[On Þe seuen dedly] sinnes.

(A diplomatic edition by Míceál F. Vaughan [January 1998])

                                                                                        f. 70 ra

I hesu þat for vs wolde die .
    And was boren of maiden marie .
    For3iue vs louerd oure misdede .
    And help vs ate oure moste nede .
    To þo þat habben laiser to dwelle .
    Of holi writ ich wole 3ou telle .
    And alle þat taken þer to hede .
    God wille quiten al here mede .
    Þer be3 dedli sinnes seuene .
    Þat lette3 man to come to heuene .
A nd ihesu cristes hestes ten .
Þat children and wimmen and men .
O f twelue winter elde and more .
A fter holi cherche lore .
E uerichone þai sscholden knowe .
B ut to lerne þai be3 to slowe .
A nd þe pater noster and þe crede .
Þ er offe 3e sscholden taken hede .
O n englissch to segge what hit were .
A ls holi cherche 3ou wolde lere .
F or hit is to þe soules biheue .
E ch man to knowen his bileue .
A nd also 3e sscholden habben in minde .
C risten men þat were kynde .
G odes passion biter als galle .
Þat he þolede for vs alle .
T o sturen out of dedli sinne .
O f þise þinges ich wille beginne .
Þ at ich habbe here isaid .
L et hit in 3oure hertes be leid .
P oure and riche 3onge and old .
A nd 3e sscholle here hit itold .
W e sschulle be knowe to ihesu crist .
A nd to his moder marie .
A nd to alle halewen .
A nd Merci hem crie .
Þ at we habbe3 him agult .
I n flessches luste oure lif ipult .

                                                                                    f. 70 rb

I n pride we habben lad oure lif .
A nd þourgh here imaked strif .
I n glotonie oure lif ilad .
A nd oþer men þar to irad .
Þ ourgh pride . and þourgh glotonie .
W e habben iliued in lecherie .
B oþe wi3 dede and wi3 þought .
V nkyndeliche wi3 mi bodi wrought .
I n nithe . and onde we habben lein .
A nd wi3 oure tonges men islein .
T o coueitise oure hertes 3iuen .
I n pride of richesse for to liuen .
I n sleuthe we habben founden ofte .
A nd loked þe foule bodi softe .
Þ ise be3 dedli sennes seuene .
Þ at lette3 man to come to heuene .
H erkne3 nou wimmen . and men .
I esu cristes hestes ten .
Þ at we habben broken ofte .
A nd loked þe foule bodi ful softe .
N owt worsschiped god as we sscholde .
I n coueitise lad oure lif on molde .
E uele iloked oure haliday
L itel don þat þer to lay .
I n mo godes leued þan in on .
I n tales . in fantomes mani on .
O n þe bok falsli sworen .
A nd ofte fals witnesse boren .
Þ efliche we ^" þing istole "habben .
A nd oþer mannes þefte ihole .
B oþe in ernest and in game .
I n ydel nemned godes name .
H oure emcristene we habben islawe .
A nd wi3 oure tounge al to drawe .
W e habben in hoker and scorning .
O ure emcristene driuen to heying .
Þese be3 godes hestes ten .
    Herkne3 men and wimmen .

                                                                                    f. 70va

A nd 3e sschulle here on englissch iwis .
W hat 3oure pater noster . is .
O ure fader in heuene riche .
þ i name be blessed cuere iliche .
I n þi kyngdom louerd .
Þ at milde art and stille ;
B oþe in heuene . and in erthe ;
F ulfeld be þi wille .
I hesu ful of grace . louerd þat al do mai ;
O ure eueriches daies bred .
G raunte vs louerd to dai .
A nd for3iue vs louerd .
Þ at we habbe3 agult ;
A ls we for3iue3 oþer men .
I n oure grace þat be3 pult .
I n þe fendes fonding louerd .
N e let vs neuere dwelle .
D eliuere vs þourgh þi grace .
F ram þe pine of helle . A . M . E . N .
O n englissch þis is ;
3 oure pater noster iwis .
L estne3 nou and taked hede .
A nd ich wille tellen 3ou 3ourcrede .
We sschulle bileue on ihesu crist .
    Fader al weldinde .
    Sscheppere of heuene and of erthe .
A nd of alle þinge .
A nd in ihesu crist fader and sone .
A nd oure louerd icoren .
I kenned of þe holi gost .
A nd of a maiden iboren .
V nder Pounce pilate .
H e þolede pines stronge .
V pon þe rode he was idon .
A nd þolede de3 wi3 wronge .
H is bodi was iburied .
A mang þo Iues felle *
A ls his swete wille was

                                                                                     f. 70 vb

H e li3te in to helle .
Þ e soules þat were hise .
H e browghte hem out of sorewe .
A nd ros fram deþe to liue ;
V pon þe þridde morewe
T o heuene he steygh3 þer he sit .
Þat al þe werld sschal di3te ;
V pon his fader ri3t hond .
O ure louerd ful of mi3te .
A t þe dai of Iugement .
H e sschal comen to deme .
B oþe þe quike and þe dede .
E ch man take 3eme .
W e sschulle bileue on þe holi gost
A nd holi churche bileue .
A nd on alle halewen .
Þat no þing mai greue .
I n remissioun of oure sinnes .
Þat we sschulle vprise .
A nd come bifore ihesu crist .
Þat sschal be ri3t Iustice .
W e sschulle come biforen him .
A lle on domes dai .
A nd after habbe þe lif .
Þat sschal lasten ai .
G ode men so god me spede .
Þ is is on englissch 3oure crede
A nd a while 3if 3e wulle dwelle .
Þ e Aue marie ich wille 3ou telle .
H eil be þou marie .
L euedi ful of grace .
G od is wi3 þe leuedi .
I n heuene þou hauest a place .
I blessed mote þou be .
L euedi of alle wimmen .
A nd þe frut of þi wombe .
I blessed be hit amen .
A men is to seggen .

                                                                                    f. 71ra

S o mote hit be .
Þ is pater noster and crede .
A nd marie Aue .
Nou habbe 3e herd 3oure bileue .
    Þat is maked to soule biheue .
    Herkne3 a while 3e þat mowen .
A nd herkne3 godes passioun .
Þ at he þolede for man kynde .
F or godes loue holde3 hit in minde .
In holi writ hit is told .
Þo Iudas hadde ihesu sold .
Þ e Ieues token alle o red .
Þ at swete ihesu sscholde be ded .
A nd comen armed wi3 lanterne li3t .
A nd nomen ihesu al be ni3t .
A nd ladden him forht amang alle ·
I n to Cayfases halle ·
A nd þere he was wel euel idi3t ·
T il on þe morewe al þat ni3t ·
O n morewe þo þat þe dai sprong ·
Þ ei deden ihesu crist wrong ·
B ounden hise e3ghen and buffated him sore ·
A nd 3it he þolede mochele more ·
I wes ful of pride and hete ·
I n his visage gbnne spete ·
I hesu for þat foule despit ·
Þ at hente þi bodi þat was so whit ·
3 iue vs grace þis dai to ende ·
I n his seruise þe fend to sschende ·
¶I n holi writ hit is ifounde ·
Þ ere ihesu stod vpon þe grounde ·
Þ o hit cam to prime of dai ·
I wes dedin him gret derai ·
B ifore þe maistres of þe lawe ·
A s a þef he was idrawe ·
H ere and þere he was ipult
A nd swete ihesu he ne hadde no gult ·
B ut al þe sorewe þat he was inne ·

                                                                                    f. 71 rb

A l to gidere was for oure sinne ·
¶I hesu for þat foule derai ·
Þ at þou hentest at prime of dai ·
3 iue vs grace of sinne arise ·
A nd enden in his swete seruise ·
¶Þ ous telle3 þise wise men of lore ·
Þ at ihesu þolede for vs more ·
I hesu þolede for to binde ·
A t vndren hise honden him bihinde ·
T o a piler and beten faste ·
W hile þe scourges wolden laste ·
I hesu for þat mochele sorewe ·
Þat he tholede oure soules to borewe ·
B renge vs out of dedli sinne ·
A nd alle þat liggen ibounden þer inne ·
¶I n holi writ hit telle3 þous ·
W el more þolede swete ihesus ·
I hesu þolede at middai ·
A nd nowt ones saide nai ·
I wes nailen him on þe rode ·
F or oure gult and for oure gode ·
A nd wel midliche he let ·
Þ urle his hondes and his fet ·
H is heued was crouned þat was sene ·
W i3 sscharpe thornes and wi3 kene ·
Þ at euerich þorn made a wonde ·
Þ e stremes ronnen doun to grounde ·
I hesu for þo harde stoundes ·
Þ at þou þoledest and bitter wondes ·
F or3iue vs þat we habbe3 agult ·
A nd lete vs neuere in helle be pult ·
¶A ls telle3 þe profecye ·
A litel er he sscholde dye ·
S wete ihesu þo hit was non ·
T o his fader he bad a bon ·
H e sscholde for3iuen hem þe gult
Þ at him hadden on rode ipult
A bitter drinkke him was i3oue
                                                                                     f. 71 va

V pon þe rode for oure loue ·
Þ ourgh counseil of þe Iwes alle ·
A isil and swot menged wi3 alle
I hesu þat was wonded sore ·
T asted þer of and nolde nammore ·
A t þat time wi3outen bost ·
S wete ihesu 3ald þe gost
¶H is swete bodi þat was so whit ·
3 it þai deden hit more despit ·
Þ e Iwes token hem to red ·
Þ o swete ihesu crist was ded ·
A t his herte þai maden a wounde ·
W i3 a spere sscharpe igrounde ·
I n at his side þe spere rof ·
B lod and water out þer drof ·
M oste no þing leue wi3 inne ·
A nd al to gidere for oure sinne ·
I hesu þat hanged vpon þe rode ·
A nd deide þer on for oure gode ·
N owt for his gult but for oure sinne ·
S ende pees amang mankenne ·
¶Þ ise clerkes þat comme of letture ·
F inden in holi scripture ·
Þat ihesu þat al þe werld had wrought ·
H euene and erthe made of nowt ·
Þ o euensongtime was icome ·
D · oun of þe rode he was inome ·
W i3 ioseph and wi3 oþer mo ·
O f hise desiples þat were þo ·
Þ o oure swete leuedi segh3 ·
H is bodi hangen on rode hegh3 ·
H is honden þurled and his fet ·
B ittere teres and blodi he let ·
F or þo bittere teres and smerte ·
Þ at comen fram his moder herte ·
B iseche we him 3if his wille be ·

                                                                                        f. 71 vb

H e 3iue vs grace helle to fle ·
A nd in heuene to habben a place ·
Þ at we moten sen his face ·
¶I n holi writ hit is irad ·
I hesu þat on þe rode was sprad ·
Þ o he hadde þoled his wo ·
A nd þe dai was al ago ·
I n holi writ hit is iseid ·
I n sepulcre he was ileid ·
A nd als we here þise clerkes telle ·
H e li3te a doun and herewede helle ·
A nd tok out Adam and Eue ·
A nd alle þo þat him were leue ·
Þ o he hadde browt hem out of sorewe ·
H e ros fram deþe þe þridde morewe ·
T o heuene he steigh3 þourgh his mi3t ·
Þ at al þe werld sschal deme and di3t ·
E uere more þere to wone ·
S ohtfast god fader and sone ·
¶B iseche we þanne god in heuene ·
F or hise blessed names seuene
Þ at made boþe mone and sterre
S ende pees þere is werre ·
A nd 3iue cristenemen grace ·
I n to þe holi lond to pace
A nd sle Sarazins þat be3 so riue ·
A nd lete be cristenemen on liue ·
A nd saue þe pes of holi cherche ·
A nd 3iue vs grace so to werche ·
Þ at we mowen gode acountes make ·
O f þat god vs haue3 itake ·
A t þe dom whan he sschal stonden ·
W i3 blodi sides fet and honden ·
A nd parten al þe werld a two ·
Þ at on to wele þat oþer to wo ·
F or als we here clerkes telle ·

                                                                                        f. 72 ra

Þ at o part iwis sschal to helle 
A nd forsothe 3if þai lie ·
Þ anne lies þe profecie ·
A nd þat oþer part sschal wende ·
I n to blisse þat haue3 non ende ·
T o þat blisse bringe vs he;
Þ at is and was · and euer sschal be ·

(version: 26 January 1998)