Pols 321 Midterm Study Questions
S. Majeski
Summer 2004
1. U.S. foreign policy during and after the Cold War is arguably about maintaining order and stability so as to foster free trade and economic growth -- with the containment of communism and support for democracy as side benefits. How has the creation and maintenance of client states helped U.S. policymakers achieve these basic goals?
2. In the summer of 1965 George Ball presented a very persuasive argument why the U.S. should not send large numbers of combat troops to Vietnam? Why did he lose the policy debate?
3. Compare and contrast the two models of decision-making (rational choice, and bureaucratic/governmental politics) to explain the U.S. decision during the Cuban Missile Crisis. That is, what are the relative strengths and weaknesses of the two models and which one provides the best explanation of the U.S. decision-making in this crisis?
4. Describe how the Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and NATO fit together into a coherent U.S. foreign policy strategy.
5. Why did the United States become so tragically involved
in Vietnam during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations? What
other factors beside containment appeared to play a role?