Of arthour & of merlin

                                    f. 201rb

{Miniature has been cut out. First line of the column is partial; only the drop capital is discernible.}

Ihu crist heuen king

     al ous graunt gode ending·

& seynt marie þat swete þing·

So be at our bigining·

& help ous at our nede·

& leue ous wele to spede·

Þat we habbeþ euer to don·

& scheld ous fram our fon·

Childer þat ben to bokey sett·

In age hem is miche þe bett·

For þai mo witen & se·

Miche of godes priuete·

Hem to kepe & to ware·

Fram sinne & fram warldes care·

& wele y sen õif þai willen·

Þat hem no þarf neuer spillen·

Auauntages þai hauen þare·

Freynsch & latin euer ay whare·

Of freynsch no latin nil y tel more·

Ac on Iglisch ichil tel þer fore·

Riõt is þat Iglische vnderstond·

Þat was born in Inglond·

Freynsche vse þis gentil man·

Ac euerich Inglische Inglische can·

Mani noble ich haue yseiõe·

Þat no freynsche couþe seye·

Biginne ichil for her loue·

Bi ihesus leue þat sitt aboue·

On Inglische tel mi tale·

God ous sende soule hale·

Now ich õou telle þis romaunce

a king hiõt while sir costaunce·

f. 201va

{The first, twelve lines of this column is obliterated by the cut-out miniature. A paraph appears at line eleven. The last word of the thirteenth line is difficult to discern because of the cut from the miniature's removal.}

Þat rogued in mel...












Þat oþer broþer name was

Sir aurilisbrosias·

Þe þridde broþer of gret renoun·

Was cleped vter pendradoun·

Ac þe eldest sone costentine·

Was noble clerk & wise afine·

He loued god & holy chirche·

& holy werkes for to wirche·

For þi he bi souõt his fader dere·

Þat him graunted his prayer·

Þat he most monke be·

At vinchester in þat gode cite

& Maki brosias his broþer·

Or pendragoun king & no noþer·

Þe king was loþ graunti þertille·

Ac no þe les to õain his owen wille·

At winchester he was monke ymade·

Wiþ outen his fader þe kinges rade·

Sone after as ich finde in boke·

A gret sikenes þe king him toke·

Þat out of þis warld he most wende·

After his barouns he gan sende·

& when þai were ycomen ichon·

Þe king seyd to hem anon·

Lordinges he seyd lesse & mare·

Out of þis warld y most fare·

Þer fore y pray for loue o me·

For godes loue & for charite·

When ich am dede & roten in clay·

Helpeþ mi childer þat õe may·

& takeþ costaunt mi neldist sone·

& õif him boþe reng &'c'rone

f. 201vb

& holdeþ him for õour lord euer mo·

Al þay graunt it schuld be so·

Þan hadde þis king as õe may here·

a steward þat hiõt fortiger

Strong he was & wiõt y wis·

& als & ful of couaitise·

Þe king he hadde yserued long·

& for he was so wiõt & strong·

In him was al his trust at nede·

& õaue him boþe lond & lede·

To help his childer after his day·

& oft siþes he gan him pray·

To goruerny hem wiþ al his miõt

His treuþe he dede him forto pliõt

& when þe king hadde his liif for lore

Sone þat traitour was for swore·

& wiþ gret tresoun brak his treuþe·

& dede hem wrong & þat was reuþe·

Out of þis world þe king went·

& was ybiried verrament·

At winchester wiþ outen les·

Þer þat king bi grauen wes·

Erls & barouns euerichon·

token hem to red anon·

Wiþ outen ani more duelling·

& made constaunce biforþ 'her' king·

& for þat he was monke þore·

King moyne men cleped him euen more·

Ac þe steward sir fortiger

Was wel wroþ in his maner·

& wiþ al his miõt was þer oõain·

As fer forþ as he durst sayn·

King augys sone herd it telle·

He gadred him folk wel felle·

Of damnark & of sessoyne·

Forto wer oõaines moyne·

He filled ful mani dromouns

Of kinges erls & barouns·

Vp þai sett sail & mast·

& in to Inglond com an hast·

Ac Inglond wasy hoten þo·

Michel breteyne wiþ outen no·

Þe bretouns þat beþ Inglisse nov·

Herd telle when he com hou·


f. 202ra

Þat augys bi water brouõt·

Þe king fortiger bisouõt·

He schuld af'ong his pouwer·

& be steward as he was er·

& help him bi day & niõt·

Oõain his fomen forto fiõt·

He it for soke & seyd he nold·

Noiþer for siluer no for gold·

& feined him þat he nomiõt·

At batayle com forto fiõt·

& al he it dede to traisoun·

King to be was his achesoun·

Augys was riued wiþ mani aman·

King moyne went him oõan·

Þo he come þider wiþ outen faile·

Sone was smiten þe batayle·

Þer was broken spere & scheld·

& mani akniõt of hors yfeld·

Ac our men & king moyne·

Were ouer comen wiþ outen asoine

To wincherster þai flowen þo·

Wiþ mani siõhing & wale wo·

Þat swiche asleiõster wiþ hond·

Was fallen in to Inglond·

Þer was mani kniõt y slawe·

& mani swain y brouõt of dawe·

Angis tok in a þrowe·

Mani castels & tounes arowe·

& put þer in his men·

For to stonden our oõen·

& sent after eld & õing·

For to help in his fiõting·

Þo were fel kinges in lond·

Þat constaunce wan vnder his hond·

Mani of hem so weren þare·

Of þat descomfite hadden care·

& oft ihesu crist hye bisouõt·

He schuld hem help as he hem bouõt·

& hem bring out of her care·

After þat þai worþi ware·

ON a day as y õou telle

Our princes speken wordes felle·

& seyd þat her king·

Nas bot abreþeling·

f. 202rb

Õif fortiger her prince ware·

No hadde we nouõt hadde so miche care·

Þai hadden leuer þan ani þing·

Þat he were chosen to her king·

In her witt þai vnder stode·

Þat it were so in his mode·

Her king to ben him selue

To him þer fore þai sent tvelue·

Wisest þai chosen of þat lond·

Þat schuld wele his hert fond·

Why he nold wiþ hem come·

So he to fore was ywone·

Þis tvelue to him come·

Soþe conseil was ynome·

Wiþ gret honour & him gret·

& he hem badde bi him site·

What he desired forto ben·

Bi his answere þai schuld ysen·

He asked hem wat was her wille·

& 'þai' him seyd tidinges ille·

Augys hem hadde ouer come·

& michel of her lond binome·

& Mani barouns & kniõt yslawe·

& her kin brouõt of dawe·

Þerfore þe conseyl of þe lond·

Bad he schuld don his hond·

Þis ich wo amende raþe·

Þat þai no hadde no more scaþe·

Þo bispak him fortiger·

gode kniõt hardi & pantener·

Y nam noiþer õour douke no king·

Whi aske õe me conseiling·

King constauns y was to swore·

Euer y was õou þo to fore·

&wered õou wiþ mi power·

Wide & side fer & ner·

Wiþ me nis it nouõt nov so·

Þer fore to õour king õe go·

Biseche him he õou socour·

& õe wil him þan honour·

Þan bispac to him abaroun·

Sir our king is bot a conIoun·

Þo he seiõe swerdes drawe·

To fle sone he was wel fawe·

f. 202va

He no can conseil to no gode·

He is so adrad he is neiõe wode·

Whiles þou were in our þrome·

No were we neuer ouer come·

Þat we for lo'r'n at þis asaut·

Al we wite it þi defaut·

So siggeþ al our pers·

Y leue wele quaþ fortigers·

Nil ich me noþing auentour·

To purchas afole gret honour·

Õif moyne õour king ded ware·

Ich wald õou help out of care·

Sir þai seyd to him þo·

Wiltow þat we moyne slo·

Nay ac goþ fro me bliue·

While ich wot he is oliue·

Conseyl worþ õou of me non·

Þe barouns þennes gan gon·

To take her king þai wenten alle·

& founden king moyne in his halle·

Þer he sat at his mete·

On him þai schoten wiþ gret hete·

& smiten of his heued wiþ asword·

Er þai spoken ani word·

& who so struted oõain ward·

Anon þai õauen hem dintes hard·

Oute atte þedore þai flowen anon·

& ascaped euerichon·

Þer fore was contek & striif

& mani it abouõt wiþ þe liif·

Ac seþþen þe king yslawe was·

& opon hem fallen swiche acas·

A king þai mosten haue swiþe·

Al her sorwe forto liþe·

& þat he miõt hem were þan·

Oõain augys þat douhti man·

& þan vter pendragon·

Armes miõt bere non·

No aurilisbrosias is broþer·

Þan þai most chese anoþer·

Where þurch þai seyd in þat nede·

Wele no miõt þai nouõt spede·

Bot õiue þai wold fortiger

Chese to her king þere·

f. 202vb

Nouõt fele nar þer oõen·

Ac seyden þat it most ben·

What for loue what for ay·

Non no durst oõain say·

Ac þer þai chosen old & õing·

Fortiger to ben her king·

Mirie time is auerille·

þan scheweþ michel of our wille

In feld & mede floures springeþ·

In grene wode foules singeþ·

Õong man wereþ Iolif··

& þan proudeþ man & wiif·

Þe barouns com to fortiger·

& gretten him wiþ glad cher·

& seyd þat her solas·

Þurch wicked men y lorn was·

Þat was moyne her king·

& his breþer were to õing·

& for we õou witeþ wiõt & trest

Of al men õe mowen best·

Vs kepen oõain our fon·

So õe han er þis ydon·

We haue õou chosen our king·

& õouen õou boþe croun & ring·

Þe heiõe siggeþ & þe lowe also·

It miõt no better ben ydo·

Mow gramerci quaþ fortiger·

& was made king wiþ outen daunger

Ac at his corounment·

To barouns þer weren gent·

Þat þis tresoun vnder stode·

& sore hem rewe þe kinges blod·

Þat it schuld be spilt so·

& tok rede bi tvixen hemto·

Þe to childer ouer þe se bring·

& went hem forþ wiþ outen lesing·

Noman wist of her conseyle·

Bot þai al on wiþ outenfaile·

Þe king held fest noble & gent·

& afterward his parlement·

In wiche parlement he hete·

Men schuld him bring þe children skete·

Þai wer souõt & founde hem nouõt·

Þo he held him iuel bicouõt·


f. 203ra

Þo fortiger'it'vnder stode·

For wreþe he wer neiõe wode·

It was no wonder for soþe to say·

For þai dede him after gret tray·

Fortiger al þis forlete·

Princes doukes also skete·

Fre & bond swain & kniõt·

Alle graiþed hem to fiõt·

Þat þai miõten flemen augys·

& al her dedlich enemis·

So þai deden wiþ outen no·

& were al redi forþ to go·

Oõaines her foman augys·

Sum on gode hors of priis·

Sum on palfray & on stede·

& sum on fot ful gode at nede·

Wiþ arwe & bowe & alblast·

Her fomen forto agast·

Þai wenten forþ & met augys·

Wiþ mani sarraõin of priis·

Þer was mani ar'o'we yschote·

& mani quarel þurch þe þrote·

Schaft to broken & cleued scheld·

Mani akniõt feld in þe feld·

Helme to broken hauberk to rent·

Mani noble hors yschent·

Ac our men þer dede ful wel·

Wiþ broun swerd ofgrounden stiel·

Mani ariche sarraõin·

Þai brouõten in to helle pin·

Augys seiõe his del þe wors·

& gan to fle wel swiþe on hors·

To a castel wel strong about·

Where was michel of his rout·

Þo þat he left bihinden him·

Hadde chaunce hard &grim·

No halp hem noiþer pes no crie

No fiõting no criing merci·

Al men maden her acord·

Wiþ axes speres kniif & sword·

Alþat were bihinde yfounde·

Anon þai were leyd to grounde·

No miõt þer askape neuer on·

Þat he nas to deþ ydon·

f. 203rb

Þus our folk hadden þe priis·

& went þo to bisege augys·

Þo þai hadde him long bilay·

Augys sent hem þan to say·

Õif he in pays wende most·

He wold taken al his ost·

& leden hem to his cuntraye·

& neuer eft don hem traye·

Fortiger bi his conseyle·

Lete hem wende hole &hayle·

Ac ferst þai sworen him anoþ·

Þai schuld him neuer waite loþ·

Þus þai wenten to þe st'r'ond·

& ferden ouer to her lond·

Fortiger & his ost·

oõain com wiþ gret bost·

& held fest mani aday·

Of gret delite &noble play·

When þis fest was don & held·

Þe·xii· traitours þat y ofteld·

Þat hadde yslawe moyne þe king·

Biþouõt hem of a sel couþe þing·

Þai wold go to fortiger·

& asken him her lower·

Of þe king þat was yslawe·

Wiþ tresoun oõain þe lawe·

& seyden king þou art aboue·

Þenke what we dede for þi loue·

We slouõ our lord kende·

Nov be sen õif þou arthende·

Þurch ousþou artin þi power·

Õif ous now our lower·

Þan bi spac him fortiger·

Anon to hem wiþ loureand chere

Bi þe lower þat god made·

Õe schul haue þat õe bade·

So ich euer mot y the·

So no schul õe nouõt serue me

For õe han õour lord y slawe·

Õe schul ben honged &to drawe·

He dede feche hors wel sket·

& teyed hem to her fet·

& dede hem drawe'n' on þe pauement·

& hong hem after verrament·

f. 203va

Mani kniõt & baroun hende·

Seiõen þis of her kende·

Opon þe king þai ourn anon·

As his dedliche fon·

Ac bitven hem stode his men·

Stedfastliche oõaines hem·

Þer was mani heued of hitt·

Þer was mani þrote ykitt·

Mani hert for les his blod·

& mani þe bal vp in þe hod·

Vnneþe þat ich day·

Þeking ascaped oway·

Þe barouns went þat ich niõt·

Toward her frendes ful riõt·

& her gref anon hem teld·

Hou fortiger her king aqueld

Þurch tresoun þat þai hadde yspeken·

Of him þai weld ben awreken·

Ich his frendes so bisouõt·

Þat opon fortiger þai brouõt·

Mani erl baroun & kniõt·

Hardy &kene forto fiõt·

Þai fouõten wiþ fortiger·

Mani moneþ &mani aõere·

Wher þurch mani aleuedi fre·

Her lord les & fair meyne·

Fortiger nam gode coure·

Þat he no miõt oõain hem doure·

For þai weren mo &mo·

& his men lassed always þo·

Letters he made to augys þe welp·

& bad he schuld cum him to help·

Oõaines his men þat wald him sle·

& he schuld haue half hi'r' fe·

Augys þer of was bliþe·

His message hedede swiþe·

Mani þousand he tok wiþ him·

Þat were boþe stout &grim·

& comen ouer to fortiger·

& he hem welcomed wiþ glad chere·

Of his couenaunt he was biknawe·

& made augys half felawe·

Þat he hadde or haue miõt·

Wiþ þat he schuld him help in fiõt·

f. 203vb

Oõaines his men &help him were·

Þat were avouten him to dere·

Þis couenaunt was made stedfast·

& hem grayþed sone on hast·

To batayle forto wende·

For þe barouns were hende·

Bi salesbiri biside alite·

Al redi bataile to smite·

& abiden her fomen·

Þat þider comen hem oõen·

Þer was sone leyd adoun·

Mani wel briõt gonfaynoun·

Þe schaftes to broken &cloþ to rent·

& mani agret lording yschent·

Mani kniõt oþer slouõ

Mani hors her guttes drouõ·

Ich õou sigge riõt treuþe·

Non of oþer hadde reuþe·

Swerdes on helmes gan driue

Mani schaft þer gan riue·

Mani hauberk was to rent·

& mani þurch þe bodi schent·

Þer was slawe & brouõt to grounde

Mani man in litel stounde·

A boþe half lay mani on·

Þe heued fro þe nek bon·

Wombe &side þurch out dast·

Wiþ launce quarel & alblast·

Þat mani leuedi &damisele·

Biwepe it seþþen wit teres fele·

Ac fortiger hade euer four·

Oõain on forsoþe of our·

For whi þe barouns no miõt·

Wiþ stond in þat fiõt·

Ac gun fle wel fast þenne·

Sum ouer se to her kenne·

Sum forgret ayõe & dout·

To oþer kinges flowen about·

Also we finden in þe bok·

Al þat fortiger atok

He let to drawe &an hong·

Were it wiþ riõt oþer wiþ wrong

Þe oþer he devoided alle·

Of lond&tour castel&halle·


f. 204ra

& bi conseyl of augys·

Õ ue it to sarraõins of pri

Þer was loue of hert cler·

Bitven augys &fortiger·

Augys hadde verrament·

A douhter boþe fair & gent·

Ac sche was heþen sarraõin·

& fortiger for loue fin·

Hir tok to fere & to wiue·

& was curssed in al his liue·

For he lete cristen wedde haþen·

& meynt our blod as flesche &maþen·

Mani þousand was swiche in weddeloc·

As we finde writen in bok·

Þer was wel neiõe al þis lond·

To þe deuel gon an hond·

Festes he made gret & fele·

& hadden al warldes wele·

& held no better lawe·

Þan þe hounde wiþ his felawe·

Þis last wel fel õere·

On a day sat fortiger

& biþouõt him of þe children to·

Þat ouer see weren ygo·

& of mani noble he nam õeme·

Þat he hadde yboden flem·

Of after claþ he hadde care·

Þat he schuld for fare·

He hete chese carpenters·

Ouer al in his powers·

& masouns þat þai no lete·

To him þai schuld comen sket·

His hest was sone ydon·

Þousandes þer were anon·

Wiþ her tole swiþe prest·

Forto do þe kinges hest·

Þe king hem gan fair to calle·

& þus he seyd to hem alle·

Listneþ now heiõe & lawe·

& vnder stond to mi sawe

In mi witt ich haue yþouõt

Ichil acastel han ywrouõt·

Of wode & lime morter & ston·

Þat swiche be in þis world non·

f. 204rb

Þat õif me comeþ ani nede·

Ich may me þere were &hede·

Fro min fon þat aires hem claim·

At salesbiri opon þe plain·

Þat õe schul yfond·

To maken it wiþ õour hond·

Loke þat tre & ston be riche·

Þe tour largge & depe þe diche·

Mi deuise ich haue ysade·

Now heiõeþ õou þat it war made·

& õe schullen haue hire·

Al þat õe wil desire·

Þis werkemen þider went þo·

Þre þousand þer were &mo·

Hewen schides &cornen ston·

& laiden foundement anon·

Sum rammed & doluen snel·

& gun þat castel fair &wel·

Þat folk was boþe swift &sleiõe·

Þat werk was arered brest heiõe·

Þat ich day alle aboute·

So it is writen in þe brout·

& wenten hom þo it was niõt·

So it is werkmennes riõt·

& comen al oõain amorwe·

& seiõen þing of gret sorwe·

Foundement &werk þai founde·

Ligge vp 'so' & doun op þe grounde·

Sprad it was al abrod·

For wonder þai were neiõe wode·

Acher werk þai bigonne·

So long so þai seiõen þe sonne·

& als wele spedden par mafay·

So þai deden þat oþer day·

Ac þo þai come þider eft·

Her werk was al vp alest·

& yschatred here & þere·

Þus it ferd wele half a õer·

Al þat euer þai wrouõt o day·

A morwe it ouer þrowe lay·

Þe king herd telle þis·

& gret wonder hadde ywis·

He dede aspie bi day & niõt·

What þing hem lett miõt·

f. 204va

Ac wite no miõt lewed no clerk

What þing felled her werk·

¶ Fortiger sat in his halle·

Among his kniõtes&barouns alle

He bat his fest & his elbowe·

& seyd to hem wiþ michel howe·

Wretþefulliche þere he hete·

Clerkes biforn him bring skete·

Þe best þat were in þis lond·

Sone was don þe kinges sond·

Mani clerk was ful wide ysouõt·

& biforn him sone ybrouõt·

Hem he aposed on &alle·

Whi his werk was so yfalle·

Her non no couþe him telle·

Þe king swore he wold hem quelle·

Bot õif þai wold him telle an hond·

Whi þat his werk miõt nouõt stond·

Ten þer were of hem ynome·

Wisest clerkes of þe þrome·

& in ochaumber ydo·

Þat no man most hem com to·

For þe hest of þe king·

Bot vnneþe her mete bring·

Astromiens þese weren·

Wiser neuer non neren

Þai were ·ix· days bischet·

Ac õete þai couþe litel þe bet·

Bot ich õou sigge v'e'rrament·

Þai seyõen in þe firmament·

A child in erþe biõeten wes·

Wiþ outen ani mannes flesches·

& þo þai com þe king bifore·

Þai seyd achild onerþe was bore·

Wiþ outen mannes bi õeteing·

Þat wist wel neiõe al þing·

Do him sle wel sodanliche·

Þe blod to þe is tresore riche·

Were õour werk ysmerd þer wiþ·

Euer it wold stond in griþ·

Þe king was of þis tale bliþe·

& dede priueliche ·xii· swiþe·

Þat were departed þre &þre·

To wende about þe child to sle·

f. 204vb

Õiue þai him our finde miõt·

Þai no schuld lete for wrong no riõt·

Þat þai schuld godeniliche·

Smite of his heued hastiliche·

& no word no speke him to·

Þus bad him þis clerkes do·

For þai wende it were to her lere·

Õif þat child õeue answere·

Þis men on þe kinges sond·

Went afour half Inglond·

Þre &þre bi four way·

Þat child to finde y õou say·

Þis clerkes of whom ich teld·

Wiþ þe king weren at held·

For to wite õif it soþe were·

Þat þai hadde him seyd þere·

Õif he founde wiþ hem lesing

Lete we þis clerk bihinde

Þis ·xii· went þe child to finde·

& are ich telle more õou·

Of þis romaunce y wil now·

Þat õe vnder stond &wite·

Hou þis child was bi õete·

On swiche maner &w{smudge}the hete·

Now y pray õou listen skete·

He þat was &is &ay schal ben·

chese him here aswete quen·

In whom he nam flesche &bld·

Wiþ wiche he bouõt ous onþe rode·

Whare þurch we ben toheuen ycorn·

& þe deuel his miõt forlorn·

Blisced be he in euerich song·

& mari of whom he sprong·

Listneþ wele to mi steuen·

Þ'e' deuels þat fel out of heuen·

Wiþ her pride lucifer·

Sum fel to helle fer·

Sum in water sum in lond·

Sum in þe aire gan wiþstond·

Al fort our driõt seyd ho·

Þo þai bileued euer mo·

& for soþe þai han power·

Man to dere þere &here·

Her liif were at þe ending·


f. 205ra

Y nil õou telle her priuete·

Bot þat longeþ now to me·

Þe deuelen þat houen abouen ous·

Euer be hirsorius·

& oþer while makeþ hem body·

Of þe aire wel gent & rody·

& hauen miõt &power·

Doun to liõt &derien her·

Al þo þat nillen wirche·

Godes comandment in chirche·

Ac whilom more þan now·

For þurch þe miõt of swete ihes

Mani of hem yfelled is·

Al hou y no may nouõt tellenywis·

Mi matery wer tolong·

& þe tale to õou wel strong·

Ac þe deuelen of whom y said·

Seiõe hou ihesu of amaide·

Þurch his milce was ybore·

& bouõt al þat was for lore·

Þer to þai hadden gret ond·

& sayd þat þai wolden fond·

To ligge bi amaiden kin·

& biõeten achild her in·

Swiche schuld acomber also fele·

So þat oþer had brouõt to wele·

Bi þat day was ariche man·

þat hadde to wiue afair wiman·

Bi whom he hadde asone fre·

& wel fair douhtren þre·

A for seyd deuel liõt adoun·

& of þat wiif made acouroun·

To don alle his volunte·

Whar þurch in hem he had entre·

& brouõt hem in chideing &fiõt·

& made hem oft wroþ ypliõt·

So þat on aneuen late·

Þe deuel sche tauõt hir bi õate·

Þat ich niõt þedeuel com·

& strangled hir owhen grom·

Þe wiif hir sone seiõe ded amorwe·

Anon sche heng hir self for sorwe·

Þo þat þe bounde yseiõe þis·

Anon he starf for diol ywis·

f. 205rb

So what wo &diol &dere·

Dede wretþe &foule answere·

Al þe men ich õou say·

Þat woned in þat cuntray·

Here of hadden gret pite·

Boþe vplond &in cite·

For þat man &eke his wiif·

Were yholden of gode liif·

Biside þer woned an ermite·

Þat þider com þis to viseite·

Blasy ywis his name was·

Þo he seiõe þis he seyd allas·

& seyd it was verrament·

Þe deuels foule encumbrement·

Þre douhtern he fonde oliue·

& he hem dede õern schriue·

Of alle þat he couþe enserche·

Þurch þe lore of holy chirche·

& penaunce on hem layd·

For þat þai hadde god ytrayd·

& tauõt hem to serue god al miõt·

& þo he went hom ful riõt·

Þis fair maidens þre·

Serued god wiþ hert fre·

In grete drede &loue·

Þe deuel þat com fro aboue·

He þat was fram heuen yfalle·

Of whom y spac to for õou alle·

Þo he nam lickenisse ofman·

& com him to an old wiman·

& bihete hir õiftes &grete fe·

To wende to þis sostren þre·

& þe heldest to bi chaunte·

Õongmanes loue forto haunte·

Inþis lond was þo vsage·

Who so dede wiþ man vtrage·

Bot it were in wedloc·

In þilke time men hem tok·

Wiþ iuggement wiþ outen les·

& also quic doluen hes·

Bot sche hir knewe for liõt woman·

& comoun hire to alle men·

Þan was it riõt &lawe·

Þat sche no schuld ben yslawe·

f. 205va

Þis eld wiif þat iuel sche þe

Com to þis sostren þre·

& made wailing & michel fare·

For þis þre maidens care·

To þe eldest soster sche seyd·

Wolewo mi swete maide·

Þou hast fair fot & hond·

& gentil viis bigodes sond·

White hond & long arm·

Certes it were michel harm·

Bot þi bodi most asay·

Wiþ som gentil õongman to play·

Þat þe miõt in þis cas·

Find þe ioie & solas·

Þe maiden seyd õiue so dede ich·

Y schuld be doluen al so quic·

Nay certes quaþ þat eld quen·

Þou miõt it do wiþ outen den·

Õer &oþer in þi bedde

& þan þe wil þat õong man wedde·

Þurch þis quen verrament·

& þe fendes enticement·

Þe eldest soster y õou say·

A õongman lete wiþ hir play·

Ac þo hir liked alder best·

Hir gamen com al to chest·

For sche was nome &forþ ydrawe·

& ofhir dede sche was bi knowe·

Þurch Iuggement doluen sche was·

Mani man seyd allas allas·

For her & for her elderlinges·

Men made gret diol &wepeinges·

Õete wald þe deuel ful of ond·

Þe midel soster agile fond·

& brouõt hir vp aõongman·

Wiche þat wowen hir bigan·

Al his wille don him sche lete·

& it was aperceiued skete·

Sche was brouõt bifor iustise·

Deþ to þoly in al wise·

Sche seyd sche was aliõt woman·

& comoun hore to alle man·

Of þat chaunce mani nam kepe·

& wiþ eiõen sore wepe·

f. 205vb

For ribaudye gret haras·

To folwe hir bodi allas·

Þat þe fende haþ swiche pouwer·

To deri þat god bouõt sodere·

Þe þridde soster was so wo·

Hir þouõt hir hert brast atvo·

Hir moder was ded acurssedliche·

& hir fader starf reuliche·

& hir 'broþer' yslawe al so·

& hir soster 'quic' doluen þo·

Hir oþer soster hore strong·

Þat al harlotes õede among·

Inwanhope sche fel neiõe·

Ac þurch godes help an heiõe·

Sche hir biþouõt of þermite·

Þat hem com to visite·

To him sche went þo bliue·

& hir schrof of hir liue·

& alle þe chaunces teld al so·

Þat hir kin were comen to·

Þis hermite hadde wonder gret·

& hir tauõt boþe &hete·

Haue euer crist in mende·

& lete þe lores of þe fende·

Pride wratþe &glotonie·

Niþe sleuþe &lecherie·

Couaitise &trecherie·

Bac biteing &envie·

Swiche þinges he bad hir flen·

& gode &bonair forto ben·

Alle þe werkes þat gode ware·

To don hir tauõt þare·

& þat sche nere so michel ape·

Þat sche hir laid doun to slape·

Ar hir dore & hir fenester·

Hadde yblisced &ich ester·

Þus he tauõt hir to done·

& þo sche went hir hom sone·

Þedeuel here of hadde ond·

Þat he hir 'to' gile wold hefond·

Þurch his soster ich õoutelle·

Þat was his in flesche &felle·

Þis hore com oponaday·

To hir soster par mafay·


f. 206ra

& to hir soster sche gan sigge·

Þat sche it schuld dere abigge·

Þat sche hadde hir hiritage·

& ran to hir ingret rage·

Wiþ herlotes þat wiþ hir ware·

& sore bete þat wenche þare·

In to achaumber sche ran hir þo·

& fast schett þe dore hir to·

Out sche gradde &neiõebours come·

& driuen oway þis wreches sone·

Þis sely þing was alday wroþ·

Hirowen liifwas hir loþ·

On hir bed þo it was niõt·

Al ycloþed sche fel doun riõt·

& sche for õat hir vnblisced·

So þe hermite her haddeywissed·

For wrecþe sche þouõt of blisseingnon·

& fel on slepe sone anon·

Þe fende her of was ful bliþe·

Tohir hecom þai swiþe·

Oueralle hir chaumber in he miõt·

For þer nas no merkof ourdriõt·

Toþis maiden sikerliche·

He com þo &lay flescheliche·

Þis maiden sone þat hye awaked·

Feld hir legges al naked·

& feled also bi her þi·

Þat sche was yleyenbi·

Sche ros &fond hir dore loke·

& no þing no was tobroke·

Sche þouõt it was þefoulewiõtþo·

Sche was aferd sche nistwat todo·

Hir selue sche bete &gan to tere·

Wiþ boþe honden hir õalu here·

& wepe al niõt wiþ gret sorwe·

Toþermite sche went amorwe·

& told him al þe cas·

He was sori &seydallas·

For sche no held nouõt hir penance·

Sche was fallen in encombraunce·

Allas sir sche seyd þo·

Certes sir men wilme slo·

Sone soþai it may wite·

Þat on me is achild biõete·

f. 206rb

Ich leue wele quaþ he saunfaile·

Ich haue of þi tale gret meruaile·

Sikerdouhter & yfinde &se

Þat þou so wiþ child be·

I schal þe help wiþal mi miõt·

Til ich haue þer of asiõt·

Go now hom douhter min·

& haue crist in hert þin·
Do penaunce day&niõt·

Serue ihesu wiþ al þi miõt·

He may õif his wille be·

Out of anoye bring þe·

Hom sche went wiþ dreri mod·

& serued god wiþ hert gode·

& euerich day þat biõete·

In hir wombe bigan to grete·

Hir no gett it nouõt tohide·

For hir wombe wer vnride·

Þer sone after sche was ynome·

& yladde tohir dome·

Sore miõt hir agrise·

Þo sche stode biforþe iustise·

Þermite herd tellen þis·

& þider he com anon ywis·

Þe iustise him ganbiþenche·

& þus aposed þat wenche·

O maiden bimi treuþe·

Of þe ich hauegretreuþe·

Whi noldestow vnder stonde·

Hou þi kin is brouõt toschond·

& ben out of þis worldywent·

& now þou hast þiseluenyschent·

Þat hast mannes flesche yknawe·

& vnder fong oõaines þe lawe·

Þis ich day þou schalt be slawe·

For þat wil now þe lawe·

Certes sir sche seyd nay·

Nodede ich neuer oõain þe lay·

Bi him þat þoled ded ontre·

Man no lay neuer bime·

No bi his moder seynt marie·

Mannes mouþe kist in vilanie·

Cy quaþ þe iustise swiche meruaile

Þou lext damisel saunfaile·

f. 206va

Þitale soþe no miõt be

Seþþen wiþchild y þe se·

Certes sche sayd wiþchild icham·

Wiþ outen compaine of man·

So yslepe þis ender niõt·

Bi me lay aselcouþe wiõt·

Y nist neuer wat it was·

Ac now ich hold togodes gras·

Ac wele ich wot biþis day·

Þat noman neuer bimelay·

Þe iustise swore bi seynt al bon·

Swiche meruail herd he neuer non·

Þine tale ich no leue·

Forseþþen þat adamwas&eue·

Child biõeten wiþ outen man·

Herd y neuer bot of an·

Þatwas ihesu our driõt·

Þurch god þe faderes miõt

& for þou seyst wiþ child þou art·

& haddest neuer ofman part·

Araniman þe quic delue·

Telle schul wiues tvelue·

Õifanichild may be made

Wiþ outen knoweing ofmannes sade·

Opon tvelue wiues it was ydo·

& þai com &seyden þo·

Þat neuer child biõeten was

Bot ihesu þurch godes gras·

Wiþ outen mannes flesche forsoþe

& þerto þai sworen her oþ·

Þo spac blasy þermite·

Iustise listen me alite·

Hir tale no may scheavowe·

Vnder ous alle se wenid we·

Ich haue hir schriuen&tauõtþ'e'lawe·

To me no was sche neuer bi knawe·

Þat ani man to hir cam·

Þat euer knewe hir licham·

Þei sche haue serued to be spilt·

Þe child þer of haþ no gilt·

It were gret * vnriõt to toslon [*"re" subpuncted]

& reuþe for þegilt of on·

Ac lete hir in ward don·

Sche schal herafter child son·

f. 206vb

Tvo õer&anhalf þanschemot·

Þechild loke god it wot·

Whenþe child can go &speke·

Þan õe may ben of hir awreke·

Amindien seyd þe Iustise·

Þine tale's'ben gode & wise·

Þerafternow wircheichille·

To day no schal hirnomanspille·

Inatour þai han hirdo·

Þat noman miõt hircomto·

Bot aneldmidwiif·

Þat schuld õemen hirliif·

Þer in sche was don onhast·

& þer in bi schet fulfast·

Þilke tour was swiþeheiõe·

Noman miõt comen hemneiõe·

A windowe was þer in·

& acabel made bi gin·

Forto drawen vp al þing·

Þat nede wastoher libbeing·

Sone so hir time come

Schechilded aselcouþe grome

Soich bi bok telle can·

It hadde fourm afteraman·

Bot it it was blacker·

Þan anoþer & wel rower·

Þo þat child was ybore·

blasi stode þehole bifore·

Biþe rope þaiit adounlet·

& he it cristned also sket·

He clept it merlin agodes name

Þe fende þerof hadde grame·

For þai lese þer þe miõt·

Þat þai wende to haue biriõt·

Þo þat child y cristnedwas·

Blasi turned oõain his pas·

& in þe rope anon itknitt·

Þehowe wiif anonit fett·

& õede &held it biþefer·

Biheld his face &ekehischer·

Away þou foule þing·

Þat þi moderswicheending·

For þi sake haue sch?al ·

Forþouart loþlich oueral·


f. 207ra

Þat child spac wiþ gret den·

Þoulext he seyd þou eld quen·

Mimoder quelle no maynoman·

Whileþat ich oliues am·

Þe wiif agros of þis answere·

& seyd haue þou nopower metodere

Ich þe half agodes name

Onþat maner seyd hisdame

& halsed him also þare

He schuld telle wat he ware

Acþei þai it hadde alyswore

Þai nomiõt do him spekenomore·

& yõou telle anon saunfayl·

Þai hadden þer of gret meruail·

& alle men þat herden it·

Wonder hadde in her wit·

Þer afterward õete half aõer·

His moder held him bi þe fer·

& swiþe bitter ters lete·

& seyd allas mi sone swete·

For þe misbiõeten stren·

Quic y schal now doluenben·

Þechild seyd dame nay·

Ich þeswere parmafay·

No schal þer neuer noiustise·

Þebidelue onon wise·

No in erþe þi bodi reke·

Þer whiles y may gon&speke·

His moder werabliþe wiman·

Fram þat ich day after þan·

He teld hir vnder sonne·

Al þat schewald conne·

Þo þat child couþe go·

þe iustise comþider þo·

& dede feche þat wiman·

Bifor þe pople riõt onan

& sworeded sche schuld ben·

Riõt anon biheuen quen·

Þo bi spac merlin childe

To þe iustise wordes milde·

Man wele wot þat anigodekan·

Oõain chaunce no may no man·

Þurch chaunce &eke þurchgras·

In hir forsoþe peltywas·

f. 207rb

Þe iustise biheld þat childe·

Formerlin he was neiõewilde

& seyd ydoluen most sche ben·

Þo quaþ merlin so motyþen·

Foralþat euer kanestow do·

Schaltowit neuerbringþerto·

Þatþou mi moder delue mow·

Biresoun ichil weleavowe·

A fende it was þatmebiõat·

& pelt me in an holy fat·

He wende haue hadde an iuel fode·

Ac al icham turned togode·

Ac þurch kende of hemycanbo·

Telle of þing þat isago·

& alþing þatis now·

Whi it is &what&how·



Ich wot wele who mi faderis·

Acþou no knowest nouõtþineywis·

Whar þurch y telmoder þine·

Di*gner to beded þan modermine· [*"n" subpuncted]

Hou noblelich þat child answerd·

Wonder hadde þat it herd·

Þat so couþe speke & go·

& was bot of õeres tvo·

Þeiustiseseyd þougabbest comoun·

Mifader was an heiõebaroun·

Mimoder is aleuedi fre·

Oliue õete þou miõthirse·

Ich wene bi þe quen marie·

Men dede neuer bihir folie·

Þechild seyd Iustise held þi mouþe·

Oþer y schal makeitwide couþe·

Of hir folis mani on·

Dohirafter som man gon·

Bot õifydo hiritben aknawe·

Wiþ wild hors do me to drawe·

Þe Iustiseanon raþe &skete·

His moder þider seche hehete·

Bifor him schecom wel sone·

Þe Iustise seyd mid ydone·

Say merlin þat þouseydestarst·

Bifor mi moder õif þoudarst·

f. 207va

Now ich I se sir iustise·

Þine ordinaunce no be nouõtwise·

Õif ich te?lt? þis men bifore

Hou þou were biõeten &bore·

Þimoder most ydoluen be·

& þat werealle þurch þe·

Þo þe iustise þis vnderstode·

He þouõt þatchild couþe gode·

Into achaumber sone anon·

Alþre þai gun to gon·

& þe iustise seyd þo·

Child merlin forþer þougo·

Telle now bitven ousþre·

What man itwas þatbiõatme·

Þechild swore bi seyn symoun·

It was þe persone of her toun·

Boþypleyd wiþ þi dame·

& bi õat þe al agame·

Þat leuedy seyd þoumisbiõetenþing·

Þou hast y lowe agret lesing·

His fader was afair baroun·

Y telle þat man acomoun·

Þat to þe õiueþ ani listening·

For þou art acursed þing·

Misbiõeten oõaines þelawe·

Þou schust wiþ riõt benyslawe·

Þat þou no leiõe no lesingesmo·

Men forto wirchen wo·

Þe child seyd dame be stille·

Wiþ riõt may me noman spille·

For icham aferly sond·

Born to gode to al þis lond·

Ac þou art digne doluen to ben·

Þisone schal þe soþe ysen·

Þoþi lordcom frocardoil·

Inhert þou haddest gretdiol·

Biniõt it was ar þe day·

Þepersone in þine armes lay·

On þi dore þi lord gan knoke·

& þou stirtest vp in þi smoke·

Welneiõe wode fordred &howe·

Vp þou schotestawindowe·

& þe persone þou out lete·

& afterward þou schet it sket·

f. 207vb

& for soþe þat ich niõt·

He bi õat þisich kniõt·

Hou seistow dame seystowauõt·

& sche no spac oõain riõt nauõt·

Ac sogretliche scheawondred was·

Þat hir chaunged blod&fas·

Þe iustise seyd dame whatseystow·

Sir he seyt soþe bi crist ihu·

Þei õe me hong biacord

Þe no leiõeþ neuer aword·

Þe Iustise þo hadde no game·

Ac neiõe wode he was for schame·

Merlin him cleped to an herne·

& to him toldtales derne·

Sir he seyd listento me·

Forsoþe ichil now tellenþe·

Lete þi moder wende hom·

& sende þou after alitel grom·

Þat hir can weleaspie·

For homward schewilanheiõe·

& to þe persone sone say·

Hou ichaue hem boþe bi wray·

When þe persone haþ herd þis·

Sore he worþ adrad ywis·

Of schame ful deþto haue of þe ·

To abrigge he wil fle·

Into þe water scippe he wille·

& so he schal him seluen spille·

Bot it be soþ þat y þe telle·

Wiþ þine hondenþou meaquelle·

Þe iustise dede saunfail

Al bi þat childes conseyl·

He it aspide bi on hewe·

Þe childes tale he fond altrewe

& seþþenhe legged hir fore

Þe childes moder nas nouõt forlore

& al quite he lete hir go·

Wiþ outen pain wiþ outen wo·

Seþþen blasy þermite

Merlin com to visite·

& halsed him agodes name·

Þatwiþ outen harm&schame

He schuld him telle al þe cas·

Hou he euer biõeten was·


f. 208ra

Merlin him teld ende& ord·

Of his biõeteing eueryword·

& seþþen seyd to blasy af?ter·

To kinges foure y worþ maister·

Hem y motõete alle rade·

& þou schalt write her dade·

Þou schalt write þat y say·

Mani man for to averray·

Þere heteldofmani aþing·

Þat blasi made ofwriteing·

Biwas bok we vnderstond·

Al þat merlin wrouõt in lond·

Þo merlin was fif wintereld·

He was michel broun &beld·

So we in boke finde conne·

His moder hededemake anonne·

Þat ihesucristwiþ hert gent·

Serued ay wiþ gode entent·

Onadayas ich õou telle·

þo ich þresechers snelle·

Þatwereysent from þe king·

To hauen of þis child findeing·

Comenal þre bi cas·

In to þe toun þer merlin was·

Merlin in þe strete þo aleyd·

& on of his felawes han ?atr?ayd·

Þat him seyd loude to·

Foule shrewe from ous go·

Þouart al bi õetenamis·

Þou nost who þi fader is·

Ac some deuel as ich wene·

Þe biõat ouseuertotene·

Merlin seiõe þis&vnderstode·

Þoþre itwere þat sauõthis blod·

Þat þo riden þerforbi·

Þatof þis child herden cri·

He seiõe þatich his horswiþdrouõ·

Merlin schoke his heued &louõ·

He was of fiue winter eld·

& he spac wordes swiþe beld·

Yuel þe bi falle þou comoun·

Þou hasty seydto loude þiroun·

Hercomeþ þekinges messanger·

Þat haþ me souõtalþisõer·

f. 208rb

For to han hert blod·

& it no may don hem nogode·

Hast þai haue me toslen·

Ac biþat þai me wiþ eiõensen·

Þerto worþ hem no talent·

& õif þai deden þai werenschent·

Messangers to him ganterne·

& he oõaines hem fast gan erne·

& on hem merlin louõ forsoþe·

& seyd to hem welcomeþboþe·

Nowõe haue yfounden me·

Þat õouwas hoten forto sle·

Arõewiþ me spak auõt·

Þus õo was bi hoten&tauõt·

Miblod to haue toþatwerk·

Þat schuld be so strong sterk·

Formi blod no worþ itþebet·

Neuermore þe betyset·

Ichil proue leiõers þaibeþ·

Þat so bi spoken mi deþ·

Ac certes õiue ich were ded·

Þe king no worþ þer of nored·

Seynt marie quaþ her on·

Swiche wonder haue weherd of non·

Hou wostow þatwe it ben·

Þat þe seche forto slen·

& þe kinges priuete·

Soõong þouarttelle it me·

Merlin seyd weleywot·

Þe kinges conseyl euerigrot·

& al þat onerþe worþ y do·

& al þat schal be deþ þer to·

Þismen hadde wonder gret

Him to sle it were vnnet·

Þechild seyd nouõtme nosleþ·

For y schal scheldõouframþe deþ·

Bifor þe king ich õou pliõt·

& telle &schewe þe soþe riõt·

Why his werk mani nouõt stond·

& of þe clerkes þat beninbond·

Hou þai han y lowen onme·

Þekingþat soþe schal y þe·

Õif itõour willes is·

Wiþ õou ichil wendey wis·

f. 208va

Al þre þai spoken þo·

Certes child we wilitbeso·

Telle ous now what isþiname

Oþerwhatwiman was þidame·

Þatwe sesum witnesseing·

Ofþidede þou art soõing·

Merlin anon he hem sede·

Comeþ þider þer ich õoulede

Mimoder õeschullen se·

& wiþ þe soþe finde me·

Þer he ledde hem bi heiõe sonne·

To his moder þersche was nonne·

Þatalþat soþe was bi knawe·

& euerich word hem teld arawe·

Houþat child fram þe Iustise·

Fram deþ hir saued wiþ wordeswise·

Ofþis sche told hem þus saunfayl·

Þekniõtes hadden gret meruail·

& seþþen in gret quiet &pays·

He ledde hemtohis maister blays·

Þat hem told &wittnes bar·

Ofalþing þathe seyd þar·

Merlin to bla?si? þermeche seyd·

Þat blasi al in writt leyd·

Þat niõt alþe messangers·

Þai bi leften toþe sopers·

Amorwe so we seþ inboke

Alfiue þer herleuetoke·

At þe nonne &atblays·

& wenthemforþ weleatane·

To ward þe king þer he lay·

Soþat þai comen onaday·

Þurch atoun was chepeing·

& to selle mani aþing·

Þer merlin houed &louõ stille·

& seiõe hou men loued schon toselle

Þe messanger made anon asking·

Whi he made swiche leiõeing·

Merlin seyd no se õe nouõt·

Newe schon þat man haþbouõt·

& strong clout leþer hem to clout·

& s?mere to s?mere hem al about·

Hewenes to liue &hem tere·

Ac bi mi soule y õou swere·

f. 208vb

Hiswreche liif heschalforlate·

Herhecom tohisowhen gate·

Þe messangers herden þis·

& wonder hadde þerofywis·

For sone þerafterward þai founde·

Þat man ded opon astounde·

Restþai token þat ich niõt·

Amorwe her wayþai wentforþriõt

& comen biachirche õerd·

& mettenabere tochirchewerd·

His bridel þermerlin wiþdrouõ·

& swiþe schille &loude helouõ·

Þe messangers bad him þotelle·

Whi it was he louõ so snelle·

Heseyd he seiõe wepe þat schuld sing·

& sing þat schuld make wepeing·

Forþe prest þatsingeþ þare·

Biõat þat child þatliþ onbare·

He ouõt for his sinne sori ben·

& þe bond þatõe õond sen·

Þat soloude &sore ginneþwepe·

For blis he ouõt to sing &lepe·

For þe prestes sone is ded·

Þat euer schuld hauedonhimqued·

Toþemoder þai gun gon·

& þatsoþe atokenanon·

Alle þe soþe sche gan hemsay·

& bad hem nouõthir bi wray·

For sche were þan schentay·

Verrament þai seyd nay·

Forþ þai went in her way·

Þiderward þe kinghimlay·

Soich õou segge in mi rime·

Þo louõ merlin þe þriddetime·

Eft him asked alhisfere·

Whi he maked swichechere·

Õis he sayd listen now·

Þe soþe ichil tel õou·

Þe quen mi lordes wiifathom·

Haþ puruayd awrongfuldom·

Hir chaumberlain isawiman·

Þatgoþ ingise ofaman·

Forheis louely &of fair hewe·

Ourquen þat is vntrewe·


f. 209ra

& bad hir be hir leman·

For sche wend sche wereaman·

Þis chaumberlain seyd þathenold·

A resoun do for no gold·

Whar þurch þe quen pleint made·

To mi lord þe king & sade·

Þat þurch forþ hir chaumberlain·

Wald haue hir forlain·

Þe king forþis wasswiþewroþ·

& wraþfulliche swore his oþ·

Õif y mayatake þis wrong·

He worþ todrawe &tohong·

Now wendeþ to forn onof õou·

& tel anon þe kinghou·

Y haue õouteldofþefals loue·

Bid him þathe þesoþe proue·

Forþ him went amessanger·

Swiftlich on agode destrer·

Til þan hecom to þeking·

Made henowharno targeinge·

Þeking he fond in his halle·

On þis maner be gan himcalle·

Hail þou he king fortiger·

& god þe loke in þi power·

Saue &kepe þi miõtihond·

Whe han went into alþislond·

To seche achild bihest þine·

Wiche menclepeþ merlin·

Y wot he is now fiue õer eld·

Wise of speche of dede beld·

He can telle al þing·

On erþe vnder heuenking·

Þat is go &now is·

& michel þat to comenis·

Þeten clerkes onhim lowe·

Aforn õou he wilavowe·

He wil õouteche swiþe wel·

What destourbes õourcastel·

Þatit may stond on þe ?pleyn· [?"b" corrected to "p"?]

& al so ofõourchaumberlain·

Þat õe no schul sle no hong·

Foritwereal wiþ wrong

To sleawoman foraman·

Þat mannescloþes haþ opan·

f. 209rb

Bot õe him wiman finde·

Õe schuld him hongbiþewinde·

Fortigerawondred was·

& al þo þatherd þis cas·

Þechaumberleyn heofsentanon·

Þat in strongprisoun wasydon·

He wasdespised fram heued togrounde·

Marked woman &maiden founde·

Þe king waswondred outofwitt·

& toke þemessanger biþe slit·

& seyd telle me õif þou cam·

Who þe teld sche was wiman·

Child merlin it gan ous say·

Aswe went hiderward inourway·

For hecan telle & gabbenouõt·

Ofalþing þathaþ benwrouõt·

Þan seyd fortiger þe bold·

& itbe soþeþatþou me told·

Ichil þe õiue lond&plouõ·

& make þifelawes riche ynouõ·

Hedede comand anon riõt

Douke erl baroun&kniõt

Todiõther hors &make hem õare·

Wiþ him oõain merlin to fare·

& when it waswele wiþ in niõt·

Wiþ merlin hemett apliõt·

& when þe kingwiþ merlin mett·

Wel hendelich he him gret

& þe kingwelcomed þatchild·

Wiþ fairwordes&wiþmild·

Mani worde þai spokensone·

Þat y no haue nouõt oftodone·

No al siggen y no may·

Þei y sete al þis day·

Bot þat longeþtoþisnede·

Wel schortliche ich wilmespede·

Þai were it eseþat ich niõt·

Amorwe þai went forþfulriõt·

& to þe stede gun ren·

Þer þecastel schuld ben·

& al he teld þer þe king·

Of his biõeteof hisbereing·

& whiche þinges hegansay·

As he com biþe way·

f. 209va

Fortiger spac to merlin·

Tel me now sone mine·

Whi noman no may herfounde·

Castel here opon þis grounde·

& whi it is y brouõtto nouõt

Þatishere oday ywrouõt·

Merlin seyd certes sir king

Þerof nis no selcouþe þing·

Hervnder isaõerde depe

A water boþe swift&stepe·

Vnder þatwaterligge stonesto·

Brod&long þai ben lo·

Vnderþostones beþ depe in mold·

Todragrouns fast y fold·

Þat oniswhite so milkes re?m·

Þat oþer is red soferis le?m·

Wiþ in þai br?unieþ boþe·

& beþ togider swiþe wroþe·

Whenþe soune isdoun euery niõt

Togider þai fond forto fiõt·

& þurch þe strengþeofherblast·

Al þi werk is doun ycast·

Þat iche þe say now itserche·

& þan inow þi werkmenwerche·

Castel & tour after þi wille·

Þai mow stond long stille·

Þe king was wondredofþiscas·

& al þat euer mid him was·

Werkmen hedede anon·

Þiderfeche mani on·

Þat þer doluen in þegrounde

& sone þer after awater founde·

Inwhiche sone vnderhemalle·

Þai maden to þicke walles·

Þe water vploden þo·

Alway bi to &to·

Þoþaicomen to þe grounde·

To stones þicke þai founde·

Þatwater boþe long&brode·

Hem bitven agret schode·

Ofgrauel & erþe al so·

Þathem hadde schifted ato·

Mani on for soþe þer were·

Þoto stonesforto arere·

f. 209vb

Þo þe stoneswerenywent·

To dragouns þerlayenybent·

Þetail vnder hem fel feld·

Asso merlin hadde yteld·

Þat on was redeso þe fer·

Þeeiõen soabacine cler·

Euerich powe aspanlong·

Þe fer out of his moþesprong

Histail was boþe long& gret·

Agastlich best hewasto mete·

He hadde abodias awhal·

Þatoþer dragoun was al·

Nouõtso michel soþe rede·

& clowes hehadde qued·

Hokedtail&mouþe wide

Tongsoabrenand glede

A rugged taile soafende·

& an heued atþenede·

Boþe þai gun arise·

Alþathem seiõegunagrise

Þernas noiþerkingno erl·

Baroun kniõt fre nocherl·

Þatþer durstabideleng·

Alle þai flowen on oreng

No man nome õeme whoþerwashe

Ac ichtofore oþer gan fle·

Þedragounsarisen of herden·

& nofolwedneueronþe men·

Ac togider smiten anon·

Swiche batayl nas neuer non·

Þai kest feronswiche maner·

Asalþecuntre were afer·

Wiþ mouþe wiþ clowes&wiþ tayl·

Þerþai maden agretbatail·

Þe erþequaked vnder hemþo·

Þewederchaunged abouen al so·

Þaibiten &smiten &fercast·

Þaifellen&risen &fouõten fast·

Almestaday þis fiõting·

Last wiþoutenaniresting·

& þo þis more rede dragoun·

Drofþiswhite fer adoun·

Til þaicomin to ovalaye·

& þerþaigun to rest baye·


f. 210ra

Ichvnderstond so longawhile·

While men miõtgonamile·

Þe white þerearered miõt·

& gan eftwiþþerede fiõt·

& þe rede hedrof oõain·

Til þaicom to þe playn·


Þerededrof þatmenitsayn·

& þe redeadoun cast·

Þatwiþ strengþeofhisblast·

Þewhitebrentþan rede·


Bot dust for soþe ich saye·

& þewhite fleiõe oway·

Nistneuer seþþen man·

Whiderwardes he bicam·

Alleþateuerseiõe þis·


Ofþedragouns þatfouõtenþo·

& of child merlin al so·

Þat he couþe so priue þing·

Soþe schewen to þe king·

Þo spac merlin to fortiger·

sirþou sestþis þing iscler·

Þatich haueyschewed þe·

Þeclerkesdo bringbiforme·

Þatto þe mi lord þe king·

On me loweswichelesing·

& yschal asken hemwhare fore·

Miblod þai wold haue forlore·

Certes quaþ kingfortiger·

Itschal bedonwiþ outendanger·

Y schal þe don after mi miõt·

Al þiwille &þat isriõt·

Þekinganon wiþ · hismen·

Sent after þisclerkesten·

Þo þai com biformerlin·

He asked hem al on latyn·

Þurch wiche þingþaivnderstode·

Þatþurch þe vertu ofhisblode·

Þe kingescastel schuld onhast·

Haue ben gode &stedefast·

Þeclerkes spokento þechild·

Dradefullich wiþwordesmilde

f. 210rb

Weseiõen heseyd heraboue·

Ouerousasky houe

Þat ousschewedþebiõate·

Ofsw?ich aþingonerþelate·

Þurch war blod þe castel·

Schuld stondfair&wel·

Þiswewenden verrament·

Dowiþousal þitalent·

Owquaþ merlinsikerlike·


Þe sky þatõou schewed þat·

Itwas þefaderþatme biõat·

For he me haddenouõttohiswille·

Þurch õouhewald do me spille·

Acfor he haþ biswikeõou·

Y pray mi lord þe kingnov·

Þathegrauntõouto liue·

For alþis giltyõou forõiue·

Þekingital hem grauntedraþe·

& hehim al merci quaþe

Þo þeking&child merlin·

& euerich wentvnto hisin·

Merlin bileft wiþfortiger·


Biwhos con seyl&rede&witt·

Þecastelwasmaked inafit·


Swichenas in þis lond non·

Þoþecastel wasymade·

Men õeue þe kingsonerade·

Þathe schuldatmerlin wite·

Whiþedragouns batail smite·

It bi tokeneþ þai seyden alle·

Sum tokeningþer after schuldfalle·

Merlin comto for þeking·

& al þai asked him ofþatþing

Whi þedragounsto giderfouõt·

Itbitokned sumwhathemþouõt·

Merlin madesumdel danger

& þo bi spac him fortiger·

Merlin botþouit metelle·

Ichilþedo anon quelle·

Quaþ merlin y siggeapliõt·

Õifþou meslouõ itwerevnriõt·

f. 210va

Ac þei þou haddest nomeanhond·

Metosle ordon in lond·

Þou miõtestfayle verrament·

Sodoþ mani of histalent·

Forcertes sir fortiger·

Y no õiue nouõtofþipower·

Ac õif þouwilt finde me borwes·

Þatþou no schaltmewaitesorwes·

Y wilþe telle &noþinglyõe·

What þedragouns signifie·

Þatgentil folk&eke þeking·

Awondred of his answering·

Þeking sworeopon aboke·

Þathe nold him neuerharmloke·

& seþþenhe fond him sikerliche·

To borwe tvo *doukas riche· [*"bor" subpuncted]

Þo him spac anheye merlin·

Now herken kingtotale min·

Þ?e red dragoun so strong in fiõt·

Bitokneþ þeand alþi miõt·

Whiche þou hastprocourd frofer·

Þededof moyne þeriõt air·

Þatþerede þe whitedrof·

Toavalay bi side agrof·

Token þou hast made flem·

Þeriõtaires out ofþerem·

Incite toun &in feld·

& al þe men þatwiþhemheld·

Þe white dragoun signifie·

Þe riõt air þathaþen vie·

Toþe þatheldeþ al his lond·

Wiþ gretwrongvnder þine hond·

Þathe fleiõe in to þe valaye·

& recouerd miõt y say·

Bitokneþ þeair þe se biõounde·

Þathaþ gretsocour yfounde·

& is hiderward wiþmani kniõt·

Diõtoõaines þetofiõt·

Þatþewhite drof oõain

Þewhite riõt to þe plain·

& him þereadoun cast·

& alto frusthim wiþ his blast·

Bitokneþ þe airofþislond·

Þatschal þe keuerintohis hond·

f. 210vb

& in toþi castel driue·

Wiþ þinechildren&þiwiue·

& mani nobleofþinemene·

He schal wiþþeþerin brenne·

Þetayle of þedragounrede·

Þatis so long&sovnrede·

Signifieþ þe wicke stren

Þatschal comoutofþikin

& ofþiwiues fader augys

Þatschal be ded &lesen his pri

His kin &eke þin·

Schaldon wo to bretounskin·

Þe heued ofþe white tayle·

Signifieþ gret conseyle·

Þatschul held wiþþekingesblod

Ofþegentilmen &gode·

Sirfor soþe þis isþetokening·

Ofþedragouns fiõting·

Puruay þe now ichþerede·


Þo agros sir fortiger·

Bothis lippe &honghischer·

& to merlin seyd anon·

Þoumostoustechehouto don·

Oõaines our fomenforto ware·

Oþer of þiliifþouartalbare·

Anon þai wold himhanynome

Ac þai nistwhere he was bicome

Þeking&his folk al so·

Þerfore mademichelwo·

Þai him souõt&nouõthimfounde·

He wasoway inastounde

Vnto his maister blasy·

& þer he told himsikerly·

Ofþedragouns rede&white·

& blasydedeitalin write·

Hetold himofþe rededragoun·

Swiþemichel confosyoun·

Ofhim &ofhis fals stren·

InInglond þatschuld ben·

Mani sori chaunce& hard·

Þatsone þat* fel þerafterward· [*"er" cancelled --> "at"

Sum fel now late al so·

& sum beþ nouõtõete ago·

f. 211ra

Foritisalle þesterþing·

Nil ich makeþerofnotelling·

Ac forþ ichil wiþ mi tale·

Listneþ now gret&smale·

Miri time itisinmay·

þanwexeþ alongþeday·

floures schewen her borioun·

Miri itisin feld&toun·

Foules miri inwode g'r'edeþ·

Damisels carols ledeþ·

A baroun com to fortiger·

Þer he satathis diner·

& seyd allas mi lord þe king·

Ysigge þean hardtiding·

Orpedlich þou þe bi stere·

& þi lond þou fond to were·

Vterpendragoun &mani anoþer

& aurilisbrosias his broþer

Pople boþe gret&smale·

Wiþ hem is comen wiþ outen tale·

Atwinchester þaibenalmast·

Sir þine helpnowonhast·

Socour about nowafter sende·

Þaiben hereneiõeatþinehende·

Þat þou miõtest oõain hemfiõt·

& hem to sle anon doun riõt·

Vp him stirtsir fortiger·

& of cleped his chaunceler·

Þatlettersfele him madeywis·

Vnto his eldfader siraugys·


Þatwere ofswiþegretmiõtes·

Þe buriays ofwinchester hegret·

& bad þai schuld þegates schet·

& helden wele her leute·

& to him lokeþatcite·

Õifþai wold his louewinne

Þathis fon no com þer inne

& seyd he wald hemcomto·

As swiþe ashe miõtitdo·

To fortiger þai comenanon·

Erls barouns euerichon·

Augys his eldfadercam·

& wiþhimwel maniaman·

f. 211rb


Þatin batayleweresleiõe·

Mani þousand þerwerevitale


Þo þai togiderwerenycome·

Her con seyl was soneynome·

Wiþ outen let forþ to wende·

Her fomen forto schende·

Þatþai no entred in þelond·

Harm to don oþerschond·

Vp þai liftgonifaynoun·

& went to winchestertoun·


Towinchesterþaigun spede·

Wiþ somichel popleofmen·

Þatþai wreõen doun &den·

Þatcome boþe biwater&lond·

Fortowinnen Inglond·

Þaivndede hergonifaynoun·

Wiþ abriõt gliderand lyoun·

Þather faders haddey ben·

Þeburiaysit gun y sen·


Costaunce ded þo gun hemrewe·

Þathadde hernoblelordyben·

& moynes ded þatwas hisstren·

& wistwele þatkingwiþwrong

Sirfortiger hadde ben long·

Þatcursed wasin liif&dede·

& al þat held hisfrrede·

Þerþai spoken hem bitvene

Forliif fordede nofortene·

& þei þai alle hongschold·

Wiþ fortiger be þai nold·

& turned hemalbionacord·

To vterpendragoun herlord·

Þegates al þai dedenvpwide·

& letealþe folkin ride·

Hem &al her ferrade·

Þai welcomed wiþchereglade·

& hemdeliuerdþetounalssnel·

& hem selue&þe castel·

Whatþurch þanke&frendegret·

Þaiwounen þerþathemwasnet·

f. 211va

Fortiger þatcomenwas

Sone was told him þat cas·

He was neiõe wode outofwit·

& seyd itschuld hem iuelatsit·

Swiþe he heiõed wiþ al hismen·

& vterpendragoun hem oõen·

& desplayd hisgonifaynoun·

Alitel wiþ outen winchestertoun·

Þatich oþerfolk y seyõe·

Þaiwere neiõed so ?heiõtõe·

Ofþis lond baroun&kniõt

Ofþe lyoun haddenasiõt·

Kingcostaunce þathadde yben·

& vterpendragoun washisstren·

Anon turned her mode·


Þerwas þousandesmanion·

Opon fortiger þaiturnedanon·

& seyd to him wicke traytour·

Þou schald abigge þine errour·

Fortiger his swerd outdrouõ·

& mani ofhem þer heslouõ·

Wiþ gret ire þai run him on·

For he hem wende al hismen·

Ac oõain him þai werealwent·

Where þurch hewasal y schent·

Fortiger wasnoble kniõt·

He fauõt&slouõ adoun riõt·

To his help þer com augys

Wiþ mani sarraõin of priis

Þatwise wordescouþe speke·

Stedesprike &launces breke·

Þebarouns þai bi settanon·

Forto sle hem euerichon·

Þerwas abarounanobleman·

Þatbrac hem al fram·

Hedede his stede swiþegon·

Til hecom to vterpendragon·

& seyd welcome air ofþis lond·

Noduelle hernouõtforcristeshond


& fordrede eke ofþe·

Þebarouns ben to þewent·

& forþilouealmestyschent·

f. 211vb


Hemhan albitoken ywis·

& þenke hem sle to grounde·

Õifþouduellestani stounde·

Owe quaþvterpendragoun bigodaboue

Nowyschal se whomewilloue·

No schal ichneuerworþ bliþe·

Botõiueõe al heiõen swiþe·

Princesdoukes erl&kniõt·

Priked her stedesariõt·

It was no nede hemtohast

Acso quarel ofalblast·

Þaiflowen þiderriõtanon·

Wiþher lord vterpendragon·

Þer was sone verrament·

Õouen mani noble dent·

Schaft to broken&swerdydrawe

Mani noble kniõtyslawe

& þerfauõtsirvterpendragon·

Fauõtþer asawode lyoun

& his broþer nouõtforõat·

He leydonmaniasori flat

Sum hecleuetoþebacin

Tilþat hecomtoþechin·

Hehaddeofsome soneyweued

Fram þenekbonyreued·

Þerwas slayn mani men·

Sumon hille &sum in den·

Ac þei fortigerwere gode kniõt·

& wele him couþehelpeninfiõt·

Þurch þebarounsofþelond·

& oþer men miõtiof hond·

He was þere ydriuen soneiõe·

Wiþ hismenoway hefleiõe·

Vnto his newecastely made·

Ofwhom ichto forn sade·

Aurilisbrosias þer anon·

& his broþer vterpendragon·

Þere hem wrokenswiþewel·

Wiþ her brondesoffulgodestiel·

Mani hundred ofsarraõin·

Þai sentþerto hellepine·

Þoaugysalþissleiõster seiõe·

Wiþal his miõtanon hefleiõe·


f. 212ra

Intoacastel of lime&ston·

Þatman nomiõthimderynon·

Þatbihinde was y founde

Anon was y brouõttogrounde·

Þan vterpendragoun þere·


Þo þaito þecastelõatescome·

Wilde fer anon þainome·

Opon þegatesþaikestenit

& hembyend inlitel fit·


Brentþer inþatferwild·

& al þat þerwasyfounde·


Menseytõere& oþerto·

Wrong wil an hond go·

& euer atþenende·

Wrongwil wende

Þus ended sir fortiger·


Þei he wer strongofmiõt·

Tonouõthimbrouõt hisvnriõt·


Wiþ his folkfolkwentanon·

Forto bi sege þekingangis·

Acinacastel helayofpriis·

Þatwiþnogin yõoupliõt·

Noman þer incom miõt·

Alsoþai inþesegelay·

Fiue barounscomonaday·

Þat hadde ben wiþ fortiger·

& seydto vterpendragoun þer·

Al houmerl?un was y bore·

& houmessangershimõedefore·

Hou hewas brouõtbiforþeking

& hou hecouþetellen al þing·

Hou þedragounsvnder mold

Ben þekinges deþitschold·

& hou fortiger himwoldhauenome·

Achenist where hewasbicome·

& seyd sir verrament·


Bihis conseyl õe schuldanon·

Augys ouercomen&slon·

f. 212rb

Her ofawondred vterpendragon·

& sentmessangersanon·

Fortofinde merlinswiþe·


On aday þis messanger

sett hemalletoþediner·

A begger þercom in·

Wiþalongberd onhischin·

Astafin hishond hehadde·

& schon on hisfet badde·

Wiþ his scholder hegan roue·

& badgodeforgodes loue·

Þai seyd heschuldnouõthaue·

Bot strokes &bismare·

Þeeldman seydanon·

Õebe nice euerichon·


Inþekinges nedesþatschuldbe·

Forto finde merlin child·


Þatsenten men him seche·

Þatnouõtno couþeknoweleche

Today he haþ õouoftmett·

No kneweõe him neuerþebet·

Wendeþ hom bimi rede·

For him to findenoschulõespede

Biddeþ him & þebarounsfiue·

Þai comen& spekewiþhimbliue

& siggeþ merlin wil hem abide·

Inþe foresthere biside·

Þo hehaddeseyd hem þis·

Þai nistwherehebicom ywis·

Þus telleþ þe lettersblak·


Þe messangerswerea?bobbedþ0·

Þai nisten whatþai miõtendo·

Hom þaiwentanonriõt·

& toþeprince þaiteld þersiõt·


& alþatherdenitsaunfaile

Þai haddenwille &talentfin·



Toþesege takeentent·

f. 212va

Þataugys nomiõt oway·

Noþerbiniõt nobiday·

Arhewarof himawreke

Forhewald wiþmerlin speke·

Aurilisbrosias bileft stille·

Tokepe augys in þecastil·

& sir vterpendragon·

To þe forest went anon·

Whereþatmerlin dedehimse·

In oday in þre ble·

Inoday an hogges herd·

Þat þepriueþeway lerd·

& eftachapman þatbarhispac·

& long wiþþepriue spac·

& seydofmerlin openliche·

He waldhim telleneweliche·

& afterward afairswain·


& seyd him þatich niõt·

Heschuld ofmerlin hanasiõt·

Þo it was welfer in niõt·

Merlin com tohimypliõt·

Inþegise ofaswain·

Þathe haddearstysain·

& seyd so wefindeinboke·

Toþeprince god þe loke·

Icham merlin leuesire·

Wiþ whomto spekeþouhastdesire

Vp stirtvterpendragon·

& bi clept merlin anon·

& bad heschuldwiþhimbilaue·

& alhiswille he schuld haue·

Merlin seyd were soheware·

Tohiswil hewaralõare·

Merlin teld himinþat cas·

Ycomfram aurilisbrosias·

Bimi conseyl he haþþisniõt·

Augys slayn y þepliõt·

Vterpendragon made Ioie þan·

Sodoþ þefoule whenitdawygan·

Alþatþerwas somade blis·

& amorwewenthomywis·

& foundenaugys y slawe·

Hisheued vpsethisboditodrawe·

f. 212vb

Al his folk so was schilt·

& neuer on þernasspilt·

Sir vterpendragon þere·



Aswain comto mefulriõt·

& hastiliche warnedme·

Þataugys com metosle·

Vpich stirt&him met·

& to þe groundeichimstet·

Ynotwho him onbrouõt·

Nowhatdeuel heheresouõt·

Acwiþ mi swerd scharpofegge·

His liifydedehim þerelegge·

Þo spacvterpendragon·

Tohis broþerswiþe anon·

Broþer he seyd þatwasmerlin·

Þat soþe halp innedeþin·

Þathere stont nowbime·

& he him þonked wiþ hertfre·

& proferd himal hisþing·

Tobenvnder hisõeõueing·

Also þai spac wiþmerlin·

Ahodcom fram þesarraõin·

Þai woldõeld þecastel·


To her londwiþoutendere·


Þatþai schuldwendeanon·

Biþeprinces leue ichon·

& soþaideden bigodessond·

Alle þai wententoherlond·

& alleþe lond þocomanon·

& makedheroþtovterpendragon·

& þo þe oþwasymade·

Bicomoundome bicomounrade·

Vterpendragon corounnam·

& kingofInglond bicam·

Þe festofþecorounment·

In winchesterwasverrament·

& helditfulseuenniõt·


Acichõoutelle þatmerlin·



f. 213ra

& loued betterhislitel to·

Þanalþatoþerbodi þo·

Acich õoutellenaþeles·


Heforsokescheld nospere

Neuer oõaineskniõttobere·

Wiþ swerd hecouþe kernewel·

Boþein yren&in stiel·

Acfor soþeafterward·

Vphim comachauncehard·


Þatwereof augyslins

Þat hem souõtgrethelping·

Abouthem ofmaniking·


Þatitnomiõt tellenoman·

Wiþ feleschippes&gretynowe·

Vp þaicomenatbristowe·

Merlin þiswistanon·

& seyd tovterpendragon·

& to hisbroþeralso·

& teld to hemboþeto·


Vp õon iscomenastrongbatayle·

Ofsarraõinsofmichel priss·

Forto awreke þedoukeaugys

Inþislond biourday·

Somichelfolknas neuerysay·

Acõour on wiþ outenles·

Worþ yslawein þatpres·

Acichõoutellewho so itis·

Schal wende intoheuen blis

Þerfore no forþno makeþ·

Ac gode herttoõoutakeþ·

Õour folk departeþ atvo·

Oõaineshem õegin to go·

Vterpendragon hemschalasayle·

Onþe lond half saunfayle·

Aurilisbrosias ytelleþe·

Þouschalt wende biþe se·

& þer þou þeconteyn so·

Þatþou hemwirchedeþes wo·

Fornoþing henold say·

Whicheofhem schuld day·

f. 213rb

As hehembad þaideden so·

Herfolkdeparted atvo·

Vterpendragonwiþmani man·

Anon þe sarraõinsõedeoõan·

& al so sone sohehemmet·

Wiþ swerd &launce hehemgret·

Mani haþen þerwasforsoþ

Þeh?eued cleued toþe toþ· [? "e" subpuncted?]

Þenekbondassed atvo·

Þearm þebodismitenfro·

Wiþswerd þebody atvoydast·


Þeboke itseytnouõt y nolye·


Þatnotongtelle nomiõt·

Þehaluendel wiþtale riõt·

Aurilisbrosias toþe sewent·

Towhom merlin haddegodetalent

Merlin sent þan anon·

To sirvterpendragon

& bad himorpedliche heschuld beþe·

For henoschuld þereþoly deþe·

Þovterpendragon herd þis·

Hishert bicome fulofblis·



He&al his felawered·


Alþateuerwald ariue·

Þaibinomenday oliue

Vterpendragon sohardhemheld·

Þatþai wiþ strengþe leteþefeld·

& aurilisbrosias hemheldsohard·

Þat he hem brouõtoõanward·

& þo þai noure flemiõt


& so feleabouthimwere·

His liifþai binomen himþere·

Acþovterpendragonvnder stode·

Hisbroþerdeþ hewex nerwode·

Þo he bisouõthisdoukes fiõt·

& him bi stired þo asakniõt·

Þatofþriti þousand&mo·

Nolete þai fiueoway go·

f. 213va

Ofour werslaweþananon·

Þie þousend&ten &on·

Þremile wayes oþerto·

No miõt no man stepnogo·

Noiþer on hille no inden·

Bothe steped onded men·

Þeblod ouerran þecuntraye

Oueralin þe valaye·

So itfel to þe niõt·

Vterpendragon com framþefiõt

Doukes kinges &barouns·

Orped squiers&garsouns·

Hom went toherin·

Birede amorwe ofmerlin·

Aurilisbrosias outþai souõt·

& richelich inerþe him brouõt·

Þan he was helden adouhtikniõt·

& fulwele held his londtoriõt·

Here he liued seþþenõeresfele·

Inmichepride &gretwele·

Fer&neiõe wide & side·


Bimerlins red euer he wrouõt·

Þat into gretpowerhim brouõt·

He ouercom king cla?udas·

Þatsostrong&stern was·

Þurchhismiõtalso hewan·

Þedouhti kingharman·

& ofhim he haddefirstgascoyne·

& normanddye &boloyne·

& al þe marchetopaito·

& chaumpeine &eke a?ngo·

Þisich kingharman·

Towiue hadafairwiman·

Sche hiõtygraine wiþ outen no·

Þefairestlif þatliued þo·

Þedoukehoel ofcornewaile·

Spoused hir afterhim saunfayl·

Þurch whom seþþenhisliifheles·

Õ eschul seþþen hereinpes·

Õete haddevterpendragon·

Wonne to him þekingban·

& bohort hisbroþeral so·


f. 213vb

Kingban haddetohisdemeyne·

Þe cite ofbenoit'of'lassebreteyne·

Wiþ cites &borwescastels&pleyns

& bohorthaddeþeciteofgaines·

Wiþ al þe riõtþatlongedþerto·

& þus þai hadde schiftatvo·

& afterward wiþoutenfable·

Our king biganþeroundetable·

Þatwasþurch merlins hest·


Inþiswarld þurch out·

Þattableschuld sitteabout·

Atþattable non sittmiõt·

Bothewere noble&douhtikniõt·

Strong&hende hardi&wise

Certes&trewe wiþoutenfeyntise

Hernonoþer schuld faile·

No neuer fleoutofbataile

Whiles heon fotstond miõt·

Botõif hemdepartedþeniõt·

Atbataile&atbord also·

Bihem selue þaischuldgo·

So monkesdon in hercelle·

Bihem selue þaietenichtelle·

Wher werwerealdermast·

Þaiwere þider sentonhast·

Þistable gan vterþewiõt·

Ac itto ende haue henomiõt·

Forþei alleþekniõtesvnderourlord



Þetable nomiõt nouõt fulfille·

Til he werborn þatschuld doal·

Ful fille þemeruailsofþegreal·

Itwas oponþepentecost·

Intime þatþe holygost·

Among þe tvelue apostlescam

Sosparc of fer &inhemran·


Lete bede welmaniaman·

Doukes kniõtes erls&king·

Tocardoilto his gestening·

Swiche was hiswon apliõt·

Toheldenful seuenniõt·


f. 214ra

& euerich wiþ him schuld bring·

Hisleuedito þatgestening·

Framkentto norþhumberlond·

Fram wales&framscotlond·

Baroun erl douke&kniõt·

Toþat festcomapliõt·

Inþattimewasded hoel·

& þenoble baroun tintagel·


Hadde spoused ygernesaunfaile

Þatfairwiman þatsweteliif·

Þat hadde ben holeswiif

Þeseto cardoil boþe come·

Men hem biþehondynome·

& ledden hem biforþeking·

Hemade hem fairwelcoming·

Ac þo heseiõe þatleuedibriõt·

Hishertwaschaunged apliõt·

He was nomen wiþlouelas·

Þathe no wistwere hewas·

Naþeles ygerne anon·

Waswiþ leuedistochaumbergon·

Whar sche wasforhir beaute

Fair onourd in leaute·

Þeking þedouke settaboue·

To forn al oþerforherloue·

Aldernexthis side he sat·

& ofhisdische &plater at·


Hadde aboteler hiõtbretel·

Þathim seruedday&niõt·

At his bord soitwasriõt·

Ygraine hadde achaumberlains·

Agentilman þathiõtIurdains

Þe kingathismete sat·

Michel he þouõt&litel heat·

Hetokacoupe inhis hond·

Þatwasworþaschire oflond·

& seyd bretel þoucommener·

Þisto ygerne þileuedi ber

Bid hirdrinkþis licour·

& do þe coupein hirtresour·

Bretel tokþecoupeanon·

Biforhis leuedihegangon·

f. 214rb

Onhis knewe he himsett·

& onþekinges halue hirgret·

& seyddameþekingþesent·

& drinkeþ to þeafair present·

To þe hedrinkeþþis licour·

Þecoupe he õeueþtoþitresour·

Wel sore gan þispresentrewe·

Dam ygerne þatleuedi trewe

Sche seyd go oõainanon·

Toþe kingvterpendragon·

Say y nil nouõtittakeatoword

Wiþ outen leueofmi lord·

Þatich þispresentvnderfong·

Õifichdedeitwere wrong·

Bretel wentoõain anon·

& seyd tovterpendragon·

Þo he hadde ityseyd·

Þekingsore wasamayd

Acafter scheitnamonhast·

Þurch hir owhen lordeshest·

Vlfin þer ofwasmessanger·

Hewasþe kinges conseyler·

Vnneþe scheitminwold·

Ac þo schealgat schold·

Swiþe sore sche gantowepe·

Wonder hem þouõtþat bihirsete·

Þoalle þecloþes werenydrawe

After mete soitwas lawe·


To douk baroun &tokniõtes·

Acnon no had swiche saunfaile

So þe doukeofcornwaile·

For þeloueof ygerne·

In whas loue hededeherne·

Anon after þoleuedisalle·

Were of sent intoþe halle·

Þekingtoke ygernebiþehond

Þe fairestleuedi ofþislond·

& setthir bi him on þebenche·

Win&pimenthedede senche·

Oþer kinges&doukes heiõe·

Token oþerleuedis sleiõe·

Togider hemset&madesolas·

Þeking bi souõtygerneofgras·

f. 214va

Þat sche schold ben his lef·

Þeleuediseyd inam no þef·

Tobrekeinstrenþe oõain mi lord·

Raþerich wald hangbiacord·

Noschalyneuerfor louenoõift

Wiþmi bodidon vnriõt


Þe kingspacnomoreþo·

Sum watelles he þouõttodo·

Þoþai werealataise·

Ich wentto hisin *ataiseapaise· [* "ataise" subpuncted]

Acichõoutelleþo atarst·

Þe kingneiõeforloue brast·

Acnoman nistofhispin·

Bothis conseilervlfin·

Þatbad him nouõtcarebiginne·

He schuld wele hir louewinne·


Toherin wentfulõerne·

Þeleueditoke þan þe kniõt

& intochaumberwentfulriõt·

Toforn him aknewes schefel·

& seyd lord õif itbe þiwille

Þatþou wosthennes wende

Þekingisaboutmeto schende·

Þeworþschip þathe doþ to þe·

Alisforto schendeme·


Meto aforce isin hisþouõt

Þo þedouke þisvnderstode·

Forwrecþe he wer neiõewode·

Hehaddeintoun ?ij· hundredkniõtes

Hehem ofsentanon riõtes

& told hemþisvilain?ie· [? "c/e" corrected to "i"?]

& seyd hewald homanheiõe

Hebad hem trosse&makeõare·

Arday hewold homwardfare·

Forhe hadde leuerdye in fiõt

Þan schond þoli &vnriõt·

Hiskniõtesto himõeuensent·

& trossed swiþe verrament·


Þai werenalywentoway

f. 214vb

Þedouke þeleuedi&hiskniõt·

Þekingseye þeday liõt·


He stirtvpalin rape·

Hischaumberlain himcomto·

His cloþes on forto do·

Þohewascloþed hecomadoun·

Sikeende&romende vp&doun·

Afterward com inanon·

Barouns&leuedis mani on·

To chirche þai õedemore&lasse·

Forto heren þer her messe·

Acalþai loked swiþeõerne·

After tintagel &ygerne·

Þo þemesse wasysonge

Þekingspacwiþ histonge--

Where isþedouke tintagel·

Icham adrad him isnouõtwel·

Certessir quaþ akniõt·

He is wenthomwardtoniõt·

Wiþ wiif&kniõtestohislond

Eye quaþ þekingþatismeschond·

Þefhehaþ broken mi statout·

He schalabigge wiþoutendout·

His statout was&hislawe

Þatnon noschuldinseuendawe

Þatwereofpriis oþerofnoblay·

Fram þatfestwende oway·

Botitwere biþekingeswille·

& who so dede heschuld spille·

Þo þekingvnder stode·

Þedouke y wenthewasneiõewode·

Ofþat despite pleynthemade·

& to hisfolk seþþen hesade·

Þathe wasdigne todyeanon·

Þat swiche despite hadde ydon·

Þekinghim diõtin astounde·

& þekniõtesofþetable rounde·

Þe noblestmen þatwereoliue·

& riche kingestvo&fiue·

Noble kinges ofþis lond·

Alwonnen vnder his hond·

Wiþmani erl baroun &kniõt

Ariued wentanon riõt·


f. 215ra

Þedouke tintagel to mine·

So þekinges wiþ þerwine

At þe douke tintagel·

Þis biforewistitwel·

He hadde sent fer&neiõe·

After f*rendes *&sonde*rs sleiõe

Fiftene þousand kniõteshende

Þatschuld his lond helptodefende

Naþeles oõain þeking·

Þai nohadde powerinfiõting·

Atcite borwe&castel·

Þai were asto[un]d swiþewel·

Þeking comwiþhis barnage

& tounes brent ingretrage·

Hebilay him swiþe long·

& men slouõ itwaswiþwrong·

Þedouke him selue tintagel·

Lay in aswiþestrongcastel·

Our kingvterpendragon·

Him asailed &ek hismen·

Wiþ heweing&wiþ mineinge·

& wiþ mangunels casteinge·

Ac tintagel þat hende kniõt·

Hiscastel wered weleapliõt·

& þennesouermiles þre·

Lay ygerne so fair&fre·

Inacastel ofrocheofston·

Man no miõt hirdery non·

Iurdains &eke bretel·

Boþe were wiþ tintagel·

& al þat miõt a'r'mes bere·

Tohelpen him hiscasteltowere

Þe kinghim hadde wel longylay·

& wasful ofwrecþe &tray·

Þat he no miõt him minanon·

& sike hewas ineuerich bon·

For loueofþecuntasse

Gode he norouþe more nolasse·

Onaday itbi fel so·

Vterpendragon wasswiþe wo·

Vlfin he tok hischaumberlain·

& wentto placen him onþeplain·

An beggere þere he mett·

Þat þe kingwel fairgret

f. 215rb

Forgodes loue þat badhimgode·

Þekinganswerd wiþ drerimode·

Beggere he seyd somotyliue·

Ynohaue here nouõtþetoõiue·

Sirquaþ þe beggere þo·

Telme þan ofþi wo·


Þeking seydvlfennomiõtowhere·

Ofþis beggeraposseing·

Þat dar so speketoaking·

Vlfin þe begger bi heldon·

& him knewe welsoneanon·


Þathemade oponþeking·

& seyd sirparmafay·


Þou miõt beþerofful fawe·

It is merlin þatþou schaltknawe·


Þe kingþo haddeIoiefin·

Ofhishors sone heliõt·

& kistmerlinanonriõt·

Sodede vlfin also·

Michel ioie hemadeþo·

Merlin seyd toþeking·

Aly knowe þiglosing·


Ygerne þatsweteflour·

Whatwiltow õeue meartomorwe·

Yschal þe leseout ofþisorwe·

Merlin quaþ þo þeking·

Help menowin þisþing·

& þou schalthauewhatowwiltõerne

To * to haue sweteygerne· *me

Wiltow meõiue quaþmerlin·

Alþe biõete þat schalbeþine·

& þou hir haue arday·

Õaquaþ þekingparmafay·

Now quaþ merlin þi paisþouheld·

& arday þou schalthir weld·

Þekingwas swiþe bliþeþo·

To his pauiloun hegan go·

Atþesoþer þai wereglade·

Michel ioie &mirþe þaimade

f. 215va

Ar itday were merlin hete·

Þe kingesmen arm hem skete·

& bisett þat castel·

Where þe douke wastintagel·

& tauõt here gin &eke way·

Þecastelto win ar aniday·

Þai wental to þisasailing·


Athom bile?ued&bispake·

Hou þai miõtof louetake·

Merlin badvlfin&þeking·

Riden wiþ him wiþoutenduelling·

So þai deden&ridenõerne

Toward þecastel þerwasygerne·

Þo þai þecastel were neiõe·

Merlin kidde þathewas sleiõe·

Herbes he souõt&fond·

& ginddedhem bi tvix hishond·

Þe kinghe s?merd viis&liche·

& made þe kingtintagel liche·

Himseluen he made like Iurdains·

Þatwasþelordes chaumberlains·

Vlfin he made liche bretel·

& wentþo to þecastel·

Onþegate loudeþaibete·

Seriaunce com&heminlete

Þai wende itwere herseygnour·

& ladde him in wiþ grethonour·

Forswiche wascloþ bodi&fas·

Toherchaumber henam hispas·

Þekingõedeafterþo wel swiþe·

Washe neuerare sobliþe·

To þe kingþo spacmerlin·

Spede þe now on nedes þine·

Arþou arise ofhir bed·

Þou worþ swiþesoreadrad·

Þekingþerofnouõtno schrof·

Acto ygerne bed he drof·

Ygernewende itwereherlord·

& him afenge wiþfair acord·


Þathe no plaid wiþ þatflour·

So oftso his wil was·

Þat ich niõt bigodesgrace·

f. 215vb

Þerwas bi õeten hem bitven·


Þerafterinalitel þrawe·

Acri þercom herlordwasslawe·

Þo com merlin tohis bed·

Arise vp for itisnede·

& þinemen þou scheweþeto·

Men seytþou arttodeþydo·

Vp stirtþo þeking·

He no madeþernoduelling·

So wefinden on þe boke·

He kistþe leuedi&leue hetoke·

Into halle hecomwelswiþe·

Al þatfolkofhimwas bliþe·

Forþai wendeforsoþe þere·

Þair owhen lord þatitwere·

Þe messanger wasfouleyschent·

Þat to hem brouõtþatpresent·

& oftycleped foule leiõer·

Wiþgretoþes heganhimswere·

& seyd he was in þeplas·

Þoþecastely nomenwas·

& al þat folk he herd waile·

For þat erl ofcornwaile

Þe kingasked hisdestrer red·

& seyd hewold kiþe henasnouõtded·

He priked him forþ out attegate·

Forsoþe it was almosttolate·

For ofþewaylitel þai ware·

Þo þai herd wiþ gretcare·

Þedoukesman tintagel·

Com fleinde framþecastel·

Þoþe leuedi herd þis·

Wowas hir liifywis·

Forherlord tintagel·

Sche was bigiled schewistwel·

In hir þouõtweleitran·

On hir wasbiõetenabarn·

What forsorwe watforschame·

Wers wasneuergentil dame·

So wefindein our boke·

Merlin þo wentto abroke·

Þe kingwiþ waterþerhewesche·

Hisowhen stathe haddeywis·


f. 216ra

& seþþen heweschehemboþeto·

Þer owen stat þaihaddenal so·

Þo þai wenten al þre·

To þe kingesmeyne

Riõtso þe day bigandawe

Þai fond tintagelyslawe·

Þer of forsoþeourking·

Longþerafterward verrament·

Wasymade acordement·

Bitvene ygerne&þeking·

Þurch heiõemennes conseyling·

& þo wasiugged wiþoutenfaile·

Biheiõe mennes conseyl·

Þekingwas iugged ygernetospouse·

Þer ofygerne wasioiouse·

Kingnantersofg*arlot· [* "e" cancelled and "a" inserted above]

Þer nam blasme goditwot·

Ygerns douhter bi hoel·

Hirlord wasbi fortintagel·

Inwhomhe bi õatgalaas

Þat strong&hardi &noblewas·

Kinglotþernam belisent·

Alsoygerns douhter gent·

In whom he seþþe biõatwawein·

& guerehes &agreuein·

& gaherietþatwassofre·

For better kniõtes no miõtnonbe·

Kingvriens þe þriddenam·

Þatwas king ofschorham·

In whom he bi õatywayns·


Þese þresustren were bihoel·

& oþer mo bitintagel·

Þat elleswhere weretoloke·

Sowefinde writen in boke·

Al four made spouseing·

To gider&swiþe fair gestening·

Þerwas Iustes&turnamens·

Swiþe noble verramens·

Þe festlasted fourtenniõt·

Toal þateuer comey pliõt·

Þo þe restwas ydo·

Merlin com þekingto·

f. 216rb

& seydhehaddedoþedede·

Ofgode conseyl&wiserede·

& seyd sir biþenkeþou þe·

Whatþounextõeue me·

Þechild biõeteninþiquen·

Ichil þe telle houitmotben·

Hirwombegreteþ þou miõttoniõt·

Felehouitstireþ þatlitel wiõt·

When þou itfeleþ in hirwawe·

Bid hir schehebi knawe·

Who sohaþ bihirlay·

Þesoþe schewil sone say·

Þatschaltow hir hotywis·

So sone soitborn is·

Itbe y borntoþegate·

& õouen whom men findeþþer at·

Þerman schalyfindeme·

Tofong þat child þatissofre·

Þou hastabaroun in þi lond·

Ofgentil blod &miõti hond

Þat is a?utour þibaroun here·

Þatisaman ofgretnoblay·

Inþis lond nis swiche blode

No milk þathaþ half so gode·

Þou hastbiõeten anoble stren·

& sche is wiþ child soisþe quen·

Pray a?utour wiþ wordesmilde

Þe milke he õiue to þichilde·

& õif he þerofõiuegraunt·

Our lord y taketowaraunt·

Þichild worþþe noblestman·

Ofalþisworld anforan·

Acto þiquen benouõtbiknawe·

Þatþat child be þineawe·

Þe kingswore bicristhissire·

He nold neuertel ithire·

Al hedede somerlin bad·

Þequen agros&wasadrad·

& seyd lord wiþ child icham·

Notichneuerwho is þe man·

Biõetenitwasþatich þrawe·

Þatmi lord wasy slawe·

So mot ich proue&yche·

Ywend mi lord ithaddeybe·

f. 216va

Do wiþ me whatþiwille is·

Þesoþe ich haue y seyd ywis·

Dame heseydnodredenouõtþe·

Alþegiltyfor õiue þe·

Wiþþat atwhen þouchild hast·

Þoudo min þatchildonhast·

Do bere ittoþegate·

& õiue itwhom þoufindeþ þer at

Þatyno here þer oftidinge

Neuer oft more wiþoutenlesing

Sir sche seyd bleþeliche

Itschal bedon sikerliche

Þe king þerafteramorwe aros

Sosent sirantour of gretlos·

Þo he was comen þe kinghim nam·

& al hismen ladde him fram·

& gan his priuete vn hele·

& þat he it schuld hele·

Heseyd he hadde biõetenachild

& teld him hou wiþ tale milde·

Late he seyd þiwiif it loke·

Ofhir milk&õiueitsouke·

& þou schalt haueriche mede·

Brod londes & heiõe stede·

Þekingvnneþe al þisbiõat·


A fair knaueagentil biõate·

Þatwasborn to þe gate

Anold hore man itwasbitake

So wefinden in þe blake·

Itwas Merlin þathim afeng·

Forþ heõede wiþ outenlesing·

To achirche hewentwiþ honour·

& dedeþatchild cristenarthour·

After hewent swiþe

& bar it to sir antoriswiue·

Achild bed he hir fond·

& tokitherin þehond·

& bad ithir loke wiþmildmode·

Þimede schal beriche'&'gode·

Merlin wentanon oway·

no seiõe noman him after mani aday·

Antors wiifchild hete cay·

Schededeitfram hir oway

f. 216vb

& lete souke artouyet·

Þatmilkwas wel bisett

He werfair&wele yþei

& wasachild ofgret noblay·

Hewascurteys hende &gent·

& wiõt&hardi verrament·

Curteyslich & fair hespac·

Wiþ him wasnon iuel lac·

His fader hemiõtofty sen·

Ac him no kneweneuerþequen·

Nartour no miõt neuerwite·

Þat þe king him hadde biõete

While þe king was libbeing

So ich in þe broutyfinde

Ac his fader wele hewende·

Were antour þe kniõthende·

Hismoder starf sogod wold·

& richeliche wasbrouõtinmold·

Afterward long þe king·

In bedde fel in gretsekeling·

& wasycomen riõt to hisfin·

Riõtþobi for him stodemerlin·

Þe king quiked anon riõt·

Þohehad of merlin siõt·

Heasked where he haddeyben

Þathe no miõt him fery sen·

Heseyd fer hennes saunfail·

Now istocomen mitrauail·

Þou schal be dede soney wis·

& wendenin to heuen blis·

Þisone afterwo'r'þ king·

Bigodes grace & min helping·

Biwosday worþ donalle·

Þe meruails of þesengreal·

Þekingheroflete ful gode·

& þonked god wiþmild mode·

Merlin fram him wentoway·

Þeking starf þatichday·

Forhim wepen lowe&heiõe·

Swiþe sore wiþ her eiõe·

Þe holy bischop þathiõtbrice·

For him dede þe office·

In erþe he was sikerliche·

Sayd swiþe nobeliche·


f. 217ra

After his enterement·

Þaigan makeaparlement·

Towhiche parlementwasyfet·

Alþathaddepower gret·


Þider com welgretrout·

Ofkinges erl?s baroun&kniõt· [? "s" cancelled/blotted]

Princes doukes mani y pliõt·

Non no wisthem among·

Þat arthour ofþekingsprong·


& þegodeclerkmerlin·

Ac forin spouse henasbi õete·

Noman no mostitwite·

Þis parlementlastmaniaday·

To cheseakingofgretnoblay·

To þe heiõe &to þelawe·

Togouernhem in herlawe·

Ac þai no miõtnouõtacord·

Forich of hem wold be lord·

Þis last half õer so·


Oncristenmesse euenþebischop brice

kid þathenasnouõtnice·

Þer he wasamonghem alle·

Þiswise hegan hemcalle·

Lordinges he seyd õe nomayacord

Forto chese õou alord·

Þer fore y pray for loueofcrist·

Wircheþ now bi gin&list·

Itisawel gode timeapliõt·

To chirchegoþ alto niõt·

& pray to crist so gode&fre·

Aking ous sende þatbi houesumbe·

To þe riõt oõainsþewrong·

He graunt to chesen ous among

& þatwe haueþeroftokening·

To morwe atourseruiseending·

& þat itso miõt ben·

& euerichon seyden amen·

Þus þer õede more&lasse·

Aniõtto chirche amorwetomasse·

& maden solempne bisecheinge

Forto haue ariõtful kinge·

f. 217rb

& þo þeseruise donwas·

Outward þaiwentenherpas·

To forþe chirchedore þai founde·

Aston stonden on þe grounde·

Long&heiõe forsoþe to say·


King&douke baroun&kniõt·

Ich hadde wonderofþatsiõt·

Þebischop com &itseyõe·

& þonkedihesu criston heiõe·

Ichil wele þatõeitwite·

On þe pomel wasywrite·

Icham y hotestalibore·

Vnto akingfairtresore·

On Inglis is þis þisw'r'iteing·

Kerne stiel &iren &al þing·

Þebischop seydto hemanon·


He schal be our kingymade·

Bigodeswille&our rade·

Þaiõaueal herto concentement·

Kinglotproued verrament·

Out itto drawe anonriõt·

Ac he no miõtforallehismiõt·

Kingnanters no kingclarion

Nomiõt itdraweout ofþeston·

No no gentilmanofpriis·

No miõt itones stireny wis·

Þidercom ich noble blod·

& to candelmesse þeritstode·

Al þatwas born in Inglond·

Onþisswerd casthis hond·

Ac forliif no fordeþe·

Þai nomiõtitstirvnneþe·

Þer itstode tilestertide·

Þidertocomen men fulwide·

Fram þis halfse&eke biõonde·

& nouõtþai sped bi godes sond·

& õete itstodeto pentecost·

Þer com þidermani anost·

Toturnaien in þattide·

Almostfastþerbi side·

Bay his sone sir antour·

Him madekniõtwiþgrethonour·

f. 217va

Þis kay it was þatnasnouõtlate

Forto souken hismodertate·

Ac art?uret forsoþe itseke·

Þat bi com mild &meke·

Kay was swiþe noble kniõt

Ac he stamered alitel wiõt

Þathe'it'haddein nortoure·

Þurch þe norices coure·

Arthour had serued lot·

Swiþe longwele y wot·

Acþo cay waskniõtymade·

Sir antorõafto kay rade·

Forto ofsende arthouroõein·

For to make of him hisswain·

For he was hardi trewe&trest·

Ofal þislond&õongmanbest·

Kay wasswiþe wele y paid·

Al was don þat antor seyd·

Arthour com hom&waswiþkay·

& wenthem to þat turnay·

Þerkay contend him apliõt·

So awele doinde kniõt·

Boþeatside&at ende·

Hefeld kniõtes swiþehende·

Þo hecom amidward·

About heleyd on so hard·

Þathis swerd brast atvo·

Anon he bad arthour þo·

To mi leuedi swiþe hende·

Anoþer swerd bidhirmesende·

& so hedede wiþ outen abode·

Swiftliche hom he rode·

His leuedifinde henomiõt·

Oõain he went anonriõt·

& to þe swerd in þe ston·

Wel riõt he gan forto gon·

Nomanwas þer verrament·

Ac alle weren atþeturnament·

Arthourtokþe hiltbi hond·

Þe swerd out drawe hegan fond·

Ac fornouõt out itcam·

Inhis hond he itnam·

Hishors helepevpanon·

To þeturnay hecom son·

f. 217vb

& seyd haue þisswerd sirkay·

Þileuedi finden y no may·

Kay þisswerd welekneweywis·

To arthour heseyd where hadestow þis·

Certes quaþ arthour herbiõonde

Inaston ich itfond·

Arthourno seiõe itneuerar·

No wistneuerwhy itstodeþar·

Sir kay seyd þo toarthour·

Telle itto noman paramour·

Þatþou þis swerd outdrouõ·

& þou schal haue godeynouõ·

Arthour seyd certes nay·

Forþ went anon sirkay·

& ledde his fader sirantour·

Toþechircheofseyn sauour·

& seyd ichaue þisswerdoutdrawe·

Þatich bekingitis lawe·

Sir antor biheld þatsword·

& seyd atþefirstword·

Þou gabbestme bigodaboue·

Õifþou say soþ eftþou itproue·

Forbi forþis heiõemen·

Þou mostit peltin oõen·

& botþou miõtestdraweitout·

Þewold schame berd&snout·

Þai wenten boþetoþeston·

& kay peltitin anon·

Ac þei hewarstrong&wiõt

Drawe it out he nomiõt·

Þo bispachim sir antour·

Telle me sone paramour·

Who itwasþis swerdoutdrouõ

& þo stode sir kay&louõ·

Sir he seyd bigodes sond·

Arthour tokeitme inhond·

Antor cleped arthour þo·

& dede him to þe ston go·

& boþe swiþe&eke soft·

In&out hepeltitoft·

Antor was herofful bliþe·

& drouõarthourto chirche swiþe·

& seyd to him priueliche þo·

Arthour listen nowmeto·


f. 218ra

Seþþen þou were bornverrament·

Ich haue õouen þe norisement·

& þer heteld him al þecas·

Hou hebiõeten &bornwas·

Hou his fader wasþeking·

& hou þurch hisbisecheing·

Kay mi sone anorice ytoke

& þou mi wiuestate soke·

Þo seyd autormin coure·

Misone þou art þurch nortoure

Itnis no riõtþatþou mewerne

Riõtfulliche þaty wil õerne·

Ich pray þe grauntmeabone·

Þatich þe wilaxi sone·

Ich þe wil help sone arthour·

Kingto ben wiþmichel honour·

Þo bi spac arthour þe hende·

Crist of heuen medefende·

Þat ich þewernani þing·

Ofwhatþou makestaxing·

God þe for õeld seyd sir antour·

Nowy þe pray paramour·

Þi stewardmake mi sone kay·

Solong so þou liue may·

Innesse in hard yprayþenowe

Inal stedes þou him avowe·

& y schal þe help in þis nede·

Þurch godes help þatþou schaltspede·

Þo bi spac him sir arthour·

Ygraunt þi wil sir antour·

Þatkay þi sone bemi steward·

Yschal him avoweinne?lle&hard·

When ich euerfaile kay·

Crist me for õeteþatday·

Forþ õedeantoranon riõt·

& sir arthour made kniõt·

First he fond himcloþ &cradel·

Þo he fond him stede&sadel·


Saumbers quissers&aketoun·

Quarre scheld gode swerdofstiel·

& launce stefbiteand wel·

Þer he õauehim anon riõtes·

To his seruise fourti kniõtes·

f. 218rb

Amorwe þai wentto turnament

& soþer dede verrament·

Þatich day sir arthour·

Þe los hebar&þe honour·


Went to þe bischop brice·

& teld him he wistakniõt

Boþe gent&nobleapliõt

Þatschuld beourkingwiþlawe

Forhe may þatswerdoutdrawe

Þe bischop was herofbliþe·

& sentafterarthourswiþe·

To forn alþe heiõeofþelond·

Arthour tokþe swerd in hond·

Hedrouõ itout &peltoõen·

Wonder haddemanimen·

Forno man stiren itno miõt

Bot he on y õou pliõt·

King &erls wiþ outen dout·

Þer gun himanon rebout·

Forto prouen hismaner·

Ac euer he wasof mildechere

Nocouþe hernon better deuise

Þan he hemanswerd inalwise·

Sir antor him halpal so·

Þat he was kingchosen þo·

& þerwas boden to hisgestening

Mani prince &mani king·

Alþateuer comwold·

Atseyn Ion tide com schold

Merlin com hem bitven·

sir arthour þe princetosen·

Ofwhos come miche blis·

Sir arthourmadeywis·

Swiþe anon hete merlin·

Men schuld ofsende þedoukevlfin·

Sir Iordains &sir bretel

Þat hadde y benwiþtintagel

Al þre þai comen swiþe·

Merlin wasþerofwelbliþe·

Merlin seyd y wilõewite·

Hou þatarthour wasbiõete·

Þer hetold hem ende&ord·

Ofhis biõete eueri word·

f. 218va

Whar ofvlfin witteles bar·

& seyd ce'r'tes þathe was þar·

& antor barwitnesseþerto·

& seyd þeking him seyd so·

Þo loued Iordains &sir bretel·

Sir a'r'thourwiþ hert lel·

For loueof ygerne fre·

Herleuedi þat hadde y be·

His men þo þai bicomenswiþe·

Tohelp him vpdeþe&liue·

Þisbarouns&eke merlin·

Wenten to þe bischopes in·

& alhim teld fair &õerne·

Hou arthour wasbiõetenofygerne·

Þe bischop þonked god so gode·

Þat hewasofþe kinges blode·

Merlin seyd listen meruaile·

Õou is comand strong bataile·

Kinges sex atþis fest·

Þer schul arere michelchest·

Whare fore õe schul þanwitewel·

Boþein iren &In stiel·

& loke þatichon held wiþ oþer·

Asich man schal wiþ his broþer·

For ich õou bi hotal þe honour·

Schal bileuewiþ õou&wiþ arthour·

Þar þai bi heten þatnon nold·

Oþer fail forno gold·

Þe bischop seyd his helping·

He schuld haue inalþing·

Whathelpeþ itmaketale long·

Þai hem poruaid alleamong·

Swiþe redi alle þing·

Þatschuld to þatcoroning·

Mirie itisin time ofIune·

when fenel hongabrodintoun

Violet&rose flour·

Woneþ þai in maidensbour·

Þe sonne ishotþe day is long·

Fouleþ make miri song·

Kingarthour bar coroun·

In cardoile þatnoble toun·

Kinglotþatspoused belisent

Com toþiscoronment·

f. 218vb

He held þelondof lyoneis·

Man wel strong&curteys·

Wiþ fiue hundred noblekniõtes·

Hardi &strong&leuetofiõtes

Kingnanters com god itwot·

Þatheld þe lond ofgarlot·

Swiþenoble man&wiõt·

& welecouþe fende him in fiõt

He hadde y spoused blasine·

Arthours sosterfair&dine·

Seuen hundred kniõtes y telleþe·

He brouõt wiþ him of meyne·

Ofnoble * destres &stede· [* "st" cancelled]

Þatswiþegode wereatnede·

Kingvrien com þerto·

Þe þridde suster haddealso·

Þe lond ofgoere he held ywis·

He wasõongmanofnoble pri

·Xx· þousand&hebrouõt&fiue·

No better kniõ't'es nere oliue·

Þercom õete kingcarodas·

Þe king ofstrangore he was·

A swiþe miõtiman of mounde·

& kniõt ofþetabel rounde·

Þei he fer hadde y ride·

·Vi· hundred kniõteshebrouõthimmide

Þatwelecouþe Iuste in feld·

Wiþ steflaunce vnder scheld·

Õete þer com kingyder·

King ofþe marche ofgretpouwer

Wiþ him he brouõtþritti score·

Wiõtkniõtes him bifore

Þer com king angvisant·

King he was of scotlant·

Ofal þe sex he was richest·

Of grete power&õongest·

·V· hundred he brouõtwiþhimywis·

Wiõt&strong kniõtes&al scottis·

& mani oþer bisouþe&bi est·

Þider com to þatfest·

King&baroun y õou say·

Welcomed hem wiþ gretnoblay·

Biforn hem al þe bischop brice·

Arthour crouned &dede þeoffice·

f. 219ra

Þo þe seruise y don was·

To mete þai turned her pas·

Þai founde al redi cloþ &bord·

Vp first õede þe heiõest lord·

Men hem seruedofgretplente·

Mete&drink ofgret deynte·

Þer wasvenisoun ofhert&bors·

Swaines þecokes &botors·

Ofsesaunce pertris&ofcrane·

Þer was plente&no wane·

Þer waspiment&clare·

To heiõe lordinges&to meyne·

Þai hadden also noble seruise·

So ani man couþedevise·

Þo þai hadde y eten alle·

Heiõe & lowe in þe halle·

Toõeuen õiftes sir arthouraros·

To heiõe men ofgrete los·

& to haueofhem vinage·

So it was riõt&hervssage·

As he was fair doinde þis·


Ofhis õiftes spite hadden·

& his coroun anon wiþradden·

Vp þai sterten wiþ gretbost·

Euerich kingwiþ al hisost·

& seyd an herlot forno þing·

No schuld neuer ben herking·

& þouõtwiþ gretdeshonour·

For to misdo sir arthour·

Ac arthour men bitven þrest·

Forþ com merlin in þatchest·

& seyd henas harlot non·

Ac nobler þan her ani on·

Þer he teld al hem bifore·

Hou arthour wasbiõeten&bore·

Þe wisemen of þatlond·

Þonked ihesu cristes sond·

Þather kingschuld ben·

Ofvterpendragouns stren·

Þebaroun's'seyd to merlin·

He was founde þurch wichingþin·

Traitour þai seyd verrament·

Foral þine enchauntement·

f. 219rb

No schal neuer no hores stren·

Our kingno heued ben·

Ac he schal sterue riõt anon·

To ward þe king&gun gon·

Þeking was armed swiþe wel

& alle his frende in iren stiel·

Oõain wiþ stonden nobliche·

& al outdriuen sikerliche·

Wiþ swerdes &kniues soneanon·

Out ofhalle þe kinges fon·

Þesex kinges were wel wroþe·

& al her barouns sworen her oþe·

No schuld þai neuer tviis eten·

Erþai of arthourwere awreken·

& swiþe telther pauiloun·

A litel wiþ outen cardoil toun·

Þe bischop stode onþe castel wal·

& gan to preche to hem alle

& seyd arthourwas kinges stren·

Of king biõeten &born of quen·

Þe king itwist in his liue·

Blisced his child&bad him þriue·

& tok him to sir antour·

To norice wiþ grethonour·

Õif þai wisten neiõer blod·

To make him kingit narnouõtgode·

Ac for he is king&kinges sone·

Ycors al ?midi done·

His enemis wiþ cristes mouþe·

Biest bi west bi norþ &souþe·

?Tprut þai seyden euerichon·

Merlin went adoun anon·

& arthours frende anon riõt·

He told heiõe &lowe y pliõt·

Four þousand amonghem he fond·

Hardi &noble&wiõt of hond·

Ac alle itwerefor soþe fotmen·

Bot fiftene score &ten·

Þe oþer were sogret rout·

Þatþai wreiõe þe cuntre about·

Merlin bad hem noþing drede·

Bot alle doþ bi mi rede·

Wiþ him þai went to þe gate anon·

Wele atired euerichon·

f. 219va

Merlin made enchauntement·

& kest gret encumberment·

Into þe pauilouns wild fer·

Þat brent briõt socandelcler·

& seyd to hem euerichon·

Now sle swiþe õour fon·

Forþ þai went on hors gode·

To þe pauilouns þat on ferstode·

& on her fomen smiten anon·

Oliue þai reften mani on·

Wiþ scharpe speres&swedes kene·

Tventi score &fiftene·

Oliue dawe þai brouõten þere·

Er þai wist where þai were·

For her witt was o way go·

Forþe fer þatbrentso·

& þe oþer herwit bi nam fulliche·

Þat com on hem so sodanliche·

Þer were so fele naþeles

Þat litel sen þe slauõter wes·

Acþurch þis encumbrement·

Þai flowen alle verrament·

Til þai com fer oway·

Amile þennes in o valay·

Þer wiþ stode þis sex kinges·

Oõain arthour wiþ fiõtinges·

& her folke wenten oõen·

Mo þan ten þousand ofmen·

Fram þis contek þatwere ascaped·

Sore adrad &a waped·

Þe kinges gadred hemto gideralle·

& seyd gret schame hem was bifalle·

Þat arthour wiþ alitel pu?nay·

Hadde y driuen hem oway·

Euerich to oþer þus made his mon·

Õif þai were ofarthour on·

Awreken alle þai hadde wonne·

Alle þai swore bimone &sonne·

Hye schulden abiggeþat ich striif·

& went oõain als biliif·

Nanter þe king of garlot·

Biforn he went god itwot·

He was awele limed kniõt·

Hardi &strong &wise in fiõt·

f. 219vb

Astef launce he bar an hond·

Wiþ spores he smothis stede strong·

Arthour seiõe where he cam·

Astef launce anon henam

His fet in þe stropes he streiõt·

Þe stirop to bent þe hors aqueiõt·

Þe stede he smot& heforþ glode·

Oõaines þekingnanters he rode·

Nanters him mett amid þefeld·

& hitt arthour onþe schelde·

Þathis launce gantoriue·

& to brast onpeces fiue

Arthour smotso nanters þo·

Þat his scheld brak atvo·

& of his hors so him cast·

*Þatal mast his nek to brast· [* "N/W/?" corrected to "Þ"

Þo king lotseiõe þis·

Hou his nevou was feld ywis·

He was onof þe strongestman·

Ofal þis lond an foran·

Alaunce he tokofgret valour·

& smothis stede oõain arthour·

Euerich gan oþer wiþ launces take·

Þat al to peces þai gun crake·

Wiþ so gretire to gider þai mett·

Þatherbodis to gider stet·

So astoned was kinglot·

Helese his sadel god itwot·

& ouer þe croupe of his stede·

To grounde he fel þathegan blede·

Arthour a forced him to dere·

Ac michel folk com him to were·

Þer come swiþe michel route·

To slen arthour al aboute·

Arthour drouõ his swerd anon·

Þathe drouõ out of þe ston·

Akniõt he toke wiþ þe egge·

Þathim clef heued&rigge·

Intoþe sadel soseytþe bok·

Al he hirtþat hetoke·

So sore he leyd on alaboute

Þatþai his dintes gun doute

Þis to kinges werenarisen·

Þat were first ofhimagrisen·

f. 220ra

Þai& her feren four·

Wiþ four launces smiten arthour·

Al at ones þatwas no glewe·

& arthour stede adoun þrewe·

Þe kingbi nepen þe stede aboue·

For soþe sir arthour wasaswowe

Sir antour al þis y say·

Bretel vlfin & sir kay·

Þai com swiþe to þis rideing·

Forto helpen her king·

Kay ful riõtbigan to bere·

To kingangvisantaspere·

He smothim þurch outþescheld

& his hauber fele feld·

& þurch his scholder anellen long·

& ofhis hors to grounde he þrong·

& õete he feld verrament·

King carodas wiþ þatdent

Þatwas adint ofgretmounde·

Þattvay kinges þreweto grounde·

Vlfin &nanters met þo·

Þat her launces brosten atvo·

Togider wiþ bodis þai metten·

Þat boþe to grounde þai stetten·

Þe hors hem lay a?uoward·

Þathem þouõt chaunce hard·

Antor wiþ launce þe kingyder·

Togrounde bar ofhis destrer·

Bretel &king vrien·

Her launces brust hembitven·

Þer whiles king lotwiþ gretrout·

To sle arthour he was about·

Kay his steward y seiõe þis·

He was neiõeof hiswitty wis·

Wiþ his swerd he gan him stere·

His õonglord forto were·

Wiþ pure strengþe ofswerdes dint

King lot he feld verrament·

& was about him toslen··

Ac oþer stirthem bitven·

Þer kidde kay þathewas wiõt·

For he no feined neuerof fiõt·

Til þatarthour y õou pliõt·

Was opon his stede diõt·

f. 220rb

& þo he was opon his stede·

Wiþ swerd hegan aboutrede·

Sum he bi nam scholder &arm·

& sum þe liifitnas nonharm·

Non no durstabide more·

His stroke for he smot so sore·

Herõe schul vnder stond·

Þatmen ofot ofþis lond·

Helden wiþ kingarthour·

& dede him wel grethonour·

Wiþ axes staues &wiþ bowe·

Dede so þatalle þe oþer flowe·

& þis kinges flowen also·

Arthourafter hem gan togo·

& so he rode wel fele hefeld·

Þat no more no tale teld·

He ouer tok þe king eder·

& wold him heued wiþ hisswerdcler·

Acalitel forbi he smot·

His hors he hitgod itwot·

Þe nek he karfadoun to grounde·

Doun fel yder bigodes mounde

Oõain turned þo kinges fiue·

& halp him oway wiþ þe liue·

Acich õou swere in þatrideing·

Þai lauõtwoundeswel sore biteing·

Yder þai keuerd naþeles·

& þo he brouõton horswes·

Þai flowen al soswiþe anon·

As her steden miõten gon·

& swore alwiþ wordes flegge·

Kingarthour itschuld abigge·

Kingarthour þo wentoõen·

To gider he gadred al hismen·

& deparde wiþ hem þetresour·

Þathe wan wiþ grethonour·

& þo he þonked þe king ofglorie·

Þathim hadde õouen þe victorie·

To ouer comen his fomen·

Into cardoil he wentoõen·

& held fest noble &gent·

Wiþ hismeyne verrament·

Of al þateuer wald þidergon·

Curteyseliche were ressaiued anon·

f. 220va

Þis festlast fourteniõt·

Þatwas riche &noble apliõt·

Þo þe fest was y do·

Merlin com þe king to

Tolonden he bad him heiõe·

& þer schewe his curteuie

& when he com saunfayl·

He wold him schewe gretconseil·

Ac nouõt ar he had festy made·

Toal þe lond &made ful glade·

King arthour dede his conseyl·

& went to londensaunfail·

Where þe king sir arthour·

Was afong wiþ gre honour·

Sone after seyn Ionesmisse

þe kinglete bidden more&lesse·

Into londen to his fest·

Swiche he made &held onest·

Þurch þe conseyl ofmerlin·

He seriaunted þo þurch him·

Merlin tok þo to ich mester·

Þat sleiõe were &ofpower·

Þo drouõ bi half þe clerk merlin·

Þe kingarthour &ekevlfin·

& bretel &sir antour

& kay þe steward ofvalour·

& seyd listen to me now·

Forsoþe ichil telle õou·

·Xi· kinges &doukes on·

Han y sworn arthourtoslon·

Swiche is now her parlement·

Now in þe marche verrament·

Oõaines hem õe no haue no miõt

Botõehauen help to fiõt

Ywil õou telle whatdo õemote

Õifõe wil finden bote·

Milord vterpendragon·

Wan vnder him þe kingban

& his broþer bohort also·

No better bodis no mowe go·

Þai were sworn to vtermi lord·

To hem ich rede sende word·

To lesse breteine for itisnede·

Þatvterpendragon is dede·

f. 220vb

Õemothem sigge verrament·

Þat he vnto þisparlement·

Wiþ outen abod wel swiþe come·

To don vmage arthour his sone·

Þai wil comen anony wot·

& help þe oõain kinglot·

& elles where her power·

Õou worþ to hem wel gretmister·

Her after ward parmafay·

Ichil õou tel som day·

Þis message sir vlfin·

Þou most bere biconseil min·

& þi fere schal be sir bretel·

Loke õe ben atired wel

Wiþ gode armes on gode stede·

Þer to õou worþ alitel nede·

Ar õe comen oõain to ous·

Now heiõeþ õou forloueofihesus

Al þis hem liked wel·

& sir vlfin &sir bretel·

Wele hem atired sikerliche·

& wentforþ wel hastiliche·

Þo þai com þe se biõounde·

Agretwildernisse þai founde·

Bitven fraunce &breteyne·

Þai seiõe mani mounteyn &pleine·

Þo þai seiõe alitel hem aboue·

Seuen kniõtes y armed come·

Of wicheto her steden smiten·

& to hem ward gun priken·

Wiþ loude cri &bad hem õeld·

Bretel tok his launce&scheld·

Þat okniõt sone he mett·

& wiþ his scharp launce him gret·

He bar him þurch þe þroteanon·

Þatded he fel ded so ston·

Þatoþer he mett* oõain ward· [* third "t" subpuncted]

Adinthe õaf him so hard·

Þe launce ran þe brim þurch·

Þekniõt fel ded in aforwe·

In his falling brastþe spere·

Bretel bar it no ferþere·

Oþer to þer come glide

Vlfin gan oõain hem ride

f. 221ra

Opon a stede stef&strong·

Wiþ a launce gret& long·

Þat on he barþurch scheld &hat·

Þat neuer seþþen mete no at·

Þe oþer oõain vlfin brac his spere·

Ac he no miõtvlfin dere

Vlfin him õaueadin ofwo·

Þurchout þemembre&sadel also·

Stede &kniõt ouerþrewe anon·

Þe kniõtbrasthis nek bon·

Vlfines launce to brac·

Þe þrecome þo gretuac·

Þe oþer foure forto wreken·

Þe þre gun her launces breken·

& her noiþer hirtnouõt·

Bretel kidde þathewasauõt·

His swerd he drouõ þaton he hit·

His heued fram þe bodi he kitt·

Þatoþer of toke sir vlfin·

& so him hitonþe bacin·

Þathe him cleue to þe toþ·

So ous seytþe broutforsoþ·

Þe oþer kniõther lord þatwas·

Wel swiþe wentoõain his pas·

Õif he abod ani longere·

Wele he seiõe itwas his lere·

Þis ich kniõtes four&þre·

Wiþ claudas hadde werredoõan·

Þe king bohort & þe king ban·

Claudas was þo ouer come·

Priueliche &went to rome·

Him to puruay sum socour·

To wreke him of his deshonour·

Þer while þo kniõtes cert·

Were y went in to desert·

To libben bi her robrie·

Ac þer hem felgretvilanie·

Þer after vlfin forþ him rode·

& eke bretel wiþ outen abod·

No lete þai neuer Iornaying·

Til þai com to ban þeking·

& þo he com bi for ban·

Þus his wordes hebigan·

f. 221rb

hesus cristheuen king

þe loke sir ban þe king

& þi meine so gent&fre·

Þatich here aboutþe se·

Þe barouns ofbreteine þe more·

Tidingþe sent þatreweþ hem sore·

Vter pendragon þi lord is ded·

& is departed þurch godes red·

Kingis made his sone arthour·

& þe greteþ wiþ gret honour·

& bad þe &his broþer gent

Com to his parlement·

For to wite &vnder stond·

Of þe lawes ofhis lond·

Kingban wiþ noble cher·

Welcomed þo messanger·

& seyd her wil do he wold·

& his broþer al so schold·

Þe messangers þo he made·

Wele at ese wiþ gretferrade·

Bohortþer after swiþe hesent·

Bion asent &swiþe went·

In to þis lond wiþ mani fair·

For to se þe kinges air·

In euerich toun fram portesmouþe·

To londen of gret valoure·

Men made song & hopinges·

Oõain þecome ofþis kinges·

No was wonded fordrienowete

Þat irlond eueristrete·

Was bi honged ich say forsoþ·

Wiþ mani pal&riche cloþ·

Euerich man of ich mester·

Hem riden oõain wiþ fair ater·

In euerich strete damisels·

Karols ledden fair &fels·

Þo þai were to court y come·

Þai were hendeliche welcome·

Him selue þe kingarthour

Hem com oõain wiþ grethonour·

Curteiseliche&hem gan calle·

& anon ledde hem to halle·

Wiþ her broþergvinbaut·

Noble clerk so dien me saut·

f. 221va

In þe sterres he was þe best deuine

In al þe warld wiþ outen merlin·

Þer at wot þe clerk merlin·

At þe festþedouke vlfin·

& bretel þatwas his felawe·

Hou þai hadde þe kniõtes y slawe·

Ac al þat euer herden þis·

Wonder hadde þer of y wis·

Þat he told her bataile·

& þer no com nouõtsaunfaile·

& namliche bo hort &ban·

& gvinvant þe þridde man·

Þere þo men miõty bere·

Þequeintise of þe spere·

Ofþe sonne ofmone &ster

When þe welken turned ofherre

& of mani priue werk·

Bitven merlin &gvin*bant þeclerk· [* one extra minim subpuncted]

Her after sone merlin swore·

& sirvlfin &sir antore·

& sir kay &sir bretel·

To fore þe king ono messel·

Þat arthour was vterstren·

Biygerne þatwas his quen·

Þer afterward sone forsoþ·

Þe kinges swore arthour hold oþ·

& deden him also swiþe omage·

So itwas riõt & vsage

& þo held arthour fest apliõt·

Þatlast ful fourtenniõt·

Ofich riches&deinte·

Certes þer was gretplente·

Þo was þer made aturnament

Þatwas swiþe noble &gent·

Of bacheler &õong kniõt·

Swiþe strong&swiþe wiõt·

Þo þatwere ofõond half·

Oõain þoweren ofþis half·

Þe bestwas lucan þe boteler·

A õong kniõt ofgrete power·

Wiþ outen þe steward kay·

He was akniõtofgretnoblay

Grunfles·maruc & gumas·

Ich of hem wel noble was·

f. 221vb

Placides &eke driens·

Hokas &graciens·


Sir meliard &eke drukius·

& al so breober?nis·

Þese born oway þe priis·

No man no herd offairer

Turnament no nobler·

Þo al þismirþe was y do

Merlin com þe king to·

& to hem seyd biensengours·

Õe ben y swore to kingarthours·

Õe motboþe wiþ him ride·

To leodegan ofcarmalide·

For bi mi rede he schal spouse·

Gvenour his douhter precious·

Sche is boþe fair&wise·

Ofal þelond sche berþ þe priis·

Hir fader leodegan·

Isaswiþe noble man·

Acking rion wiþ outenlesinges·

Him werreþ opon wiþ tventikinges·

Þereõe mot him help y wis·

Forto win los &pris·

Certes quaþ king ban þegent·

Þer to we han gret talent·

Õif king claudas in ourlond·

Þer whiles nold ous waitno schond·

Forhe ous haþ werred long·

Wiþ vn riõt&michel wrong·

Nay quaþ merlin drede õou nouõt·

Õif þou lesest þer fore ouõt·

For þemountaunce ofpain on·

Þou schalthan hundred oõan·

To þat couenant quaþ han þe king

We beþ redi in al þing·

Anon to go wiþ kingarthour·

To his manschipe &his honour·

Merlin seyd biseyn Ion·

Arstõe motanoþer don·

·Xi·kinges &adouke·

Beþ hider ward wiþouten dout·

Toslen arthour &his man·

In þe forestofrokeingham·


f. 222ra

Þere õe mothelp him were·

Vnder scheld wiþ swerd &spere·

Allas quaþ ban forcristes sond·

We no haue no folkofour lond·

Quaþ merlin sogod me spede·

No schal õou faile no?u atnede·

Þer it was for boden anon·

Ich man biway forto gon·

Noiþer mile tene no fiue·

Opon pain ofher liue·

Þis was don fornon oþerþing

Botforaspies &waiteing·

Where þurchalle weren yhent·

Þat fram þe barouns werenysent·

& non com oõain verrament·

To wray þe kinges parlement·

Õete merlin wentto rokingham·

Vlfin &oþerwiþ him he nam·

Mani pauilouns &telt

& dede þer in flesches &selt·

& oþer store of mele &win·

& tok itto lok sir vlfin

& bad he no schuld lete passe

Noiþer þe more no þelasse·

Þatmiõtbere anitiding·

To þe barouns of her king·

No of his parlement·

No þai nodeden verrament·

Þo õede merlin to ban þe king·

& tok of him his kinges ring·

& to kingbohortal so·

To lasse breteine he õede þo·

Ouer þe se in on niõt

Fele iurnes y õou pliõt·

For in þebrut ich itlerne·

To leonce of paerne

Þatwas kinges banes steward·

Awiseman wiþ hore bard

& to farien wel noble kniõt

Bohortes steward þatwasapliõt

& schewed hem her lordes ring·

& bad þai schuld him socour bring·

Leonce&eke farien·

To gider brouõten her men·

f. 222rb

Fourti þousand þatwereteld·

On stede in armes swiþebeld·

·Xv· þousende þai leten þere·

Her lond to kepen ?i & towere· [? Stray "i"]

& xxv· þousend wiþ him toke·

So wefinden in þe boke·

Wiche ouer se þeclerk merlin·

Brouõt&loged bivlfin·

To kinges court he gan þo fare·

& asked õifþai weren õare·

For her fomen were neiõehond·

King ban seyd forgodes sond·

Whi no hastow brouõtme socour·

Merlin seyd al rady to õour honour·

Þo þai diõt hem swain &kniõt·

& wenten þider þatichniõt·

Þo þai þider weren y come

Ordeind & teld her þrome·

Fourti þousand men þaifounde·

Tobatail men of gret mounde·

Michel ioie made kingban·

& bohort al so of her man·

For þai deden þere finde·

·Xxv· þousinde·

Arthour hadde þousandes fiftene·

& namo al so y wene·

Foral þe barouns&þekinges

Were in þe marche wiþ outenlesinges·

Wiþ al þe men yõou say·

Þat þai miõt hem puruay·

To slen arthour lasse &more·

Al þai hadde to gider swore·

Acforsoþe non of hem·

No wistof arthouresmen·

Acwe finden in þe boke·

Þat þai hadde þer bi spoke·

On arthour wiþ her route

Þai wold happen al aboute·

& hem to taken in þeforest·

When þai seiõen time best·

To þis tresoun forto don·

Com þe king clarion·

Þatwas kingofnorþhumberlond·

Wiþ seuen þousand kniõtes strong·

f. 222va

King brangores þatheld strangore

Þider com bigodes ore·

& brouõtwiþ him fiueþousand kniõt·

All bataile þatwere strong&wiõt·

Cradelman king of norþ wales·

Hardiman &wise of tales·

Sex þousend þider hebrouõt·

Ofliue ordeþe þatlitel rouõt·

Akingþercom ofan hundredkniõtes

His name was cleped biriõtes·

Forhe no ladde neuer lasse rout·

Þan an hundred kniõtes about·

He was king wel fer bi norþ·

Awel strongman &michel worþ·

Kniõtes he brouõtfour þousinde

Men no miõtnon better finde·

King lot þat held londes tvo·

Le*onis &dorkaine also· [* "i" subpuncted]

He brouõtseuen þousend kniõtes·

Swiþe hardi & st*ronge in fiõtes· [* "r" inserted above]

Õete þer com king carodas·

Þat of þe rounde table was·

Seuen þousand he brouõtalso·

No better kniõtes no miõtgo·

Nanters þe king of garlot·

Þider com god itwot·

Vp arthour þatwaswroþ&grim

Sexþousinde he brouõtwiþ him·

Stronge kniõtes& noble saunfaile·

Þatwise &hardi were in bataile·

Õete þer come king vrien·

Wiþ sexþousand of wiõtmen·

Wele atired on gode destrers·

Wiþ outen fot men &squiers·

Õete þer com king yder·

Wiþ fiue þousand of gretpower

Õete þer com king angvisaunt

Þe riche king of scotlaunt

Wiþ sexþousende kniõtes beld·

Boþe in toun &eke in feld·

Õete þer come þe douc estas·

Erl of canberine he was·

Arundel was hoten þo·

Camberine wiþ outen no·

f. 222vb

He brouõtwiþ him þousandes fiue

Non better nere oliue·

Alle þere priueliche·

Torokingham com sikerliche·

& loged hem in þe forest·

Stille wiþ outen ani chest·

Wiþ alþat þai procoure miõt·

Boþe of baroun &ofkniõt·

Ac arthour waswel stilly·

Wiþ his folk neiõe hem bi·

Noiþer baroun no king·

Nist nouõt of his being·

Þe forþ niõt after her soiour·

merlin bad þe king arthour·

& bohort &king ban·

Hem atiren&herman·

& com wiþ him anon riõtes·

& kiþe õif þai were noble kniõtes·

Boþe in iren &in stiel·

Þai hem armed swiþewel·

Arday þre mile way·

& wiþ merlin went y say·

In þis time lot þe king·

In bed was in gretmeteing

Him þouõtwater winde&rain·

In herteþ was hem oõain·

Her pauilouns ouer þrewe þe þonder

He of woke &hadwonder·

His sweuen he teld his feren hard

Þai him axed whiderward

Him þouõt þat his sweuen bar·

Þe soþe anon he teld þar

Þider ward wel swiþeanhye

Þai senten spies forto aspie·

Þis spies anon forþ fletten·

& wiþ merlin sone metten·

& wiþ arthour king of los·

Ofþatmeteing hem agros·

Merlin hem sene&bad hembide·

Fleand oway þai gun ride·

& euer grad traisoun traisoun·

Þe oþer her ofherd þesoun·

& hem atired verrament·

Ac merlin cast enchauntment·

f. 223ra

Þat herpauilouns onand alle·

To þe groundegun to falle·

& so ich in þe boke y finde·

Þemestpart he made blinde·

King arthour &bohort&ban·

Oponhem smiten o nan·

& eke alle her ferrede·

Wiþ hors fete onhem trede·

Wiþ speres stongwiþ swerdes borwe·

Ten þousende kniõtes b'þe morwe·

Ar ani ofhem miõthem stere·

Oþer sen ab outen hem to were·

Ac naþeles þis·xi· kinges·

Slowenoway wiþ michel genge·

A litel þe?nntes in til alowe·

Aloude horn þai gun blowe·

Of her kniõtes &gaderd hem so

To gider þritti þousende &mo·

Ich king·xv· to his dale·

Þre þousand gret&smale·

Her hors girten &sadels riõt·

& made hemredi forto fiõt·

On þe hille þai gunren·

Arthour &his folk tosen·

Þo seiõe þai seuen baners

Ofwhiche lucan þe boteler·

Ofþe firstmaister was

Forswiþe hardi man he was·

Grifles ladde þe secounde·

Awiõtman of gretmounde

Þe þridde folcladde bretel·

Strong&doinde kniõtwel·

Þeferþ baner ladde kay·

Þe kinges steward ofnoblay·

Þe fift baner ladde vlfin·

A noble baroun godeafin·

Ich hadde ofþis tohis baner·

Þre þousand of gretpower·

Arthour on hors satstef so stok·

& gouerned þe seuend flok·

& ladde wiþ him four þousinde

Wiõt men &wel doinde·

Þe oþer no miõtben y kidde·

Bihinden hem þai weren y hidde·

f. 223rb


& kingcarodas wiþ his men·

Þis foure bihinde were·

& lete þe oþer al forþ fare·

& inþe sounes vp riseing·

Bigan certes þis rideing·

Þer miõtmen se þe baners roten

Þe steres forþ wel õern schoten·

Þo þai first oþer metten·

Ich oþer wiþ launces gretten·

Mani in sadles held hem stille

& yam al so ofhors felle·

Mani brac his spereþare·

Mani oþer þurch outbar·

Kai þan felled þe kingyder

Wiþ his spere ofhis destrer·

Þeking ofhundred kniõtes·

Kay doun feld anon riõtes·

Kay vp stirt&kingyder·

Afot fouõten wiþ swerdes cler·

On boþe half so com her men·

& swiþe stirten hem bitven·

Þer come lucan þe boteler·

& bar eustas of his destrer·

Eustas þe douke ofarundel·

Biyder stode&werd him wel·

Grifles feld þe king clarion·

Þe king ofhundred kniõtes com·

& hit grifles bi þe side·

Of his stede hegan doun glide·

Vp stirt grifles&stode bikay·

& fauõt so akniõt ofnoblay·

Forþ com vlfin &eke lucan·

& feld king cradelman·

& wiþ oþer kniõtes mo·

Riden he kniõtes to·

Þe douke grifles&þe steward kay·

On hors þai brouõtparmafay·

Þo þai were mounted ysigge apliõt

Þai kedden her noblemiõt·

Þan þe kingof þe hundred kniõtes

Kay doun feld anon riõtes·

& þre kniõtes al arawe·

He bi nam þer herliifdawe·

f. 223va

Arthour wiþ his miõti hand·

Feld king brangors&kinganguisaunt

Þo wereafotseuen kinges·

Gret slauõterwas ather rideinges·

Þatþai no miõt nouõtkeuer her destrers

For her alder powers·

King lot&king carodas·

& nanters þatbi hinde was·

& eke þekingvrien·

Wiþ tvelf þou's'and ofstrongmen·

Þe hors of baundoun lete þai f?rem

& come flingand wiþ al her men·

So arthours folk þai metten·

& of her steden mani sterten·

In þatich hard meteinges·

Al þaisocourd her kinges·

& brouõten hem on her steden·

Þe better þo þai miõtspeden·

Þer werfele of horsy feld·

& kniõtes y slawe vnder scheld·

Ac þer schewed king arthour

Atþat bataylgretvigour·

Ofhismen mani feld ware·

Now he was here now hewastare·

& chalanged his menbi riõt·

& wiõtlich bi gan forhem to fiõt·

Wiþ his swerd ofgode egge·

Sum he clefto þe rigge·

& sum he smotþe nek atvo·

& sum he smotþeschulder fro·

Þe oþer kingeswerewiõtalso·

Arthours folk þaideden wo·

·Xxx· þousand for soþe y wene·

Fouõten þer oõain sextene·

Lucan·grifles &kingarthour·

Vlfin bretel &sir antour·

Þis ich seuen saunfail·

Þetark hadde ofþe batayl·

Þe folk descomfithadde men sen·

No hadde her miõtþe better ben·

Ac in al þis surcarking·

Merlin com to ban þeking

& seyd sirtime it is·

Þou help king arthourywis


Al so swiþe þan ban þeking·

Wentforþ wiþ outen letting·

Farien akniõt ofgret power·

He was douke ofþe firstba?ne·

Maruc loked þe secounde·

Akniõt ofswiþe gretmounde·

Ofþe þridde maister was·

Þe noble king belias·

Þe ferþ ledde bleoberus·

Abaroun of wel noble pris

Þefifladde gracian·

Strong baroun &nobleman·

Þes fiue so y finde·

Led of men fifteneþousinde·

Þer ich of hem hastiliche·

When hem forþ hardiliche·

Bohortafterward cam

Wiþ four þousand of nobleman·

In þisworld wele to fiõt·

No were y helden non better kniõt

Al so þai madenþis wailing·

Þe oþer com on hem smiteing·

Wiþ her speres & feld to grounde·

Mani þat þai þere founde·

In þis time king lot·

Went out ofþe plas god itwot·

& king nanters &kingvrien·

Wiþ mani noble of hermen·

& king carodas þe wiõt·

& king ofþe hundred kniõt

Þese so michel pite seiõen·

Þatþai wepe wiþ her eiõen·

For þe sleõster ofher man·

& sore þe dede of kingban·

& bohort also his broþer·

Þere no schuld go no noþer·

Adoun þai liõt&her hors girten·

Wiþ outen stirop þer in stirten·

Euerich of hem nome in his hond·

Alaunce boþe stef &strong·

King nanters kinglotkingkarodas·

Þismen armed wiþ gretras·

King ban þai hitten alleatones·

Adoun þai þrewe him onþe stones·

f. 224ra

King ofþe hundred kniõtes&king vrien

Kingbo hortþai riden oõen·

& hitten him boþe atadent·

& feld his stede verrament·

Acban vp stirt&bohort al so·

& wele hem wered ofot bo·

Þe oþer hem were about to dere·

Acmanliche þai gun hem were·

King arthour seiõedoun kingban·

Swiþe wo him was forþan·

His stede he smotþider anon

?O kniõtþatwas about kingbantoslon·

On þe helme he smotforsoþ·

Þurch helme &paletto þe toþ·

& peltdoun þat bodi dede·

& tok þat stede gode at nede·

King ban þan þurch fiue miõt

On þat stede lepe apliõt·

Þo he þe stede was opon·

He õaue anedel of his fon·

Anoþer kingarthour hitte·

Þe bodi to þe nauel he kute·

Fro þe scholder y tel õou·

It was adint ofgretvertu·

Arthour pelt adoun þatbuke·

Þat hors helad bohortþedouke

Þo þai on hors seten boþe·

Þai were aschamed&ekewroþ·

So wefinden onþe boke·

Who þat ani ofhem oftoke·

Of liue nohadde þai no bote·

Ac toþedeþ went god itwot·

What gette italtotellen here·

Arthur &ban &her fere·

So michel pople to forn hem slowe·

Þather enemis hem wiþ drowe·

& gun to fle to on brigge·

Þatþai to forn dede ligge·

Þer spac morganoronhast·

King vriens sone o bast·

He was onofþe bestkniõt·

Þatmiõtheld swerd infiõt·

He was on of þe best kniõt·

Þatmiõt weld swerd in fiõt·

f. 224rb

He seyd sir listneþ alle·

Oour folk we moten calle·

Bi on horn þat y schal blawe·

Oþer þai worþ alle y slawe·

& destroied of our fon·

Þe kinges seyd þatisweledon·

Morganor þo gan to blowe·

Þatfolkso gun his horn knowe·

Swiftlich al þai gunnen flen·

& to þe kinges socour ten·

Þo þai comen to þe brigge·

Ich on oþer gan to legge·

Acal sowolfþe schip gandriue·

Arthour smothem after swiþe·

& king ban & her men·

Slouõ of hem þousendesten·

Þer þai hadde mani slawe·

Acmerlin gan hem wiþ drawe

& seyd oõain wende þai schold·

Þe siluer to part &þe gold·

& mani oþer riche þinges

Þat þer hadde leftþerichekinges·

Arthour þouõt gode afin·

Þe riche conseil of merlin·

Þe oþer oway þai leten flen·

& gan oõain wiþ his folk ten·

Ofgold of siluer &noblesse·

Þai founden grete riches·

Arthour itõaf bohort&ban·

& bad it part amongher man·

So þaideden wiþ grethonour·

To hem &to þe king arthour·

After þat gentil parting·

to londen wentarthour þeking

& king bohort &king ban·

& alle her noble man·

Fourten niõt arthour held fest·

Swiþe noble &swiþe onest·

Þo þe fest y don was·

Merlin teld arthour þatcas·

Arthour he seyd þisþinges

No drede þe nomore ofþiskinges

Now þai han ymade ittouõ·

Sone hem worþto don y nouõ·

f. 224va

Eþan com þetrinite

Ich wald õiuen o tite·

Wiþ þat þai hadde made acord·

& þatþou were made herlord·

For here is comand to þis lond·

Gret hunger &here gong

Sex hundred sarraõins·

Forto awreke þe douke a?ngis·

Þis lond þai comen alabout·

Of hem no þarfþe noþingdout·

Her schal com abachelrie·

Of þe to haue cheualrie·

& of þe to ben made kniõt·

& for þi lond þai wil fiõt·

Þai schul don mani agrise·

Ofhem þi los schal arise·

Þou schalt hem alle knowe wel·

& of þe kinges wite * eueridel [* "wel" subpuncted]

Þai schullen hauen in herlond·

Of wer to don ful her hond·

& ich õou sigge bohort&ban·

& sendeþ hom al õour man·

Õour lond to loke &ouersen·

Botitswiþe fewe ben·

Arthour schal alle his tounes·

Astore wiþ flesche &venisouns·

Wiþ corn &mele &men strong·

Oõain her fon to werre long·

& þou arthour me schaltabide

Bitven Inglond &carmelide·

In þe toun of brekenho·

Til ich me self þe com to·

Þis was do wiþ outen doute·

Arthour his tounes stored aboute·

Wiþ corn mele flesche &fische·

& wiþ men strongy wis·

Þe douke þo wiþ outenfable

Ofcardoil hadde ben con stable·

Of londen bi merlines rade·

He was þo con stable y made·

Leonce hesent hom ofpaerne

Ban &bohort swiþeõerne·

& þedouke al so pharien·

& þe baroun gracien·

f. 224vb

Wiþ her ostþelond to loke·

So we finden onþe boke·

Kingarthour bohort&ban·

Wele wiþ sex score of her man·

Wenthem to brekenho·

So merlin hem seyd to·

Bitven Inglond &carmelide·

Merlines com forto abide·

Þat þo fro hem was y went·

Þai nistwhider verrament·

Þo þai hadde þere awhile abiden·

On aday outþai riden·

& seiõe com bi on lowe·

Aneld cherl wiþ aruwe&bowe·

Þe cherl bent his bowe sone·

& smot adoke ?mididone·

& wiþ aboltafter ward·

Anon he hitt ama?nlard·

Þis foules he nam þo·

Oõain þe kinghe gan go·

Arthour him asked asy õoutelle·

Õifhe wold þo foules selle

Þis old man seyd parmafay·

He wold hem õiue formonay·

Þe kinghim ared so mostheliue·

Hou he wold þe foules õiue·

Þeld man seyd sir king·

Nouõt þou schust makehucking·

Ac þou schust hote hem bere forþ·

& tviisõiue me þe worþ

?Fo ich þe wold souer õiue· [? "Fo" with missing "r"; or "So"]

Þis to foules so moty liue·

Þan þou apani ofþigold·

Þatliþ bidoluen depe in mold·

Wiþ þis word þe foules to·

Sir kay he tok hem bo·

To þat eld seyd arthour·

Who teld þe ofmi tresour·

Certes he seyd þe clerk merlin·

For swiþe late y spacwiþ him·

Þe king nold him leue nouõt·

Þeld man seyd him no rouõt·

For king he seyd þou hastofme

& y no haue nouõt ofþe·


f. 225ra

Bretel &vlfin him vnder stode·

& seyd anon wiþ milde mode·

Sir god þe õeld þis foules to·

Õiftes þou hast him õeuen mo·

& õete þou schalt wiþ godes miõt·

Mo presantes &õiftes him diõt·

Þer þai wisten bi vlfin·

Þatþis eld was merlin·

Merlin him schewed to kingarthour·

& he him kistwiþ gret honour·

& bohort &ban &oþer swiþe·

Of his come weren bliþe·

Adamisel ofgretvalour·

Was þo comen to kingarthour·

To knowe him lord&don omage·

Þat sche no haddeafterward damage·

& alle hir kniõtes deden al so·

Þat wiþ hirwere comen þo·

Liõanorþat may was hot·

Erl siweinis douhter god itwot·

Þo arthour hir hadde y seiõe·

Bihir he wald haue y leiõe·

So hedede þurch merlin·

Achild he bi õathir in·

Þat wer seþþen ofgretmounde·

& kniõt of þe table rounde·

Þere þai soiourund euerichon·

Til þatlenten were half a gon·

Lete we hem þer stille be·

& of þe kinges telle we·

·Xi·þatflowen are

Hou þai bicomen&whare·

In time of winter alangeitis·

þe foules lesen herblis·

Þe leues fallen of þe tre·

Rein alangeþ þe cuntre·

Maidens leseþ here hewe

Ac euer hye louieþ þatbetrewe·

Þe kinges þatdescomfit ware·

Alday &al niõt hadde y fare·

On hors armed wiþ grete hete·

Wiþ outen drink wiþ outen mete·

Til þai com tonorhant·

Afair cite of gode waraun

f. 225rb

Norham was þattime y wene

Aproutcite &strong&kene·

Ich õou telle at on word·

Kingvriens was þer of lord·

Þis kinges alle þider comen ware·

& hadden sorwe &gret care·

Forher kniõtes were soy slawe·

& her kin brouõtoliue dawe·

Swiche diol þai hadden dayesto·

Nold þai mete to muþe do·

Vp him stirtba?udamagu·

Akniõt ofgretvertu·

& seyd kinges leteþ ben·

Õ our diole isrewþe fortosen·

Se habbeþ frendes fer&wide·

To hem õe schulleþ nouþe ride·

& õour diol to hem speke·

Þurch whom õe worþ awreke·

Þurch his spechecom fortþai nome·

Þe þridde day & to gider come·

& euerich oþer õaue swichesolas·

So þai miõten in þat cas·

Þatday þai maden hem ataise·

To bed aniõt þai õeden in paise·

Þe ferþ day euerich aros·

& sone days hem agros·

Forto hem com amessanger·

& grethem wiþrewelich chere·

& seyd in to corunewaile·

Sarraõins were comen saunfaile·

& hadde neiõe strued al þatlond·

Wiþ wilde fere & wiþ brond·

& þe lond ofdorkaine also·

Ystroied & don michel wo·

Nambires þai hadde bilay·

& destrued al þe cuntray·

Boþe wiþ fer & wiþ sword·

Spard þai noiþer knaue nolord·

Þer was so michel popleofhem·

Þattellen hem no miõtmen·

Þo þe kinges y herd þis·

In her hertes nas no blis·

Al her flesche bigan to quake·

So þe feuer hem had y take·

f. 225va

Ich of hem seyd allas·

Þat ani ofhem y bore was·

Þe wailing þat þai made·

To day no miõt ich ful rade·

Ac swiche sorwe made apliõt·

Ich of hem fourtenniõt··

Þatlitel mete com hem among·

Botwaileway&wepeing strong·

Atþe fourtenniõtes ende·

King brangore wiõt&hende·

Com him forþ in to þe halle·

& of sent his ferenalle·

To hem alle þan spak brangori·

Yblisced be þeking of glorie·

Ofhis grace&ofhissending·

What helpeþ ous swiche morning·

Fond we ous to bi stere·

& our lond sum del to were·

We no haue pouer arthour oõen·

For king bohort &kingban

No for merlin þe gode clerk·

Þat can so michel schandliche werk·

We no haue deserued ofarthour·

To haue non skinnes socour·

To helpen ous oõain augys kende·

Þatþenkeþ ous forto schende·

& we haue y lornour miõt·

Nouõt wiþ wrong ac al wiþ riõt·

Þat wold haue ourlord kende·

Yslawe þurch lore ofþe fende·

Of kingleodegan help worþ ousnon·

For ofyrlond þe kingrion·

Him haþ awerred to õer &more·

Wiþ tventi kinges bi godes ore·

No of kingpelles oflistonei·

No worþ ous help parmafay·

For þe ward of pelleore·

His broþer liþ sike&sore·

& schel be seke fortþe meruaile·

Ofþe greal be don saun ?saile· [?"s" for "f"]

No forþer of þe king alain·

No worþ ous noiþer help no main·

Forhe liþ sike &sike schal ben·

For þe best kniõt of stren·

f. 225vb

Y haue seyd wher fore it is·

Þathe bi com sike y wis·

No ofþe king of þe marais·

Normaga of sorailes·

No may þercom help to ous

For him awerreþ galaous·

No of þe king bremeins·

No ofþe king adameins·

No of þe king clamadas·

No may hem com no solas·

For alle hem werreþ galeus·

Þe riche king so vertouous·

Lokeþ now hou we may spede·

For we habbeþ wel gretnede·

Þo bi spac cradel man·

King of norþ wales awise man·

Þe best conseil þat y can·

Part we alle our man·

& hire we alle þo·

Þat we wiþ catel may ago·

& ich man wende to his cite·

Þatwe wene strangestbe·

& kepe we þe strait wais·

Ouer alle in þe cuntrays

& robben hem her sustenaunce·

Wiþ skec &don hem combraunce·

& waiten hem al þe qued·

Þat we mowe bi mis red·

Þo bi spac sir lot þeking·

Gode ware al þis con seiling·

Ac ich wotwhen arthour seþ·

Þat we of þe payens awerred beþ·

Anoþer half he wil ous anoie·

& wiþ schond ous destroie·

Þe king ofþe hundred kniõt

Seyd drede õou nouõty õou pliõt

Arthour wiþ bohort &ban·

Beþ to ward leode gan·

& help him oõain rion·

& hem warnisen euerichon·

Boþe cite &castel·

Wiþ mete &men swiþe wel·

Þat hem no stondeþ no doute·

Ofþepayens no ofher route·


f. 226ra

Of him no haueþ non drede·

For it is soþe þat ich õousede·

Mi con seyl i?f õe don anon·

So þou seydest king cradelman·

Þis con seyl þai deden þo·

& senten after mani mo·

Kniõtes swaines man þatwold·

Winnen siluer oþer gold·

Forto loke wiþ outen asoine·

Al þemarches of galoine·

& of cornwaile þe pleines·

& eke þe place of dorkains·

& of gorre al so ich say·

& eke þe entres of galeway·

Alder first yder þe king·

Þre þousand hadde ofbileueing·

Þat y slawe no were no were nouõt·

Oõaines arthour þan þai fouõt·

& ·viii· þousand of purchas·

He hadde also bigodes gras·

& to þis strong cite nante·

Wiþ alle þis men he wante·

& õete he hadde þousandes þre·

Ofþe cite bi mi lente·

Þis ider loked wele þe wayes·

Wiþ his folk in þat cuntreys·

& payens he ouer cam·

Oft &her mete bi nam·

& so wele in armes dede·

Þat men hem blisced in eueristede·

King nanters þe wiõt man·

So went forþ in to hussidan·

His owhen cite þat was ofpriis

Wiþ þre þousand him bileued ywis·

Inþe bataile þer he was·

Wiþ seuen þousand ofpurchas·

& fif þousand in toun he fond·

Orped men &gode of hond·

Þis loked wele þe paþes·

& þe paiens oft deden scaþes·

Boþe olif &eke tresour·

Þai dede þe paiens misauentour·

Kinglotwentto dorkaine·

Wiþ þre þousand bileued wiþ paine·

f. 226rb

Þer he was atþebataile·

& wiþ fiue þousand ofpurchassaunfaile·

& four þousand he fond in his toun·

Wiõt men &of grete renoun·

& õete for his wiõtpruesse·

& hende schip & largesse·

Þre þousand after him come·

Gode bataile forto done·

Viii·þousand þo hadde lot·

Þat wele him holpe god itwot·

Þe waies &þe paþes õeme·

& ofþe sarrains him reme·

& often deden hem gretgreuaunce·

& robbed hem her sustenaunce·

Þo wentking clarion·

To norþhumberlond anon·

To his cite þat hete ?solende·

Wiþ þre þousand þat were hende·

Þat him bileued atþatfiõt·

Oõain arthour þe gode kniõt·

·Viii· þousand he hadde ofpurchas·

Þat wele deden in eueri plas·

Þe wayes þai deden weleawayt·

& þe paþes þat were strait·

& oft deden þe sarraõins·

Grete schame &grete pines

After went anon riõtes·

Þeking ofþe hundred kniõtes·

Agingines was his name·

He was akniõt ofgretfame·

He went him to mala ot

Ariche cite god it wot·

Þe cite on leuedis was·

& stode in awel gret pas·

Where þe sarraõins com&ride·

Þre þousand he brouõt him mide

Ascaped from deþes hond

Þat leuedi marched on his lond

Þer fore sche com to his socour·

& fond kniõtes ofgrete valour·

Ynouõ to loken her lond·

& so þai deden wiþ miõti hond·

Afterwent cradelman·

To norþwales þathecam·

f. 226va

Wiþ þre þousand of his kniõtes·

Þat were ascaped fram þe fiõtes·

He purchast seuen þousinde·

So ich in þe boke y finde

Four þousand he fond at hom·

Þatwere bliþe of his com

For vnneþe fram hem fiuemile·

Woned awiche hete carmile·

Hir broþer hiõt hardogabran·

Aswiþe riche soudan·

Of wiche craft& vilaine·

& eke of nigramace· [prob. with rhyme]

Ofþis warld sche couþe mast·

Wiþ outen arthours sone abast·

Morgein for soþe was hirname·

& woned wiþ outen ?uiuiame·

Þat wiþ hir queint gin·

Bigiled þe gode clerk merlin

Þis carmile in þat cuntray·

Hadde acastel ofgret noblay·

Ofþat castel hadde socour·

Þe sarraõins &gret retour·

Whar þurch þe king cradelman·

Was soure carked & alle his man·

Ac swiþe wele noþelas·

Þe marche he loked &eke þe pas·

Ac carmile parmafay·

Bi merlines liif day·

Nomiõt do wiþ hir wicheing·

In Inglond non anoiing·

King brangore þo wentforþ·

To estrangore wel fer bi norþ·

& woned þat wiche bi side·

Þe more noiõe him gan bitide·

Þre þousinde wiþ him he nam·

Þe sleiõt þatwere ascaped fram·

Sex þousinde he hadde of purchas·

& fiue of his cite þat was·

Þat loked þe cuntray·

& often dede þe panimes tray·

Þis brangores ofvalour·

?Ludrauel douster þemperour·

Bi þat time hadde y spoused

Aleuedi gent &preciouse·

f. 226vb

Ac þe kingofhungri &ofblaske

Hirhadde firstto wiue y take·

Bi hir form husbounde·

Sche hadde achild ofgretmounde

Þat was y hoten sagremor·

In ward wiþ þemperour·

Þatwas air of þempire·

& of blaske & of hungrie·

Õe schul hereafterward hou segremor·

Com to kniõt of king arthour·

Where þurch þemperour sikerliche·

Him hadde y graiþed richeliche·

& hadde him sent to costentinenoble·

To Inglond ward wiþ mani noble·

Õete went forþ king carodas·

Þat of þe rounde table was·

To galence his cite·

Acite riche ofgret plente·

Wiþ him he hadde ?þresouand kniõt· [? For "þre þousand"]

Þatwere ascaped fram þatfiõt·

& þer he fond foure þousinde·

Noble kniõtes soich finde·

& seuen þousand ofgretpowers

He purchasced on heiõe destrers·

Þatwiþ swerd &launce & kniif·

Binomen mani painems her liif·

& wiþ skekes & wiþ fiõt·

Þe wayes loked wele apliõt·

Þer after þe kinganginsaunt

Went to coranges in scotland·

Wiþ fiue þouand gode kniõtes

Alle ascaped fram þe fiõtes·

Ofpurchas he hadde þousendesten

Swiþe wele fiõtand men·

Wiþ outen mani þat he fond·

In his cite &In his lond·

He nas bot tventi mile way·

Fram nambire þatwas bi lay·

Of mani þousand sarrain·

Where of he hadde mister fin·

To fele kniõtes himto helpe·

Tofiõt oõain þe sarraõin welpe·

So þai deden wiþ chere bliþe·

Swiþe oft &mani siþe·


f. 227ra

On hem schoten bi wayes &paþes·

& dede þe sarrins gret scaþes

Þo went eustas to arundel·

Wiþ þre þousand armed wel·

Þat were ascaped fram þe batayle·

Wiþ seuen þousand san*faile [* "d" corrected to "f"]

Þatweleloked paþ&way·

Ouer al in þatcumtray·

Kingvriens bileued stille·

In norham sori &eke ille·

Fordepart of his felawes

& forher men þatwereny slawe

He hadde in alle þousandes ten·

Boþe wiõt & hardy men·

Þat anoied bial her miõt·

Þe sarraõins biday&niõt·

Now õe schul vnder stond·

õif õer þis lastin Inglond·

Þatno corn no was y sowe·

Noiþer on doun no on lowe

Alle þis ich õeres fiue

Þis kinges þus ladde her liue·

Wiþ þatþai miõt reue &robbe·

Ofsarraõins wiþ swerd &clobbe·

Þe lowe folkinþe cuntray·

Were y slawe fornouõt alday·

& alle y slawe hadde y ben·

No hadde sir wawain to hem sen·

Þat was þo abacheler·

Iolif& of strong power

Acar ich õou moreþing·

Of paiems tellen oþer king·

Of nanters sones&ofhis feren·

Noble þingõe schullen y heren·

His sone was hoten galachin·

Now listneþ wele forloue min·

Of y gerne þat ich er of spake·

hou hoel hir hadde spousedto make·

On hir he biõat blasine gent·

& so hedede belisent·

King nanters hadde spoused blasine

& lotbelisent fair &dine·

Ywil wele þatõe itwite·

Nanters in blasine hadde biõete·

f. 227rb

Afair õongman galachin

Wiõthende &gentil afin·

Lot biõat in belisent·

Four sones swiþe gent·

Gveheres &eke wawain·

Gaheriet & agreuein·

Galachin in þis time·

Com to his moder blasine

& asked õif itwere soþ

Þat men seyd souþe &norþ·

Õif mi nem be king arthour·

Telle me dame paramour·

Blasine þo bigan to wepe·

& seyd sone sogod me kepe·

Mibroþer king arthour is·

Inon wombe we weren y wis·

Bot he is vterpendragons stren·

Þer fore þI fader him wold slen·

& nere þi fader was slawe in fiõt·

Nouõt wiþ wrongbot al wiþ riõt·

Þer sche him teld anon·

Arthours bi õete ofvterpendragon·

& alle þe destaunce whi&whar fore·

Arthours deþ þai hadden y swore

& seyd sone were þou wiis·

Or so þou þe heldest ofpriis·

Þou scholdestbiday &biniõt·

Wiþ queyntise &al þi miõt·

Fond for to maken acord·

Bitven arthour&þi lord·

Galachin swore wiþ wordes bold·

He nold neuer oõain

& seyd he wold ofhimafong·

Helme &swerd &launce strong·

& of him be dubbed kniõt·

& wiþ him be in pays &fiõt·

Amessanger he sent anon·

& badde him swiþe to wawain gon

& sigge him wiþ wordes bonaire·

He com to þe newe faire·

Ofbrocklond to speke him wiþ·

Mani word ofloue &griþ·

Þis erand bar þe messanger·

Wawain answerd wiþ glad chere·

f. 227va

Þat õif he hadde liif of manne·

He wold speke wiþ him þanne·

In time þat þis sond cam·

Gawinet fram huntingnam·

Þre grehoundes he ledde on hond·

& þre raches in on bond·

His moder bi held him &wepe sore

& seyd sone now þi nore·

Þou lest þitime wiþ vn riõt·

Þou hast age to ben kniõt·

Þou schust leten þi folye·

Þirage &þi ribaudye·

Þenke on þi nem arthour·

Kniõt þat is of mestvalour·

& fond to make gode acord·

Bitven him &lot þi lord·

Þer sche told him bifore·

Hou arthour was bi õeten & bore·

His breþern seyd he hadde wrong·

For it was al onhim y long·

Þat þai her time lorn so·

& bothe wald wiþ hem go·

Þai wolden fare to king arthour·

& him seruen wiþ honour·

Þo bi spac him child wawain·

Whom crist õaf boþe miõt&main·

Swete dame & breþern þre·

Wiþ gret w'r'ong õe blamen me·

Seþþen ich euer born was·

Nist y neuer are þis cas·

Ac seþþen þus fer comen itis·

Ybi hote þe king of blis·

No schal y neuer armes afong·

Bot of king arthours hond·

His þre breþer on hast·

Þer biheten anon þathast·

Þo bi spac wawain curteys·

Madame purvaieþ ous harnais

& we nil neuer blinne·

Whatwe may þe acord winne·

Sone sche seyd sikerliche·

Õe schullen haue neweliche·

Hors &armes &alle þing·

Þat bihoueþ toõour dubbeing·

f. 227vb

Þer after sone bi godes sond·

Galachin went to brocklond·

Oõain him com wawain þefre·

Wiþ his gentil breþer þre·

& in hertogider coming·

Þai maden ioie &gret kisseing·

Þo seyd wawain to galachin·

Certes gentil nevou min·

No hadde it be for loue þine·

Ich &al breþer mine·

Were y wentto our em arthour·

To seruen him & make amour·

Our fader &him bi tven·

Þurch help of heuen quen·

Yherd be crist quaþ galachin·

Þat is desire & wil min

For þat ich selueþing·

Ich made after þe sending·

To gider y pray þe wende we·

Bleþeliche quaþ wawain þe fre

Þer þai setten ioifulliche·

Day to wende sikerliche·

& õifþai no hadde to gider ywent·

Inglond hadde ben y schent·

Mirie is þentre of may·

þe foules make mirri play·

Maidens singgeþ &makeþ play

Þe time is hot &longþe day·

Þe ioilif niõtingale singeþ·

In þe grene mede foulesspringeþ·

King lot&þe leuedi belisent·

Hadde puruayd her sone gent·

Fif hundred on hors wel·

In armour of iren &stiel·

Erls sones & barouns boþe·

Alle in sout of ocloþe·

Ac of hem bot neiõen kniõt·

Þer no ware y õou pliõt·

He blisced gawaynet·

& gueheres & gaheriet·

& agreuein þat was sohende·

& on godes name bad hem wende·

On þis maner dede blasine·

King nanters leuedi dine·


f. 228ra

Hir sone galachin

Sche graiþed in atirefin·

Tohundred feren sche him fond·

& blisced him wiþ his hond·

Of þis to hundred were·xx·kniõtes·

Swiþe noble & gode in fiõtes·

Galachin & gawainet·

Togider com þer þai hadde sett·

& wenten forþ in her way·

To ward londen forsoþe tosay·

Þai wenden haue king arthour founde

In þe noble toun of lounde·

Þe þridde day in her Iurneie·

Þai were londen swiþe nere·

Þai seiõen hem com swiþe ner·

Seuen hundred charged somer·

& seuen hundred cartes al so·

& fiue hundred waines after go·

Ycharged alle wiþ ale &bred·

Wiþ fische &flesche &win red·

Robbed ofmen ofþe cuntray·

To leden to her ost o way·

For þe poudre ofþis charging·

No miõtmen se sonne schining

Þre þousand seyt our boke·

Þat robberie wenttoloke·

Þus robberie þan hadde y don·

Aking hiõt leode bron·

& þe king sem gram·

Swiþe fel &wicke man·

& þe king mandelec·

Þat euer waited scaþe& skec·

& þe kingser nagare·

Of yrlond al þai ware·

Þis four heþen kinges·

Wentto loken þis robbeinges·

& were so wroþ þatking arthour·

Hadde ywarnisttoun &tour·

Þatþe cuntre aboute lounde·

Slowen &brent to þe grounde·

Men seiõe þe fer fer away·

Þennes ouer a iurnay

Man & wiif&children bo·

No hadde þai no pite toslo·

f. 228rb

Þe folk schirsten so heiõe&loude·

Þatich schilledin to þe cloude·

Wawain seiõe &herd þis fare·

& asked men whatitware·

& þai him teld sone anon·

So ich toforn haue y don·

Wawain asked where was þeking·

Þai seyd þurch merlins conseiling·

He was went toking leodegon·

To help him wer oõain kingrion·

Quaþ waway bi mi leute·

We nil suffre now þis pite·

Seþþen king arthour is outoflond·

We wil þe painemes wiþ stond·

& saue his lond we beþ his men·

Til þathecom hider oõen·

Þat folk abouten him gan ten·

& asked wat folk it miõt ben·

Þai seyden whos sones þai were·

& wherefore þai comen þere·

Þe folk þatwas of þis lond·

Þonked ihesu cristes sond·

Chasteleins sones &vauasours·

Seþþen wele deden wiþ kingarthours·

& fele men of þis lond·

Þer fellen to þis children hond·

Fif hundred of wiõtman·

Wawain hete on hastþan·

Euerich man him arme wel·

Boþe in yren &in stiel·

& suwen him for our sleiõt·

He wald awrekeanon riõt·

Now hadde he aþousand &hundred to·

Of wiche four score & no mo·

Hardi &wele doinde kniõtes

Þathim suwed anon riõtes

In four parties soy finde·

& dede hem oõain þre þousinde·

& acoutred þat tarroy·

It was passed þe midday·

& þo fel fro wawain·

Sumdel of his miõt&main·

Forof his strengþe þe maner·

Sumdel õe piay lern &here·

f. 228va

Bitven auensong &niõt·

He no hadde bot o mannesmiõt·

& þat strengþe him last·

Fort ar?nemorwe bi þelast·

& fram ar?nemorwe to þe midday·

He hadde strengþe ofkniõtestvay·

Fram midday fort after none·

He nadde strengþe bot of one·

Fram after none to auensong·

So to kniõtes he was strong·

Þis was þe manere of wawain·

Of his strengþe &of his main·

In þe time ofmidday·

On þe paiens he smot parfay·

Wiþ an ex scharp & strong·

Þe bite was to fot long·

Whom hemiõt take &hitt

Þe heued he clef oþer of kitt·

He hem to hewe ich õou swer·

So flesche doþ þe flesche heweere·

He & his hors f'r'am heued to taile·

Blodi weren al saunfayl·

Ofþe paiems þathe slouõ·

Wiþ gode riõt &no wouõ·

Alder next hem was galachin·

Þat him halp wiþ miõtfin·

Whatsarraõin so he mett·

Wel soriliche he hem grett

Þat wom euer þathe hitt·

Þe heued to þe chinne he slitt·

Oþer þe scholder oþer þe heued·

Fro þe bodi was bi reued·

Oþer legge oþer fest·

Oþer whathe miõttake best·

Who so euer he atrauõt·

Tombel of hors he him tauõt·

Wawaines broþer agreuein·

Þer him kidde a noble mayn·

For·xx· kniõtes al arawe·

Þer he brouõt oliue dawe·

Þe þridde broþer gueheres·

Smot him in amid þe pres·

On alle half abouthe smot·

& mani slouõ god itwot·

f. 228vb

Þe õongest broþer gaheriet·

No child no miõt fiõtbet·

Þan he dede verrament·

Þer hebisettmani adent·

Þurch armes out euerichon·

Heclef þurch flesche & bon·

Fourti sarraõins &mo·

Þer he dede to helle go·

Oþer men þat mid him were·

Deden no bleliche þere·

Þai slouõwen &brouõt to grounde·

Mani paien in litel stounde·

Ac certes oõain wawain·

Non no miõt kiþe him main·

For arme non y wrouõtwiþ hond·

Oõain his dent no miõtstond·

Þat he tok he alto rof·

So dust in winde &abou?te drof· [? "d" corrected to "t"]

Þer he him contende so manliche·

Þat in litel while sikerliche·

Child wawain & his felawe·

Þis þre þousand brouõten ofdawe·

Bot tventi paiems þatgun ascape·

& fleand oway wiþ gret rape·

Of wiche þe ten com bihinde·

To on ost ofseuen þousinde·

Wiþ loude voice &to hem gradee

Baron paienemsõe ben to badde·

Cartes & somers ous beþ binome·

& alle our folk is ouer come·

& y slawe euerich man·

Bot we &oþer ten·

Þat here bi neþe fram ousõede·

More socour to bringhem midde·

Euerich payem þo was sori·

& criden agrisely crie·

As armes for mahouns sake·

Þatþis traitour were y take·

Þat armes hadde ron þer to·

Ac som no hadde non þo·

Ac þai hem hadde laid forhot·

Inþe cartes god it wot·

Wiche þe children hadde sent·

To londen verrament·


f. 229ra

Alle þe cartes & somers

Were sent þider wiþ men ofpowers·

Þis paiens wiþ outen let·

Oõains þis children set·

Oõain aþousand come seuen·

Þatwas no þing delt euen·

Ac þe help of our driõt·

Wiþ wawain & his gan aliõt

No herd men neuer so fewe in lond·

Noblicher so fewe wiþ stond·

Þer aros noble bataile·

Aboþe half wiþ outen faile·

Ac wawain swiþe noble was·

For þer he metkingtho as·

Awiõt geaunt gret &strong

Ofþo fet fourtene he was long·

Aking he was of y rlond·

Wawain his ax left an hond·

On þe helme he him hitt·

Þatto þe brest he him slit·

Galachin mett kingsamgran·

An vnsely hoge man·

Wiþ his swerd he him hitt·

Þat his heued ofhe kitt·

Wawain broþer agreuain·

Amid þe pres kidde hismain·

For alefthalf &ariõt·

He leyd on&slouõ doun riõt·

Þer com þe king gvin bat·

& õaf gueheres swiche afl?a[t]

Þat he fel adoun to grounde·

Ac he stirtvp in astounde·

& so smot asarraõin·

Þathe clef his bacin·

& eke his heued toþe toþ·

& on his hors lepe forsoþ·

Gaheriet seiõe gvinbat·

Þat hisbroþerõaueswiche aflat·

& gvinbat him com seiõe·

& gan to fleiõe swiþe oway·

For þe strokes he seiõe him õeue·

He no durst abide so mot y liue·

For þo gaherietwas y made kniõt

In euerich place &euerifiõt

f. 229rb

He kidde ner as miche main·

So dede his broþer wawain·

Gvinbatfleiõe out ofþe place·

Gaheriet on hors his trace·

Folwed out fram þatost·

Wele þe schote ofan alblast·

So we finden on þe bok·

Ino valay he him oftok·

In wichevalay þeoþerten·

Þatscaped wawain&our men·

Hadden brouõt þousandes eiõt

Ofour men to makesleiõt·

Gaheriet no lete nouõtforþat·

Þat he no folwed kinggvinbat·

& folwed him wiþ outen doute·

Al on amidward þe route·

& smot him so on þe helmecler·

& þer of carf aquarter·

& þe scheld þurch ato·

Wiþ þe scholar &arme al so·

King gvinbat in þatstounde·

Aswon fel adoun to grounde·

Gaheriet þo turned his bridel·

& swiþe wald o õain ride·

Ac þe paie?ms abouthim come· [?"m" or "ni"]

& wold him han y nome·

Ac þer hecarfwiþ swerd & smot·

Mani to þedeþ god itwot··

He nas nouõt tventi winter eld·

Ac in armes he was beld·

Sum wiþ swerd so he hitt·

Þatto þe chin he him slitt·

Ofmani he smotþe neckato·

& wounded &dede michel wo·

Non dursthim neiõe verrament·

Fordoute of his hard dent·

Þo þai him dede gretvilanie·

His hors slouõ bi forn his eiõe·

Gaheriet afot stode·

& werd him wiþ hert gode·

Boþe he slouõ hors&man·

Him aboute fiue&ten·

So sore he hitt so sore he smot·

Non dursthim neiõe god itwot·

f. 229va

Þer þai þrewen onhim anon·

Stones &kniues mani on·