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Star Wars: Battlefront

Price Paid: $16.19 (used)
Release Date: 9/20/2004
Date Purchased: 11/23/2005
Condition: complete
Rating System Guide    

Reviewed by TL on 2/15/2006


The explosions are kind of pretty. Kind of. And there are job classes, with differing weapon loadouts. Besides that, there's not a whole lot of gameplay that I could identify. Once the player figures out that the laser rifle is the best weapon for gunning down other targets, the process becomes somewhat monotonous. There's very little variation to the process of acquiring a target, leading it slightly, then letting the autoaim take over as the in-game avatar proceeds to hose down the target in bright red lasers. Repeat a thousand times to victory. Repeat ten thousand times to finish the game. As a side note, you can thermal detonate Darth Vader. Lightsabers don't block explosions, apparently. If you time it right, you can blow him up three or four times consecutively, pushing him off a cliff. Not that I ever did that to my Sith lord, oh no. The biggest highlight of this title? Shooting gunguns and ewoks, probably.


This is another title where the audio is simply adequate. The music is taken almost directly from the films, as are the sound effects. I just wasn't surprised anywhere by the audio, and throughout the game, it was about as expected.


I wasn't impressed much at all. No cutscenes or anything, even. Well, there were clips taken from the movie, but that was about it.


As the main focus of the game is likely online play, this might actually be quite good. The single player missions, however, suffer from the monotony of shooting the same targets over and over again (well, they have skin swaps). The weapons from age to age (the droid wars, the clone wars, the Rebellion, etc.) don't change, either. On the plus side, you can actually dodge blaster bolts if your reflexes are up to the task. This takes a large amount of practice, but it's nice feeling like a Jedi that way.


For online play, there are many titles that are more worth a player's time. For single play, well, there are better games as well. For a Star Wars game, there are still better ones. But if you're looking for a Star Wars game that allows you to shoot gunguns, this might be the one.

Alison Lum Events
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