Diplomatic transcription (by Míceál F. Vaughan ) of Cambridge University Library MS Gg 4.27
(from the published facsimile).
Folios 456v-462v, containing Chaucer's legend of Dido, from his Legend of Good Women.
Fol.(424 /455) 456v
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lorye & honour Virgile MantoanBe to thy name & I shal as I can
ffolwe thy lanterne as thow gost by forn
How Enea to dido was forsworn
In Naso & Eneydos wele I take
The tenor & the grete effectis make
Whan troye brought was to distruccioun
By grekis sleyghte & namely by Synoun
(in bottom margin; later hand)
The legend of Dido
Queene of Carthage
Fol. (425/456) 457r
ffeynynge the hors I offerede to mynerue
Thoru which that many troyan muste sterue
And ector hadde aftyr his deth apiered
And fyr so wod it my3te nat been steerid
In al the noble toure of ylioun
That of the cete was the chif dongeoun
And al the cuntre was so lowe brought
And priamus the kyng fordon & nought
And Enyas was chargit by Venus
To fleen a wey & he tok ascanius
That was his sone in his rygh hand & fledde
And on his bak he bar & withym ledde
His owene fadyr I clepid Anchises
And by the weye his wif Crusa he les
And meche sorwe hadde he in his mynde
Or that he coude his felaue schepe fynde
But at the laste whan he hadde hem founde
He mad hym redy in a certeyn stounde
And to the se wol faste he gan hem hye
And saylyth forth al his cumpaynye
Toward ytayle as wolde his destene
But of hise auentourys in the se
Nis nat to purpos for to speke of heyre
ffor it acordyth nat to myn matere
But as I syede of hym & of Dido
Schal be myn tale til that I haue do
So longe he saylede in the salte se
Tyl in libie onethe aryuede he
With schepis vii & with no more nauye
And glad was he to londe for to hye
So was he with the tempest al to shake
And whan that he the hauene hadde take
He hadde a knyght was clepid achates
And hym of al his felaushepe he ches
To gon with hym the cuntre for tespie
He tok with hym no more cumpaynye
But forth they gon & lafte hise schepis ryde
His fere & he with outyn any gyde --
Fol. (425/456) 457v
So longe he walkyth in this wildyrnesse
Til at the laste he mette an hunteresse
A bowe in hande and arwis hadde sche
Hire clothis cutte were vn to the kne
But she was 3it the fayreste creature
That euere was I formyd by nature
And Eneas & Achates sche grette
And thus sche to hem spak whan she hem mette
Saw 3e quod sche as 3e han walkid wyde
Onye of myne susteryn walke 3ow be syde
With ony wilde bor or othir beste
That they han huntid to in this foreste
I tukkid vp with arwis in hire cas
Nay sothly lady quod this Enyas
But by thyn beute as it thynkyt me
Thouw myghtyst neuere erthely woman be
But Phebus systyr art thow as I gesse
And If so be that thow be a goddesse
Haue mercy on oure labour & oure wo
I neam no goddesse sothly quod sche tho
ffor maydenys walkyn in this cuntre here
With arwis & with bowe in this manere
This is the reyne of libie there 3e ben
Of that dido lady is & queen
And shortely tolde hym al the occasyoun
Whi Dido cam in to that regioun
Of whiche as now me lestyth nat to ryme
It nedyth nat it were but los of tyme
ffor this is al & som it was Venus
His owene modyr that spak thus
And to cartage he bad he shulde hym dighte
And vanyschid a non out of his syghte
I coude folwe word for word Virgile
But it schule lastyn al the longe while
This noble queen that clepid was dido
That whilom was the wif of Sytheo
That fayrere was than is the bryghte sunne
This noble toun of cartage hath bygunne
Fol. (426/457) 458r
In which sche regnyth in so gret honour
That sche was holdyn ^of^ alle queenys ^the^ flour
Of gentillesse of fredom of beute
That wel was hym that myghte hire onys se
Of kyngis & of lordis so desyred
That al the world her beute hadde I fyred [?"y" corrected to "r" in "fyred"]
Sche stod so wel in euery wightis grace
What Enya was come on to that place
Vn to the maystir temple of al the toun
Ther dido was in hire deuocyoun
fful pryuyly his weye thus hath he nome
Whan he was in the large temple come
I can nat seyn If that it be possible
But Venus hadde hym makid inuysible
Thus seyt the bok with outyn ony les
And whan this Enyas & Achates
Haddyn in this temple ben oueral
Thanne founde they depeyntid on the wal
How troye & al the lond distroyed was
Allas that I was born quod Enyas
Thoru out the worl oure shame is kid so wyde
Now it is peyntid up on euery syde
We that weryn in prosperite
Been now disclanderyd & in swich degre
No lengere lyuyn I ne kepe
And with that word he brast out for to wepe
So tendyrly that routhe it was to sene
This frosche lady of the cete queene
Stod in the temple in hire estat ryal
So rychely and ek so fayr with al
So 3ong so lusty with hire eyen glade
That If that god that heuene & erte made
Wolde han a loue for beute & goodnesse
And womanhed & trouthe & semelynesse
Whom shulde he louyn but this lady swete
Ther nys no woman to hym half so mete
ffortune that hath the world in gouernaunce
Hath sodeynly brough in so newe a chaunce
Fol. (426/457) 458v
That nevere 3it was so fremde a cas
ffor al the cumpaynye of Enyas
With that he wende a lorn in the se
Aryuyd is nat fer from that Cete
ffor which the gretteste of hise lordis some
By auenture ben to the cete come
Vn to that same temple for to seke
The queene & of hire socour to beyseke
Swich renoun was there sprongyn of hire goodnesse
And whan that they hadden told of al here distresse
And al here tempest & here harde cas
Vn to the quyen apiered Eny^e^as
And opynly he knew that it was he
Ho hadde Ioye thanne but his meyne
That hadde founde here lord here gouernour
The quyen saugh that they dede hym swych honour
And hadde herd ofte of Eneas er tho
And in hire herte she hadde routhe & wo
That euere swich anoble man as he
Schal ben disertyd in swich degre
And saw the man that he was lyk a knyght
And sufficiaunt of persone & of mygh
And lyk to been a verray gentil man
And wel hise wordis he besette can
And hadde a noble visage for thenonys
And formed wel of braun & of bonys
ffor aftyr Venus hadde he swich fayrnesse
That no man myghte be half so fayr I gesse
And wel a lord he semede for to be
And for he was a straunger sumwhat sche
Likede hym the bet as god do bote
To sum folk ofte newe thyng is sote
Anon hire herte hath pite of his wo
And with that pete loue come in also
And thus for pete & for gentillesse
Refreschede muste he been of his distresse
And seyde certis that sche sory was
That he hat had swych peryl & swich cas
Fol. (427/458) 459r
And in hire frendely speche in this manere
Sche to hym sp^a^k & seyde as 3e may here
Be 3e nat v^e^nus sone and anchises
In good fey al the worshepe & encres
That I may goodly don 3ow 3e schal haue
3oure shepis & 3oure meyne shal I saue [?"u" in "saue" altered to "v"?]
And manye a gentil word sche spak hym to
And comaunded hire massangerys for to go
The same day with outyn any fayle
His shippis for to seke & hem vitayle
Sche manye a beste ["sche" erased] to the shippis sente
And with the wyn sche gan hym to present
And to hire real paleys she hire spedde
And Enyas alwey with hire she ledde
What nedyth 3ow the feste to descrive
He neuere atese was betyr in al hese lyve
fful was the feste of deynteis & rychesse
Of instrumentis of song & of gladnesse
Of manye an amerous lokyng & deuys
This Enyas is come to paradys
Out of the swolis of helle & thus in Ioye
Remembrith hym of his estat in troye
To daunsynge chaumberys ful of paramentys
Of riche beddis & of ornementis
This enyas is led aftyr the mete
And with the quene / whan he hadde sete
And spicis partid & the wyn agon
Vn to his chambris was he led a non
ffor[?"the" erased] his ese & for to take his reste ["ff" inserted later over erasure]
With al his folk to don what so hem leste
There nas courser wel I brydelid non
Ne stede for to iuste wel to gon
Ne large palfrey esy forthenonys
Ne Iewel frettid ful of ryche stonys
Ne sakkis ful of gold of large weyghte
Ne rubye non that shynede by nyghte
Ne gentil hawtein faucoun heroner
Ne hound for hert or wilde bor or der
Fol. (427/458) 459v
e coupe of gold with floreynys newe I beteThat in the land of libie may be gete
That dido hath it Enyas I sent
And al is payed what þat he hath spent [unique appearance of "þ"?]
Thus can this honurable quene hire gestis calle
As sche that can in fredom passyn alle
Eneas sothly ek with oute les
Hadde sent on to his schip by Achates
Aftyr his sone & aftyr riche thyngis
Bothe septre clothis^ & ek brochis^ ryngis
Some for to were & some to presente
To hym [error for "hyr"] that alle thyngis hym sente
And bad his sone how that he schulde make
The presentis & to the quyen it take
Repeyrid is this achates agayn
And Enyas ful blysful is & fayn
To sen this blysful sone Ascanyus
But natheles oure autour tellith vs
That Cupido that is the god of loue
At preyere of his modyr hye a boue
Hadde the liknesse of the child I take
This holy queen enamorede to make
On Eneas but as of that scripture
Be as be may I take of it no cure
But soth is this the queen hath mad swich chere
Vnto this child that wondir is to here
And of the present that his fadyr sente
Sche thankyth hym ful ofte with good entente
Thus is this quyen in plesaunce & in Ioye
With alle these new lusti folk of troye
And of the dedis hat she more enquyrid
Of Enyas & al the story lerid
Of Troye & al the longe day they tweye
Entendedyn to spekyn & to pleye
Of whiche ther gan to bredyn swich a fyer
That sely Dido hath now swich desyr
With Enyas hir^e newe geste to dele
That she hat lost hire hewe & ek hire hele
Fol. (428/459) 460r
ow to theffect now comyth the freut of alWhi I haue told this story & telle schal
Thus I begynne it fil vp on a nyght
Whan that the mone vp reysed hadde his lyght
This noble queene on to hire reste wente
Sche sikyth sore & gan hyre self turnemente
Sche waylith & sche makith manye a breyde
As don these loueris as I haue herd seyde
And at the laste vnto hire systyr anne
Sche made hire mone & ryght thus spak sche thanne
Now leue sistyr myn what may it be
That me agastith in myn slep quod she
This newe troyan is so in myn thought
Me thynkith that he is so wel I wrought
And likli for to ben a man
And ek thereto so mech good he can
That al myn loue & lyf lyth in his cure
Have 3e nat herd his auenture
Now certis anne if that 3e rede it me
I wolde fayn to hym I weddit be
This is theffect what schunde[for "schulde"] I more seye
In hym lyth al / to do me leue or deye
Hyre systir Anne as she that coude hire good
Seyde as hire thoughte & sumdel it with stod
But herof was so long a sarmounnyng
It were to longe to make rehersyng
But finaly it may nat ben withstande
Loue wil loue for not thing wele it wande
The dawenyng vp rist out of the se
This amerous quien chargith oure[for "hire"?] meyne
The nettis dresse & speris brode & kene
An. hunthyng wolde this lusti frosche queene
So prikyth hire this newe iolye wo
To hors is al his lusty folk I go
In to the court the houndis been I brought
And vp on courseris swift as ony thought
Hire 3onge knyghtis houyn al a boute
And of hire wemen ek an huge route
Fol. (428/459) 460v
Vp on a thikke palfrey paper whit
With sadyl red enbroudit with delyt
Of gold the barris vp enbosede[erasure] hye
Sit Dido al in gold & perre wrye
And she as bright as is the bryht morwe
That helith syke men of nyghtis sorwe
Vp on a courser stertelynge as the fyr
A3en myghte turne hym with a litil wyr
Sit Enyas lik phebus to deuyse
So was he frosch arayed in his wyse
The fomy brydil with the bit of gold
Gouernyth he ryght as hym self had wold
And forth this noble queen this lady ride
On huntynge with this troyan by hyre side
The hirde of hertis Is I founde a non
With hay bobet pryke thow lat gon lat gon
Why nyl the lioun comyn or the bere
That I myghte hym onys mete with this spere
Thus sey these 3onge folk & vp they kylle
These bestys wilde & han hem at here wille
Among al this to rumbelyn gan the heuene
The thundyr rored with a gresely steuene
Doun cam the reyn with hayl & slet so faste
With heuenys fer that it so sore a gaste
This noble quien & also hire meyne
That iche of hem was glad a wey to fle
And schortely from the tempest hire to saue
Sche fledde hireself in to a litil caue
And with hire wente this Enyas also
I not with hem If there wente any mo
The autour makyth of it no mencioun
And here be gan the depe affeccioun
Be twixe hem two this was the ferste morwe
Of hire gladnesse & gynnere of hire sorwe
ffor there hat Enyas I kneled so
And told hire al his erte and al his wo
And swore so depe to hire to be trewe
ffor wel or wo & chaunge hire for no newe
Fol. (429/460) 461r
And as a fals louere so wel can pleyne
That sely dido rewede on his peyne
And tok hym for husbonde & become his wyf
ffor euermo whil that hym leste lyf
And aftyr whil that the tempest stynte
With myrthe out as they comyn hom they wente
The wikke fame a ros & that a non
How Enias hath with the queen I gon
In to the caue & demede as hem leste
And whan the kyng that yarbis highte it woste
As he that hadde I louyd euere his lyf
And wowede hyre to han hire as his wyf
Swich sorwe as he makede & swich cheere
It is a routh & pite for to here
But in loue alday it happith so
That on schal layghyn of a notherys wo
Now layhith enias & is in Ioye
And more richesse than euere was in troye
O sely wemen ful of Innocence
fful of pite of trouthe of concience
What makyth 3ow to men to truste so
Have 3e swych routhe vp on hyre feynede wo
And han swich olde ensaumplis 3ow be forn
Se 3e nat alle how that 3e ben forsworn
Where sen 3e on that he ne hath lasthis lief
Or ben onkynde or don hire sum myschief
Or pilid hire or bostid of hise dede
3e may as wel it sen as 3e may it rede
Thak hede now of this grete gentil man
This troyan that so wel hire plesyn can
That feynyth hym so trewe & obeysauncis
And waytyn hire at festis & at dauncis
And whan sche [? 's' added later] goth to temple & hom a geyn
And fastyn til he hath his lady seyn
And beryn in hise deuysis for hire sake
Not I not what & songis wolde he make
Fol. (429/460) 461v
ustyn & don of Armys manye thyngisSynde hire letteres to kenys brochis ryngis
Now herkith how he shal his lady serue
There as he was in peril for to sterue
ffor hungyr & for myschif in the se
And desolat & fled from his cuntre
And al his folk with tempest al to dryuyn
Sche hath hire body & ek hire reame 3euyn
In to his hand there as she myghte haue been
Of othere landys than of cartage quien
And lyuyd in Ioye I now what wele 3e more
This Enyas that hat so depe I swore
Is wery of his craft with inne a throwe
The hote ernest is al ouerblowe
And pryuyly he doth hise shepis dyghte
And shapith hym to setel a wey by nyghte
This dido hath suspescioun of this
And thoughte wel that it was al a mys
ffor in hire be sche lyth a nyght & sykyth
Sche axeth hym a non what hym mys lykyth
Myn dere herte whiche that I loue most
Hertis quod he this nyght myn faderys gost
Hat in myn slep so sore me tormentid
And ek mercurye his massage hath presentid
That nedis to the conquest of ytayle
Myn destene is sone for to sayle
ffor which me thynkyth brostyn is myn herte
Therwith hise false terys out they sterte
And takith hire with Inne hise armys two
Is that in ernest quod sche wele 3e so
Haue 3e nat sworn to wyue me to take
Allas what weman wele 3e of me make
I am a gentil woman & a quien
3e wele nat from 3oure wif thus foule fleen
That I was born allas what schal I do
To telle in short this noble quen dydo ["so" erased]
Sche sekith halwis & doth sacryfise
Sche knelyth cryeth that routhe is to deuyse
Fol. (430/461) 462r
oniurith hym & proferyth hym to beHis thral his seruant in the leste gre
Sche fallith hym to fore & swounnyth ther
Discheuele with hire bryghte gilte her
And seyth hauyth mercy & let me with 3ow ryde
These lordis whiche that wonyn me be syde
Wele me distroyen only for 3oure sake
And so 3e wele me now to wiue take
As 3e han sworn thanne wele I 3eue 3ow leue
To slen me with 3oure swerd nowsone at eue
ffor thanne 3it shal I deye as youre wif
I am with childe & 3eue myn child his lyf
Mercy lord hauyth pete in 3oure thought
But al this thing auaylith hire righ nought
ffor on a nyght slepynge he let hire lye
And stal a wey on to his cumpaynye
And as a traytour forth he gan to sayle
Toward the large cuntre of ytayle
Thus he hath laft dido in wo & peyne
And weddede ther[erasure?] a lady hy3te lauyne
A cloth he lafte & ek his swerd stondynge
Whan he from Dido stal in hire slepynge
Ryght at hire beddys hed so gan he hie
Whan that he stal a wey to his nauye
Which cloth what sely dido gan a wake
Sche hath it kyst & ful ofte for his sake
And seyde o swete cloth whil Iuppiter it leste
Tak now myn soule & brynge it of this on reste
I haue fulfild of fortune al the cours
And thus with outyn his socours
Twenti tyme I swounyd hath sche thanne
And whanne that sche vn to hire systyr Anne
Compleynede hadde of which I may nat wryte
So gret a reuthe I haue for tendite
And bad hire norice & hire sistir gon
To fechyn fyr & othyr thyng a non
And seyde that sche wolde sacryfye
And whan she myghte hire tyme wel espie
Fol. (430/461) 462v
p on fir of sacryfise she sterteAnd with his swerd she rof hyre herte
But 3it as myn autour right thus sche seyde
Or she was hurt by forn or she deyede
Sche wrot a lettere a non that thus be gan
Ryght so quod she as that the white swan
A 3ens his deth be gynnyth for to synge
Right so to 3ow make I myn compleynynge
Not that I trowe to getyn 3ow a geyn
ffor wel I wot that it is al in veyn
Syn that the goddis been contrarye to me
But syn myn name is lost thoru 3ow quod she
I may wel lese on 3ow a word or lettere
Al be it that I shal ben neuere the bettere
ffor thilke wynd that blew 3oure schip a wey
The same wynd hath blowe a wey 3oure fey
But ho so wele al this lettere hauyn in mynde
Red he ouyde & in hym he shal it fynde.