- Book/Simulation1
- Reading Assignments
War and Trade
Lecture Outlines
- PS 426 First Paper Assignment S. Majeski
- Paper due 2/19 by 5:00P.M.
In the Game of War and Trade, six nation-states compete to achieve
the highest level of prosperity. States have many choices (trading,
alliances, war, raising endowment levels, and building military
strength) to make in an effort to maximize prosperity. Life is
complicated and often dangerous and nations typically experience
roller coaster rides in terms of power and prosperity. As such
it is a simplification of the real world of international politics
which matches well with the simplifying assumptions that neorealists
like Waltz and Gilpin make about the core nature of international
politics. Thus, predictions that Waltz and Gilpin make about
the behavior of nation-states should work well in accounting
for the actions that you (your nation) and other nations took
in the game. Gilpin and Waltz argue that all states strive for
wealth, power, and prestige and Gilpin suggests that the international
system goes through what could be called cycles of hegemonic
leadership. The leading nation-state seeks to organize and control
the system and challengers seek to change the system when expected
benefits exceed expected costs. The system starts in equilibrium,
but eventually, due to differential rates of growth in power
of nation-states generated by economic, technological, military
and political factors, becomes disequilibriated. Gilpin claims
that the resulting disequilibrium is resolved usually by war.
Your paper should address four issues. First, what strategy
did your nation pursue to "win" and why did it succeed
or fail (this should take about at page). Second, discuss how
well (or poorly) Waltzs arguments and predictions worked
in the game. Pay particular attention to his arguments about
the uniformity of behavior of actors, the role of alliances,
the ability to achieve and/or maintain balances of power, the
effectiveness of and types of communication and negotiations,
and the prevalence of unintended consequences (three pages or
so). Third, how well does Gilpin's theory work in accounting
for the results you observed in the simulation( three pages or
so)? Finally, what features could be added to the simulation
to make it more "real world" like and would such features
make Gilpin's theory more adequately explain the simulation results
(one page)?
- Book/Simulation1
- Reading Assignments
War and Trade
Lecture Outlines