Week 2 Lecture Notes

Hempel: The Received View continued

Requirements for scientific explanations:

Explanatory relevance: explanatory information (laws and conditions) affords good grounds for believing that the phenomenon to be explained did or will occur.

Testability: the statements making up a purported explanation must be capable of empirical test.

D-N model: the logical structure of one kind of scientific explanation

L1,L2, … Ln       Explanans sentences    

C1, C2, … Cn    Explanans sentences


E          Explanandum sentence

E, which is derived deductively from covering laws and initial conditions, is a phenomenon.

E can also be an empirical generalization that follows deductively from a set of “higher level” laws.

Relevance is met because E is derived deductively.

But recall that p v q follows deductively from p, and that q can be anything at all.

Also, if the premises of an argument or line of reasoning contain a contradiction, any statement whatsoever will follow deductively.

Testability: in principle.  Predictions of relativity theory confirmed by Eddington’s experiment.

Explanations can yield

    The discovery of a fact

    The discovery of a covering law and a new theory

    How some phenomenon can be accounted for by reference to laws already available

Universal statements: (Universal qualifier) (Mx > Wx)

UD: living things
Mx: x is a mammal
Wx: x is warmblooded

Many so-called laws (some would argue all such laws) hold only approximately or are idealizations.

Laws vs. accidental generalizations:

(Universal quantifier) (Rx > Ix)

UD: everything
Rx: x is a rock in this box
Ix: x contains iron

Laws can support counterfactual conditionals and subjective conditionals, and serve as a basis for explanation

Whether a universal statement counts as a law depends in part on accepted scientific theories.

    Sun spot activity and Wall St. crashes

    Coffee drinking and sex

Probabilistic laws: the explanans implies the explanandum only with high probability, yield probabilistic explanations.

Like D-N explanations, an event or regularity is explained by reference to laws (but probabilistic ones) and specific conditions.

p(O, R) = r

In a long series of performances of random experiment R, the probability of outcome O is almost certain to be close to r.

Statistical probability statements are tested by examining the long-run relative frequencies of the outcomes confirmed; confirmation is judged in terms of the closeness of the agreement between hypothetical possibilities and observed frequencies.

Standards for accepting or rejecting such hypotheses:

    What deviations of observed frequencies from the probability stated by H are to count as grounds for rejecting H?

    How close an agreement between observed frequencies and hypothetical probability is to be required for accepting H?

    Such standards are generally developed in light of what a given context suggests is the worse of 2 possible errors:

    Accepting a hypothesis that could be false
    Rejecting a hypothesis that could be true

Probabilistic laws extend to an infinite # of cases:

“The radioactive decay of radium226 is a random process with an associated half-life of 1,620 years.”

Hanson and the theory-ladenness of observation

Examples from contemporary science:

The Hubble

The Standard Model in physics:

    12 building blocks: 6 quarks and 6 leptons
    Everyday world is made up of just 3: the up quark, the down quark, and the electron.
    The electron neutrino, observed in the decay of other particles, completes the first set of 4 building blocks.
    Although there are reasons to believe there are no more quarks and electrons, theorists think there may be other kinds of building blocks, which may account for the dark matter implied by astronomical observations.

The Bottom Quark experiment: Interpreting the Results

“Backgrounds to observations are a general problem in science. Think of trying to hear a friend speak in a noisy place. You use your expectation of how your friend’s voice should sound to separate the voice from the background noise. To find the upsilon in the noisy background, physicists used their expectation that a new particle would appear as a bump in the plot of the mass of all muon pairs.”

Evidence for theory-ladenness

    Gestalt experiments, cross-cultural and trans-historic examples, and scientific revolutions indicate that what an individual observes is not solely a function of the object being viewed or their sensory receptors.
    Background knowledge, i.e., conceptual schemes and prior experience, together with the expectations that result also determine what is seen.
    So, too, education in a scientific discipline impacts what one is able to observe.

   Observations are made possible by, and observation statements are couched in, language.
   A language incorporates a conceptual scheme: an overall ontology, notions of relationships (identity, causal, transitive, and so forth), numbers, colors, and so forth.
   Thus observation statements presuppose conceptual schemes and theories, and as fallible as those they presuppose.

   Many observations, and certainly many made by scientists, involve inferences -- not “instantaneous seeing” -- and theories have an inextricable role in the inferential process
   Science often proceeds on the assumption that what we “normally observe” is explained by what we do not observe: that is, reality and appearance need not be (and often are not) co-extensive.

Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

“A role for history”

History demonstrates that science does not proceed by accumulation, with one theory being replaced by a larger, more comprehensible, but nevertheless compatible theory. It reveals something much more like this pattern:

“Pre-science” or pre-normal science
Normal (paradigm-driven) science
Emergence of anomalies
Extraordinary (or crisis) science
Scientific revolution:  new paradigm, new normal science tradition

Disagreements over fundamentals: what phenomena are the most important and in need of explanation; over metaphysical commitments; over what will count as an answer to the questions raised; many schools, rather than consensus

Normal science: research guided by a paradigm

A paradigm: A solution/model/theory that seems most promising in its approach to important issues and gains adherents.

It must also be sufficiently open-ended to enable lots of research questions and directions to be pursued.

Natural selection: from pre-science to normal science

Copernican hypothesis: from old paradigm to new paradigm (revolution)
Work of a normal science tradition:

    Further articulating the paradigm (rather than replicating it)
    Fitting nature in the box (a relatively inflexible one) the paradigm supplies

A paradigm is like an accepted judicial decision (Brown vs. Board of Education)

Normal science as puzzle solving

    Puzzles are “supplied by” the paradigm, which “guarantees” they have solutions
    The solution may be known in detail in advance; it’s bringing it about, according to standards abstracted from the paradigm, which constitutes the work of n.s.

Allows for detailed work impossible before agreement over fundamentals, correct questions, appropriate answers, relevant technologies

It is such detailed work that will eventually produce the anomalies that lead to crisis and, in some cases, revolution

Some of the results (though not the paradigm if there is a revolution) will prove to be permanent.

Emergence of professional societies and journals
PhD programs
Short journal articles, addressed to other specialists, replace books for a broader educated public