Bruker/Skyscan 1272 Availability Calendar and Scheduling

This instrument is located at Seattle Children's Research Institute, Jack MacDonald Building.

Address: 1900 Ninth Ave, Seattle WA 98101

Useful Docs

  • Skyscan 1272 CMOS edition info at Bruker
  • New Investigator Intake Form
  • Usage Terms & Fee Structure
  • Scanner Usage Instructions and Literature
  • Supply List
  • Sample Datasets

    You can see more details about acquisition parameters in the log file provided with the zip archive. To visualize the data you can use open-source 3D Slicer biomedical visualization platform, and install its SlicerMorph extension. See the tutorial for SkyScanReconImport module of the SlicerMorph on how to load these datasets into Slicer with one click.

  • Adult Mouse Skull (dry): 1K camera, 24 micron, scan duration 40 min. Size ~0.5GB
  • Adult Mouse Skull (dry): 4K camera, 6.125 micron, scan duration 8.5h. Size ~35GB
  • Iodine stained, adult mouse kidney: 1K camera, 18 micron, scan duration 40h. Size ~0.5GB
  • Iodine stained, E15 whole mouse embryo: 2K, 9 micron, scan duration 1h 50m. Size ~5GB
  • Full body adult mouse scan: 512 camera mode, 52.3 micron, scan duration 53 m. Size ~0.6GB
  • 3D Visualizations

    All visualizations are done using 3D Slicer and SlicerMorph.
  • Adult Mouse Brain perfused with vascular dye
  • Adult Mouse Heart perfused with vascular dye
  • Iodine stained E15 mouse fetus and its segmentations
  • Sample preparation techniques

  • Wong et al. 2012. Structural Stabilization of Tissue for Embryo Phenotyping Using Micro-CT with Iodine Staining
  • Metscher 2011. X-ray Microtomographic Imaging of Intact Vertebrate Embryos (paywalled)
  • Bruker's technical note on soft tissue imaging of zebrafish
  • Bruker's technical note on increasing contrast in EtOH or Formalin preserved specimens
  • Angiofil: a novel radio-contrast agent for post-mortem micro-angiograph

    Funding Acknowledgement

    The instrument is made available by a NIH/OD S10 shared instrument grant (S10OD032302) to Seattle Children's Research Institute.

    Availability Calendar:

    Making Reservations

    Please contact Murat Maga if you have questions.