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Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny

Price Paid: $39.99
Release Date: 8/27/2002
Date Purchased: 12/24/2002
Condition: complete
Rating System Guide    

Reviewed by CL on 12/17/2004

All too often in videogames, a sequel is a revamped version of the original game with some different graphics and sound, but it is basically the same game. This makes for ho-hum gameplay and leaves players with the feeling of being cheated. However, Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny is an example of a sequel done right. Although at first glance, it may appear to be very similar to the Onimusha: Warlords, there are tons of improvements and extras that make this a far cry better than the first game.

The general controls/story is pretty much the same as the first game. You still can sidestep, dash forwards/backwards, block, and still perform 1 hit kills. However, there have been additions such as 5 different weapons and the ability to charge these weapons. This adds a lot more variety to the combat parts of the game and makes it a lot more fun. Unlike the first, there is more to the game than just combat. Capcom has added a little bit of the RPG collection theme into the game. Throughout the game, you can collect various gifts and trade them with various playable characters throughout the game.

Depending on what gifts you give them and if they like them or not will determine which of these characters you get to play with and also how the storyline progresses. This adds an incredible about of replay value to the game considering that there are 4 different characters to play through with and many, many different storyline branches and cut scenes to see. After completing the game, it even shows you which route you took and which storyline segments you didn't see. This allows you to go through a second time and tailor your gift giving so that you can see the scenes that you haven't seen yet. As stated above, this gives the game tons of replay value.

It's also fun to play the game many times just to look at all of the absolutely amazing scenery. The game uses pre-rendered background environments must like its predecessor. However, these are the most beautiful and detailed background environments that I have ever seen on any system. Since these are pre-rendered, the camera angle is fixed in all scenes. Although this gives the game a slightly more constrained feel, the amount of detail that can be included in each scene is increased by an amazing amount. Every scene in this game looks like it could be a Japanese painting that would be hanging on above your fireplace. It is absolutely breathtaking and a lot of fun to just walk around and see the sights.

To wrap things up, Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny is one of the best games of its genre. It is unsurpassed in its graphics and replayability and it second in gameplay to maybe Devil May Cry. The trading and friendship aspect of the game where you can change how the story progresses adds an amazing amount of replay to the game. Especially since you can now find it in stores for probably only $20, it should be a great game for any collection.

Alison Lum Events
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