely to the poynt ryght for to go | |
They been acordit ful by twixe hem two | |
That Iason shal hire wedde as trewe knyght | |
And terme set to come sone at nyght | |
Vn to hire chambir & make there hise oth | |
Vp on the goddys that he for lef or loth | |
Ne shulde neuere hire false nyght ne day | |
To ben hire husbonde while he lyue may | |
As she that from his deth hym sauyth here | |
And here vp a nyght they mette in feere | |
And doth his oth & goth with hire to bedde | |
And on the morwe vpward he hym spedde | |
ffor she hath taught hym how he shal nat fayle | |
The fles to wynne & stynted his batayle | |
And sauede hym his lyf & his honour | |
And gat hym a name ryth as a conquerour | |
ff iiij
(4 |
Rygh thorw the sleyte of hire enchantement | |
Now hath Iason the fles & hom is went | |
With Media & tresor ful gret won | |
But on wist of hire fadyr is she gon | |
Tessaly with |
That aftyrward hat brought hire to myschef | |
ffor as a traytour he is from hire go | |
And with hire lafte hire 3ynge childere two | |
And falsely hath be traysede hire allas | |
As euere in loue a thef & traytour he was | |
And weddyth 3it the thredde wif a non | |
That was the doughtyr of the kyng Creon | |
This is the mede of louynge & guerdoun | |
That Medya receyuyth of Iason | |
Rygh for hire treuthe & for hire kyndenesse | |
That louede hym betere than hire self I gesse | |
And lafte hire fadyr & hire erytage | |
And of Iason this is the vassellage | |
That in hise dayis nas there non I founde | |
So fals a louere goinge on the grounde | |
And therfore in hire lettere thus she seyde | |
ffyrst of his falsenesse whan she hym vpbreyde | |
Whi lykede me thyn 3elwe her to se | |
More than the boundys of myn oneste | |
Why lykede me thyn 3outhe & thyn fayrnesse | |
And of thyn tunge the infynyt graciousnesse | |
O haddist thow in thyn conquest ded I be | |
fful meche ontrouthe hadde deyed with the | |
Wel can ouyde hire lettere in Vers endyte | |
Whiche were as now to longe for me to wryte | |
N Ow mote I seyn the exilynge of kyngis | 4-line 'drop' capital |
Of Rome for here orible doingis | |
Of the laste kyng Tarquinius | |
As seyth ouyde & Titus lyuius | |
The Legend of Lucrece of Rome | later hand |
But for that cause ne telle I nat this storye | |
But for to preyese & drawe to me memorye | |
The verry wif the verry trewe lucresse | |
That for hyre wifhod & hire stedefastenesse | |
Nat only that these payenys hire comende | |
But he that clepid is in oure l^e^gende | |
The grete Austyn hath gret compassioun | |
Of this lucresse that starf at rome toun | |
And in what wise I wele but shortely trete | |
And of al this thyng I tuche but the grete | 'I' is corrected from '&' |
Whan Ardea be seged was a boute | |
With romeynys that ful sterne were & stoute | |
fful longe lay the sege & lytil wroughten | |
So that they were half Idyl as hem thou3ten | |
And in his pley tarquinius the 3onge | |
Gan for to Iape for he was lyght of tunge | |
And seyde it was an ydil lyf | |
No man dide there no more than his wif | |
And lat vs speke of weyuys & that is best | |
Preyse euery man his owene as hym lest | |
And with oure speche lat vs ese oure herte | |
A knyght that highte Colatyn vp sterte | |
And seyde thus nay sire it is no nede | |
To trowyn on the word but on the dede | |
I haue a wif quod he that as I trowe | |
Is holdyn good of alle that euere hire knowe | |
Go we to nyght to rome & we shal se | |
Terquinius answerde that likyth me | |
To rome be they come & faste hem dyghte | |
To Colatynys hous & doun they lyghte | |
Tarquinius & ek this Colatyn | |
The husbonde knew the estris wel & fyn | |
And ful priuyly in to the hous they gon | |
Nor at the 3ote porte nas there non | |
And at the chambre dore they gan abyde | |
This noble wif sat by hire beddys side | |
Discheuele for no maleyce she ne thoughte | |
And softe wolle seyth that she wroughte | |
ff v
(4 |
To kepe hire from slouthe & Idilneffe | 'ff' for 'ss' |
And bad hire seruauntis don hire besynesse | |
And axith hem what tydyngis hery 3e | |
How seyth men of the sege how shal it be | |
God wolde the wal were falle a doun | |
Myn husbonde is so longe out of this toun | |
ffor which the drede doth me so sore smerte | |
That with a swerd me thynkyth that to myn herte | |
It styngith me whan I thynke on that place | |
God saue myn lord I preye hym for his grace | |
And there with al ful tendirly sche wep | |
And of hire werk tok no more no kep | |
And mekely hyre eyen let she falle | |
And tilke semblant sat hire wel with alle | |
And hire teris ful of oneste | |
Emblemyschid hire wifly chastite | |
And with that word hire husbonde colatyn | |
Or she was war come stertynge In | |
And seyde drede the nat for I am here | |
And she a non vp ros with blysful chere | |
Hyre cuntenaunce is to hire herte dygne | |
ffor they accord bothe in dede & sygne | |
And kiste hym as of wiuys is the wone | |
Tarquinius this proude kyngis sone | |
Conseyuede hath hire beute & hyre cheere | |
Hire 3elwe her hire shap & hire manere | |
Hire hew hire wordis that she hath compleynyd | |
And by no craft hire beute nas nat feynyd | |
And caughte to this lady swich desyr | |
That in his herte brende as any fer | |
So wodly that his wit is al forgetyn | |
ffor he woste wel she wolde nat ben getyn | |
And ay the more that he was in dispayr | |
The more coueyth hire & thoughte hire fayr | |
This blynde lust was al his coueytynge | |
A morwe whan the brid be gan to synge | |
Vn to the sege he comyth ful priuily | |
And by hym self he walkyth sobirly | |
Thymage of hire recordynge alwey newe | |
Thus lay hire her & thus frosch was hyre hewe | |
Thus sat thus spak thus span thus was hire chere | |
Thus fayr sche was & thus was hire manere | |
Al this conseit hys herte hath now I take | |
And as the se with tempest al to shake | |
3it aftyr whan the storm is al a gon | |
3it wele the watyr quappe a day or two | |
Rygh so thow that hire forme were absent | |
The plesaunce of hire forme was present | |
Natheles nat plesaunce but delit | |
Or an onrighful talent with dispit | |
ffor maugre hyre she schal myn leman be | |
Hap helpith hardy man alday quod he | 'y' of 'alday' corrected from 'r'?, with 'y' above, also--and extra following space |
What ende that I make it shal be so | |
And gerte hym with his swerd & gan to go | |
And forth he rit til he to Rome is come | |
And al a lone his weye hathe he nome | |
Vn to the hous of Colatyn ful ryght | |
Doun was the sonne & day hath lost hire lyght | |
And in he comyth in to a priue halk | |
And in the nyght ful thefly gan he stalk | |
Whan euery wight was to his reste braught | |
Ne no wight hadde of tresoun swich a thought | |
Were it by wyndow or by othyr gyn | |
With swerd drawe shortly he come In | |
There as sche lay the noble wif Lucresse | |
And as she wok hire bed she felte presse | |
What beste quod she is that weyeth thus | |
I am the kyngis sone tarquinius | |
Quod he but & thow crye or noyse make | |
Or If there ony creature awake | |
By thilke god that formede man a lyue | |
This swerd thorw out thyn hrete shal I ryue | |
And therewith al in to hire throte he sterte | |
And sette the poynt al sharp vp on hire herte | |
No word she spak she hath no myght therto | |
What shal she seyn hire wit is al a go | |
ff vj
Rytht as a wolf that fynt a lomb a lone | |
To whom shal she compleyne or make mone | |
What shal she fyghte with an hardy knyght | |
Wel wot men that a woman hath no myght | |
What shal she crye or how shal she asterte | |
That hast hire by the throte with a swerd at herte | |
She axeth grace & seyth al that she can | |
Ne wilt how nat quod he this crewel man | |
As wisely Iupiter myn soule sawe | |
As I shal In the stable slen thyn knawe | |
And ley hym In thyn bed & loude crye | |
That I the fynde In auouterye | |
And thus thow shalt be ded & also lese | |
Thyn name for thow shalt non othir chese | 'w' in 'thow' seems written oddly over something else |
These Romeyn wyuys louede so here name | |
At Ilke tyme & dredde so here shame | |
That what for fer or sclaundere & drede of deth | |
loste |
first 'bothe' subpuncted, and struck through |
And in a swc she lay & wex so ded | 'c' of 'swc' may be a half 'o' |
Men myghte smyte of hire arm or hed | |
Sche felyth no thyng neythir foul ne fayr | |
Tarquinius that art a kyngis Ayr | |
And sholdist as be lynage & be ryght | |
Don as a lord & as a worthi knyght | |
Whi hast tow don dispit to chiualrye | |
Whi hast thow don this lady vilanye | |
Allas of the this was a vileyn dede | |
But now to purpos in the story I rede | |
Whan this was gon & this myschaunce befalle | |
This lady sent aftyr hire frendis alle | |
ffodyr modyr husbonde alle In feere | |
And al discheuele with hire herys cleere | |
In abit swich as wemen vsyn tho | |
Vn to the buryinge of hire frendys go | |
Sche sit In halle with a sorweful sighte | 'sighte' written over an erasure |
Hyre fryndys axen what hire eylyn myghte | |
And who was ded & she sit ay wepynge | |
A word for shame forth ne myght she brynge | |
Foliomissing lines 1836-1907: end of Lucresse and beginning of Adryane | |
That nysus doughtyr stod vp on the wal | |
And of the sege saw the maner al | |
So happid it that at a scarmuchyng | |
She caughte hyre herte vp on Mynos the kyng | |
ffor his beute & for his chyualrye | |
So sore that she wende for to deye | |
And shortely of this proces for to pace | |
She made Mynos wynnyn tilke place | |
So that the site was al at his wille | |
To sauyn hem hym leste or ellis spille | |
But wikkedely he quitte hire kyndenesse | |
And let hire drenche in sorwe & in distresse | |
Nere that the goddis hadde of hire pite | |
But that tale were to longe as now for me | |
But this theffect that Mynos hath so dreuyn | |
Hem of Athenys that they mot hym 3euyn | |
ffrom 3er to 3er hire owene childeryn dere | |
ffor to be slayn righ as 3e shal here | |
This Mynos hadde a monstre a wekede best | |
That was so crewel that with oute arest | |
Whan that a man was brou3t in his presence | |
He wolde hym ete ther helpith no defence | |
And euery thredde with oute doute | |
They caste lot & as it fil a boute | |
On riche or pore he muste his sone take | |
And of his child he muste present make | |
To Theseus to save hym or to spylle | 'Theseus' is a very interesting slip for 'Minos'} |
Or lete his beste deuoure hym at his wille | |
And this hath Mynos don ryght In dispit | |
To wreke his sone was set al his delyt | |
And makyn hem of Athenys his thral | |
ffrom 3er to 3er whil that he leuyn shal | |
And hom he saylyth whan the toun is wonne | |
This wekede custome is so longe I ronne | |
Til that of Athenys kyng Eegeus | |
Mote syndyn his owene sone Theseus | |
Sithe that the lot is fallyn hym vp on | |
To ben deuouryd for grace is there non | |
(4 |
And forth is gon this woful 3onge knght | |
Onto the court of kyng Mynos ful ryght | |
And in to a prysoun feterid cast is he | |
Tyl the ilke tyme he shulde fretyn be | |
Wel maystow wepe o woful thesyus | |
That art a kyngis sone & dampned thus | |
Me thynkith thus that thow were depe I holde | |
To hym that savede the from caris colde | |
And If now ony woman helpe the | |
Wel aughtist tow hire seruant for to be | |
And ben hire trewe louere 3er be 3er | |
But now to come a geyn to myn matyr | |
The tour there as this thesyus is throwe | |
Doun in the boteme dyrk & wondyr lowe | |
Was Ioynynge in the wal to a foreyne | |
And it was longynge to the doughteryn tweyne | |
Of Thesius that in hire chaumberys grete | |
Dwelledyn a bowe toward the maystyr strete | |
Of Athenys in Ioye & in solas / | |
Not I not how it happid par cas | |
As Thesyus compleynede hym be nyghte | |
The kyngis doughtyr Adryane that highte | |
And ek hire systyr ffedra herdyn al | |
His compleynynge as they stodyn on the wal | |
And lokedyn vp on the bryghe mone | |
Hem leste nat to gon to bedde sone | |
And of his wo they haddyn compassioun | |
A kyngis sone to ben In swich a prysoun | |
And ben deuoured thoughte hem gret pete | |
This Adryane spak to hire systeryn fre | |
And seyde leue systyr phedra dere | |
This woful lordys sone may 3e nat here | |
How pitously compleynyth he his kyn | |
And ek his pouere astat that he is In | |
And giltles now certeyn it is routhe | |
And If 3e wele assentyn by myn trouthe | |
He shal ben holpyn how so euere we do | |
Phedra answerde I wis me is as wo | |
ffor hym as euere I was for man | |
And to his helpe the beste red I can | |
Is that we do the gayler priuyly | |
To come & speke with vs hastily | |
And don this woful man with hym to come | |
ffor If he may this monstre ouercome | |
Thanne were he quyt ther is non other bote | |
Lat vs wel taste hym at his herte rote | |
If so be that he a wepene have | |
Where that he dar his lyf to kepe & saue | |
ffyghtyn with the fend & hym defende | |
ffor In the prysoun ther he shal dessende | |
3e wete wel that the beste is in a place | |
That nys nat derk / & hath bothe roum & space | |
And wilde an ax or swerd or staf or kynf | sic: 'kynf' |
So that me thynkyth he shulde save his lyf | |
If that he be a man he shal don so | |
And we shul make hym ballis ek also | |
Of wex & tow / that whan he gapith faste | |
In to the bestis throte he shal hem caste | |
To slake his hungir & encombre his teth | |
And right a non what that Thesyus seth | |
The beste achokid he shal as hym lepe | strange form for the 'a' of 'achokid'--corrected from 'o' perhaps |
And slen hym as they comyn more to hepe | |
This wepne shal the gayler or that tyde | |
fful rriuyly with inne the prysoun hyde | |
And for the hous is knynkeled two & fro | |
And hath so queynte weyis for to go | |
ffor it is shapyn as the mase is wrought | |
Therto haue I a remedye In myn thought | |
That by a crewe of twyn as he hath gon | upper right of 'r' in 'crewe' erased? |
The same weye he may returne a non | |
ffolwynge alwey the thred as he hath come | |
And whan that he this beste hath ouercome | |
Thanne may he flen a wey out of this drede | |
And ek the gayler may he with hym lede | |
(4 |
And hym auaunce at hom In his cuntre | |
Syn that so gret a lordis sone is he | |
This is myn red If that he dare it take | |
What sholde I lengere sarmoun of it make | |
This gayler comyth & with hym Thesyus | |
And whan these thyngis ben a cordit thus | |
A doun sit Thesyus vp on his kne | |
The rygh lady of myn lyf quod he | |
I sorweful man dampnede to the deth | |
ffro 3ow whil that me lestyth lyf or breth | |
I wil nat twynne aftyr this auenture | 'I' corrected from 'ff' |
But in 3oure servise thus I wele endure | |
That as a wreche vnknowe I wele 3ow serve | |
ffor euere mo til that myn herte sterue | |
fforsake I wele at hom mynherytage | 'h' in 'herytage' squeezed in later |
And as I seyde ben of 3oure court a page | |
If 3e vouche saf that in this place | |
3e graunte me to han so gret a grace | |
That I may han nat but myn mete & drynk | |
And for myn sustenaunce 3it wele I swynk | |
Rygh as 3ow leste that Mynos ne no wight | |
Syn that he saw me neuere with eye syght | |
Ne non ellis shal me cunne espye | |
So slyly & so wel I shal me gye | |
And me so wel disfigure & so lowe | |
That in this world ther shal no man me knowe | |
To han myn lyf & for to han presence | |
Of 3ow that don me this excellence | |
And to myn fadyr shal I sende hir | |
This worthi man that is now 3oure gayler | |
And hym to gwerdone that he shal wel be | |
On of the gretteste man of myn cuntre | |
And If I durste seyn myn lady bryght | |
I am a kyngis sone & ek a knyght | |
So wolde god If that it myghte be | |
3e weryn In myn cuntre alle thre | |
And I with 3ow to bere 3ow compaignye | |
Thanne shulde 3e se If that I therof lye | |
And If I profre 3ow In low manere | |
To ben 3oure page & seruyn 3ow ryght here | |
But I 3ow serve as louly In that place | |
I preye to Mars so 3ee 3ow swich a grace | |
That shamys deth on me than mote falle | |
And deth & poverte to mynne frendys alle | |
And that myn spirit be nyghte mote go | |
Aftyr myn deth & walke two & fro | |
That I mote of traytour haue a name | |
ffor whiche myn sprit goth to do me shame | |
And If I euere cleyme othir degre | |
But If 3e vouche saf to 3eue it me | |
And I haue seyd of shamys deth I deye | |
And mercy lady I can nat ellis seye | |
A semely knyght was thesius to se | |
And 3ong but of a twenty 3ir & thre | |
But ho so hadde seyn his cuntenaunce | |
He wolde a wept for routhe of his penaunce | |
ffor which this Adryane In this manere | |
Answerde hym to his profre & to his chere | |
A kyngis sone & ek a knyght quod she | |
To ben myn seruaunt In so low degre | |
God shilde it for the shame of wemen alle | |
And leue me neuere swich a cas be falle | |
But synde 3ow grace of slyghte & herte also | |
3ow to defende & knyghtly slen 3oure fo | |
And leue here aftyr that I may 3ow fynde | |
To me & to myn systyr here so kynde | |
That I repente nat to 3eue the lyf | |
3it were it betere that I were 3oure wyf | |
Syn that 3e ben as gentil born as I | |
And hauyn a reume nat but fasteby | |
Than that I sufferede giltles 3ow sterve | |
Or that I let 3ow as a page serue | |
It nys no profre as on to 3oure kynrede | |
But what is that men nyl don for drede | |
An to myn systyr syn that it Is so | |
That she mot gon with me If that I go | |
(4 |
Or ellis suffere deth as wel as I | |
That 3e vnto 3oure sone as trewely | |
Don hire ben weddit at 3oure hom comyng | |
This is the fenal ende of al this thyng | |
3e swere it here vp on al that may be sworen | |
3a lady myn quod he or ellis torn | |
Mote I be with the mynatour to morwe | |
And hauyth here of myn herte blod to borwe | |
If that 3e wele If I hadde knyf or spere | |
I wele it latyn out & theron swere | |
ffor thanne at erst I wot 3e wele me leue | |
By Mars that is the chif of myn beleue | |
So that I myghte leuyn & nat fayle | |
To morwe for tacheue myn batayle | |
I wolde neuere from this place fle | |
Til that 3e shulde the verray preue se | |
ffor now If that the sothe I shal 3ow say | |
I haue I louyd 3ow ful manye a day | |
Thow 3e ne wiste it nat in myn cuntre | |
And aldermost desirede 3ow to se | |
Of any erthely leuynge creature | |
Vp on myn trouthe I swere & 3ow ensure | |
This seuene 3er I haue 3oure seruaunt be | |
Now haue I 3ow & also haue 3e me | |
Myn dere herte of Athenys duchesse | |
This lady smylith at his stedefast nesse | |
And at his hertely wordis & his chere | |
And to hyre sistyr seyde in this mane | |
Al softely systyr myn quod she | |
Now be we duchessis bothe I & 3e | |
And sekerede to the regalys of Athenys | |
And bothe hereaftyr likly to ben quenys | |
And sauyd from his deth a kyngis sone | |
As euere of gentil wemen is the wone | |
To saue a gentyl man emforth hire myght | |
In honest cause & namely In his ryght | |
Me thynkyth no wight oughte herof vs blame | |
Ne beryn vs therfore an euyl name | |
And shortely of this mater for to make | |
This thesius hath of hire leue take | |
And euery poynt was parformed In dede | |
As 3e han In this couenaunt herd me rede | |
His wepne his clewe his thyng that I haue sayd | |
Was by the gayler in the hous I leyd | |
Ther as this Mynatour hath his dwellyng | |
Rygh faste by the dore at his entryng | |
And Thesyus is lad onto his deth | |
And forth vnto this mynatour he geth | |
And by the techynge of this Adryane | |
He ouercom this beste & was his ban | |
And out he comyth by the clewe a gayn | |
fful priuyly whan he this beste hath slayn | |
And by the gayler getyn hath a barge | |
And of his wyuys tresor gan it charge | |
And tok his wif & ek hire sistyr fre | |
And ek the gayler & with hym alle thre | |
Is stole a wey out of the lond be nyghte | |
And to the cuntre of Ennepye hym dyghte | |
There as he hadde a frend of his knowynge | |
There feste they there daunce they & synge | |
And in hise armys hat this adryane | |
That of the beste hat kept hym from his bane | |
And gat hym there a newe barge a non | |
And of his cuntre folk a ful gret won | |
And takyth his leue & homward saylyth he | |
And in an yle a myd the wilde se | |
Ther as there dwellede cryatur non | |
Saue wilde bestis & that ful manyon | |
He made his ship a londe for to sette | |
And in that yle half a day he lette | |
And seyde that on the lond he muste hym reste | |
His maryneris han don rygh as hym leste | |
And forth to tellyn shortly in this cas | |
Whan adryane his wif a slepe was | |
ffor that hire systyr fayrere was than she | |
He takyth hire In his hond & forth goth he | |
(4 |
To shepe & as a traytour stal his wey | |
Whil that this Adryane a slepe lay | |
And to his cuntreward he saylith swythe | |
A twenty deuelewey the wynd hym dryue | |
And fond his fadyr drenchid in the se | |
Me leste no more to speke of hym parde | |
These false louerys poysoun be here bane | |
But I wele turne a geyn to Adryane | |
That Is with slep with werynesse a take | |
fful sorwefully hire herte may a wake | |
Allas for the myn herte hath now pete | |
Ryght In the dawynnyng awakyth she | |
And graspith In the bed & fond ryght nought | |
Allas quod she that euere that I was wrought | |
I am betrayed & al hire her to rent | |
And to the stronde barefot faste she went | |
And cryede Thesius myn herte swete | |
Where be 3e that I may nat with 3ow mete | |
And myghte thus with bestys ben I slayn | |
The holwe rokkis answerden hire a gayn | |
No man she saw & 3it shynede the mone | |
And hye vp on a rokke she wente sone | |
And saw his barge saylynge in the se | |
Cold wex hire herte & rygh thus seyde she· | |
Mekere than 3e fynde I the bestis wilde | |
Hadde he nat synne that hire thus be gylid | |
She cryede o turne a geyn for routhe & synne | |
Thyn barge hath nat al his myne Inne | |
Hire couerchif vp on a pole stekede she | |
Ascaunce that he shulde it wel I se | |
And hym remembre that she was be hynde | |
And turne a geyn & on the stronde hire fynde | |
But al for nought his weye he is I gon | |
A doun she fyl aswoune vp on a ston | |
And vp she rysith & kyssith in al hire care | |
The steppis of his fet ther he hath fare | |
And to hire bed ryght thus spekyth tho | |
Tow bed quod she that hast receyuyd two | |
Thow shat answere of two & nat of on | |
Where is thyn grettere part a wey I gon | |
Allas where shal I wreche wight become | |
ffor thow so be that boot here ne cone | |
Hom to to myn cuntre dare I nat for drede | |
I can myn selue In this cas nat rede | |
What shulde I more telle hire compleynynge | |
It is so long it were an heuy thynge | |
In hire epistil noso tellyth al | |
But shortly to the ende I telle shal | |
The goddys han hire holpyn for pite | |
And In the signe of taurus men may se | |
The stonys of hire Corone shyne clere | |
I wele no more speke of this mateere | |
But thus this false louere can begyle | |
His trewe loue the deuyl quyte hym his while | |
The Legend of Philomene | later hand |
T How 3euere of the formys that hast wrought | 4-line 'drop' capital |
This fayre world & bar it In thyn thought | |
Eternaly er thow thyn werk beganne | |
Why madist thow on to the slaundere of man | |
Or al be that it was nat thyn doinge | |
As for that fyn to make swich a thynge | |
Whi sufferist thow that tereus was bore | |
That is In loue so fals & so forswore | |
That from this world vp to the ferste heuene | |
Coruptyh whan that folk his name nemene | all after first word written over erasure, some of which can be read: e.g., 'name nemene' |
And as to me so gresely was his dede | |
That whan that I his foule storye rede | |
Mynne eyen wexe foule & sore also | |
3it lestyth the venym of so longe a go | |
That it enfectyth hym that wele be holde | |
The storye of Therius of whiche I tolde | |
Of trace was he lord & kyn to Marte. | |
The crewel god that stant with body darte. | |
(4 |
And weddid hadde he with blysful cheere | |
Kyng pandionys fayre doughtyr dere | |
That highte Progne flour of that cuntre | |
Thow Iune lyst nat at the feste to be | |
Ne Imeneus that god of wedyng is | |
But at the feste redy ben I wis | |
The furies thre with al here mortal brond | |
The oule al nyght a boute te balkis wond | |
That prophete is of wo & of myschaunce | |
This reuel ful of song ek of daunce | |
Laste a forenyght or lytillasse | |
But shortely of this story for to passe | |
ffor I am wery of hym for to telle | |
ffyue 3er his wif & he to gedere dwelle | |
Til on a day she gan so sore longe | |
To sen hire sistyr that she say nat longe | |
That for desyr she nyste what to seye | |
But to hire husbonde be gan she for to preye | |
ffor godys loue that she muste onys gon | |
Hyre systyr for to se & come a non | |
Or ellis but she must with hire wend | |
She preyeth hym ho wolde aftyr hir synde | |
And this was day be day al hire preyere | |
With humblesse of wifhod word & chere | |
This Therius let make hise shepis 3are | |
And In to grece hymself is forth I fare | |
Vn to his gadyr in lawe gan he preye | |
To vouche saf that for a monyth or tweye | |
That Philomene his wyuys systyr myghte | |
On Pregne his wif myghte onys han a syghte | |
And she shanl come to 3ow a geyn a non | clear macron over 'a' of 'shal' |
Myn self with hyre wele bothe come & gon | |
And as myn hertis lyf I wele hire kepe | |
This olde pandion this kyng gan wepe | |
ffor tendirnesse of herte for to leue | |
His doughtyr gon & for to 3eue hire leue | |
Of al this world he louyth no thyng so | |
But at the laste leue hath she to go | hole in MS caused indentation of this line |
for philomene
ffor philomene with salte teris eke | |
Gan of hire fadyr grace to beseke | |
To sen hire systyr that she lovith so | |
And hym embrasyth with hire armys two | |
And therwithal so 3ong & fayr was she | |
That whan that Thereus saw hire beute | |
And of aray that ther was non hire lyche | |
And 3it of Beute was she two so ryche | |
He caste his fery herte vp on hyre so | |
That he wil haue hir how so euere he do | |
And with hise wilis he so fayre hire preyede | |
Tyl at the laste pandyon thus seyde | |
Now sone quod he that art to me so dere | |
I the be take myn 3onge doughtyr here | |
That beryth the keye of al myn hertes lyf | |
And gret me wel myn doughtyr & thyn wif | |
And 3if hire leue sumtyme for to pleye | |
That she may sen me onys er I deye | |
And sotly he hath mad hym riche feste | |
And to hise folk the moste & ek the leste | |
That with hym com & 3af hym 3iftys grete | |
And hym conueyeth thorw the mayster strete | |
Of Athenes & to the se hym brou3te | |
And turnyth hom no maleyce he ne thoughte | |
The oris pullyn forth the vessel faste | |
And in to trace aryuyth at the laste | |
And vp in to a forest he hire ledde | |
And to a kaaue pryuyly hym spedde | first 'a' of 'kaaue' corrected from 'n'? |
And in this dirke caue If hir leste | |
Or leste nat he bad hire for to reste | |
ffor whiche hire herte aros & seyde thus | 'r' in 'aros' is not altogether clear or fully formed--?result of a blot or erasure |
Were is myn sistyr borthir Tireus | |
And therwith al she wepte tendyrly | |
And quok for fere pale & pitously | |
Ryth as the lamb that of the wolf is bityn | |
Or as the Culuer that of the egle is smetyn | |
And is out of his clawis forth escapid | |
3it it is aferyd & a whapid ~~~~~ | |
Gg j
(4 |
List it be hent eft sonys so that she | |
But vttyrly it may non othyr be | |
By force hat he this traytour don that dede | |
That he hath reft hire of hire maydyn hede | |
Maugre hire hed by strenthe & by hise myght | |
Lo here a dede of men & that a ryght | |
Sche cryeth systyr with ful loude a steuene | |
And fadyr dere & help me god in heuene | |
Al helpith nat & 3it this false thef | |
Hath don this lady 3it a more myschef | |
ffor fere lyst she shulde his shame crye | |
And don hym opynly a vilenye | |
And with his swerd hire tonge of keruyth he | |
And in a castel made hire for to be | |
fful pryuyly in prisoun euere more | |
And kepte hire to his vsage & his store | |
So that she myghte hym neuere more asterte | |
O sely Phiomene wo is thyn herte | |
God wreke the & sende the thyn bone | |
Now is it tyme I make an ende sone | |
This tereus Is to his wif I come | |
And in his armys hath his wif I nome | |
And pitously he wep & shok his hed | |
And swor that he say his sistyr ded | |
ffor which this sely progne hath swich wo | |
That nygh hire sorweful herte brak a two | 'w' in 'sorweful' looks odd, ?correction |
And thus In terys lete I progne dwelle | |
And of hire sistyr forth I wele 3ow telle | |
This woful lady lernede hadde in 3oughte | |
So that she werkyn & enbroude couthe | |
And weuyn In hire stol the radyuore | |
As it of wemyn hath be wonid 3ore | |
And sothly for to seyne she hadde hire fille | |
Of mete & drynk & clothyng at hire wille | |
She coude rede & wel I now endyte | |
But with a penne coude she nat wryte | |
But letterys coude she weue two & fro | |
So that by the 3er was al a go | |
She hadde I wouyn In a stamyn large | |
How she was brough from Athenys in a Barge | |
And In a caue how that she was browt | |
And al the thyng that Tereus hath wrought | |
She waf it wel & wrot the storye a boue | |
How she was seruyd for hire systyris loue | |
And to a knave a ryng she 3af a non | |
And preyede hym with signys to gon | |
Vn to the queen & beryn hire that cloth | |
And be signys swor hym manye an oth | |
She wolde hym 3euyn what she getyn myghte | |
This knave a non on to the qe^e^ne hym dyghte | 'qeene' corrected from 'caue' |
And tok it hire & al the maner hire tolde | |
And whan that progne hath this thing be holde | |
No word she spak for sorwe & ek for rage | |
But feynede hire to gon on pilgrymage | |
To Bacus temple & In a litil stounde | |
Hire dombe sistyr sittynge hat she founde | |
Wepynge In the castel here a lone | |
Allas the compleynt the wo & the mone | |
That Progne vp on hire doumbe systyr makyth | |
In armys euerych of hem othir takyth | |
And thus I late hem in here sorwe dwelle | |
The remenant is no charge for to telle | 'e' of 'charge' inserted above the line |
ffor this is al & som thus was she seruyd | |
That neuere harm agilte ne deseruyd | |
On to this crewel man that she of wiste | |
3e may ben war of men If that 3ow leste | |
ffor al be that he wil not for his shame | |
Don so as Tereus to lese his name | |
Ne serve 3ow as a morderour or a knaue | |
fful lytil while shal 3e trewe hym haue | |
That wele I seyn al were he now myn brothir | |
But it so be that he may haue non othir | |
four lines left blank at the end of this column | |
Gg ij
(4 |
The Legend of Phillis | later hand, above column |
B Y prof as wel as bi autorite | 4-line 'drop' capital |
That weked freut comyth o wekid tre | |
That my 3e wete If that like 3ow | faint 'a' above 'y'of 'my' |
But for this ende I speke this as now | |
To tellen 3ow of flase demophon | |
In loue a falsere herde I neuere non | |
But If it were his fadyr theseus | |
God for his grace from swichon kepe vs | |
Thus may these wemen preyen that it here | |
Now to the effect turne I of myn matere | |
Destroyed is of troye the cete | |
This demophom comyth seylynge In the se | |
Toward Athenys to his paleys large | |
With hym come manye a ship & manye a barge | |
fful of his folk of whiche ful manyon | |
Is woundit sore & sek & wo begon | |
As they han at thasege longe I leyn | |
By hynde hym come a wynd & ek a reyn | |
That shof so sore his sayl ne myghte stonde | |
Hym were leuere than al the world a londe | |
So huntith hym the tempest to & fro | |
So derk it was he coude nower go | |
And with a wawe brostyn was his stere | |
His ship was rent so lowe in swich manere | |
That Carpentir ne coude it nat a mende | |
The se by nyghte as ony torche it brende | |
ffor wod & possith hym now vp now doun | |
Til nepture hath of hym compassioun | |
And Thetes. Thorus. Triton. & they alle | |
And madyn hym vp on a lond to falle | |
Wherof that Philus lady was & queen | |
Ligurges doughtyr fayrere on to sen | |
Than is the flour a geyn the bryghte sunne | |
Vnnethe is Domephon to londe I wunne | |
Wayk & ek wery & his folk forpynnyd | 's' or 'e' erased after 'folk'? |
Of werynesse & also enfamynyd | |
That to the deth almost he was I drevyn | |
Hise wise folk to conseyl han hym 3euyn | |
To seke helpe & socour of the quien | |
And loke what his grace myghte bien | |
And makyn In that lond sum cheuysance | |
To kepyn hym from wo & fro myschaunce | |
ffor syk he was & almost at the deth | |
Vnnethe myghe he speke or drawe his breth | |
And lyth In rodopeya hym for to reste | |
Whan he may walke hym thoute it was thebeste | |
Vn to the court to sekyn for socour | |
Men knewyn hym wel & dedyn hym honour | |
ffor of Athenys deuk & lord was he | |
As thesyus his fadyr hadde be | |
That In his tyme was of gret renoun | |
No man so gret of al the regyoun | |
And lyk his fadyr of face & of stature | |
And fals of loue It com hym of nature | |
As doth the fox Renard the foxis sone | |
Of kynde he coude his owene faderys wone | |
With oute lore as can a drake sweme | |
Whan it is caught & caryed to the brymme | |
This honurable Philes doth hym Chere | |
Hire likith wel his port & his manere | |
But for I am agrotyed here byforn | |
To wryte of hem that ben In loue for sworn | |
And ek to hastyn me In myn legende | |
Which to performe god me grace sende | |
Therfore I passe shortly In this wyse | |
3e han wel herd of Theseus deuyse | |
In the be traysynge of fayre adryane | |
That of hire pite kepte him from his bane | |
At shorte wordis ryth so Demophon | |
The same weye the same path hat gon | |
That dide his false fadyr Thesyus | |
ffor vn to philia hath he sworyn thus | |
To weddyn hire & hire his treuthe plyte | |
And pikid of hire al the good he myghte | |
Whan he was hol & sound & hadde his reste | |
And don with Philus what so that hym leste | |
Gg iij
(4 |
As wel coude I If that me leste so | |
Tellyn his doynge to & fro | |
He seyde vnto his cuntre muste he sayle | |
ffor there he wolde hire weddynge aparayle | |
As fel to hire honour & his also | |
And opynli he tok his leue tho | |
And hath hire sworn he wolde nat soiorne | |
But In a monyth he wolde a geyn retorne | |
And In that lond let make his ordenaunce | |
As verray lord & tok the obeysaunce | |
Wel & homly & let his shepis dighte | |
And hom he goth the nexte weye he myghte | |
ffor on to philis 3it ne come he nought | |
And that hath she so harde & sore a bough | |
Allas that as the storye vs recordith | |
She was hire owene deth ryght with a corde | |
Whan that she saw that Demophon hire trayede | |
But to hym ferst she wrot & faste she prayede | |
He wolde come & hire delyuere of peyne | |
As I reherce shal a word or tweyne | |
Me lyste nat vouche saf on hym to swynke | |
Ne spende on hym a penne ful of ynke | |
ffor fals In loue was he rygh as his syre | |
The deuyl sette here soules bothe a fere | |
But of the lettere of Philis wele I wryte | |
A word or two al thow it be but lyte | |
Ostesse thyn quod she O demophon | |
Thyn Philis whiche that is so wo begon | |
Of rodepeyre vp on 3ow mot compleyne | |
Ouer the term set by twixe vs tweyne | |
That ye ne holde forward that 3e seyde | 'y' of 'ye' seems written over an erasure |
3oure anker that 3e In 3oure hauene leyde | |
Hyghte vs that 3e wolde comyn out of doute | 'c' of 'comyn' inserted in line later |
Or that the mone wente onys a boute | |
But tymys foure themone hath hid hire face | |
Syn that thilke day 3e wente from this place | |
3it hath the storm of Sytoye nat brought | |
ffom Athenys the ship 3it comyth it noght | |
And If that 3e the terme rekene wolde | |
As I or as a trewe louere shulde | |
I pleyne nat god wot by forn myn day | |
But al hire lettere wryte I ne may | |
By ordere for it were to me a charge | |
Hire lettere was rygh long & therto large | |
But here & ther In rym I haue it layd | |
There as me thoughe she wel hath sayd | |
She seyde thyne saylis come nat a gen | |
Ne to thyn word there is no fey certeyn | |
But I wot why 3e come nat quod she | |
ffor I was of myn loue to 3ow to fre | |
And of the goddis that 3e han forswore | |
3if hire vengeaunce falle on 3ow therfore | |
3e be nat sufficiaunt to bere the peyne | |
To meche truste I wel may I pleyne | first 'I' erased? -- or just faded? |
Vp on 3oure lynage & 3oure fayre tunge | |
And on 3oure teris falsely out I wronge | |
How coude 3e wepe so be craf quod she | |
May there swich terys feynede be | |
Now certis 3if 3e wele haue in memorye | |
It oughte be to 3ow but lyte glorye | |
To han a sely mayde thus be trayed | |
To go quod she preye I & ofte haue prayed | |
That it mot be the gretteste prys of alle | |
And most honour that euere the shal befalle | |
And whan thynne olde auncestris peyntede ben | |
In which men may here worthynesse sen | |
Thanne preye I god thow peynted be also | |
That men may rede forby as they go | |
Lo this is he that with his flaterye | |
By trisede hath & don hire vilenye | |
That was his trewe loue In thought & dede | |
But sothly of on poynt 3it may they rede | |
That 3e ben lyk 3oure fadyr as In this | |
ffor he begilede Adriane I wis | |
With swich an art & with swich subtilete | |
As thow thyn selue hast begylede me | |
Gg iiij | |
(4 |
As In that poynt al thow it be nat fayr | |
Thow folwist hym certayn & art his ayr | |
But syn thus synfully 3e me be gile | |
Myn body mote 3e se with Inne a while | |
Ryght In the hauene of Athenys fletynge | |
With oute sepulture & beryinge | |
They 3e ben hardyere than ony ston | |
And whan this lettere was forth sent a non | |
And knew how brothil & how fals he was | |
She for dispeyr fordede hyre self allas | |
Swych sorwe hath she for she besette hire so | |
Be war 3e wemen of 3oure subtyl fo | 'w' overwritten with 'f' in 'fo' |
Syn 3it this day men may ensaumple se | |
And trustyth as In loue no man but me. | |
The Legend of Hypermestra | later hand |
I N Grece whilom weren bretheryn two | 13-line 'drop'capital in the |
Of whiche that on was clepid danao | margin, with flourishes the |
That manye a sone hathof his body wonne | entire length of the page |
As swiche false loueris ofte cunne | |
A mong hise sonys alle there was on | |
That aldyrmost he louede of euerychon | |
And whan this child was born this danao | |
Shop hym a name & callede hym lyno | |
That othir brothir was callid Egist | 'e' erased at end of 'Egist' |
That was of loue as fals as euere hym lest | 'e' erased at end of 'lest' |
And manye a doughtyr gat he In his lyf | |
Of whiche he gat vp on his ryghte wyf | |
A doughtyr dere & dede hire for to calle | |
Ypermystra 3yngeste of hem alle | |
The whiche child of hire natyuyte | |
To alle thewis goode I born was she | |
As likede to the goddis er she was born | |
That of the she she shal be the corn | |
The werdys that we clepyn destene | |
Hath shapyn hire that she mot nedis be | |
Pyetous. sad. wis. & trewe as stel | |
As to these wemen It acordyth wel | |
ffor thow that venus 3af hire gret beute | |
With Iupiter compounned so was she | |
That concience trouhte & dred of shame | |
And of hyre wifhod for to kepe hire name | |
This thoughte hire was felycite as hire | |
The rede Mars was that tyme of the 3eere | |
So feble that his maleyce is hym be raft | |
Repressid thath venus his crewel craft | |
That what with venus & othir oppressioun | |
Of howses that Mars venym is a doun | |
That ypermystra dar nat handele a knyf | |
In maleyce thow she shulde lese hire lyf | |
But natheles as heuene gan to turne | |
To badde aspectys hath she of saturne | |
That made hire for to turne In prisoun | |
As I shal aftyr make mencioun | |
To Danao & Egistes also | |
Al thow so be that they were bretheryn two | |
ffor thilke tyme was sparyd no lynage | |
It lykede hem to make a maryage | |
By twixe ypermystre & hym lyno | |
And castyn swich aday it shal be so | |
And ful acordit was it vttyrly | |
The aray is wrought the tyme is fasteby | |
And thus lyno hath of his faderis brothir | |
The doughtyr weddit & eche of hem hath othyr | second 'h' of 'hath' squeezed in later? |
The torchis brennyn & the laumpis bryght | |
The sacryfises ben ful redy dight | |
Thensens out of the fuyr out rekyth sote | |
The flourys the lef is rent vp by the rote | |
To makyn garlondis & crounnys hye | |
fful is the place of soun of menstralsye | |
Of songis amerous of maryage | |
As tylke tyme was the pleyne vsage | |
This was In the paleys of Egiste | |
That In his hous was lord ryght as hym lyste | |
Gg v
(4 |
And thus the day they dryve til an ende | |
The frendys takyn leue & hom they wende | |
The nyght is come the bryd shal go to bedde | |
Egistus to his chambere faste hym spedde | |
And priuyly he let his doughtyr calle | |
Whan that the hous was voyd of hem alle | |
He lokyth on his doughtyr with glad chere | |
And to hire spak as 3e shal aftyr here | |
Myn ryghte doughtyr tresor of myn herte | |
Syn fyrst that day that shapyn was myn sherte | |
Or by the fatal systeryn hadde myn dom | |
So nygh myn herte neuere thyng ne com | |
As thow myn ypermystre doughtyr dere | |
Tak hed what I thyn fadyr seyth the here | |
And werke aftyr thyn wisere euere mo | |
ffor aldirferst doughtyr I loue the so | |
That al the world to me is half so lef | |
Ne I nolde rede the to thyn myschef | |
ffor al the good vndyr the colde mone | |
And what I mene It shal be seyd ful sone | |
With protestacioun as in this wyse | |
That but thow do as I shal the deuyse | |
Thow shalt be ded by hym that al hath wrought | |
At shorte wordis thow nescapist nought | |
Out of myn paleys or that thow be ded | |
But thow concente & werke aftyr myn red | |
Tak this to the for ful conclusioun | |
This ypermystre caste hire eyen doun | |
And quok as doth the lef of alpis grene | |
Ded wex hire hew & lyk an asch to sene | |
And seyde lord & fadyr al 3oure wille | |
Aftyr myn myght god wot I shal fulfille | |
So it to me be non confusioun | |
I nele quod he haue non excepcioun | |
And out he caught a knyf as rasour kene | |
Hid this quod he that it be nat sene | |
And whan thyn husbonde is to bedde go | |
Whil that he slepith kit his throte a two | |
ffor In myne dremys is it warnede me | |
How that myn Neuew shal myn bane be | |
But wit I nat wherfore I wele be sekyr | |
Yf thow sey nay we two shul haue a bekyr | |
As I haue seyd by hym that I have sworn | |
This Ipermystere hath nygh hire wit for lorn | |
And for to passyn harmles of that place | |
She grauntyth hym ther is non othir grace | |
And therwith al a costret takyth he | |
And seyde herof a draught or two or thre | |
3if hym drynke whan he goth to reste | |
And he shal slepe as longe as euere the leste | |
The narcotykis & opijs ben so stronge | |
And go thyn wey lyst that he thynkyth longe | something--'s'?--erased before 'he' |
Out comyth the Bryd & with ful sobre cheere | |
As is of maydenys ofte the manere | |
To chaumbre is brought with reuel & with song | |
And shortly list this tale be to long | |
This lyno & she ben brought a bedde | |
And euery wight out at the dore hym spedde | 'g' of 'wight' in unusual form--corrected from 't |
The nyght is wastid & he fyl a slepe | |
fful tendyrly begynnyth she to wepe | |
She rist hire vp & dredfully she quakyth | |
As doth the braunche that sepherus shakyth | |
And hust were alle In argon that cete | |
And cold as ony frost now waxeth she | |
ffor Pite by the herte hire streynyth so | |
And drede of deth doth hire so meche wo | |
And thryis doun she fyl in this awer | |
She rist 3it vp & stakerith her & ther | |
And on hire hondis faste lokyth she | |
Allas & shal mynne hondis blody be | |
I am a mayde & by myn nature | |
And bi myn semblaunt & by myn vesture | |
Mynne handis ben nat shape for a knyf | |
As for to reue no man fro his lyf | |
What deuyl haue I with the knyf to do | |
And shal I haue myn throte kerue a two | |
Gg vj
(4 |
Thanne shal I blede allas & me be shynde | |
And nedis cost this thyng muste haue an ende | |
Or he or I mot nedis lese oure lyf | |
Now certys quod she syn I am his wif | |
And hath myn feyth 3it is it bet for me | |
ffor to be ded In wifly honeste | |
Than ben a traytour lyuynge In myn shame | |
Be as be may for ernest or for game | |
He shal awake & ryse & gon his way | |
Out at his goter or that it be day | |
And wepe ful tenderely vp on his face | |
And In hyre armys gan hym to enbrace | |
And hym she roggith & a wakyth softe | |
And at a wyndow lep he fro the lofte | |
Whan she hath warnede hym & don hym bote | |
This lyno swift was & lyght of fote | |
And from his wif ran a ful gret pas | |
This sely weman is so weik allas | |
And helpeles so that or that she forth went | |
Hire crewel fadyr dede hire for to hente | |
Allas lyno whi art thow so vnkynde | |
Why ne haddist thow remembred In thyn mynde | |
To takyn hire & lad hire forth with the | |
ffor whan she saw that gon a wey was he | |
And that she myghte nato so faste go | |
Ne folwyn hym she set hire don ryght tho | |
Til she was caught & fetered In prysoun | |
This tale is seyd for this conclusioun ~ | |
Here begynyth the parlement of ffoulys. |