The Harrowing of Hell

(original transcription by F. Vance Neill [March 1998);

revised by Míceál F. Vaughan [September 1998])



(heavily cropped second column on verso of folio remains; about three-quarters of the folio has been cut away.)

f. 35vb


????????????????????????????????? helle fare



????????????????????????????????? helle·

?????????????????????????????????es duelle·


????????????????????????????????? pine·

?????????????????????????????????nden man·

?????????????????????????????????e adam·

?????????????????????????????????wemmed was·

?????????????????????????????????? þe glas·

????????????????????????????????? nouõt for his·

????????????????????????????????? was his

????????????????????????????????? born·

??????????????????????????????????ar for lorn·

????????????????????????????????? in erþe here·

??????????????????????????????????e half õere·


????????????????????????????????? ·



????????????????????????????????? de·

????????????????????????????????? nde·

????????????????????????????????? pointe·

????????????????????????????????? be·




????????????????????????????????? ·

????????????????????????????????? come·

?????????????????????????????????i sone·






????????????????????????????????? crist·





?????????????????????????????????i õaue·

????????????????????????????????? ·


f. 36ra


Vn til crist loked þaim vn to·

As man auõt to prisouns do·

He liõted out of his heiõe tour·

In to seynt mari bour·

He was born for our misdede·

In þis world in pouer wede·

In þis world he suffred dede·

For to deliuer ous fram þe qued·

Þan ihesu hadde spilt his blod·

For our sinnes on þe rode·

He nam him þe riõt way·

Vn to helle for soþe to say·

Þan he com þer þan seyd he·

As y schal now telle þe·

Dominus ait·

Hard gates haue y gon·

& suffred pines mani on·

Þritti winter & þridde half õere·

Haue y wond in lond here·

Almast is so michel gan·

Seþþen y bi com first man·

Seþþen haue y fond & wist·

Hot & cold hunger & þrest·

Man haþ don me schame & þouõ·

Wiþ word wiþ dede & michel wouõ·

Þai tok me wiþ outen sake·

Þai bond min honden bi hinde mi bac

Þai bete me til y ran on blode·

Þai dempt me to hong on rode·

Alle for adams sinne y wis·

Þan haue y þoled þis·

Adam þus dere haue y bouõt·

& þou no louedest me neuer nouõt·

Adam y haue bouõt ful sare·

& y wil suffre it namare·

To day y schal bring of pine·

Adam þe & alle þine·

Satanas dixit·

Who is þat ich here þare·

y rede þat he spek namare

For he may so michel do·

Þat he schal comen ous vnto·

For to ben our fere·

& loke hou we playen here·


f. 36rb


Dominus ait·

Þou may wele wite mi play·

Þat min wil y haue oway·

Wele þou wost wat ich am·

More þan þritti winter is gan·

Þat þou hast frained me·

For to wite what y be·

Seþþen fondestow neuer nan·

Wiþ me as wiþ anoþer man·

& þou wost wele for þan·

Þat ich am more þan ani man·

Þou schalt wite þis ich day· [change of pen?]

Þat y schal haue min o way·

& y schal þe leue here·

In sorwe among þine fere·

Satanas dixit·

Parmafay ???? ich hald mine· [4/5-space blank-or erasure?]

Al þat ben here mine·

Wiþ resoun wil y telle þe·

Þat þer ogain may þou nouõt be·

Þat me bi houeþ haue & hald·

& wiþ outen ende wald·

For who so biggeþ ani þing·

Nowe to ben his wiþ outen lesing· [entire line inserted interlinearly later]

Adam hungri come me to·

Man red y made him me to do·

For an appel þat y õaf him·

He is min & al his kin·

Dominus ait ·

Satanas he seyd it was min·

Þe appel þat þou õaf him·

Þe appel & þe appel tre·

Boþe war maked þurch me·

Hou may þou on ani wise·

Of oþer mennes þing mak marchandise·

Seþþen þou bouõtest him wiþ mine·

Wiþ resoun schuld ichaue him·

Satanas dixit·

Ihesu wele y knawe þe·

þat ful sore reweþ me·

Þou art lord ouer al·

& euer was & ay be schal·

Heuen & erþe weld þou þe·

Þe soules in helle lat þou be·

Lat me haue þat ich halde·


f. 36va

Þat þou hast wele mot þou it wald·

Dominus ait·

Sitte now stille satanas·

Þe is fallen ames as·

Wenestow þat y dyed for nouõt·

Wiþ mi dede was mankin bouõt·

Þai þat haue serued me·

In blis schal þai euer be·

Þai þat noþing serued me·

Þai schal in helle be wiþ þe·

Bot þou schalt ben in more pine·

Þan ani oþer þat is þere inne·

Satanas dixit·

Her may me no man wers do·

Þan ichaue had hider to·

Ich haue hadde so michel wo·

Þat me no rek whider y go·

Õif þou bi reuest me of mine·

Y schal bi reue þe of þine·

Y schal go fro man to man·

& bi reue þe mani an·

[D]ominus ait·

So y schal speke þe wiþ·

Þat y schal do þe hold griþ·

So fast schal y binde þe·

Þat fewe schaltow binim me·

Were þou vn bounde among men·

Al þou wost bi nim me hem·

Þe smale deuels þat er vn strang·

Þai schal among man kin gang·

& al schul þai haue pain·

Þat wil nouõt stond hem oõain·

Helle õates y com õou to·

Now ich wil þat õe vn do·

Whare is he þat õate ward·

Ich hold him for a coward·

Ianuator ait·

Ich haue herd wordes hard·

Whi y no may be no steward·

Y lete hem stond & ren oway·

Lete hem õeme who so may·

Dominus ait·

Helle õates here y õou felle·

seþþen wil ich herwe helle·


f. 36vb


Lucifer here y þe binde·

Schaltow neuer heþen winde·

Vntil it com domes day·

Fare þou seþþen whare þou may·

Fare þou seþþen ware þou fare·

No dostow neuer man care·

Adam dixit·

Wel com lord god of lond·

godes sone & godes sond·

Welcom lord mot þou be·

Long haues ous þouõt after þe·

Lord seþþen þou art comen to ous·

Þou bring ous out of þis hous·

Lord þou wost what icham·

Þou me schope of erþe man·

& þou me me madest formast man·

& þou me clepetest sone adam·

& õif ich haue sinnes wrouõt·

Ful dere now here ichaue hem bouõt·

Who so sinneþ ani wiõt·

Þe sinne is more þan þe pliõt·

Õa leue lord godes sone·

Wel com be þou & worþ come·

Al lord þat here be·

Haue õer ned lord after þe·

We hope wele of þi coming·

Of our sinnes haue botening·

Eua ait·

Knawe me lord ich am eue·

adam & ich ware þe so leue·

Þou õaue ous to õeme paradis·

& we it õemed as vn wise·

When we þi comand ment for lete·

When we of þat appel ete·

So long haue we ben here inne·

Þat wele haue we bet our sinne·

Leue lord õiue ous leue·

Adam & his wiif eue·

To fare out of þis foule wike·

Into þe blis of heuen rike·

Dominus ait·

Adam y haue õouen mi liif·

For þe & for eue þi wiif·

Wenestow ichadde ben ded for nouõt·


f. 37ra (stub-entire second column cut out)


For mi ded is mankin bouõt

Abraham ait·

Lord crist ich it am·

þat þou cleptest abraham

Þou schust com to helle pine

For to haue ous lord for þin[e]

Do astow bi het me·

Bring me lord to heuen wiþ [þe]

Dominus dixit·

Abraham it was wel·

Þat þou seydest eueri del·

For mi swete moder wes·

Born & schapen of þi fles·

Dauid dixit·

Lord icham dauid þe king

Þat was born of þine of s[pring]

Al so astow me bi het·

Þurch þe lore of þat prophete

Þou bring ous of þis foule ????

To þe blis of heuen y core·

Dominus ait·

Dauid þou was born of mi ????

For þi godenes þou art m? ???

More for þi godenesse·

Þan for ani sibbenesse·

Iohannes dixit·

Lord crist ich am Iohan·

þat þe hof in þe flom Iordan

Now a gode while is a gon·

Þat y suffred martirdom·

Þou sentest me þe riõt way·

In to helle for soþ to say·

Þat þou schust deliuer of hell[e]

Þat þou þer in fond lord of þi ????

Now artow comen for to do·

Þat þou saidest me vn to·

Dominus ait·

Iohan Iohan ich it wat·

Þat y sent þe þe gat·

Þou schalt se þat y schal do·

Þat þou seydest me vn to·

Moyses dixit·

Lord þou õaue me al wiþ skil

þe lay sinay on þe hil·

[rest missing]

(version: MFV, 7 September 1998)