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Halo 2 (Collector's Edition)

Price Paid: $49.49
Release Date: 11/9/2004
Date Purchased: 10/27/2004
Condition: complete
Rating System Guide    

Reviewed by CL on 7/18/2005

This is definitely a worthy successor to the Halo throne. The co-op mode is the most fun I've had in a lot time. There were plenty of times where my brother and I would stay up late into the night playing co-op mode (it almost reminds me of the old NES days of staying up late playing games together). There are significant improvements in this game over the original (like new weapons/vehicles/etc.) but for some reason, I just remember Halo being more fun. I might be slightly biased because I was absolutely blown away with the original and I might have set my expectations too high for the sequel. The other reason why I rate this slightly lower is because the ending absolutely sucked. Other than that, the game is amazing and should definitely be played. Highly recommended.

Alison Lum Events
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