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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Price Paid: $16.99 (used)
Release Date: 8/27/2007
Date Purchased: 7/18/2009
Condition: complete
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Reviewed by CL on 1/28/2010

This was a nice game to close out the Metroid Prime trilogy. The controls with the Wiimote are nice and it is fun to actually be able to aim Samus’ arm cannon in a realistic fashion. The story starts to get weird and some of the sequences don’t seem to have any reason behind them. This game also is affected by the same problem that plagues many sequels and franchises: the game just doesn’t have the same innovation and impact that the original did. I absolutely loved the original Metroid Prime but after 2 sequels, there is nothing here I haven’t seen and done before. Of course, everything in this game is nicer and more polished, but it just didn’t move me as much as the original.

In conclusion, this was a fun game to play but I think I would actually rather go back and replay the original.

Alison Lum Events
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