Don't let the serious look on his face fool you.  This was one of Tim McLean's finest, funniest moments--the daily log-book entry.  We're still trying to smuggle a copy of the final entry out of the country, but an informant who used to be closely associated with the RCMP (that's the Mounties, to us yanks) assures us we'd never get that sort of contraband over the border.  Oh, and if you ever visit the Table Mountain cabin and read the log book---we deny everything!!
once again, our guides setting the example of responsibility and safety (if you couldn't tell by the capped bottle, this was posed)

  Ever hear of a game called Chubby Bunny?  Well, the goal is to see how many marshmallows you can shove in your mouth and still be able to say "chubby bunny."  Whoever gets the most in, and can still say it (and still breathe) wins.  I think this ended up as a tie.....

At sea level, this stuff gets the nick-name "headache in a box."  But when you're drinking it at 7000', it just makes you goofy.

And, just for good measure, I figured we should add one more picture of the outhouse (remember, it's sitting on an eight-foot pedestal).


This makes a nice ending shot.  Jen M (yellow hat in the middle) got really cold one day.  So we all huddled around her
(after a celebratory shot of JD each) and warmed her up.  Afterall, what are friends for?

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