I will send you a PDF file by email of any reprints you request to mccor@u.washington.edu
C1. Half-Range Orthogonality Relations for Neutron Transport with a Separable Kernel (with I. Kuščer). Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 9, 444-445 (1966).
C2. Analysis of a Neutron Pulse in a Slab Using the Reciprocity Principle (with I. Kuščer). Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 9, 512-513 (1966).
C3. Half-Space Transport with Anisotropic Scattering. Developments in Transport Theory (E. İnönü and P.F. Zweifel, ed.) Academic Press, pp. 323-329 (1967).
C4. Transport in Two Half-Spaces (with R. J. Doyas). Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 11, 318 (1968).
C5. Optimal Neutron Group Structure (with A. A. Harms). Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 11, 527-528 (1968).
C6. Time Eigenvalues in Hydrogen Gas and Their Analytical Error Estimates (with E. Normand). Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 11, 586 (1968).
C7. The Use of the Monte Carlo Method to Sample from the Adjoint Neutron Transport Equation (with L. L. Carter). Proceedings of the Livermore Array Symposium. University of California Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Report, Conf-68009. pp. 12-17 (1968).
C8. Some Results in One- and Two-Dimensional Transport Theory. Neutron Transport Theory Conferences, January 20-24, Atomic Energy Commission Report ORO-3858-1, 607-639 (1969).
C9. A Unified Modal-Nodal Representation of Neutron Angular Density (with A. A. Harms). Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 12, 18 (1969).
C10. Transport Solution of a Quarter-Space Problem (with S. I. Schreiner and A. G. Gibbs). Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 12, 160-161 (1969).
C11. Approximate Calculations for the Disappearance of Discrete Decay Modes (with E. Normand). Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 12, 252-253 (1969).
C12. Some Implications of Information Theory for Monte Carlo Calculations. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 15, 268-269 (1972).
C13. A Computational Technique for Assessing Procedures to Locate Failed Fuel. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 16, 140-141 (1973).
C14. Second-Order Effects in Gas-Surface Accommodation (with J. Možina and I. Kuščer). Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Eighth Int. Symp. (K. Karamchetti, ed.), Academic Press New York, 399-404 (1974).
C15. Some Analytical Results for Radiative Transfer in Thick Atmospheres (with I. Kuščer). Radiation and Remote Probing of the Atmosphere (J. G. Kuriyan, ed.), Western Periodicals, North Hollywood, California, 196-226 (1974).
C16. Approximate Scalar Equations for Polarized Radiative Transfer (with G. C. Pomraning). In OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Vol. 21, Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Migration, J.G. Fujimoto and M.S. Patterson, eds. (Optical Society of America), pp. 51-52 (1998).
C17. On the use of biased angular quadrature formulas for the numerical treatment of particle transport in media with highly forward-peaked scattering (with R. Sanchez). In Nuclear Mathematical and Computational Sciences: A Century in Review, A Century Anew, Gatlinburg, TN, April 6-11, 2003, on CD-ROM, American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL (2003).
C18. Neutron transport theory applied to optical oceanography. Transactions
of the American Nuclear Society 90, 276-277 (2004).
Available on CD-ROM from American Nuclear Society,