Munehiro Fukuda
Munehiro Fukuda received a B.S. from the College of Information
Sciences and an M.S. from the Master's Program in Science and
Enginnering at the University of Tsukuba in 1986 and 1988. He
received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Information and Computer Science
at the University of California at Irvine in 1995 and 1997,
respectively. He has worked in the hardware development of
shared-memory multiprocessors at IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory
from 1998 to 1993. During his Ph.D. and PostDoc study at UC
Irvine from 1993 to 1997, he has focused on software
technologies to coordinate parallel and distributed
computations, using a navigational autonomy approach. During
1998-2001, he was an Assistant Professor in the Institute of
Information Sciences and Electronics at the University of
Tsukuba, where he has worked on self-migrating threads to
realize parallel execution of multi-agent
applications. Dr. Fukuda joined Computing and Software Systems,
University of Washington Bothell in 2001, and initiated an
agent-based grid-computing research with NSF's support in
2005-07. He is currently working on multi-agent spatial
simulation and agent-based data analysis. His research
interests include mobile agents, multi-threading, cluster
computing, grid computing and distributed simulations.