QMETH 450: Winter 2006
Spreadsheet Models for Managerial Decision Making

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Instructor: Mark Hillier
Office: Mackenzie 211
Office Hours: TBA
e-mail: mhillier@u.washington.edu
course web site: http://faculty.washington.edu/mhillier/qmeth450/
Phone: 685-1912


To see the syllabus and schedule for last year's version of this class, click the links above. (This year's version will be similar.)

This coming Winter 2006, the class will be offered on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:30-12:20.

This course covers modeling with spreadsheets for analyzing quantitative aspects of business problems. Spreadsheet packages now have features that allow managers to perform sophisticated quantitative analysis in the comfortable and intuitive environment of the spreadsheet. This gives managers the power of quantitative analysis tools without forcing them to use unfamiliar mathematical notation. Applications from a variety of business areas will be discussed, including finance, marketing, and operations.


Sample applications include:

cash flow problems

portfolio optimization

pricing models

supply chain management

facility location

shortest path and routing

vehicle/equipment replacement strategy

advertising media selection

evaluating projects or investments with simulation

contract bidding (simulation)

airline overbooking (simulation)