Seynt Katherine

(original transcription by F. Vance Neill [March 1998];
revised by Míceál F. Vaughan [September 1998])

f. 21ra

Seynt Katherine

(title twelve lines from bottom of column; remainder cut out [for miniature])

f. 21rb


He þat made heuen & erþe·

           & sonne & mone for to schine

Bring ous into his riche·

& scheld ous fram helle pine·

Herken & y õou wil telle·

Þe liif of an holy virgine·

Þat truth trowed in ihesu crist·

Hir name was hoten katerine·

Whilom it bi tid so·

In grece it was an emperour·

He was king of mani palays·

Castels gret & mani a tour·

Þe riche men of þat lond·

Serued him wiþ gret honour·

Maxens was his riõt name·

Man he was of gret fauour·

Mahoun he held for his god·

He trowed in þat fals lay·

On ihesu crist no leued he nouõt·

Þat lord is & god verray·

Sarraõin he was ful strong·

Wiþ cristendom he seyd nay·

For alle þat leued on ihesu crist·

He stroyd hem boþe niõt & day·

When he hadde ·xxxv· & þritti õer

Emperour & born þe croun·

Ouer alle þe lond he sent his sond·

Wiþ messan gers fram toun to toun·

To þe borwe of alisander

He bad þe folk schuld be boun·

Riche & pouer heiõe & lowe·

Wiþ her offrend to seke mahoun·

He bad þat riche men schuld bring

Schepe & nete to her offrinde·

Þe pouer men he bad come

Wiþ quic foules on her honde·

& as þai wald her liues haue·

For no þing no schuld þai wond·

It was þe kinges comandment·

Þat he hadde comand in þat lond·

Þe folk com alle on þis maner·

To wretþe þe king þai were for dred

Bi for his godes himseluen he stode·

In riche cloþes was he cled


f. 21va


Glewemen were þer fele & gode·

He bad hem be bliþe & glad·

Noise þai made swiþe miche·

So þemperour hem badde

Anoþer king was in þat lond·

Costus his name was told·

A douhter he had & no mo·

·XV· winter was sche old·

Katerine was hir riõt name·

Of witt & wisdome was sche bold·

Ihesu sche loued aldermest·

For his loue was hir liif sold

As sche stode in hir fader court·

Glewemen herd sche miri sing·

Wiþ pipes & wiþ trompes boþe

Belles herd sche fast ring·

Sche axed at hir fader men·

What was þat noise & þat pipeing· ["&" inserted above later}

Þai told hir of þat riche offring

Þat maxens dede his men to bring

Sche heue vp hir holy hond·

& blisced hir ful witterly·

First hir brest & seþþen hir tonge·

So seyt þe boke of hir stori·

Sche seyd sche wald þider wende·

For to se þat melodye·

Wiþ outen fere õede sche nouõt·

Þai õede hir wiþ þat stode hir bi

When sche com to þat palays·

Miche sche seyõe of gamen & gle·

& al þat trowed on ihesu crist·

Wel sori men sche seiõe hem be·

Or þai schuld make sacrifise·

To his mau met was maked of tre

& of ston & of bras·

Oþer elles schuld þai marterd be

Sche com bi for þat emperour·

Þer he made his sacrifise·

& gret him on þis maner·

Wordes had sche bold & wise·

Ihesus crist be wiþ þe·

Riõt wise king & heye Iustice [?"i" inserted above, before "&"?]

Þat þoled ded opon þe tre·

& seþþen hadde pouwer forto rise·


f. 21vb


Y speke of ihesu marie sone

Of alle kinges he is flour·

Þat suffred deþ for al man kin·

He is our alder creatour·

Y hold þe ful wise of witt·

Sir maxens our emperour·

Õif þou makest alle þis folk·

Him to seche wiþ swiche honour·

Bot now me þenke þou dost nouõt so·

Þou werchest on a wers wise·

Þe folk þat þou hast hider brouõt

Þou dost hem do þe fende seruise·

Õif þai do more after þe·

Forsoþe it is a cowardise·

For þat þou hast y maked here

Fikel it is & al feyntise·

Þis emperour for wonderd was·

Of þat maidens fair vise·

& of hir bold wordes also·

Maiden he seyd þou art vnwise·

Whi mis praises þou our god·

& holdest hem of so litel prise·

So no sestow ous nouõt do·

Þat wereþ boþe fowe & grise·

Õif þou were lered on our lore·

& to our scole entendaunt·

Þou wost say we dede ful wel·

& wiþ þi tonge þou wost it graunt

Ihesus crist þou wost for sake

Þat þou drawest to þi waraunt

& our godes wostow seke·

Boþe mahoun & ter uagaunt·

Bot for we han bigonne her


[Eleven lines are missing due to a miniature (on the recto) being cut out of the folio. Another paragraph begins eight lines down, where a portion of the paraph mark is still visible beyond the cut-line.]


f. 22ra


Þise ben quic deuelen alle·

Þat þis folk han here y souõt·

It is no god bot on y wis·

Þat me & te & alle haþ wrouõt·

Þis emperour ful wiley was·

& õete he couþe anoþer croke

Letters dede he swiþe make·

Priueli so seyt þe boke·

Hou þat a maiden was þer com·

Þat our godes al for soke·

He seld it wiþ his owen ring

Þat he of his finger tok·

He toke þe messan ger þe letter·

Þat seled was wiþ his ring·

To þe wisest men of þat lond·

He bad hem go wiþ outen duelleing·

He hiõt to don hem gret anour·

As he was trewe kniõt & king·

Õif þai miõt wiþ her wisdom·

Ouer com þat may þat was so õing

Þe maiden was in prisoun don·

Son þe messan gers were went·

An angel com to hir ful sone·

Þat ihesu crist hir hadde y sent·

He seyd mi lord greteþ þe wele·

Þat wist & wisdom haþ þe lent·

& biddes þe be of hert strong

& trow on him wiþ gode entent·

Maxens haþ now sent his sond·

Ouer al in to þis cuntre·

After men þat ben ful wise

Wiþ þe to striue astow schalt se·

Bot bi þai han þi wordes herd·

As ihesus crist schal wisse þe·

Her trouþe worþ in god ful gode·

& f0r his loue þai schal marterd be· [? "a" of "marterd" corrected from "o"?]

Ouer al þe lond þat was so wide·

His messan gers went ful õare·

Fifti men wiþ hem þai brouõt· ["him" changed to "hem"; "he", to "þa", with "i" inserted above]

Grete clerkes & wise of lare·

Of al þe wisdom of þe lond·

Men seyd þat þai redi ware·

Forto despite wiþ katerine·

Þat maxens hadde in prisoun þare·


f. 22rb


Among hem was þe maide brouõt

Wroþly þai gun to hir bere·

Her resouns þai seyden on & on·

Euerich on his best maner·

Þis maiden þat ich of told·

Stode euer wiþ simple chere·

& herd her resouns euerichon·

Godes angel was hir fere·

When þai hadde her ressouns seyd·

Euerichon more & lesse·

Sche answerd hem at eueri point·

Wiþ ful michel milde nis·

& seþþen seyd hir aviis·

Of god þat loured was & euer isse· [ ?"ri"? altered to "u" and "r" inserted above, before "e"]

Þat euer was & ay schal be·

Þe godspelle sche tok to witnisse

Sche schewed hem wiþ holy writ·

Of ihesus in carnacioun·

Hou he was of a maiden born·

& hou he suffred passioun·

& hou he sent his apostles wide·

For our alder sauacioun

& alle þe bileue of cristen man·

Sche schewed hem wiþ gode resoun·

When þe maiden hadde seyd·

Hir resouns þat wer gode·

Ful redi were þe maisters alle·

Forto chaungen her mode·

Bot þer maxens himseluen sat·

For wretþe he wax welney wode

& asked õif þai couþe ouõt sain·

Oõain þe maiden þer sche stode·

Þai spac a maister sone

Of heiõe kin he was born·

Sir he seyd we han gon mis·

Sche haþ a resoun ous bi forn·

We wil trowe on ihesu crist·

Þat bar þe croun was made of þorn·

& do so katerine haþ ous told·

Loþ ous is to be for lorn·

Sone anon he axed hem·

Õif þai wald her mode amend

Þai seyd we trowe on ihesu crist

So katerine ous haþ kende·


f. 22va


He bad make agre fer

& bind hem fot & hende·

& swore a mid ward þe borwe·

Ich a fot schuld þai be brende·

When men kest hem in fer

Fair mirache men miõt se·

Her flesche her cloþes & her here·

Of wem were quite & fre·

For him þai suffred passioun·

Þat for hem dyed on tre·

To heuen were her soules born·

In godes frari to be·

Þan bad þemperour his men·

bring forþ þat fair may·

& when sche was bi forn him com·

He seyd welcom par ma fay·

Hastow õete þi con seyl take·

For to trowe opon mi lay·

Haue merci on þi feir hed·

Y schal þe worþschip ich day·

Þou schalt be worþschiped as þe quen·

Boþe in bour & halle·

& in þi name schal be wrouõt

An y mage fair wiþ alle·

& in þis borwe it schal be sett·

Heiõe & lowe to louten alle·

Of alle þe nedes of þis lond·

To þe we schal con seyl calle·

Heiõe & lowe worþschipe þe·

Katerine do as y þe bede·

& õete we schal þe more do·

Þif þou wilt wirche after mi red·

A temple in þi worþschip make·

Of marble ston when þou art ded·

Among our godes þou schalt be sett·

In siluer & in gold rede·

Be stille fole whi seystow so·

Þou redest me to do gret sinne·

What man wald y dampned be·

For ani maner warldes winne·

Ich haue me taken to ihesus crist·

Him to serue & trowen inne·

Ich hope to com to his riche

Þer ioie & blis schal neuer blinne·


f. 22vb


Min hope is in him aldermost

Lord abouen in trinite·

He is mi loue he is mi spouse·

To swiche a leman take y me

& õif it were ani bot·

At þat con seyl wald y be·

Þine maumettes to breke & brenne

Þou made hem & þai nouõt þe·

When þat katerine hadde y seyd

Him þouõt he schuld brest in fiue·

Wiþ ire & wreþe he bad his men·

Do as y õou bid swiþe·

Wiþ schourges swiþe gret & scharp

Beteþ hir al our o liue·

& doþ hir seþþen in prisoun strong

Wat bote is it al day to striue·

Þai made hir body blo & blac·

Þat er was white so alpes bon·

Seþþen seyd he to his men·

Prisouns hir swiþe anon·

Honger schal sche han y nouõ·

Mete no drink õif hir non·

Litel no miche þat loke wel·

Til þis tvelue days be comen & gon·

Y mot fare out of þis lond

Bot y no schal nouõt long duelle·

To heiõe men & wise boþe·

Of þis auentour y schal hem telle·

Con seyl y schal haue ful gode·

Hou y schal þat maiden quelle

Bot õiue sche take anoþer rede·

b +

When þis emperour was went·

Þe quen hir seyd to a kniõt·

Of alle kniõtes he was chef·

Porfir seyt þe bok he hiõt·

Þou do me speke wiþ katerine·

Õif þou may þis ich niõt· ["u" inserted later above]

Longing haue y swiþe miche

To speke wiþ hir õif þat y miõt

Wiþ in niõt for õat he nouõt·

To do þe quenes comand ment·

Vn to þe prisoun as he hir hiõt

Priueliche he wiþ hir went·

a + [following line intended to be inserted at b+ above]

Sche mai besiker & wo to welle


f. 23ra


Þai seiõe þer in so michel liõt·

& god his angels þider sent·

Þat sete about þat swete wiõt·

& anoint hir wiþ oinement·

Þai seiõen angels anoinen hir cors·

Ich wem & ich a wounde·

& þurch þe miõt of ihesu crist·

Þan þai were boþe hole & sounde·

No hadde þai stonden at þe prisoun·

Bot a litel wiõtine stounde·

Of þat liõt þai weren a drad·

Aswon þai fel adoun to grounde·

Þe moden aros & com to hem·

& spac to hem wiþ mild mode·

Ariseþ vp in godes name·

& loke õe ben of con fort gode·

Sche bad hem leue on ihesu crist·

Þat for man kin schadde his blod·

& when þai herd þat maiden speke·

Vp þai risen & bi hir stode·

Þan seyd þe quen ful sone·

A keterine wele is þe·

Miche þou miõt do wiþ ihesu crist·

We han sen of þi priuete·

Þan sche seyd õe trowe on him·

Þat is lord of swiche pouste·

His seriaunce no for õet he nouõt·

Þat him serue wiþ hert fre·

Certes dame y rede þe wel·

For sake maxens & al his miõt·

For þat ich kinges loue·

Þat made þe day & eke þe niõt·

Heuen & erþe man & best·

Sonne & mone to schine briõt·

Þe ioie of heuen schaltow haue·

& al so y say to þe sir kniõt·

Þan spac þe kniõt to katerine·

What maner ioie may þis be·

Katerine seyd also sone·

Porfir y wil telle þe·

Þat is þe ioie wiþ outen enden·

Þat ere no may here no eiõe se·

No tong speke no hert þink·

Lord it sende õou & me·


f. 23rb


Þer nis non in þat riche·

Þat honger haþ cold no prest·

Þer is liif wiþ outen ende·

Þer is stede of ro & rest·

Þurch þe wordes þat sche spac·

Er mid niõt þai weren al prest·

To suffre deþ for godes loue·

Her hope was in his merci best·

Sche bi tauõt hem ihesu crist·

& seþþen went boþe oway·

To hundred kniõtes serued hir·

Sche told hem þat oþer day·

Hou godes angels sat abouten hir·

In þe prisoun þer sche lay·

Þai trowed on god as sche hem radde·

& for soken al her fals lay·

Þe maiden no most haue mete no drin

Þourch comandment of þat king·

Tvelue days þurch & þourch· ["o" subpuncted]

Sche no most haue mete no dring·

Angels com fram heuen to erþe·

Ich day to þat swete þing·

Mete & drink y nouõ plente·

Þai brouõten of alle gode tiding·

& when þe tvelue dayes were gon·

Þan com ihesu heuen king·

Wiþ angels & maiden boþe·

For to speke wiþ his derling·

He seyd þou hast ben for me ladde·

In miche striif & gret fonging·

Loke þou hert þe ful wele·

Y õiue þe douhter mi bliscing·

Oft ichaue þi praiers herd·

When þat þou me bisouõt·

Þer fore schal y þe nouõt fayl·

When þou art to iugement brouõt·

Loke þou be stede fast & trewe·

Of al her paines õiue þou nouõt·

Of þe blis þou miõt be siker·

Þat ichaue to min hondewerk wrouõt·

& when he hadde þis wordes seyd·

Out of prisoun he gan glide·

To leuen blis þer he com fro·

& angels on ich aside·


f. 23va


When maxens hadde his wil do·

Hom he com wiþ michel prede·

Wiþ erles & wiþ kniõtes fele·

& knaues ernand bi her side·

Opon þat oþer day ful sone

He asked after þe maidens astat·

Õif sche be oliue õete·

Sche is ful feble wele y wat·

Fet hir forþ mi iaioler·

For hunger & þrost·

Sche is wel mate·

He õede anon & brouõt hir forþ·

Bi for þe king þer he sat·

When sche was bi forn him come·

She seyd welcom damsele·

Þou hast ben strongliche y greued·

In iren bounden & in stiel·

Bot õete me þenkeþ þou miõt liue·

& þat likeþ me ful wel·

Ihesu þat þou of speke·

Him for sake þou euerichadel·

For y nold nouõt þi liif spille·

To prisoun y dede þe do·

Bot certes þou most now nede·

Chesen on of þis þinges tvo·

Oþer trowe opon mi godes·

& cristendom þou do þe fro·

Oþer we schal ous bi þenke·

Wiþ strong paines þe to slo·

Þan spac þe maiden þer sche stode·

Among þe sarraõins so blake·

Ihesus crist hir haþ y tauõt·

Hir wordes were wiþ outen lake·

Þer i ne may liue wite þou wel· ["i" squeezed in later between "Þer" and "ne"]

God schal y neuer for sake·

For his loue ani y ful prest·

Wiþ wille mi deþ forto take·

Þei þat õe alle bi þenke õou·

Of pines hard & sare· ["a" of "sare" altered from "o"]

Þerto icham now ful prest·

Hem to suffre icham al õare· ["a" of "õare" altered from "o"]

Neuer more while y liue·

Mi flesche no blod wil y spare·

To spende for mi lordes loue·

For me he suffred wele mare·


f. 23vb


Bleþeliche wil y martird be·

Wiþ gret pines & wiþ smale·

He haþ me to his frari cald·

Þat schal be bot of mi bale·

Sche stode euer wiþ mild mode·

Bifor maxens to telle hir tale·

Bot þer he sete opon his des·

For tene he grent & wex al pale·

As he sat & couped hir·

þer com a sarraõin gon·

Cursates seyt þe boke he hiõt·

King he seyd icham þi man·

Õete y can a turnament make·

Swiche no herdestow neuer nan·

Bi þan it be wrouõt & sche it se·

Anoþer þouõt sche schal þenke on·

Four wheles schal y make·

Þe to schal turn oõain to·

Ful þicke þai schal be driuen·

Wiþ wiþerhokes mo & mo·

Among þe four sche schal be don·

Hir bodi forto wirche wo·

To smale peces sche schal be rent·

On erþe schal sche neuer go·

Þan bad maxens his iayoler·

Þat he schuld þat maiden take·

Into prisoun for to lede·

Þer while he schal þe wheles make· [?two letters-?"sc"-erased before "he"]

& er þe þe þridde day at ende· [second "þe" struck through]

Þai were wrouõt for hir sake·

So grisely were þai on to se·

Mani a man þai maden quake·

When þo wheles weren prest·

Amid þe borwe þai were sett·

Wiþ sarraõins bi for þe king·

Hard was þe maiden þrett·

Þan bad þemperour his men·

Þat sche were out of prisoun fett·

Wele he wend wiþ outen faile·

Þat his tene schuld be bett·

Þai ladden hir to þat stede·

Þer sche schuld on hem be don·

Mani a moder child þer was·

For to loke þe maiden opon·


 sche sett hir doun

f. 24ra


Sche sett hir doun opon hir knes

To god of heuen sche bad a bon·

Bot herkneþ now wat bitid·

Godes help þer com ful sone

Þe wheles for to brese & breke·

Our louerd bad an angel gon·

Of þe wicked sarraõins

Veniaunce he tok anon·

Among þe folk þai gun driue·

Four þousend þer wer slawe·

Of heþen men þat þider wer come·

Bot iuel had þat maiden non·

Cristenmen þat þer weren·

For þis miracle were wel glad·

Þe king no wist wat he dede·

So sori he was & so madde·

Þe sarraõins þat miõt aschape·

Wel sori þai were & adrad·

For þe periil þat þai seyõen·

Of sorwe were þai neuer sad·

When þat alle þis folk was slawe·

to him seyd his wiif þe quen·

Waileway þou wreche man·

Wher of makestow þe so kene·

He kiþes wele þat he is king·

Þat born was of þe maiden schene·

Y for sake þe today·

& þine werkes al bi dene·

Oõein þe lord þat ous schope·

No helpeþ þe nouõt to chide·

Þat cristen men leueþ on·

His miõtes haþ he ful wide·

Do cri him merci of þi gilt

Õif þou wilt long abide·

On of þis days when þou art dede·

Helle pine schal þe bi tide·

He wex swiþe wroþ & wode·

To þe quen he seyd anon·

Now y wot þou art desceyued·

Þurch wichecraft of þat woman·

Y þe swere bi min godes·

& bi al þat y swere can·

Bot þou raþer wende þi mode·

To wicked ded þou schalt be don·


f. 24rb


Bot þou for sake ihesu crist·

Þis schal be þi iugement·

First þine pappes of þi brest

Wiþ iren hokes schal be rent·

Bi heueded schaltow þan be·

Þi bodi on þe feld y sent·

Wiþ houndes & wiþ foules to drawe·

& þis schal be mi comandment·

When þis emperour was war·

Þat sche nold wenden hir þouõt·

Þan bad he on þis maner

Þat sche were out of toun y brouõt

Sche loked opon katerine·

& mildeliche sche hir bi souõt·

Þat sche schuld hir erande bere·

To ihesu crist þat ous haþ bouõt·

Þan spac þe maiden þer sche stode·

For soþe dame y telle it þe·

Of þe ioie wiþ outen ende·

Trust & siker may þou be·

In his name þou take þe ded·

Þat sprad his bodi on þe tre·

As his swete wille was· ["te" inserted above]

For to maken ous alle fre·

Men drouõ hir tates of hir brest

& heueded hir as y õou told·

& seþþen hete þat emperour·

Þat noman schuld be so bold·

Hir bodi to hilen in erþe·

Houndes schuld han it in wold·

Þe soule com bi for ihes

Er þe bodi were cold·

After þat he hadde hir slawe·

Wiþ þis strong passioun·

Þan com porfir þe gode kniõt

Þer sche lay wiþ wel gode deuocioun

& brouõt hir to cristen biriel·

Þer sche lay wiþ outen þe toun·

Oõain þe kniõtes comand ment·

To suffre deþ he was al boun·

Sone opon þat oþer day·

Men told þemperour ful õare

Þat sche was to erþe brouõt·

Þan spac he wordes wraþe·


f. 24va


Enquere now who haþ þis don·

Of min men þat y fede & cloþe·

Mani man wiþ outen gilt·

Þer fore was slawe & prisound boþe·

Bi for þis crowel emperour·

Ful balde lich com sir porfir

& seyd to him þer he sete

Ful of felonie & ire·

Icham godes comfessour·

& ich haue birid þat martir

Y wil wele þat þou it wite·

Seþþen þou hast so gret desir·

Þou were ful wode & out of witt·

& litel þouõtes of þi dede·

When þat þou haddest hir slawe·

Þe erþe whan þou hir for bede·

In helle pine beþ þi play·

Wiþ outen ende wiþ þe quede·

Y take me to ihesu crist·

& do þe al out of mi rede·

Þan he gan forto crie

& cleped himselue caitif·

As þei he hadde wounded be·

Wwiþ swerd wiþ spere oþer kniif·

Now haþ porfir me for sake·

Þat was wardain of al mi liif·

Oft he seyd allas allas·

Þat euer was he born o wiif·

He haþ so michel care & diole·

Men þouõt þat he wald wede·

He seyd now ichaue for lorn·

Þe best kniõt of al mi þede·

He was min help & mi rede·

Ouer al at al mi nede·

Þe wiche schal it abigge de·

Þurch whom he haþ don þis dede·

Þe king tok his kniõtes anon·

To asken hem in priuete·

Þurch whom it was & was con seyl·

Þat he wald cristned be·

Þai said sone at a voice·

Þurch godes miõt & so be we·

We take ous to cristendom·

For drede of deþ wil we nouõt fle


f. 24vb


Oft he was wroþ & wode·

Bot neuer õete as he was þo·

Her heuedes he dede of smite·

Þer of õaf he nouõt a slo·

Þe bodis on þe feld wer cast·

Wiþ houndes & wiþ bestes al so·

Her soules com sone þider

Þer ioie & blis is euer & oo·

Þerafter on þat oþer day·

þe king was sett in his chayer·

Þe sarraõins þat wiþ him held·

On ich half þai sete him ner·

Katerine he hete forþ bring·

To fechen hir went his iayoler

Bi for him com sche swiþe sone·

Wiþ bliþe mode & glad chere

Ful sternliche loked he hir on·

& spac to hir wiþ gret en vie·

Miche wo þou hast ous wrouõt·

Þou wiche ful of felonie·

Þou hast me don mi folk for lese·

Þat þou schalt ful dere abie·

No schaltow neuer õif y may·

Bitray ous wiþ þi sorcerye

Bot þou trowe on mi godes·

Þat al þis warld schal wake & wel

& to hem quake sacrifise

Fram wicked deþ þou miõt þe schilde

Oþer men schal þine heued of smite

Wiþ outen toun in þe feld·

Þis ich day ar euen com·

So men schal þi seruise õeld·

Þis maiden no for bar him nouõt·

Sche said þou tirant nay·

Schalt þou neuer þe day a bide·

Þat y schal leue opon þi lay·

Graced be þe king of heuen·

Þat me haþ lent so stable fay·

Bleþelich wil y for his loue·

Þoly deþ þis ich day·

Do now forþ þou fendes lim·

Of þe no am y nouõt agast·

For al þat þou canst bi þinke

Y wil suffre al in hast·

[text breaks off here; next folio (24a), containing beginning of St Patrick's Purgatory cut out]

(version: MFV, 3 September 1998)