She is the Principal Investigator on a number of grant- funded research projects (see Current Research) including an NSF grant for the Biocomplexity Program aiming to develop a simulation model that integrates urban development and ecological dynamics. Recently, she was awarded a new Biocomplexity Grant to study the emergent properties of urban landscapes in Seattle, WA and Phoenix, AZ. Her research also focuses on measures of urban environmental performance that can be used to monitor progress and inform policy-making. She is especially interested in advanced interdisciplinary approaches to urban ecological problems, and is Co-PI in the National Science Foundation Interdisciplinary Graduate Education and Research Traineeship program in Urban Ecology. She is the mother of Matteo Hoa Binh |
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Urban Design and Planning:
Urban Ecology Research Laboratory:
UW Interdisciplinary Urban Ecology Program:
Current Research
Composition and Configuration in the Puget Sound Basin
PI: Marina Alberti.
USEPA Region 10 Regional Geographic Initiative, $40,981.00, October 1, 2005 –
September 30, 2006.
II: Urban Landscape Patterns: Complex Dynamics and Emergent Properties
PI: Marina Alberti
(UW Urban Design and Planning). Co-Principal Investigators: Mark Handcock (UW
Department of Statistics and Department of Sociology), John Marzluff (UW
Department of Forest Resources), Charles Redman (Arizona State University
Center for Environmental Studies), Jianguo Wu (Arizona State University
Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Science). National Science Foundation,
$1,399,644, July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2008.
Remote Sensing Solutions for Estimating Total Impervious Surface Areas and the
Contribution to that Area Made by Transportation
PI: Marina Alberti,
Washington State Department of Transportation, $92,000, March 1, 2005 – June
30, 2006.
Tiered-Scale GIS Analysis of Land Use Change and Shoreline Habitat Alteration
PI: Marina Alberti,
NOAA/Washington Department of Ecology, $75,000, July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2005.
Benchmark Project – Phase II (A)
PI: Marina Alberti,
Washington State Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development,
$56,620, November 1, 2003 – June 30, 2005.
of Foodborne Infectious Diseases from Consumption of Recreationally Harvested
Puget Sound Shellfish
PI: Marina Alberti,
Co_PI: Elaine Faustman, EPA Region 10/Puget Sound Action Team, September 5,
2003 – June 30, 2005.
I: Modeling Interactions Among Urban Development, Land-Cover Change, and Bird
PI: Marina Alberti
(UW Urban Design & Planning). Co-Principal Investigators: Paul Waddell (UW
Evans School of Public Affairs and Urban Design & Planning), John Marzluff
(UW Department of Forest Resources), Mark Handcock (UW Department of Statistics
and Department of Sociology). National Science Foundation, $1,128,818, 3.5
years, September 2001-February 2005. Link to NSF
Award Database
Impact of Urban Patterns on Ecosystem Dynamics
PI: Marina Alberti.
Co-PIs: Derek Booth, Kristina Hill, John Marzluff. National Science Foundation
$424,977, August 1, 1999 - July 31, 2002.
Modeling Components for Simulating Land Use, Transportation, and Land Cover
PI: Paul Waddell. Co-PIs:
Marina Alberti, Alan Borning, and Scott Rutherford. National
Science Foundation, $439,357, February 15, 1999 – January 31, 2001.
of an Integrated Urban Ecological Simulation Model for the Puget Sound
PI: Marina Alberti.
CO-PIs: Paul Waddell and Alan Borning. Puget Sound Regional Synthesis Model
(PRISM), University Initiative Fund (UW) $214,909 (1997-99 Budget).
The Effects of Urban Patterns on Ecosystem Function. International Regional Science Review 28:168-192. 2005. M Alberti.
Ecological resilience in urban ecosystems: Linking urban patterns to human and ecological functions. Urban Ecosystems 7:241-265. 2004. M Alberti and JM Marzluff.
Urban land-cover change analysis in central Puget Sound. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 70:1043-1052. 2004. M Alberti, R Weeks, S Coe.
Integrating humans into ecology: Opportunities and challenges for studying urban ecosystems. BioScience 53:1169-1179. 2003. M Alberti, JM Marzluff, E Shulenberger, G Bradley, C Ryan, C ZumBrunnen.
The Effects of Urban Patterns on Ecosystem Function. New Urbanism and Smart Growth Research. National Institute for Smart Growth. Forthcoming. M Alberti.
The Impact of Urban Patterns on Aquatic Ecosystems: An Empirical Analysis in Puget Sound Lowland. Submitted. M Alberti, D Booth, K Hill, C Avolio, B Coburn, S Coe, D Spirandelli.
Quantifying the Urban Gradient: Linking Urban Planning and Ecology. In JM Marzluff, R Bowman, R McGowan, R Donnelly, Eds. Avian Ecology in an Urbanizing World. Kluwer, New York. 2001. M Alberti, A Cohen, E Botsford.
An integrated urban development and ecological simulation model. Integrated Assessment 1:215-227. 2000. M Alberti and P Waddell.
Urban Patterns and Environmental Performance: What Do We Know? Journal of Planning Education and Research 19(2):151-163. 1999. M Alberti.
Modeling the Urban Ecosystem: A Conceptual Framework. Environment and Planning B 26:605-630. 1999. M Alberti.
An Integrated Urban Development and Ecological Model. Part I: Rationale for a Synthesis. In P Rizzi (Ed) Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, Franco Angeli, Milan. 1999. M Alberti and P Waddell.
An Integrated Urban Development and Ecological Model. Part II: The Strategy. In P Rizzi (Ed) Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, Franco Angeli, Milan. 1999. M Alberti and P Waddell.
Urban Form and Ecosystem Dynamics: Empirical Evidence and Practical Implications. In Jenks, M, Burton, E, Williams, K (Eds). Achieving Sustainable Urban Form. Routledge, London, 1999. M Alberti.
Measuring Urban Sustainability. Environmental Impact Assessment Review Special Issue 16(4-6):381-424. Jul-Nov 1997. M Alberti.
Managing Urban Sustainability. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Special Issue 16(4-6):213-221. Jul-Nov 1997. M Alberti and L Susskind (Eds).
Managing Earth’s Life Support Systems: The game, the players, and getting everyone to play. Ecological Applications 6(1):19-21. 1996. GC Daily, PR Ehrlich, M Alberti.
Regional Integration and Environmental Policy in Europe. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 14(2-3):137-146. Mar-May 1994. M Alberti.
Indices of Environmental Quality: The search for credible measures. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 11(2):95-101. Jun 1991. M Alberti and J Parker.
Advances in Urban Ecology: Linking Human and Ecological Processes in Urban Ecosystems. Forthcoming. Springer. M Alberti.
La Citta’ Sostenibile (Sustainable Cities), F Angeli, 1994, Rome. M Alberti, G Solera, V Tsetsi.
La Pianificazione delle Aree Contaminate (Planning for the Clean Up of Contaminated Sites), F. Angeli, 1991. Rome. M Alberti, D Bianchi, F Brevi, R Carrara, D Dovera.
Metodi di Valutazione del’Impatto Ambientale (Environmental Impact Assessment Methods), CLUP-CLUED, 1988, Milan. M Alberti, V Bettini, G Bollini, E Falqui.
La Valuatazione di Impatto Ambientale: Istruzioni per l’Uso. (Environmental Impact Assessment: Instruction for Use), F Angeli, 1988, Rome. M Alberti, M Berrini, A Melone, M Zambrini.