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Conker: Live and Reloaded

Price Paid: $16.19 (used)
Release Date: 6/21/2005
Date Purchased: 3/26/2006
Condition: complete
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Reviewed by CL on 4/11/2006

Conker: Live and Reloaded is a remake of the original N64 game Conker's Bad Fur Day. The original N64 game was praised as one of the finest games on the N64 and the gameplay holds up surprisingly well over all these years. The game is your standard platformer with a mix of adventure elements thrown in. Although the world that you explore is fairly large, the path you follow is somewhat linear. The game involves a series of challenges that you must undertake in order to progress the story. The tasks are varied and fun. One moment you'll be fighting Nazi teddy bears in a parody of Saving Private Ryan and the next you'll be riding a dinosaur eating prehistoric cavemen. There is never a shortage of random and fun tasks for you to be doing in this game. However, the game does feel somewhat linear and the gameplay does feel slightly dated. This is to be expected considering that it was originally an N64 game. Despite this, the game is genuinely fun to play with some hilarious situations and dialog (provided you enjoy toilet humor). I would recommend this to almost anyone looking to have a good time.

Alison Lum Events
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