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Peter Jackson's King Kong

Price Paid: $4.79 (used)
Release Date: 11/22/2005
Date Purchased: 5/4/2008
Condition: complete
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Reviewed by CL on 1/28/2010

Here’s another game that I beat a long time ago and simply forgot to review. This is almost like 2 games in one. On one side, when you’re playing the humans, it is a pretty boring 1st person shooter. You run around blasting dinosaurs and other animals on the island using guns and spears. There are some sequences where you are being hunted by some really big dinosaurs and these are actually good at making you feel very small and vulnerable.

The other half of the game has you playing as Kong where you get to beat the crap out of those same dinosaurs that you were so afraid of earlier. This is a great feeling but the clunky, unresponsive controls mar the experience slightly.

Alison Lum Events
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