Dauid þe king

(original transcription by F. Vance Neill, ?June 1998;

revised by Míceál F. Vaughan, September 1998)

f. 280rb

Dauid þe king (lower parts of letters cut of in excision of the miniature below.]

[The text's first line, below, is also cropped at the top.]

Miserere mei deus & c

Lord god to þe we calle

         Þat þou haue merci on ous alle

& for þi michel mekenisse·

Þat we mot comen to þi blisse·

Et secundum multitudinem & c'

ASTow art lord of mest pouste·

         Ful of merci & of pite·

Do oway our wicked nisse

&of our sinnes for õiuenisse

Amplius laua me domine & c'

AN kepe ous alle fram dedli sinne

         Þat non of ous no dye þer inne

Our sinnes wele we knowen alle·

Þat maken ous oft oõain þe falle·

Þat we no quem þe nouõt ariõt·

As we auõten wiþ al our miõt

Quoniam iniquitatem meam & c'

Lord mi wickednisse y knowe wel·

        Fram ende to ende eueridel·

& euer is mi sinne oõaines me

Lord on me haue pite·

Tibi soli peccaui &malum & c'

Oõaines þe lord we han misdone·

          Niõt & day oft & y lo me ["t" squeezed in after "of"]

Þou chast ous lord wiþ wordes þine·

& scheld ous alle fram helle pine·

Ecce enim iniquitabus & c'

Lord god to þe we calle·

        Our sinnes þou knowest alle·

In sinne we were biõeten & born·

No were þi grace we were for lorn·

f. 280va

[This column begins with twelve absent lines, as a result of the miniature, on the recto, having been removed. A few line-initial letters are decipherable.]











Auditus meo dabis & c

In heriing þou hast õouen ous blis·

    gret com fort & ioie y wis·

Þer fore we schulden ioie make·

Milde & boxsom for þi sake·

Auerte faciem tuam & c'

Fram our sinnes lord turn þi face·

       Ous to amenden þou õeue ous grace

& al our sinnes þou do oway·

Þat we han don bi niõt & day·

Cor mundum crea & c'

A Clene hert þou do ous inne·

          Þat we no more do no sinne·

Þe holy gost be ous among·

Oõain our enemy þat we may stond

Ne proicias me & c'

Lord ne aloine nouõt þi face

Fram ous nowhare in non place·

No þi swete holy gost·

King ihesu as þou al wost·

Redde michi leticiam & c'

Õeld ous þe ioie of þi greting·

      Wiþ þe holy gost con forting·

& we wil teche þe riõt way·

To hem þat ben in sinne bi lay·

Þat þai hem turn to þi blis·

Lord ihesu to heuen ous wis·

Docebo iniquos vias tuas & c'

Ich hem wil þe way teche·

    Lord ihesu þou be our leche·

Of þi merci þai schul ioie make·

Euer more for þi sake·

f. 280vb

Libera me de sanguinibus & c'

Lord ihesu heuen king

        Ous alle schilde fram wicked fonding

& mi tonge schal speken & say·

Gode nisse of þe eueri day·

Domine labia mea aperies & c'

LOrd mi lippes þou vndo·

        Graunt me lord þat it be so

Wiþ praiers ichil honour þe·

Þi godhed & ek þi dignete·

Quoniam si noluisses & c'

LOrd õif it þi wille hadde be

         Sacrifise ich wold haue õeuen þe

Bot þat þing no wostow nouõt·

Þou wost haue þat þou hast bouõt

Mannes soule þou wost haue·

Oþer ne woldestow nouõt craue

Sacrificium deo spiritus & c'

MAn õif þou art meke & milde·

            God þe wil fram schame schilde·

Þine euen cristene þou nouõt de spise·

For ihesus crist is heiõe Iustise

Benigne fac domine & c'

LOrd debonoure of al þing

         Astow art miõt ful heuen king

Wiþ gode wille þou ous wisse & rade

Þat holy chirche were vp y made·

Tunc acceptabis & c'

ÞAn artow riõt Iustise·

        & reseiuest þe sacrifise·

Þe offring alle opon þe auter

Mannes soule þat is þe leue & dere·

Gloria patri & filio & c'

IOie & blis as we mone·

     Be wiþ þe fader & sone·

& ek wiþ þe holy gost·

Lord ihesu as þou wele wost·

Sicut erat in principio & c'

AS it was &euer schal be·

         Wiþ þe holy gost in trinite·

Fram þe first bigininge

Þat neuer no schal haue endinge· amen


Y was at er þeldoun

(Version: MFV, 10 September 1998)